
tity of work. We perceive, from the evidence on the Factory Bill, that the weekly quantity now spun by one spindle is twenty-one hanks of No. 40 a-week. The cotton spun in Great Britain last year, amounted to about 288,000,000 pounds. Of this vast quantity, a tenth was spun in Scotland. The United States supply three fourths of the consumption, or 213,000,000 pounds; the East Indies about 20,000,000 pounds; the West Indies 1,600,000 only. All the cotton, except the growth of the East and West Indies, pays a duty of d. per pound. This duty would, last year, exceed £690,000; and would be, as nearly as possible, 10 per cent on the return of the cotton in bond.

THE WOOLLEN MANUFACTURES are also reviving, and prospects are cheering. In Bradford, more business has been recently done than for weeks preceding; the mills, both in the town and neighbourhood, being in full activity. In Halifax the demand for stuff goods has been gradually increasing for some time past, and all the hands there are in active employ ment. Leeds, and other towns in Yorkshire and Lancashire, present similar favourable prospects. The East India Company have given orders for ladies' cloths, and a large one for military goods. In Ayrshire, notwithstanding the late rise in the price of wool, no rise has taken place in plaidings. Dun plaidings run from 7d. to 84d.; white from 74d. to 1s. 24d. In the Flannel Trade, low-priced articles continue to be sought after. The trade is

more brisk than it has been at this season for several years.

SILK WEAVING.-The wages of the silk weavers are very low, but there is an

CORN. The corn markets have been dull throughout the month, and prices are still on the decline. This probably arises from the want of cultivation in British grain, in consequence of antici pated changes in the Corn Laws. It is highly desirable that this question should be settled without delay, for the present state of uncertainty is highly injurious to the agriculturist. The protection which the present laws afford them, is a mere delusion, as the average duty on wheat imported since 1828, is only 6s. 1d. per quarter, and the prices of grain are yearly falling. Looking to the last three years, the average prices have been :


WHEAT. BARLEY. 1830648.328. 8d. 348. Id. 258. 3d. 1831668.38s. Od.. 1832598.338. 3d.208. 6d. At Haddington, on the 11th of January, the averages were only, Wheat 49s., Barley 26s. 8d., Oats 18s. In the event of a fixed duty being substituted for the present fluctuating duties, care will need to be taken that it is not fixed at too high a rate.

The duty on wheat is at present 32s. 8d., and it will be very difficult to obtain such a reduction as the manufacturing interests expect. Young wheats continue to look well, and, notwithstanding the openness of the winter, are not too forward. Feeding stock are proceeding favourably. Agricultural labour is far advanced.

CATTLE MARKETS.-At Cupar Yule Fair, on the 3d ult. prime fat animals brought 78. per Dutch stone. Half fed

animals sold for nearly the same money; plentiful, not being desirous to part wit the sellers, in consequence of food being

expectation of an advance in the Spring. 13. per stone higher than those at last their stock. The prices obtained are about The trade is brisker than usual at this Yule market. The price of sheep conti

season. At Lyons, the manufacture of silk goods had so far decreased, that many hun

nues steady.

HORSE MARKETS.--At Ayr Horse Mar

dred persons had been thrown out of em- ket, on the 4th ult., the prices of draught


horses varied from L.20, L.22, L.28, L.30,

THE LEATHER TRADE. This trade to L.36. One or two brought L.40. Saddle been so low as in many cases not to yield shewy L.25. Horses of inferior quality, the last twelve months, and prices have form brought L.34 to L 36, some less the tanner a profit. Prices now, however, L.18, downwards. The fair was not brisk. appear to have passed their lowest point, At the annual horse market at Johnstone, and the stock of leather is much smaller a vast number of Horses appeared in the than that of last year at the same period. market, consisting of some of the finest IRON TRADE.-The iron trade, so long draught horses and riding ponies; and

depressed, begins to revive. In Wales, an

the horse-dealers sold extensively, and re

advance of 5s. per ton was obtained some ceived very flattering prices. At Lancastime ago; and at Christmas quarter day ter Fair the better classes of carriage, the iron masters, both in Wales and Staf- phaeton, and gig horses were not so nu

fordshire considered the state of the trade such as to warrant them to lay on a far

merous as at some former fairs; but they ther advance of 10s. a ton; and appear- those of inferior breed, and but few preare ready of sale, at good prices; whilst inces would lead us to believe that this tensions to usefulness, were not only dull

nce will be sustained.

of sale, but scarcely looked at.

