
of my country; I shall speak without hatred and without fear; I shall relate the whole truth.

"M. Mauguin spoke first. He is the man to confront danger; he is the orator of revolution; nature has made him a tribune of the people. He traces in broad outlines a frightful picture of the situation of Paris; he speaks of the wicked attempts of the court, the resentment of the people, their combats, their successes, their reverses, their fears, and their hopes. Listen,' said he, with enthusiasm, listen to the roar of the cannon and the groans of the dying; they reach you even here; it is a great people effecting a revolution which you ought to direct; it is no longer permitted us to hesitate: our place, gentlemen, is between the popular battalions and the phalanxes of despotism; beware of losing time; the royal guard loses none, be assured: once more, I say, this is a revolution which calls upon us to act.'

"At this word revolution, several deputies rose and threatened to retire immediately. It was an explosion of all the fears that had found their way to this assembly. Messieurs Charles Dupin, Sebastiani, and Guizot distinguished themselves among the most zealous advocates of legal order. I protest against every act that goes beyond the bounds of legality,' exclaimed M. Dupin. What speak you of resistance?' said M. Sebastiani, with heat and precipitation; we have only to consider how legal order may be preserved. The slightest imprudence,' added M. Guizot, would compromise the justice of our cause. Our duty is not, as is asserted, to take part either with or against the people, but to become mediators, to check the popular movement, and convince the king that his ministers have deceived him.'

"A voice well known to the friends of liberty now makes itself heard; it is that of Lafayette, always equally courageous and skilful in bringing back questions to their true principles. I confess,' said he smiling, that I find it difficult to recon. cile legality with the Moniteur of the day before yesterday, and with the firing for the last two days.' Then assuming the calm and solemn tone suited to the solemnity of the occasion, he de. clared that a revolution certainly was in the case; and proposed the immediate creation of a provi sional government; an idea which was adopted subsequently, but which as yet was too decided and patriotic not to be regarded by a good many of his colleagues as at least premature.


"At this moment, it was announced that the people had carried the Hotel-de-Ville after a terrible carnage; but the conflict continued royal troops received reinforcements, and it was feared that they might again be victorious. This incident, however, seemed to revive the drooping courage of some of the champions of legality. M. Guizot, condemning the respectful letter proposed to be written to his majesty Charles X., was willing to incur the risk of a protest of which he read the outline, and in which fidelity to the king was still professed.

"This protest was adopted, notwithstanding the courageous observation of M. Lafitte, who de clared it to be insufficient and below the rightful claims of a people who had already poured out so much of its blood.

"M. Perier proposed to send a deputation to the Duke of Ragusa, to obtain from him a truce, during which the deputies might carry their com plainings to the foot of the throne; but Lafayette demanded that the deputation should confine itself to ordering Marmont, in the name of the law, and upon his personal responsibility, to put an end to the firing. However, this deputation was appointed; it was composed of MM. Perier, Laf. fitte, Mauguin, Lobau, and Gerard. Lafayette, visibly indignant at all these delays, whilst the blood of so many citizens was streaming around him, declared to his colleagues that his name was already placed, by the confidence of the people and with his consent, at the head of the insurrec. tion; that he ardently wished his determination should obtain their approbation; but that, happen what might, he considered himself as pledged in honour to establish on the following day his head. quarters at Paris.

Thus ended this first sitting, its whole result, a proclamation without energy, without meaning,

and which was to be published-ON THE MOR ROW. It was two o'clock; they adjourned to four at M. Berard's.

