
of the freeholders of Kirkcudbright, where he supported a petition, introduced for the purpose of indirectly defeating the Reform Bill And yet the Political Union has thrown itself into the arms of this youngster. We really expected more sense from the townsmen of Baird and McLaren. Dundee promises to carry the Radical candidate through with a wet sheet. In the far Caithness, a Tory Sheriff, devoting himself, like a second Curtius, for his party, contests the county, in opposition to its present reforming representative, with the prospect of having to denude himself of his snug semi-sinecure, in the event of success. He has been rewarded with the promise of ten votes. The different ruses employed by the old faction, in order to bolster up a sinking cause, are instructive enough. In one burgh, a neighbouring farmer, whose garden was included within the boundary, run up a brick tenement upon it, a few weeks before the time fixed for the lodging of claims, and demanded to be registered. Nay, when the claim was discussed in court, an equivocating witness was produced, in the hopes that his oath to there having been an erection on the lands for upwards of a twelvemonth, might be left unsifted, and understood to mean the new house. In one county, an Edinburgh practitioner of the law claimed to vote upon a property which he sold nearly twenty years ago, having received part of the price at the time, and drawn regular interest for what remained owing. In a western burgh, the agents of the two contending parties agreed to remit the estimation of some houses, the value of which was disputed, to the decision of joint valuators. When these claims came to be disposed of, the agents of the conform ing candidate gravely stated, that although they were determined to abide by the decision of the valuators, the claimants insisted upon being heard for themselves. And these agents proceeded to lead proof, in the name of the claimants. We could add many instances of a similar sort. We could, and without fear would, name place and person concerned in these we have adduced; but we think a better fate awarded them, when we let them,→→→


Not even damn'd to everlasting fame, Live without sex, and die without a name. Of the fifty-three Scottish members, ten will be Tories. In IRELAND, a veil of mystery hangs over the electioneering proceedings, which we do not presume to penetrate. Irish tactics are a pitch beyond us.

IRELAND. MR STANLEY.-MR O'CONNELL-THE WORKING OF THE COMMUTATION BILL-On the 24th of September, a letter was addressed to the Secretary for Ireland, from which what follows is an extract: What taxes are meant by *municipal taxes,' which the Irish Reform Bill states must have been paid by each person, seeking the power of voting for a representative in Parliament? As the period for registering is so near at hand, it is of the utmost consequence that those persons who have given notice of their intention to regis

ter, should receive the earliest information possible, as otherwise the intended extension of the elective franchise may in a great measure be defeated." This letter was signed "Edward Dwyer, Secretary to the Political Union of Ireland." Mr Stanley's answer is in these words:" Sir,-In answer to a letter which I have received this morning, signed Edward Dwyer, Secretary to the Political Union of Ireland,' I must beg to decline entering into communication with that body, or any of a similar description. I have," &c. Mr Dwyer immediately replied:

"Sir,-I had the honour to receive your letter of reply to mine of yesterday, in which you decline entering into any communication or correspondence with me, as secretary of the Political Union of Ireland. On this letter I shall not presume to comment; but, in my private capacity as a freeholder of the city of Dublin, I again, with all due respect, reiterate the query contained in my letter, what taxes are meant by municipal taxes,' which the Irish Reform Bill states must have been paid by each person seeking the power of voting for a representative in Parliament? I entreat the favour of an immediate answer, and have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedient servant, Edward Dwyer.' To this letter no answer was returned. Bravo! Mister Secretary. Tu me lo pagherai.


The clergy of the established church are endeavouring to delude ministers into the belief that the payment of tithe may still be enforced. They write the police bulletins, and uniformly represent the military as triumphant or the peasantry as submissive. Meanwhile Mr O'Connell has solemnly pronounced his opinion, that the valuation of tithe before the crop is secured, is illegal, and any intrusion into a field for that purpose is a trespass. Those who laid down by the liberator, will do well to may incline to call in question the law as consult the evidence delivered by Gerald Fitzgerald, Esq. resident magistrate of police for the county of Tipperary, before the Tithe Committee. That gentleman shews that this is likewise the opinion of the Crown Counsel. The work