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]





which is at once political, literary, and historical; combining, in short, all the elements of history and biography. The series commences with the birth of Alfred the Great, and is intended to come down to the present time. The work is to be divided into nine grand Divisions or Periods, of which the time which elapses from the birth of Alfred to the Norman Conquest, forms the first. These Periods are treated of in distinct sections, divided into a Political Series, an Ecclesiastical Series, and a Literary Series; each Period having, besides, a general historical introduction. Let us take the Second Period as an illustration of the design :Under the Political Series we have the Life of William the Conqueror, William Rufus, the three first Henrys, Richard Strongbow, Simon de Montfort, and others. The Ecclesiastical Series of the same period gives us, with others of lesser note, Becket, Anselm, Pope Adrian IV. and Archbishop Langton; and the Literary one, Roger Bacon, Matthew Paris, &c. &c. &c. The Literary Series of the Third Period is yet richer, in the names of Chaucer, Gower, Dun-Scotus, &c. &c. The design is original and excellent. It is history put into action, "embodying the history of England in the lives of Englishmen ;" and the nearest approach compatible with truth to the historical plays of Shakspeare, and the historical novels of Scott. The execution is worthy of the clearness and comprehensiveness of the design; and taken together, we warmly recommend the work as a mine of valuable information presented in the most attractive form. It is secondary, but not unimportant to notice, that the book is handsomely printed, in volumes retaining the proper historical dignity of size; and is embellished with authentic portraits of eminent persons, very beautifully engraved.

The world is now so rich an inheritor in
poetry, that when a bard of humble pre-
tensions, though of undoubted merit, comes
modestly forward with his claim on at-
tention, he has a slender chance of either
respectful audience or patient reception,
unless he contrives to send a flourish of
trumpets before him. Yet here is a volume
of agreeable and genuine verse, which, for
the honour of the public taste, we are glad
to find, has been quickly and properly
appreciated, without such appliances and
means as the true poetic spirit would
find it living death to employ. Poems in
the second edition is something to talk of
now a-days; and in this instance the new
publication has so soon followed the first,
that the examination and favourable judg-
ments pronounced by the critical tribunals,
cannot yet be forgotten, nor consequently
require repetition. There are, however,
in this volume, a good many additional
poems, which possess the same character
of gentle elegance that distinguished the
earlier effusions, with a wider range of
fancy. These compositions are announced
by the author as the fruits of relaxation
"from the higher literary and political
duties of his vocation," an explanation,
which if meant as apology, was not re-
quired. They are smooth and pleasing,
always correct, and graceful often; and by
all gentle lovers of gentle poesy will be
accepted as an agreeable addition to our
contemporary treasures of verse. With a
battery of fifty volumes raised before us,
poetical quotations are entirely out of the
question; but we cannot forbear to point
out a few of our favourite pieces in the
additional poems. Loch Awe is one, the
sweetly musing lines on a Wild Flower,
another; and the Wassail Song and Wells
o' Weary, in different styles, are equal
to any of these.

OUS ENGLISHMEN, from Alfred the
Great to the Latest Times. Edited by
Vol. I.-It is to be feared that the scope
and object of this publication is not suffi-
ciently indicated by the title. Hasty as
our glance has been, we conceive it one of
the most meritorious historical works that
has lately been projected. Nor is histo-
rical the word, though we can think of
none more apt, and must employ circum-
locution in describing the nature of a work

[blocks in formation]

SEMI-SERIOUS OBSERVATIONS OF AN ITALIAN EXILE."-A priori, and from merely reading his observations, we should not have inferred that Count Pecchio was a person likely to cause revolution in any country. He was, however, early obliged to leave Piedmont, his native state, for the share he took in the abortive revolution. He came to England, and subsequently went to Spain and Greece, a military adventurer; by which term we imply nothing disrespectful. His sword and his services were always on the right side. The Count has now been fortunate enough to marry an English lady, and, better inured to our

Effingham Wilson, Pp. 525.