"At four o'clock the deputies re-assembled at M. Berard's. Here, my historical task becomes more painful. I have to retrace scenes which it would probably be better to obliterate from our parlia mentary annals, but that they must be preserved for the instruction of posterity. My pen shall do its duty. In the short interval of time between the first and second assembling of the deputies on the day of the 28th, affairs had taken another turn. The patriots had been beaten at several points; the Hotel.de-Ville, already twice taken and retaken, had remained, at last, in the power of the royal troops, with whom some brave citizens were again contesting it, but the combatants began to feel discouraged; their energy, for want of proper direction, was becoming exhausted; anxiety was at its highest point, and the defeat of the people generally considered as inevitable. Shall I declare it! Scarcely one-half of the depu ties who had been present at the meeting in the morning attended at that in the afternoon. The deputation sent to the Duke of Ragusa now re ported to the assembly the insolent reply of that cut-throat, who required the submission of the people as a preliminary to any negotiation. This answer excited the indignation of those deputies who were faithful to their country; but it froze with fear the greater number of those gentlemen who, in the midst of the misfortunes of France, thought only how to escape individually the con. sequences of the ordonnance which declared Paris in a state of siege. At this moment was brought in the proclamation agreed upon in the morning, and which several of the journalists had printed, after divesting it of the servile expressions in which fear had clothed it. And here, I have fresh weaknesses to record: this protest, so feeble, so unmeaning, was rejected, through the conster. nation which had seized upon MM. Villemain, Sebastiani, and Bertin-de-Vaux: not one of these gentlemen now dared to entertain it; they with drew, notwithstanding the earnest entreaties of several of their colleagues, who implored them not to abandon their country on the brink of a precipice. At that moment Lafayette declared, as he had already done in the morning, his firm resolution to throw his life and fortune into the movement, andto establish his headquarters, at daybreak, at the Hotel-de-Ville, or at some other point in possession of the people.

"The number of the deputies assembled was reduced to ten, when this happy intelligence was brought them. It revived some nearly-extin. guished patriotism; and even M. Guizot proposed to affix to the proclamation the names of all the deputies, whether absent or present, whose opi nions were known to be liberal. This gave rise to fresh protestations on the part of M. Sebastiani, who had again made his appearance; and this dilatory measure might again have been rejected or postponed, but for M. Laffitte, who, with that truly civic disinterestedness and courage for which he is distinguished, cut the question short, by saying, Let us adopt this proposal, gentlemen; if we are vanquished, they will charge us with falsehood, and prove that we were only eight in number; if we conquer, be assured they will be emulous to acknowledge the signatures."

"The declaration was adopted, and subscribed, on presumption of patriotism, with sixty-three parliamentary names, out of the four hundred and thirty which compose the Chamber of Depu ties. The name of M. Dupin was inserted at first; but it was erased, on M. Mauguin's observing, that it would only be exposing themselves to certain and disagreeable remonstrances.

"Another meeting was appointed for eight o'clock in the evening, at the house of M. Audry de Puyraveau. This meeting reproduced all the proofs of courage, and all the symptoms of weakness that had marked those which preceded it. A contest, which will never be effaced from my recollection, was waged between MM. Lafayette, De Laborde, Laffitte, Mauguin, and Audry de Puyraveau, on one side; and Messieurs Sebastiani and Mechin on the other. The former demanded that, cutting short so many shameful tergiversations, the de

puties now at Paris, clothed in their Parliamentary costume, and mounting the tricoloured cockade, should place themselves boldly at the head of the people; the latter ventured again to speak of legal order, of mediation, and of concessions to be ob. tained from Charles X. This was more than the citizen soul of Lafayette could bear; he rose and demanded of his colleagues what post they assigned him in the name of the country; for that he was ready to occupy it on the instant. The scceders had departed; and the patriot deputies, now re. duced to five only, but resolved to raise again gloriously the tricoloured flag, separated, after appointing to meet again at five the next morning, at M. Laffitte's: it was then midnight."

The courage of the Deputies ebbed or flowed exactly in accordance with the reports of the success or defeat of the patriots. By the evening of the 28th they had succeeded in regaining the Hotel de Ville.

Thus events progressed. We must make room for one short extract of a very different character from the above.

