Causal Schemata and the Attribution ProcessGeneral Learning Press, 1981 - 23 ページ |
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Abelson ability absent analysis of variance appropriate assumed assumption attributor can infer behavior causal factors causal inferences causal problem causal schema causal schemata CAUSE A Figure combinations compensatory schema concept consensus consistent data patterns degrees of cause DeSoto and Kuethe distinctiveness dominates effect occurs Elliot Aronson entity-attribution evaluation evidence evoke example figure 11 generaliza given effect grouping schema Harold H implication indicate inhibitory cause interaction internal cause interpretation Jean Piaget Journal of Personality Kanouse Kelley lay attributor Louis Guttman McArthur multiple necessary causes multiple sufficient causes Nisbett nonpersonal particular person-attribution person-entity schema person-person schemata placebo present procedure produce the effect properties provides reactions Richard E scalogram analysis sche schema for multiple schema in figure schematic configurations Sets of Causes shown in figure simple Social Psychology specific strong subjective verbs sufficient cause schema suggests symmetry target task tion tiple transitivity triangular pattern type of schema Valins versus