sea-fogs, is settled at Brighton. His work was originally published in Italian, and obtained the praises of the Quarterly Review; a periodical, by the way, which generally distributes its smaller patronage, on the principle, and not unlikely on the motives which made despotic princes fondle and caress dwarfs, idiots, and the halfwitted, and hold at surly distance every one who approached their presence with the stamp of independence of mind or undeniable intellectual capacity. The Count's observations, if not remarkable for profundity or accuracy, are lively, good-humoured, and agreeable. We should suppose that he has not been consulted on the publication of this translation; for it is impossible but that his subsequent experience in England must by this time have corrected many of his original errors. They now stand the most amusing, and not the least useful portion of the Count's labours. His notions of Scotland are about as just as those which might be formed by a gentleman of Manilla or CanBut these absurdities are exceeding ly diverting, and help to make the book really light reading.



MEMOIRS OF LOUIS THE EIGH. TEENTH-Written by himself. This work has thrown some of the self-elected guardians of literature into a paroxysm of "It is not authentic, it is a hoax -an imposition of the book manufac turers of Paris," &c. &c. &c. Much of this virtuous indignation might have been spared. No biped beyond the age of a sucking turkey, ever, for one moment, could have imagined the work authentic; and for this, among a hundred other good reasons, that Louis the 18th never possessed a tithe of the wit, sagacity, and depth of views displayed in every page of it. But the treason is ridiculing courts and royal persons; and by unveiling their vices, their selfishness, dissimulation, grossness, and audacious profligacy, bringing monarchy itself into contempt. This, unhappily, is an office which royal and courtly personages have not left for men

in the sketches of the virtuous Evelyn; but especially in the memoirs of the Princess of Bareith, the letters of the old Duchess of Orleans, the mother of the Regent Orleans, the memoirs of Lauzuu, and fifty more volumes French and English-not forgetting the letters of Walpole. Of this book, all that need be said is, that it is a clever work, though cer tainly a spurious one, which gives far too favourable an idea of the supposed Royal Author, and of many of his friends.

THE CODE OF AGRICULTURE, including Observations on Gardens, Orchards, Woods, and Plantations, with an Account of all the Recent Improvements in the Management of Arable and Grass Lands. By the Right Honourable Sir JOHN SINCLAIR, Bart., Founder of the Board of Agriculture. Fifth Edition.* -The numerous large editions which have already been sold of this work shew the estimation in which it is held by the pub lic.

In the present edition will be found accounts of such discoveries in agriculture as have been made since the date of the last edition. Few of the useful arts are less indebted to the labours of literary men Hitherto the art has than agriculture. not been studied in the closet, but in the field; and although no one can pretend to any thing like an accurate knowledge of agriculture, or the sister arts, gardening and planting, who has not practically been engaged in them, too little attention has hitherto been paid to the useful information which may be found in books. Few farmers have an opportunity of minutely inspecting the operations of agriculture in foreign countries, or even in distant parts of their own country; and valuable discoveries may remain long unknown, if the knowledge of them is diffused solely through the slow and incorrect channel of oral tradition. But until Sir John Sinclair undertook the task, the agricultu rists had no manual of their art to which

From the immense

they could refer.
mass of materials, many of them crude
and indigested, in no ordinary degree,

of letters to perform. They have, in which Sir John Sinclair had accumulated, works beyond all possibility of question he has succeeded in laying down the prin or doubt, as to authenticity, sufficiently ciples of the art, concisely yet clearly;

scribbled their own infamy. If we were

and has formed a book not only of great

wicked enough to harbour the design of value to the agriculturist, but interesting

bringing kings and courts into contempt,

to the general reader.

He has obtained

and into detestation, it is not a plea- information from every source, whence this we should employ, but others of tained; and this edition of the Code of sant good-humoured hoaxing work like anything valuable was likely to be ob very different character, written by Agriculture proves that the worthy Baro would recommend that king-craft and its ed in the success of that art to which he tendencies should be studied in the witty has so devotedly dedicated the best years memoirs of the profligate Grammont, and of his life. Every farmer should have a

princes and courtiers themselves.

* Saunders and Otley, London.

We net, now an octogenarian, is still interest

☐ London: Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, 1832.

copy of the Code in his library, were it for nothing else than as a memento of the Founder of the Board of Agriculture; the most zealous promoter of the art which this, or perhaps any other age has produced.