"The struggle continued during the day of the 28th. There, around the barricades, in the streets, in the houses, under the porticoes of the churches, everywhere, were profusely repeated that multitude of acts of heroism, magnanimity, and con. tempt of death, which had already made of the preceding days the finest period that has ever ennobled the human species, the most glorious of which liberty and philosophy have to boast. Where shall we find a pencil to pourtray with truth, or even to render credible that multitude of sublime traits, any one of which would suffice to immortalize an age, but which now pass undistinguished amid the mass of lofty deeds which absorbs them and exhibits in prominence only a population radiant, as one man, with courage and virtue! There we find barricades rising as if by enchant ment, behind the soldiers, occupied in attacking the barricade which intercepts their progress; there we see women hurling from the windows paving-stones, furniture, burning brands, in contempt of the balls which strike them beside their Infants' cradles; children waving the tricoloured flag amid the volleys of grape-shot, and rushing amongst the enemy's squadrons to poinard the horse of the cuirassier whom they cannot reach: 1 have seen them go gliding under the horses, and find out the lower extremity of the cuirass of one the enemy, and thus kill one of those soldiers cased in steel, the weight of whom alone was suf ficlent to crush them: I have seen others hook themselves on the stirrup of a gendarme; and get themselves hacked in that position, while endea vouring to discharge a pocket-pistol at his breast. "And how many instances of generosity and humanity were seen among these miracles of heroism! The wounded enemy, or the prisoner, ceases to be an enciny; he becomes a citizen, a brother, whom the people do not distinguish from those who defend him, and towards whom they enter. tain the same anxious feeling. Who can ever forget the conduct of those excellent females belonging to the lower classes, who either in their houses, or at the corners of the streets, and ex posed to the grape shot, hasten to bind up the wounds of the workman struck by a royal bullet, and the soldier who has mutilated this brother or that friend! And then when fortune had declared in favour of the people, what an affecting sight to behold the number of dwelling-houses, churches, and theatres, which the piety of the citizens had transformed into hospitals! Here you would see the mustached, wounded Swiss lying between two beds in which were young patriots who treated bim as a friend, and to whom the surgeons afforded the same assistance.

However, on the opening of this memorable sitting, opinions appeared more divided than ever; every system, with the exception of the republic, found partisans; they spoke, by turns, of the Duke of Orleans, the Duke de Bourdeaux, the Duke of Angouleme, and even Charles X., who, incredible as it may seem, still had an evident ma

jority in his favour. It was at this decisive moment that M, Sebastiani was heard to exclaim, speaking of the tri-coloured flag that had been hoisted at the Hotel-de-Ville: The only national flag at this time was the white flag! It was also upon this occasion that M. de Sussy, unsuccessful at the Hotel-de-Ville, came to present to the Chamber the revocation of the ordonnances and the formation of a new ministry, insisting, but to no purpose, as it may be supposed, upon M. Laffitte's delivering these appointments to those for whom they were intended. The principal object of this meeting was to pass the declaration which was to call the Duke of Orleans to the lieutenancy-general of the kingdom. A committee had been ap. pointed to present a report to the Chamber upon

this important measure, and they had added to their number several members of the Chamber of Peers, among whom was the Duke de Broglie. A warm discussion arose in this committee, com. posed of deputies and peers, as to the principle upon which the throne was to be declared vacant : the peers and some deputies insisted upon the absolute necessity of taking as an exclusive basis the abdication of Charles X., and the renunciation of the Duke d'Angouleme.

"Violent agitation prevailed without as well as within the Chamber. New machinations, darkly the Chamber postpone its decision: it. was aspreparing, were rumoured about in order to make serted that an important personage, recently raised by Charles X. to the presidency of the council of ministers, had been met upon the road to Saint-Cloud; and, indeed, this report had been confirmed at the Hotel-de-Ville by different patriots, upon whose depositions a warrant was is sued against M. Casimir Perier. Whatever may be the truth of this circumstance, general uneasi ness prevailed."

To the efforts and intrigues of Lafayette to place the Duke of Orleans on the vacant throne we can only advert. They first became apparent to the Deputies on the 29th, though the attachment of Lafayette to the Duke, and his desire to see his patron wear the crown of the Bourbons, had long been suspected. DAYS he was in constant communication From and during the THREE with Neuilly. We give two more extracts. The last is sufficiently curious.