and blood is daily sheds on notwithstanding,
in consequence, and
the peasantry are driven to desperation. On
the 29th of September an unsuccessful
attempt was made to rescue the Walstown
prisoners. On Wednesday the 3d of October,
a public meeting of the parishes of Connalmay,
Old Connell, Great Connell, and the vicinity,
was held on the Curragh of Kildare, to
petition for the abolition of tithes. Strong
bodies of military and police were hovering
in the neighbourhood, but did not interfere
and the assembly dispersed without any
disturbance. Blood has been shed, in the
county of Waterford, in an attempt to enforce
the provisions of the new Tithe Bill. An
attorney in the county of Kildare has been
forced to resign the office of tithe collector
by the threatened secession of all his clients,
and is now acting for the parishioners of
Kill in opposition to their incumbent. Ano-
ther Dublin editor has been bound over in
heavy recognisances to stand his trial for


alleged offences committed so far back as March last. The parties prosecuted for the anti-tithe meetings have been allowed to traverse until next session. This will never do.

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has attained the age of twenty-one years, and has occupied a house within the island, either as owner or tenant, for two years preceding the election, is eligible as a member of assembly. The qualification of an elector is exactly the same; but in this latter case, occupancy for one year is held to be sufficient.


SLAVE COLONIES.-The slave-holders are still determined to drive matters to the utmost. In the beginning of August, the Baptist preachers resident in Jamaica addressed the Earl of Musgrave. His Lordship observed, in his answer,-" With regard to In FRANCE the Duchess of Berri has been any regulation touching the exercise of your decerned to be tried in absence, par contusacred calling which the constitution may mace, before the Court of Assizes, by the have reserved, I cannot too strongly recom- Chamber of Accusation. The lady is said to mend, on your parts, submissive deference, be in the meantime snug at Frankfort on the in the first place, to the decisions of those Maine. An army of 25,000 was some time authorities to whom the administration of ago reported as assembled on the norththe law is intrusted, and who are themselves eastern frontier, for the purpose of interfering responsible for the due exercise of the func- in the affairs of Belgium. A fleet has been tions committed to their charge.' A per- fitted out for the purpose of co-operating spicuous commentary on this obscure text with the English in the investment of Antwas published on the 8th of August. Sub- werp. Soult is at last prime minister, and sequent to the cessation of martial law, Mr has issued (an order of the day, we had Kingdon, a Baptist missionary, took up his almost called it) a notification of the event residence at Savannah-la-mar. The North- to all counsellors of state and local magisside union had previously declared that no trates. He declares," the system of policy Baptist preacher should in future be allowed adopted by my illustrious predecessor will be to preach in the island. Representations to mine. It is the true national system-the this effect were made to Mr Kingdon, and two Chambers have declared it to be such." offers made to pay his passage money. A He afterwards assures his attentive auditors sense of duty forbade him to desert his sable that "anarchy was conquered at Paris on flock. His house was attacked on the even the 5th and 6th of June by the noble ing of the 8th, firearms were discharged on devotedness of the national guards and the both sides, and finally the missionary was troops of the line." His views regarding forced to abandon his house, which was foreign policy are thus oracularly expressed "gutted from top to bottom." The same "A government which makes itself regarded evening the house of the Messrs Deleon, at home may, without danger, employ abroad friends of Mr Kingdon, was pulled down a firm and independent policy. In concert about the owners' ears; and on the following with the powers, our allies, we shall urge evening, two other persons of the Baptist the solution of all the great European ques persuasion were destroyed. On the 9th, Mr tions. Our armies, ardent but docile, lend Kingdon was lodged in the common gaol; to our moderation the support of strength." the Deleons, and some dozen more, were This antithetical document is wound up by likewise committed. These transactions a pretty epigrammatic turn :-" It is in me admirably illustrate the dark sayings of the an ancient habit to refer every thing to the Earl of Musgrave. While this frolic was honour of France." This ape of Napoleon acting in the West, the men of the East have will endeavour to keep a tight bridle-hand not been idle. Mr Jeremie, author of a on the French people. They may enjoy very temperate pamphlet on the subject of quiet under him-but liberty!" Lord love colonial slavery, was some time ago appo nted ye, that is quite a different sort of thing." Advocate-General and Protector of Slaves for the Mauritius. The white population were in arms to oppose his landing. On the 3d of June, he disembarked under the cover of several barges, each armed with an eighteen pounder. Sir Charles Colville, the governor, lost heart, however, and Mr Jeremie was under the necessity of reimbarking for England. Surely such open defiance of law and justice must drive ministers to take some decided step.