AN INQUIRY INTO THE PRINCIPLES OF POPULATION; exhibiting a System of Regulation for the Poor. We consider this book as mainly valuable, on the principle of it being necessary to keep an important object constantly before the public, by studiously varying the aspects in which it is presented, till it become familiar from every point of view. Though the fundamental opinions of the author are those of the great political economists of the age, they are, on some points, very considerably modified. He even approves of a poor law for Ireland. His truths are recommended by the indulgeut and kindly tone which writers on similar subjects have too often neglected or despised.

AN ESSAY ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF MILITARY BRIDGES, and the Passage of Rivers in Military Operations. By Sir HOWARD DOUGLAS.t-This is the second edition of a work held in great esteem among military men, from its extent of accurate knowledge, and the diligence of research displayed in it. The British wars in the mountainous parts of India, and the late long war of Europe, extending over every kind of country, mountainous or champaign, from Gibraltar to Moscow, have made military engineering almost a new science, calling for a new exposition of its principles. For this purpose the same war has laid up a store of facts and illustrative materials, of which Sir Howard has skilfully availed himself, in adding to, and perfecting this new edition of his valuable, and now standard work. Although it is a book of instruction for students in tactics, its historical materials, the resources of genius called forth by difficulty, and the enterprise, skill, and hardihood displayed by Napoleon, Wellington, and the great commanders connected with them, make it a work that may be read with interest by the civilian as well as the military man.

THE POLISH EXILE-Nos. 1, & 2. f This unassuming periodical is written with considerable ability. Its object is to furnish historical, statistical, and literary information regarding Poland, embellished by appropriate illustrations. It possesses a high claim on public encouragement, both from the intensity of interest encircling a people crushed to the earth after a display of more than Spartan heroism, and from sympathy with its Edi

*Duncan, London, octavo, Pp. 336.
+ Boone, London.
Tait, Edinburgh.

tors, who are "Polish Exiles" themselves, who have shared in, and been ruined by, the terrible conflict. The article in No. 1, on the " Preponderance of Russia over the other European States," is alike distinguished for its spirit and truth. The clear and succinct compendium of the "History of Poland," evinces a perfect knowledge of their national history, and every succeeding number must increase in interest as we approach the details of the Revolutions of 1794 and 1830. The freshness and naivete of the anecdotes are highly attractive; and the music of " Dombrowski's Mazourka" alone, far exceeds in value the price of the periodical.

How favourable the opportunity now afforded the public of proving the reality of their sympathy with the "Exiles," and their approbation of a struggle, which for sublimity and extent of self-sacrifice, has eclipsed all the efforts of the modern world! VEGETABLE COOKERY. By a LADY.* This is a system for the modern human gramnivorous animals, though we had no idea they were so numerous as to require a book of cookery for themselves. A culinary work which proscribes fish, flesh, fowl, and even good red herrings, is not likely to be received with much gusto at this present season. It should have appeared in the dog-days. It was scarcely fair, moreover, in the author to turn the arms of Mrs. Rundell and Meg Dods against themselves; and covertly to employ their own delicious puddings, pastry, and vegetable messes, to subvert their plain joints, ragouts, and savoury pies. Nor do we understand upon what principle the lives of beeves and sturgeons, &c. &c., are to be hallowed from human touch and teeth, while such nefarious means are suggested for the destruction of black-beetles, cock-roaches, mice, and bugs, as those in the Appendix.

THE BRITISH REFORMER'S ADVOCATE. By D. P. WHITEHEAD.+-The object of this work is useful. The writer has condensed and arranged a great quan.. tity and variety of valuable political and statistical information, from authentic sources; and presented it to the public in a cheap and accessible form. As a popular manual of politics, the book deserves praise. It is decidedly Radical, but not violent. As a book of which the objects are co-extensive with the British empire, there is, perhaps, too much connected with abuses in this city. It would also have been an improvement had the compiler quoted his authorities.

THE LAUREAD, A SATIRE OF THE DAY.-This wicked little poem is writ

Effingham Wilson. + Black, Edinburgh.