"About ten o'clock, almost all the deputies present in Paris assembled at M. Laffitte's; some peers also repaired thither; among them was the Duke de Broglie, who spoke at great length upon the excited feelings of the peopie, and the dangers of a republic. These dangers, intentionally exagger. ated by M. Dupin, produced general anxiety, of which M. Laffitte skilfully took advantage, in or der to propose the election of the Duke of Or. leans, as the only means of settling uncertainties, and arresting the torrent. This opinion, expressed for the first time in an official manner, produced some astonishment, and met with opposition; but M. Dupin supported it with so much eloquence and energy, that from this moment it became evident that the measure which had the appearance of being merely deliberated upon, was nothing less than a plan already settled between the prince and a party, at the head of which M. Laffitte had placed himself. Nevertheless, much indecision prevailed, and the discussion was becoming inore animated, when the dexterous champion of the house of Orleans observed, in a solemn manner, that the proper place for the deputies of France, reconstituting the government or a great empire, was the Palais-Bourbon, and not the cabinet of a private individual. This advice prevailed; it was settled that in two hours they should meet in their ordinary place of sitting, and the Oricanists took advantage of this interval to redouble their efforts and their bribes."

At last it was but the turn of a feather between the elder and younger branch of the Bourbons. The gratitude of kings is pro

verbial, though there are few instances of this royal virtue more striking than the following:

"One of the first cares of Lafayette was likewise to ascertain the intentions of the new authorities with respect to the patriots condemned for politi

cal offences during the reigns of Louis XVIII. and Charles X. He saw in the decision which he was endeavouring to draw from the government on the subject of these noble victims, not only an atonement to be made to justice, but a fresh consecration of the principle of resistance to oppres sion, and to violation of the laws. Therefore, it gave great scandal to the doctrinaire faction which had already engrafted itself upon the newborn court of Louis Philippe, that, on a certain day, when the saloons of the Palais Royal were crowded with deputations from all parts of France, an aide-de-camp on duty was heard to call out with a loud voice, The gentlemen condemned for political offences, and Lafayette, advancing at their head, said to the king: Here are the po

litical convicts; they are presented to you by an accomplice. The king received them with a most touching affability, and, reminding several of those generous citizens of the persecutions which,

is shewn, that the statement so often and so confidently made, that the working classes are in a more favourable situation when grain is dear, than when it is cheap, is utterly unfounded; and he proves that the prosperity of our manufactures is of the last importance to the landowners themselves. Coming from the quarter which it does, this address cannot fail to be attended with beneficial consequences. Many of our legislators are more influenced by the name and rank of a writer, than by his arguments; but to high rank and deep interest in the matter under discussion, we have here added important facts, and clear and unanswerable reasoning. In every point of view, the address is most honourable to Viscount Milton; and did the peerage contain a few such members as his Lordship, it would go far to redeem it from the bad odour into which it has lately fallen.

SUNSHINE; OR, LAYS FOR LADIES. Wilto his great regret, they had experienced, he pro- loughby, London.-This is a pretty little

mised them all the most solicitous attention to
their interests, and a prompt indemnification for
What have those promises
their long sufferings.
produced? The complaints of those brave men
have told it to the country; their misery repeats
it every day: repulsed by every administration,
exposed to the scorn of the sycophants of every
hue that beset the royalty of the barricades, the
condamnes politique are dying of hunger, under

the eyes of that monarch to whose throne they
had served as the stepping-stone. History will
have to relate that men who, during fifteen years,
had sacrificed their all for their country, found in
it for themselves only water and earth, after the
glorious Revolution of July. What a monument
of the gratitude of kings!"


We commend this work to every one interested in public affairs, but especially to those who put their faith in princes," are captivated by the original and splendid idea of "a monarchy surrounded by republican institutions." It is proper to add, since there are different translations in the field, that this published by Wilson is executed with fidelity and spirit. Our extracts shew as much.

