
the most celebrated Cafe. Of this Practice, however innocent, when confidered abftractedly, he advifes a Reftraint. Not from a Principle of Duty, and private Confcience, as a thing neceffary in it felf, or hurtful to Perfons rightly apprised of the Matter; but upon Confiderations of Prudence and Charity, and fo far affecting the Confcience of Chriftians united in one Body. That they are obliged to forbear, whatsoever is apt to wound and offend their weak Brethren. The better to reconcile these Corinthians to fuch Acts of Self-denial, as they might think too rigorous to be impofed, with regard to things confeffedly lawful in their own Nature; He backs his former Arguments, by mentioning, in this Chapter, feveral Condefcenfions, which he in ftrictnefs was not bound, but yet content to make, for the greater Credit and Recommendation of his Doctrine, and for the Sake of fuch Advantages and Rewards, as he knew to be an abundant Compenfation, for all he could do or fuffer, in fo glorious a Caufe. This drew him on to another Topick, which would ftrengthen the Force of His Example, by their Own. And, from the Inftances they daily faw, of Men among themfelves, fubmitting to a great deal more, where the Benefits they aimed at from thence were in no degree fo valuable, to incite their Zeal, and perfuade them to think nothing too much, when the Salvation of their own, and their Fellow-Chriftian's Soul, was the Recompence promised and afpired after.

2. To render his Reprefentation of this Matter, as moving and lively as might be, the Apostle chufes to exprefs himfelf, in Terms exceeding proper for the Perfons, to whom he wrote. It was with Them, among other Parts of Greece, that thofe Games, fo renowned in Story, were celebrated. No Honour was more eagerly coveted, than that of excelfing in thefe publick

publick Exercises. One of these was Racing, Another compounded of Wrestling and Cuffing. In order to both thefe, a long Preparation of fet Diet, Abftinence from fome Pleasures, and several Hardships were prescribed and undergone. And, in the Courfe and Combat it felf, much Sweat and Toil, many Hazards, fharp Conflicts, and fore Wounds and Bruises, were to be expected. And yet all these were fubmitted to, with incredible Alacrity and Refolution. But for what? For an empty Name, for a Crown of Leaves; A Prize that was withering and worthlefs; A Prize contended for by Many, but to be won by One; and yet courted as induftriously, as painfully, as if Each could, nay the more fo, because All, it was known, could not, obtain it. But still Each flattered himself, that he fhould be the fingle happy Man, to whom the Glory of the Field fhould be adjudged.

Since therefore it was a thing fo common, fo creditable, among the People of Corinth, to exert themfelves fo vigorously, upon fo very poor, fo very uncertain Profpects; why fhould they decline the like Diligence and Zeal, where the Prize they aim at is fo much nobler and furer? Why think it hard obey the Rules, and contain themselves within the Limits, mark'd out for their Chriftian Course? Why not follow the Pattern of their great Apoftle, by keeping the Goal in view, by ftriving with all their Might to be foremost in this Spiritual Race; by fighting, like Him, in very good earneft, and, with fome Violence, bringing and keeping under an Adverfary, as dangerous and difficult to be fubdued, as any they could poffibly encounter, in the Ifthmian Games? Even that Body, thofe Senfual Appetites and Paffions, which St. Paul himself found it needful to treat fo roughly; left the Master of the Exercife, and judge of the Prize, fhould

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Ver. 27.

fhould at last reject him as unworthy to be crowned, for any undue Indulgencies to his own Inclinations, or for Irregularities or Sloth, in a Matter of fuch vaft importance.

My Endeavour, upon this Occafion, must be to quicken Men in the Purfuit of their Heavenly Reward. And that (1.) by enforcing the Apoftle's Argument, which represents the Excellency of it: And (2.) by recommending the Methods he both practifed and prefcribed, for the obtaining of it. Under each of which Heads, I fhall follow the Pattern and Comparison here before us; and, from the very great Industry employed about Matters of lefs moment, endeavour to expofe the Folly and Abfurdity, of being careless and indifferent, in those of infinitely greater.