NEWFOUNDLAND. The Newfoundland Royal Gazette of the 11th of September contains a copy of the proclamation for summoning a General Assembly, by which also the colony is subdivided into districts, and the qualification both of the electors and the members is determined. Every man who

Is this English?

Pedro's affairs

Miguel's troops have at last mustered courage to attack Oporto. The town was furiously assaulted on Michaelmas day, and defended with difficulty. seem hopeless. Either the Portuguese nation is utterly spiritless, or it thinks the one brother as good as the other.

No decided step has yet been taken in GERMANY. HOLLAND and BELGIUM were threatening a few weeks ago to go together by the ears, conclusively, but nothing has been done on either side. Charles X. has by this time taken up his abode in his Austrian city of refuge. Francis of Austria, and Frederic William of Prussia, are to have an interview at Töplitz. Lord Durham has returned from Russia, via Berlin. Every thing is in uncertainty.

OCTOBER, 1832.

We are able to confirm the pleasing accounts
given in our last, of a decided improvement
in trade, and in the prospects of the country.
A large increase in the public revenue, shared
pretty equally by the customs and excise
departments, affords unquestionable proof of
increased comfort and prosperity in the body
of the people. It will, moreover, tend to the
restoration of that confidence in our financial
condition, which the unfavourable state of
the revenue, for many months previous, had
necessarily impaired. The cholera, our for-
midable enemy, still hangs upon our quarters,
and restricts our operations; but the good
harvest will be a countervailing agent, and
will materially assist in bringing back such a
degree of prosperity as the nation can be
expected to enjoy under its present burdens.
The tranquillizing and healing effects of the
Reform Bill are proved by the restoration of
commercial confidence, and the total cessation.
of the agitation and uncertainty which last
year pervaded the mercantile world. Trade
is now in a healthy state: there is almost an
entire absence of speculation; the increased
demand for manufactured goods springs from
the actual wants, and the enlarged means, of
the consumers. Stocks are generally low; at
least in the hands of the retail dealers, and
are in course of being replenished. The farmer
has obtained a remunerating price for his
wool, and his crops of corn are abundant;
and the nation generally will enjoy the
benefit of comparatively cheap provisions.
Were it not for the cholera, we should doubt-
less have to say, that trade was not merely
healthy, but in a state of high vigour.

Our representation (last month) of the result of the harvest, is borne out by subsequent events: the crops were exceedingly abundant; but in the north a large proportion of the corn received some injury from the rains. The damaged corn has of course lowered the average prices: wheat, which was 67s. 8d. per quarter in the middle of July, is now, by the official return, 54s. Id., and the duty on foreign wheat has arisen to 29s. 8d. But, as it is fully proved that a considerable quantity of corn was damaged, sound wheat is rising again in price both in the London and the provincial markets. On the whole, however, the harvest may be regarded as above an average; and, in the south of England and Ireland, it has been very plentiful.

Trade continues dull in London. The prices of colonial produce tend downwards. Some kinds of sugar, especially Mauritius and Brazilian, are quoted lower than last month; there is a considerable reduction in the price of British refined sugar. Jamaica, Brazilian, and Havannah coffees, have also suffered a decline of from 2s. to 4s. per cwt. Cocoa, owing to the reduction of the duty, has fallen 10s. per cwt., which will probably

bring that nutritious article of food into more general use in this country. Indigo, at the East India Company's sale this month, fetched higher prices by about 3d. per lb. than at the July sale; the purchases were chiefly for exportation. The last advices from Calcutta state, that the prospects of the new crop are favourable.

