
longer. He evidently has a soul, which can reflect no brightness in the full splendour of St. Peter's, and which can feel no melancholy in the fading glory of the Colis


Tivoli, the ancient Tibur, was, probably,a deserted city in the time of Augustus, as it was built some hundred years even before the time of Romulus. Horace says,

-Mihi non jam regia Roma,
Sed vacuum Tibur placet.

Mr. S. speaks of Tivoli, as if its peculiarity consisted in its having once been a splendid city, and not in the classical remembrance of the sweet retirement of Horace, where he spent such merry times with Mecenas; nor in the splendour and magnificence of the villa's of Lucullus and Adrian. Horace thus speaks of it.

Tibur argco positum colono,
Sit meæ sedes utinam senecta.

On the modern Frescatti and the ancient Tusculum our travel Jer is wholly silent, though, on its hills was the "Superní villa candens Tusculi, of Horace, and there Cicero enjoyed his "Dies Tusculanos.”

We are now fast approaching the end of our journey, having to trace a distance only of one hundred and fifty miles to Naples. Here we have sometimes to move with a slow and solemn step, through the gloomy ranges of se pulchral monuments, overhung with the mists of the campagna, and sometimes to saunter listlessly along the mellow fields and through the ethereal expanse of the ager Felix.

Naples, as a city, has every thing to interest and please the traveller, whether his sight be confused with the moving column of men, which struggles through the Toledo, or whether, as he wanders

along the Chiaia, his eye reposes on the smooth and quiet surface of its bay, or is elevated by the dark and lofty promontory of Misenum, or brightened by the blazing summit of Vesuvius. If he be a traveller of pleasure, at Naples his whole senses may enjoy the fullest repletion. His eye may forever move through new tracts of delightful vision, in its environs; his ear may be filled with the softest sounds of Neapolitan musick; his odour will be in the fragrant breezes from the ager Felix; and his touch will be in the sweetest state of delectation in the universal contact of the softest and purest atmosphere.

If he be a scholar, in its neighbourhood he will find himself in the fairy land of classical poetry; and the ideal regions of ancient romance will now have the visible locality of the Baian coast. He will now ascend the mountain, where Eneas piously placed the bones of his companion Misenus, after his battle with Triton.

"át pius Æneas ingenti mole sepulchrum Imposuit, suaque arma viro, remumque, tubamque,

Monte fubæreo, qui nunc Misenum ab illo Dicitur, eternumque tenet per secula nomen." Virgil.

Having now seen performed the funeral rites of Misenus, he descends the promontory with Æneas, passes the temple of Apollo,* and, in order to consult the Cumean sibyl,t enters with him her resounding cavern.

"At pias Æneas arees, quibus altus Apollo Præsidet, horrendæque procul secreta sibyllæ, Antrumimmane petit."


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scent to hell, and his visitation of or in project seems easier, than that Elysium.

of travels ; and, consequently, evo “ Hle locus est partes ubi se via findit in ambas, ery man, who has travelled, thinks Dextera quæ Ditis magni sub mænia tendit ; he has a right to become author. Hac iter Elysium nobis.

Most of the requisites of fine wriHere he finds il lago d'Averno,

ting are, however, here necessary, formerly surrounded by a deep

from the simplest narration to the forest, which Agrippa levelled. fulness and splendour of figurative The poets here made the entrance description. The mind must here of hell, as appears by Virgil.

observe closely, and without pre

judice, and we must relate with "Spelunca alta fuit, vastoque immanis hiatu,

correctness and elegance. We Scrupea tuta, lacu nigro nemorumque tenebris: dixerunt nomine Avernum." must be correct concerning facts ;

and we ought to be elegant on that, Having now passed through the which is already elegant. The horrours of the infernal regions, book, which is now before us, is he soon enjoys the silence and not only destitute of every such beauty of the Elysian fields.

principle and rule, but exlibits to * His demum exactis,

us the most ludicrous and striking Devenere locos lætos, et amana vireta

carricature of the grace and digniFortunatorum nemorum, sedesque beatas. ty of a well-formed work. When Largior hic campos æther et lumine vestit Purpureo.”

the turgid answers for the sublime;

modern sentimental conceit for naBut our author is above classical tural and unaffected passion ; and allusion, and, of course, is silent hard words for peculiar ideas, the on these subjects of pleasant in- Pennsylvanian will be thought a quiry.

good writer. We subjoin a few We shall now conclude our

examples of our author's style and travelling remarks with the Penn- manner to prove the impartiality sylvanian's description of the eter- of our remarks. For the clear and nal functions of Vesuvius, and perspicuous the following (so crowwith that of Pliny the younger. ded with light). We approached the crater, a hill the air, beneath the dome of St. Peter's ;

An illuminated cross is suspended in of ashes and pummice stones, near enough to bear the great pot boil, produc. lime effects of light and shade, glittering

when the symbolick refulgence creates subing a sound, that exactly resembled the boiling of a cauldron. P. 198, vol. ii.

upon the gilded ceiling, running into ob

scurity in the recesses of the chapels, dy« Jam pumices etiam nigrique et am

ing away in the dome, and fading by debusti et fracti igne lapides inciderant. grees on the sides of the nave in the Interim e Vesuvio monte pluribus locis

weaker and weaker reflections of diagonal latissimæ flammæ altaque incendia reluces radiation. P. 269. v. ii. bant, quorum fulgor et claritas tenebris Again. noctis excitabatur. Jam dies alibi, illic A brilliant orange, melting into a peanox omnibus noctibus nigrior densior

green of the most vivid transparency, que."

