
treatment. It only remains to sum up our conclusions.

History by suggestion-that has largely been our task; an attempt to make people see that modern problems have their roots in the past; that before we can understand them we must carefully study their origins and what caused their rise. When we have diagnosed the causes of disease, preventive medicine has its chance. We have, or rather the healing hand of Time has, cured much of the evil of medieval times: brutality, cruelty, violent lust of war and passion, pride of caste, contempt of literature and knowledge, open robbery are no longer fashionable, no longer vital problems of modern England. If we can cure our modern problems and not bring back the old vices, a golden future seems to await our land; but it is ever hard to be moral when there is no morality, and how that morality is to be brought back, and what kind of morality it is to be, is the problem of to-day and to-morrow. If this little volume can in any way help to solve the question, it can only be by suggestion and perhaps by encouraging others more qualified to follow the golden quest.

But a few somewhat timid conclusions may even now perhaps be drawn. The trend of human thought since before the Reformation, increasing with almost cyclonic quickness during Luther's stirring lifetime, then perhaps ebbing a

little, then sweeping onwards to the cyclones of the French Revolution and since then ebbing steadily, has been towards individualism in religion, morality, government, literature and art. This movement has caused untold misery to many, but at the same time has done some good. The problem of the future seems to be the limiting of individualism as to the evil that it does, and at the same time allowing it the fullest play where it has done and is doing good.


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