+ Cochrane and Co., London, Tp. 120.

ten by the author of Cavendish, who, for
reasons which it is not difficult to divine,
is out of humour with the Editor of the
Quarterly Review, Basil Hall, the United
Service Club, and the Journal named
after that gallant association; also with
sundry naval captains, admirals, and of-
ficial Peers. It is addressed to the Lord

Chancellor, and calls nicknames with
fully more good will than success. The
chief points it makes, is calling Mr.
Lockhart Mendax, and the Quarterly
the Mendacian Review. With his bitter
contempt of the present editor of the
Quarterly, the author of Cavendish unites
great admiration for that sour servile,
the late Mr. Gifford, whom he styles its
"late respected leader," and classes with
Pope as a guardian of literature. To the
unfortunate Mrs. Trollope, who appears
to be now given up by every body, turned
upon-there's the unkindest cut of all
by her patrician patrons of the Quarterly,
the author applies his pickled rod hand-
somely, and with good will, under the

name of Dame Turpa. Her true designation of Trollope is better. People who relish a little witty, harmless malice in a book, may find a half hour's amusement in this poem; and the notes are better Neither of them can do much harm to any body, nor should they

than the text.

give great offence.


THE SOUL AFTER DEATH. BY A PROTESTANT LAYMAN -This is, in many respects, a singular work.

It is the composition of a man of lively imagination, who, ingeniously and interestingly, employs the realities of life and the creations of genius to illustrate abstract and curious

points of speculation or belief. The sub

other of those useful small treatises, of which the publishers have already brought out several that are excellent, in a series. It contains a great deal of information in a compendious form, and may be benefi cially used as a help forward in the study of science, being perfectly correct so far as it goes. We have an idea, however, that by the time children are so far ripened in understanding as improvingly to study theories of the earth and the principles of geology, the catechetical form of instruction, so unavoidably tending to parroting, may be dispensed with.

THE BOOK OF THE HUNDRED AND ONE.-This, which the name is meant to indicate, is a co-operative work. An association, or a promiscuous crowd of men of letters, formed the generous design of assisting a Parisian publisher, ruined by literary speculation. Their joint contributions appear periodically; for the work is still in progress. A selection of the best of the papers is here presented in an English dress. They are unequal, and often trivial, yet they tell us more of Parisian society and manners, than a traveller is likely to pick up, even after a tolerably long course of sight-seeing. The papers comprehend tales of manners, sketches, satires, criticism, and politics. They form agreeable half-hour reading enough; and in literary merit, are decidedly superior to our home-made, joint-stock


CURRIE'S BURNS. +-Here is a new edition, in one small volume, very neat and pretty, and only requiring an accompany ing microscope to make it a desirable acquisition. But young eyes or very good spectacles may supply the place of f

nstrument; and, in this case, the size of

ject, from its intrinsic nature, is one of the volume makes it really handy to staff absorbing interest to mortal beings; and into one's pocket, sporting-bag, or port

the extent of reading, and copiousness of manteau. illustration exhibited in the treatise, will


gratify those who may not be able to sub- Valpy's last issues are Sophocles and

scribe to all the writer's implied or expressed conclusions.


Euripides, the latter the translation of
Potter, the former translated by Franklin.
The work maintains its high character;

BY JOHN DOVE.+ the translations are the best in the lan-Those who like a good gossip about guage; and the reprints are cheap and cor

worthy people who lived from a hundred rect. to a hundred and fifty years ago, will find


much to amuse them in the history of the edition, embellished in the best taste by ancestors of the founder of the Armenian etchings from the paintings of Boydell's Methodists. The chapter which is dedi- gallery, progresses in undiminished beauty cated to Susanna, the admirable mother of typography. The name of the editor

of John Wesley, will be read with con

siderable interest.
instructive, and very pleasing.
TORY OF THE EARTH.-This is an-

It is at once highly

Smith and Elder, octavo, Pp. 572.
Simpkin and Marshall, London. Pp. 249.
Oliver and Boyd.

is a guarantee for correctness of text.

SCOTTISH ANNUALS. THE CHAMELEON. Second Series. What good genius whispered to Mr Atkinson, the happy title which he has chosen for his elegant annual contri

* Whittaker and Treacher, London, 3 vols.
+ Blackie and Son, Glasgow.
Atkinson and Co. Glasgow.

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