
back to the sun. Look straight for-wards; that is north. Now turn to your left hand. Look for-wards; that is west. When you have had your sup-per, and it is go-ing to be night, look for the sun just there. He is al-ways there when he goes to bed, for the sun sets in the west.

North, south, east, west.—Mrs. Barbauld.


The ox is a large, strong an-i-mal. He has a thick skin, cov-ered with black, red, or white hair. He has four legs, and four feet. The feet of the ox are clo-ven, or cut into two parts; they are hard upon the out-side, and are called hoofs. The ox has two horns on his head. Of these horns many use-ful things are made; combs, the handles of knives, spoons, and cups to drink out of. Ox-en live in the fields; they eat grass, hay, and corn, and drink wa-ter. In some pla-ces, they draw the plough and the cart. Their flesh is called beef.

In some lands, there are large and fierce ox-en, which run wild. Men hunt and catch them, not with-out much dan-ger, for they do not like to be caught, and are ver-y fu-ri-ous. Some-times they hurt and e-ven kill the hunt-ers. These wild ox-en may be tamed and used for trav-el-ling, as we use hors-es. Would you like to ride in a wag-gon drawn by ox-en? If you lived in South Af-ri-ca, you would often do so.


Lit-tle in-mate, full of mirth,
Chirp-ing on my kitch-en hearth,
Where-so-e'er be thine a-bode,
Al-ways har-bin-ger of good;

Pay me for thy warm re-treat,

With a song more soft and sweet;
In re-turn thou shalt re-ceive
Such a strain as I can give.

Though in voice and shape they be
Formed as if a-kin to thee,
Thou sur-pass-est, hap-pi-er far,
Hap-pi-est grass-hop-pers that are.
Theirs is but a Sum-mer's song;
Thine en-dures the Win-ter long,
Un-im-paired, and shrill, and clear,
Mel-o-dy through-out the year.-Cowper.


Cop-per is red. The ket-tle and pots are made of cop-per; and brass is made of cop-per. Brass is bright and yel-low, like gold al-most. This sauce-pan is made of brass; and the locks upon the doors, and this can-dle-stick. What is this green upon the sauce-pan? It is rust-y; the green is ver-di-grease; it would kill you if you were to eat it. Lead is soft, and very heav-y. Here is a piece, lift it. There is lead in the case-ment; and the spout is lead, and the cis-tern is lead, and bul-lets are made of lead, Will lead melt in the fire? Try; put some on the shov-el; hold it o-ver the fire. Now it is all melt-ed. Pour it into this ba-son of wa-ter. How it hiss-es! What pret-ty things it has made.

Tin is white and soft. It is bright too. The can-isters, and the drip-ping pan, and the re-flect-or, are all cov-ered with tin.

Gold, silver, cop-per, i-ron, lead, tin, quick-sil-ver. One two, three, four, five, six, sev-en-What? Met-als. They are all dug out of the ground.-Mrs. Barbauld.


Then God made the air. You can-not see the air, but you can feel it. The air is ev-er-y-where. You can some-times hear the noise it makes, for you hear the wind blow, and the wind is air.

Next God put some wa-ter up very high. The clouds are full of wa-ter, and some-times the wa-ter comes down, and we call it rain.

God made a large deep place, and filled it with wa-ter. God spoke to the wa-ter, and it rushed in-to the deep place. God called this wa-ter the sea.

The sea is very large, and it is al-ways mov-ing up and down, and toss-ing it-self; but it can-not get out of the large deep place in which God has put it; for God said, "Stay there." When the wind blows hard, the sea makes a loud noise, and roars.

But God made some dry land for us to walk up-on: we call it ground. We could not walk upon the sea, nor build hous-es on the sea: but the ground is hard, and firm, and dry. Now I have told you of five things that God made. The light. The clouds. The dry land. The air. The sea.-"Peep of Day."


One warm day in Ju-ly, I vis-it-ed a school in Bos-ton. There were a-bout six-ty chil-dren pres-ent, from four to eight years of age.

I stood up be-fore them, and talked to them a-bout chil-dren whose hearts were filled with the spirit of peace, and who nev-er would strike those who struck them. I then asked them-" Chil-dren, can you tell me what such chil-dren will do?"

One said, "They will love their en-e-mies;" another, "They will not re-sist evil;" another, "When oth-ers strike them on one cheek, they will turn to them the oth-er." All these were good an-swers. At length a lit-tle girl, whom I saw on the mid-dle of a seat in front of me, look-ing very un-ea-sy (being so crowd-ed that she could not move her el-bows), looked up, and in a most plain-tive and pit-e-ous tone, said, "Such chil-dren don't hunch when oth-ers crowd." That was the very thing! The lit-tle crowd-ed suf-fer-ing child gave the best def-ini-tion of peace I ever heard. She gave a sure and certain rem-e-dy a-gainst all fight-ing-" Never hunch when oth-ers crowd." And she said what she felt. This made it all the bet-ter. There sat the lit-tle girl, crowd-ed up -her arms squeezed down to her side,-she could hard-ly move; yet there was no an-ger, no quar-rel-ling, sim-ply be-cause she did not "hunch."

Let all chil-dren act upon this plan, and nev-er "hunch when oth-ers crowd," and they will nev-er get in-to a fight. When oth-er chil-dren are an-gry with you, and pinch, strike, or kick you, or de-stroy your things, or call you names, or in any way try to in-jure you, do not re-turn an-ger for an-ger, and e-vil for e-vil; but patient-ly and lov-ing-ly suf-fer wrong, and oth-ers will sel-dom hurt you. It was thus that Je-sus act-ed.Henry C. Wright.


The cow is like the ox; on-ly not quite so large. The cow is of more use to us than the ox. She gives us milk, morn-ing and eve-ning. We drink milk, and it is al-so made into cheese and but-ter. Milk is kept in a cool place, called a dai-ry. The rich-er part of it we call

cream. The cream is skimmed off the top of the milk, and kept, to make but-ter with.

A young cow or ox is called a calf. It is a pret-ty, gen-tle crea-ture. It lives on milk, which it sucks from the cow. It is fond of play, and loves to frisk a-bout near its moth-er. It is oft-en killed for food. The flesh of the calf is named veal.

The skins of cows, calves, and ox-en, are tanned in-to leath-er, of which boots and shoes are made, as well as har-ness, and the cov-ers of books.

Pret-ty cow, you look so mild,

That I think a lit-tle child
Safe-ly near to you might pass,
As you feed
upon the grass.

Very i-dle though you seem,
Yet you give us milk and cream,
Which we drink, or, if we please,
Turn to but-ter, and to cheese.


I hear a pret-ty bird, but, hark!
I can-not see it any-where;
Oh! it is a lit-tle lark,

Sing-ing in the morn-ing air.
Lit-tle lark, do tell me why
You are sing-ing in the sky?

Oth-er lit-tle birds at rest,

Have not yet be-gun to sing,
Ev'ry one is in its nest,

With its head be-hind its wing.
Lit-tle lark, then tell me why
You sing so ear-ly in the sky?


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