ADDRESS TO THE LANDOWNERS OF ENGLAND ON THE CORN LAWS. By VISCOUNT MILTON. London, Ridgway, 1832.-An important alteration in the Corn Laws cannot be far distant, when one of the great st landholders in the kingdom takes up the pen, to advocate the removal of the restrictions on the importation of grain. Lord Milton was a supporter of the Corn Law of 1815; but he is not now ashamed to acknow

tome, of which the principal part is dedicated
to fashionable themes, the nature of which
may be judged of, from such titles as,-"I'm
," "Lay of the Younger
not a Marrying Man,'
"" Offer of Mar-
Son," " Lay of a Spinster,"
The verses are airy and
riage," and so forth.
sprightly, and will, we dare say, be greatly
admired by the class for which they are


Some of them have humour and "The Excursion," an epistle from point. a managing sister to a brother for his guidance in securing a friend with a fortune of fifteen hundred a-year, is one of the best. Better than this sort of badinage,-for it scarcely reaches satire,-do we like the serious " Occasional Verses," at the close of the volume. Some of them are really beautiful.

[blocks in formation]

LETTER TO LORD BROUGHAM ON THE SUBJECT OF THE MAGISTRACY OF ENGLAND. Cawthorne, London.-The GREAT UNPAID are once more shewn up in good style, and an array of facts placed under the the Lord Chancellor, which, if they cannot inform his judgment on this subject, for it must be made up already, may help to stimulate his activity. For this, and for great painsa point most important to the taking on country, the author of this letter deserves its gratitude.


ADDRESS TO THE MECHANICS OF MANBY JOSEPH JOHN GURNEY. Manchester.-A sensib'e, well-meant tract, which deserves praise for its purpose.

ledge the error he then committed. He has for some years advocated in Parliament a change in the present system; and he has published in the newspapers his views on the MEMOIR OF THE LATE CAPTAIN PETER BY EDWARD TAGART. Ef Corn Laws; and the present address, though HEYWOOD. short, evinces a careful study of the subject, fingham Wilson, London. This memoir of and a laborious investigation into all the a worthy and deserving naval officer will be circumstances which are necessary to arrive read with great interest by all his personal at a sound conclusion. His Lordship shews friends and acquaintances, and with advanmost clearly, that the restrictive system has tage by every one that chances to peruse it. It is indeed the record of a good man's life, the benefit derived from it by the landholders and than this what can be more instructive? is very inconsiderable. By means of tables, Captain Heywood, when a lad, was a midin which the rate of wages and the price of shipman on board the Bounty, at the time of grain at different periods are compared, it the memorable mutiny against Bligh. Time,

been most injurious to the farmers, and that

which sets every thing right at last, has cleared the mutineers of the Bounty of much of the moral obloquy attached to their conduct. But Heywood was in no degree implicated, save by his incidental presence in the ship. Professional etiquette made it, however, necessary that he should be both tried and condemned, though he was immediately pardoned. His adventures in Otaheite, and the anxiety and enthusiastic attachment of his mother and sister during three years of suffering and vicissitude, give a sort of romantic interest to the work.

There never was a stronger picture of family affection. Young Heywood again entered the navy, and became eminent in the scientific part of his profession. The close of his life was tranquil and happy. The most remarkable circumstance attending his latter years was adoption of the Unitarian belief, from the irresistible convictions of his own mind, before he had become acquainted with the Unitarians as a sect. From his earliest years Captain Heywood had been of a religious and reflective disposition, and had long entertained Unitarian tenets without properly understanding what they meant, or by what name they were designated among Christian sects. In his latter years he attended a Unitarian chapel, without, however, connecting himself with that body, his religion being more practical than speculative.

MEMOIRS OF SIR WALTER SCOTT, WITH CRITICAL NOTICES OF HIS WRITINGS, COMPILED FROM VARIOUS AUTHENTIC SOURCES. BY MR VEDDER, AUTHOR OF ORCACIAN SKETCHES. Allardice, Dundee.-A poet should write the life of a poet, is a common saying; and Mr Vedder's poetical bias has certainly helped his qualification for the labour of love he has undertaken. His MEMOIR is a cheap compilation in a neat form, detailing the leading events of Sir Walter Scott's life, but attending chiefly to "his life of life," his works. Of these we have an interesting detail, and criticisms, in the right spirit, warm and reverential. Mr Vedder has given immense value to his publication by embodying in it some of the ablest critiques that have appeared on the Waverley Novels. This of itself, we conceive, entitles his work to attention; for where else can we find the eulogiums of Byron, and of Jeffrey, and Hazlitt under the same wrapper? Mr Vedder is indebted to an American biographer for some curious details relative to Sir Walter's commercial involve ments, which will be new in this country.