The COTTON MANUFACTURE continues to improve, and the manufacturers of Lancashire and Glasgow are well employed. The demand for cotton goods for the home market is great, and this is clearing off the heavy stocks which the manufacturers had accumulated; payments are also made with tolerable punctuality, so as to shew that the retail dealers throughout the country are doing a safe and advantageous business. Prices of goods, however, have not risen in proportion to the recent advance in the price of the raw material. We announced last month a rise of

d. per lib.* in most kinds of cotton wool, and we have now to notice a farther advance of d. per lib. on American, West Indian, Egyptian, and most other kinds; which is to be ascribed, in a great measure, to speculation, as the stocks of cotton in the ports are less than they were at this time last year by 61,000 bags; the quantity in October, 1831, having been 350,050 bags, and in October, 1832, being 288,680 bags. It is also anticipated that the difference will be still greater before the end of the year; and as the consumption is not lessened, the diminished stock will naturally cause an advance of price.

The foreign demand for cotton goods is gradually, though slowly, improving. To those markets which have suffered from glut shipments are cautiously resumed. The Brazilian market, as noticed in our last, is in a greatly improved state. Trade is reviving at the ports on the western coast of South America; but the utmost caution is still requisite in sending goods thither. In the Mediterranean, from one end of it to the other, there are appearances of a sound and healthy, though by no means a spirited, or particularly profitable, trade. The prospects in the United States are somewhat more favourable. At New York, and other places, the cholera had so completely suspended business, that mercantile engagements in very many cases could not be met, and bills and credits had been largely renewed, producing, of course, very great inconvenience. From these effects the markets were obviously recovering at the date of the last advices, and there was every prospect of business proceeding again in its usual manner. The crops in the United States-always of

*This was, by a typographical error, printed 1s. 4d. instead of d., in our last number; which, however, could mislead no one.

importance to trade-were great; that of wheat particularly so, and of very superior quality. The accounts from the East Indies are better: trade was improving at Calcutta, where it had for some time been stagnant, and it continued to be in a favourable state at Bombay. Freights from the East Indies generally have been at very satisfactory rates for the ship owners, who have done, and are still doing, well. To the Continent of Europe, the business through the season has been considerable. On the whole, the foreign trade wears an encouraging aspect. Of course, every thing depends on the preservation of peace; the effect of war upon our trading interests would be desolating.

The WOOLLEN MANUFACTURE is in the same state of improvement as the cotton, though by no means enjoying high prosperity. The demand for the home market is good and regular. In some qualities of goods an advance of price has been obtained, equal to the advance in the raw material; but in others the manufacturer has not been reim

bursed for the rise in the price of wool. For the lower kinds of woollens there is a large demand, and at present superfine cloths sell better than they have done for many months past. The WORSTED STUFFS, FLANNEL, and BLANKET trades, continue active. An advance of wages has been given at Bradford and Rochdale. English long wool commands about the same price as it did last year; South Down wool is lower in price; and German wool, from the very short supply received this year, has advanced; yet it is actually dearer in some parts of Germany than in England, owing to the great demand of the German woollen manufacturers. At the Frankfort fair just ended, wool was 10 to 15 per cent dearer than at the spring fair.

THE REVENUE.-We have referred to the great improvement in the quarter's revenue, Its extent and the departments in which it has taken place, will be seen from the following table:

Abstract of the Net Produce of the Revenue of Great Britain, in the Years and Quarters ended 10th October, 1831, and 10th October, 1832; shewing the Increase or Decrease on each Head thereof.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Thus the actual increase on the quarter is close upon £700,000; but, when it is taken into account that the candle tax, of which the annual produce was £480,000, came into the corresponding quarter of 1831, and is now repealed, there will appear to have been an improvement in the other branches of the revenue equal to £800,000. The increase of £356,388 in the customs, shews a material improvement in the foreign trade, at least in the quantity of our imports.

THE CORN LAWS.-Whilst some of our Tory contemporaries are endeavouring to deter the agricultural interest from supporting liberal candidates at the approaching

73,515 696,847

election, by stating the possibility that such candidates will advocate a change in the Corn Laws, and that the present Ministry are meditating such a change; one of the wealthiest and most truly noble of the landed aristocracy is addressing his fellow

landowners of England," to convince them of the injustice and folly of the present laws against cheap bread. Lord Milton has, on this subject, displayed that rare disinterestedness, that superiority to prejudice, that independence and true patriotism, which led him, though educated an anti-reformer, and though heir to one of the largest borough properties in the kingdom,