C. Plin. Tacito.

was richly irradiated from behind a ridge Having now marked out a few empurpled with the fairy tinge of an

of mountains upon the distant horizon, of the sins of omission, in our au- Italian atmosphere. P. 279. vol. ii. thor, we shall expose to view a few of his síns of commission.

We cannot refrain from extracThere is no kind of writing, ting the following sinking, mockwhich at first thought pleases more, heroick sentiment.


I saw the sun go down on the crum,

ART. 5. bling walls of the villa of Adrian-and,

The life of Samuel Johnson, D.D. et 10 o'clock at night, as I sit in a large

the first president of King's cola room, scantily hung with the scrawls of wandering travellers, I hear the roar of

lege, Newyork. Containing many the Anio, and my windows rattle with a interesting anecdotes ; a general rising blast.-It reminds me, that I am view of the state of religion and plone--five thousand miles from my own Learning in Connecticut, during the fireside.-The thought is serious—it

former part of the last century ; stops my rambling pen. P. 248. vol. ii.

and an account of the institution But our author does not stand

and rise of Yale college, Connecy charged merely with having viola

ticut ; and of King's (now Coted the laws of writing ; he is

lumbia) college, Newyork. By still mote criminal by his forgery

Thomas B, Chandler, D.D.formerof words. This is a crime so a

ly rector of St. John's church,

To whick

Elizabethtown, N, J. trocious, that we can receive no motion for the arrest of judgment,

is added, an appendix, containing and no petition for the extension

many original letters to Dr.John,

New York. Swords, 1805. of pardon. If the following are not words of his own formation,

12mo. Pp. 208. they are indianisms, with which we are not acquainted ; from their brarian of Ptolemy Philadelphus,

CALLIMACHUS, the learned li. length we should take them for the names of Indian roots. Swamp

king of Egypt, considered by all ed ;” “ insurrectionary ; « im antiquity as the prince of elegiack

' portunacy;" “ romantically;" &c. poets, judged of a book from its

size and the number of its pages acThe laughable application of the following terms brings strongly to cording to the following rule, which our mind the manner of a quack's

he deemed infallible...that the largprescription. « Sinister ray ;''

er a book, the more nonsense it

contained. 6 cubick cottages ;" “ transfixed

The author of the waves ;" “spiral protuberances ;''

work before us, penetrated no « monotony of silence;" “ hillocks

doubt with the most perfect conof the Appenines ;” “ rainbow

viction of the truth of the opinion of a nave;" o inimitable taste of of Callimachus, has taken a most time."

commendable precaution, and by From the advertisement of the making his volume of a very modbook we should be led to think,

erate size, discovered great defer, that Mr. S. was some great politi- We think that Dr. Chandler

ence for the opinion of the publick. cal and literary personage, and that he intends again to appear to the

deserves no common praise for publick in letters on England and making the life of Dr. Johnson to France. But we warmly advise

consist of only one hundred and the Pennslvanian to retire " to the

fifty-five pages, and the appendix, woodlands of Mr. Hamilton," his containing letters to Dr. Johnson Mæcenas, where, “through the Secker, bishop Lowth, and others, ,

from bishop Berkeley, archbishop loopholes of retreat," he may see the swollen and drapsical carcass af of fifty-three pages, in these bad his work heaped on the funeral times, when the literary world pile of corrupt literature,

seems to be threatened with being overwhelmed by the number and and size of the volumes which


continually issue from the press, rection of Messrs. Woodbridge called lives, memoirs, the corres- and Buckingham, ministers of pondence, &c. &c. of men and Hartford, who were trustees of the women, boys and girls, philoso- college, and who, desirous of obphers and fools.

taining a removal of the college The object of modern biograph- from Saybrook to Weathersfield, ers seems to be only to make of in their own neighbourhood, intheir heroes giants ; stretching duced Messrs. Williams and Smith them out, to the very " crack of to establish a collegiate 'school at doom," over an insufferable num- Weathersfield, to which the young ber of pages. Such, in fact, has gentlemen, above alluded to, imbeen the daring and extensive man- mediately resorted. Those, who ufacture of books of this kind in belonged to the towns on the seaEngland, and such the alarming shore, put themselves under the and inordinate consumption of pa- tuition of Mr. Johnson at Guilford. per, that an ingenious mechanick, This academical schism called loudby the name of Neckinger, has ly for legislative interference, and lately erected a mill at Camberwell accordingly,when the general court for the reproduction of this valuable convened in October, 1716, an act article.