THE EDINBURGH CABINET LIBRARY: Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh. Vol. IX. -PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY ON THE NORTHERN COASTS OF AMERICA. This is the only LIBRARY of the dozen now publishing, which appears in Scotland; and, as a matter of national pride, it is gratifying to us to see EDINBURGH holding the same high or exclusive place in a series

[ocr errors]

of this useful and solid kind, that "our town' has done for so many years in Encyclopædias, Quarterlies, and Monthlies. The subject of this new volume is only inferior in interest to the first of this series; and in real importance is much higher. The one refers to desolate and barbarous regions, which nature has doomed to sterility and solitude; the other to the laying of the foundations of what is hastening to become the mightiest empire, or cluster of empires, on the face of the globe. The author, Mr TYTLER, the HISTORIAN of SCOTLAND, having first carefully collected an immense store of rich materials, has selected, condensed, and arranged them with great pains, judgment, and discrimination. He sets out with Cabot the elder's discovery of the northern parts of the vast continent of America; traces the progress of discovery through successive ages, under the Portuguese, French, English, and Spanish early navigators; and thence issues on the wide field of modern and contemporary enterprise -the perilous adventures of the individuals who established the fur trade. the journeys of Hearne - the expeditions of Mackenzie and of Franklin, and the recent voyage of Captain Beechey. We have here, in short, the substance of many ancient tomes and modern volumes of great interest, condensed into one volume of clear succinct narration; comprehending all that general readers need know, and a hundred times more than they could ever learn, unless indebted to the skill and high-pressure power of such writers as Mr Tytler. The Natural History is written by Mr James Wilson. We hope it may at once be appreciated. It is like every thing Mr Wilson has written for this Library, (all of his writings with which we are acquainted), so living and teeming, that we can only wish the author had larger space, to give the world the most vital and picturesque popular NATURAL HISTORY it has yet received. What he has given to this Library are important contributions to a great whole. In an appendix to the work, Mr Tytler has defended the reputation of RICHARD HAKLUYT in a generous and (concerning the commonwealth of letters) patriotic spirit. The world at large cannot understand a tithe of the merit of this labour of love; but if, some five centuries hence, the Historian of Scotland shall be attacked with the same injustice, let us hope that some enthusiast may arise, with like disinterested zeal, to do

battle for him.


LIVES OF EMINENT MISSIONARIES. JOHN CARNE, Esq. Forming Vol. VI. of The Select Library. Fisher, Son, and Jackson, London. A pleasant, instructive, and companionable volume have we found this of Mr Carne's by the quiet fireside on these long October evenings. Nor can we bestow higher praise on any book, than to call it companionable. When a work is so found, it attains its best end, for there is no fear but it will then be instructive. The Lives of Eminent Missionaries must of necessity be a compilation; but compilations may differ

vastly in merit. This, if not laboured with
much care, is written with liveliness and spirit;
and though neither the most brilliant nor
powerful of books, is of the number which
impart more pleasure of a safe and gentle kind
than more ambitious performances.
is it nothing to be presented with views
of life, exact portraits of MAN, in his in-
door easy undress, and in his costumes of
ceremony, from "Indus to the Pole." In
the Life of Eliot we have the American
Indian," the Stoic of the Woods;" in that
of the apostle Swartz, the mild and polished
Hindoo; and in the interesting history of
the northern Moravian mission, the rude
Greenlander. And these are not the passing
sketches of the traveller, hasty and often ill-
informed, but of the patient, indefatigable,
pious missionary, narrating the observations
of half a lifetime spent in constant intercourse
with the natives and in anxious inspection
of their manners. More volumes of lives of
missionaries are to follow the present; and
if as interesting as this, which is, we think,
likely to become very popular, there cannot

be too many.