to become a hearty Reformer; though long politically connected with the manufacturers of Yorkshire, and depending upon them for his return to Parliament, to combat their opposition to the exportation of English wool; and though he had retired from the representation of Yorkshire, under the anticipation of being soon called to the Upper House, to throw himself into the contest for one of the most Tory counties of England, Northamptonshire, at the late memorable election, against the wishes of his colleagues and his friends, and to inflict on the enemies of Reform one of the most signal defeats they then sustained. This enlightened and virtuous nobleman has for some time made it his principal object to obtain the removal of

the present Corn Laws; and he was only prevented from pressing a motion on the subject in the last session of Parliament, by the fear of prejudicing the still more important question of Reform. He has now published an Address to the Landowners of England on the Corn Laws. Let the landowners weigh, mark, and learn from the striking, clear, and candid appeal made to them by one of the most judicious of their own number; and let them virtuously reject the system which, for the sake of securing to them an unjust, temporary, and even dubious, advantage, lays an almost insupportable burden on every other class of the community.


SARRANS' LAFAYETTE, LOUIS PHILIPPE, AND THE REVOLUTION OF THE THREE DAYS. 2 vols. Effingham Wilson, London. This work of Sarrans' is the best narrative we have yet seen of the late events in France, and a most important contribution to French history. If published earlier, which it might have been, it would have been less candid, and not so full. It comes just in time to afford a key to the events rapidly developing, and to the course of action and prospective policy of the subtle founder of the new dynasty. The memoirs of Lafayette are identified with the history of the two French Revolutions, and the first part of Sarran's book is devoted to the events of 1789, and their consequences; but its interest commences only with the THREE DAYS of July, 1850. Those memorable days found the author the editor of a newspaper in Paris, the Courrier des Electeurs and who can ever forget the exalted patriotism and noble courage of the persons connected with the public press in Paris at that crisis? They and their heroic auxiliaries of the Barricades were the real authors of this bloodless revolution-the triumph of opinion over despotism. Their only error lay in reposing too blind a trust in trading politicians and intriguing statesmen. Sarrans, who had been known from his youth to Lafayette, enrolled himself in the National Guard, and when the General was appointed commander of it, he became one of his aids-de-camp, and held that confidential situation, which brought him into close contact with the great leaders of the different parties. As a warm friend of liberty and France, and a grateful admirer of Lafayette, he is disposed to place every thing in which the General is concerned in the fairest light. His opinion of Louis Philippe, Europe has anticipated. If at this moment it were asked, which is the most detested sovereign in Europe, the answer might be Nicolas or Miguel: which the most contemptible? no satisfactory reply: but that Louis Philippe is the most suspected and odious, would be shouted with one


acclaim. Sarrans may hate this wily and hypocritical enemy of freedom the more that his patron Lafayette has been the dupe of the fudge and cajolery which has made cat'spaws of much shrewder men than an openminded old soldier, more exalted by the moral qualities of his mind than distinguished by the strength of his intellect. The interest of the work, as we have said, commences with the promulgation of the memorable ordonnances, which Sarrans clearly shews the court of Charles X. were fully prepared to support by armed force. We have seldom had so good an opportunity of close and distinct inspection of the manner in which great political events are managed, or manage themselves, as in this rapid narrative of hasty, confused meetings, and abrupt adjournments, and all the cross and by play of passions and interests among the different great actors, each, the moment the victory was gained, studying how to make his own advantage of the battle gained by the people. Those chapters which give so steady a view of what passes behind the scenes, are for the diligent study of the people of every country. From these we make our extracts, which can, however, give but a very inadequate idea of the work, nor can we at all approach that portion of it which shews what the cause of freedom has yet to dread from this new hollow ally" Louis Philippe, between whom and his venerable predecessor on the throne of France there seems nothing to choose but deeper design and viler hypocrisy. Lafayette was at his seat of La Grange when the ordonnances appeared. Several of those confused conferences were held; and in the course of the 27th Lafayette arrived in Paris, and attended a meeting of deputies at the house of M. de Puyraveau, of which Sarrans gives this lively account:-

"I shall now retrace my recollections, and relat that which, with my head leaning on the edge of a window-frame, my ear attentively listening, and my eye fixed on that large ground-toor apart. people, or rather the destinies of all Europe, I saw ment, where are being debated the destinies of a and heard at that awful moment; I am at the bar


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