was passed for establishing the colDr. Samuel Johnson was born lege in New-Haven, and Mr. John, of respectable parents at Guilford, con was unanimously chosen one in Connecticut, the 14th October, of the tutors, where he resided but 1696. His great-grand-father Ro- a short time. The disaffection of bert, came from Kingston upon the scholars to their instructers at Hull, in Yorkshire, and was one of Saybrook, their consequent disperthe first settlers of New-Haven, sion, the dissentions between the about the year 1637, and is said to two parties at Weathersfield and have been of the same family with New-Haven, which occasioned for Johnson, the associate of Robert some time much disturbance in Brown, the father of the Brown- the colony, and the final comists. Samuel Johnson, the subject promise, which ended in the peace

, of this memoir, early discovered ful establishment of the college at an unconquerable desire for the New-llaven, are minutely detailed

acquisition of knowledge, and in by Dr. Chandler, and constitute an his eleventh year was sent to the interesting part of the work before school at Guilford, to prepare himself for the college then at Say. We have thus seen, at Saybrook, brook, which he entered at four, the evils arising in consequence of teen, and received a degree of ba- placing boys under the direction of chelor of arts in 1714. In the unskilful, inefficient instructers, the succeeding year, much discontent rebellion there excited, and the was excited among the scholars at dissolution of the college. Even in the college at Saybrook, in conse- our days we experience the mournquence of the ignorance and total ful consequences of the insufficienincapacity of the governours to af- cy of the system of education aford them any useful instruction, dopted in the much boasted schools, and the scholars, in rapid succes.' colleges, and academies of N.Engsion, abandoned the college. Those, land. Our school-masters, pre, belonging to the towns on Connec- ceptors, and tutors, are too freticut river, associated under the di quently incompetent to discharge

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their important duties, fraught with fellow K, learning Latin and
high responsibility. They are of. Greek all this time ; and, now he
ten men without manners, and is come home, I find him unable
without learning ; who need“ put to construe a prescription, or ex-
no enemy in their mouths to steal plain the inscriptions of the galli-
away their brains ;" who, with O. pots.' In my humble opinion this
thello's drunken lieutenant, will enormous usurpation of stupidity
say, this is my right hand, and this and impudence ought to be made
is my left. Deeply impressed a national concern.
with the importance of some

“To suffer the rising generation immediate and radical change in to be thus abused beyond all recovour system of education, particu- ery from any future process, what larly as it respects the instructers is it but to blot the spring from the of the Latin and Greek languages, year ? For my own part, I look at our academies and colleges, we upon the generality of these precannot, on this subject, here omit ceptors as robbers of hope and opinserting the declarations of Gil. portunity, those blessings for which bert Wakefield, whose observations no compensation can be made. I apply with ten fold more force to cherish liberty, I think, with a this country, than to England; warmth of attachment inferiour to most sincerely wishing, that the no man ; but I should rejoice to opinions of a man, so distinguishi- see, I confess, some restrictions in ed for science and classical learn the case before us. Men of acing, may have some effect upon knowledged qualifications should our men of wealth and influence, be appointed to examine, with a and persuade them to offer such scrupulous and conscientious acsalaries to teachers of youth as curacy, the competency of all those shall induce men of understanding who undertake the teaching of the and learning, to undertake what at learned languages; and none should best must be an ungracious task. be allowed to exercise this arduous

“ I cannot but lament that inun. office, but those who could endure dation of dreadful evils, which are the fiery trial. Society would be let in upon society by the tribe of benefited beyond measure, and no unprincipled, or ineffective school. real injury be done to the individmasters. The majority of young ual. Men should learn,or be taught, men, who go to college after fin- the knowledge of themselves; nor ishing their education at school, should he aspire to adorn the mind, scarcely know, with tolerable ac- who is fit only to trim a periwig ; curacy, even the first rudiments of or, in the vain attempt of acquirthe languages.

ing science, leave uncultivated the “ Can imagination represent to capabilities of a commendable shoeherself a more melancholy case, maker. than that of an ingenuous, enter

All quit their sphere, and rush into the skies." prising youth, wasting his time and In March, 1720, Mr. Johnson blasting his hopes, in a seminary was ordained as a congregational of one of those ignorant, heedless, minister at West-Haven, in the insipid teachers, with which the twenty-fourth year of his age. kingdom is overrun ? "I have From early life, even while at colkept my son,' said the mayor of lege, he had been opposed to exone of the first towns in this king- tempore prayer. He had also an dom, six or seven years with this early dislike to the independent or

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