most successful one, though the subject of his
poem is not calculated for extensive popu-
farity. It is a piece of religious and philo-
sophie musing and retrospection, extending
from the creation of the world to the Chris-
tian era, and touching upon all the moment-
ous events of this success on of ages, - the
Flood, and the rise and decay of the mighty
empires of the old world. On these lofty
themes, the self-educated poet descants in a
We take leave of Mr Millhouse,
lofty tone.
with great respect for his talents, and affec-
tionate wishes for his success.


BECKET: AN HISTORICAL TRAGEDY, THE MEN OF ENGLAND, and other Poems. Moxon, London. -This is after the manner of those respectable productions which welleducated English gentlemen, professional or of fortune, publish at, or about, the conclusion of their learned studies, as a sort of inaugural dissertation, which shall make them free of the corporation of men of letters, or of that of gentlemanly authors; though Such dissertations they may never again exercise the honourable privilege thus gained. come abroad in all forms of essay, novel, BIBLIOPHOBIA, or Remarks on the pre- poem; or, if the youth enjoy hopes of being sent languid and depressed state of Litera-pushed in the diplomatic line," a thin ture and the Book Trade. In a Letter, tome of political economy, or a pamphlet on addressed to the author of Bibliomania. the "CRISIS," or "THE CURRENCY. Bohn: London. This same bibliophobia is times these specimens of mental accomplishthe very distemper we are groaning under. ment take, as in the present instance, the Heaven forfend that it prove chronic, though more ambitious shape of a tragedy. As a the recent symptoms are alarming. "Fear," drama, we cannot say more for Becket than says our author, "is the order of the day. To for ninety-nine of the hundred tragedies that The action is often languid, the those very natural and long established fears appear. of bailiffs and tax-gatherers, must now be characters, in general, feeble; and though added the fear of reform, of cholera, and history has made the attendant circumstances of BOOKS." One evil is conqueredhighly picturesque, and susceptible of high the second is about to disappear and for poetic embellishment, the author has but the third, surely time, if nothing else, will scantily availed hin self of these resources. find a remedy. This pamphlet is written The opening is languid - the closing scenes with great humour and liveliness, and felicity attenuated to a mere thread of interest; and, of allusion, by one who, if not a genuine with singular unskilfulness, the writer has brother of the craft, or the great Dibdin expended his strength before it is required himself, is deep in the mysteries of the Row, to concentrate all his power for the final He makes a tour of the booksellers and print thrust. The third act is full of bustle and The character of Becket, the shops-most graphic and picturesque in its interest. progress, but frightful and melancholy in the haughty, domineering priest, is better cone The king's is more results. Our inquirer has coursed through ceived than executed. the Row and Chancery Lane; and then we successful, and perhaps the best drawn have him just out of Mr Bohn's, who is in character in the play. Of Queen Eleanor, as awful a plight as his neighbours, and a character of that passionate and mixed

worse than the last.

ready made, before the dramatist, nothing is made. Prince Henry, and Idonea, the sister of Becket, with her lover Reginald, are personages more within the range of the writer's Mercurius Rusticus, the author of Biblio- spells. With this much of blame, there is a phobia, tries to encourage the traders in book good deal to praise in Becket. The choice with the assurance that better days are at tone is unexceptionable; and, if the pr

His account of Magazine and Almanack days is curious as a matter of commercial



So be it.

the moral

guage never rises to poetry, it is often pleasing, nervous, and always correct. The spirit of the MEN OF ENGLAND is excellent.

THE DESTINIES OF MAN. By ROBERT MILLHOUSE. Simpkin and Marshall, London. Another self-educated poet of the kind that may put universities to the blush. FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, NO. XIX. Mr Millhouse is, we understand, an artizan -This work was started under the auspices in Nottingham. This is not his first public of as many screech-owl prophecies of failure, appearance; but we hope it may prove his as could well be imagined. It had to contend,

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