The Motives taken from the Apostle's Discourse here may be two: The Value of the Crown, and The Poffibility of obtaining it. And a little Refle&tion upon Each, might fuffice for the answering his Purpose, did Men but bring along with them a Difpofition, to let any Arguments, in this Caufe, have their full Force upon them.

(1.) The Comparison here lies between One Crown and another: Both looked upon, as an ample Recompence, for the pains taken to obtain them. But with this difference, that, in reality, the Value of the One is imaginary, and depends upon common Eftimation only; That of the Other is intrinfick and fubftantial, And yet this is commonly rated as much lower, as the former is higher, than it deferves to be. And that, as upon other Accounts, fo particularly, because admitting, (in compliance with the mistaken Notions of the World) that Each is a Good; yet, when taken at the very best, it is evident, the One can be but a fhort and perifhing, whereas the Other is a fixed and lafting


Good. The One a Corruptible, the Other an Incorruptible Crown.

Of the Former, the corruptible Sort, are plainly all thofe Advantages of the prefent World, for which Mankind fo eagerly contend. They are fickle and fugitive; Not only allayed by infinite Abatements, which check our Delights, and difturb our Enjoyment; while we continue in Poffeffion of them; Not only exposed to infinite Accidents, which feldom fuffer that Poffeffion to be quiet, and are perpetually confpiring to deprive us of them: But, like thofe Garlands alluded to by St. Paul, which wither of themselves. They are, in their own Nature, fading, and fuch as it is not poffible, for the utmost Art and Care, to preferve.

To spend Time in proving this, by defcending to Particulars, is needlefs, when Experience and Common Senfe have done it to our Hands. For, I appeal to any Man alive, whether this be not the Cafe of all those most envied Privileges and Conveniences, wherein Men are at so much trouble, to excel one another. The Honour and Applaufe, acquired by the noblest and most hazardous Atchievements, is like that of the Olympick Games, the Subject of Difcourfe and Admiration for a while; but eclipfed by the next fortunate Gainer of the Prize, and shortly after negleЄted and forgotten. They, who facrifice all to Pleafure, feel, that this is loft by indulging. To render it exquifite is the ready way to fhorten it; and every Excefs naturally deftroys, and turns it into Pain. And lastly, The wife Man hath most emphatically faid of Riches, That they make themselves Wings and fly away; fince ufed, they cannot be without diminishing; and, if not used, they are juft good for nothing.

These are the Prizes, for which we fee so much Clutter and Struggle in the World. Thefe Men think all the Expence and Hardships of long Inftruction,


and fevere Education in Youth; All the Toil and Danger of a ripe and vigorous Age; Laborious Days and Reftlefs Nights; Compaffings of Sea and Land; The Caprices of Courts; The Fatigues of Camps; The Trial of every Element and Climate; In a Word, Eafe, and Safety, and Health, and Peace of Mind, and Life, and too often Confcience and Soul it felf, wifely facrificed to, and laid out upon, Things, which have indeed their Comforts and Conveniences, when fought and ufed in due Place and Proportion; but, when purfued and loved inordinately, they deftroy the very Purposes they fhould ferve. They are therefore moft improper to be made the Chief Aim and End of Living, and altogether unworthy even a fmall Part of that, which the generality of People are content to do and fuffer for


And yet I will venture to fay, on this Occafion, It were ftill more tolerable, if only the Things already mentioned, engaged our Affections and Endeavours to fo violent a Degree. But, to the ftill greater Reproach of Mankind, the Folly extends farther. And frequent Inftances are to be found, where no Pains, or Time, or Coft, or Danger is grudged, for Things perfectly frivolous, manifeftly fuperfluous. To enflame a Paffion fitter to be check'd and fubdued; Or to carry on a Humour, as unaccountable and extravagant, as the Trouble we are at to footh it; Or to gratify a Curiofity as fruitlefs, as it was hard to be contented. So abfolute a Dominion do even the most trifling Objects gain over us; when we let our Appetites loose upon the World, and are governed, in the Eftimates we make of them, not by Judgment, but by Inclination.

(2.) Still there is one Difcouragement behind, which, added to the Reft, fhould, it mighr reasonably be imagined, damp the Vehemence of thefe Pur


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