
ter the public had been fairly gulled into purchase, then to commence the work of gradual, but rapid decadence. That this was a system of swindle and plunder on the one hand, and a severe injury to the fine arts on the other, no one can doubt. The distrust thus generated in the public mind, while it properly had the effect of suppressing such robbery, checked, to a certain extent, the progress of an art which nothing but public patronage can profitably encourage, so that (how often do the innocent suffer for the guilty)-it was made to wither under the very influence of that righteous judgment with which knavery was deservedly visited. How different is the principle of action, and how different the result, now! Men of character, redeeming to the full their first pledges, have commenced and continued works which are more than sustained in their ca

reer, for each last number seems to exceed in merit its immediate predecessor; the public reliance is secured, and glorious art thrives beneath a wholesome and vigorous nourishment. We consider that the publishers of the present work, and-we wish not to be invidious-those of several others we might name, have, by the honour and enterprise exhibited in their conduct of them, done much towards the prosperity of the fine arts, and deserve, were it only for so much, all the encouragement they are receiving It is hardly possible to believe that there is one subscriber to many of the illustrative publications, now in course of issue, who has fair cause to regret his original subscription,orwho can point out any declension in value of the works, as they have progressively travelled from their first birth into maturity; and we have sound reasons for believing that this bright example of fair dealing will produce an abundance, a rich abundance of good things yet to come, and shame into honesty the roguishly inclined.

The contents of the "Part" of this month are,

picturesque ; but we dislike his relief figures

they appear incorrect in drawing. The vignette of Athens is inattractive; but that must be the fault of the scene, it cannot be the fault of Stanfield. Turner's Corinth is one of those charming little things which none but himself can get up-" Within that circle none durst walk but he." Upon the whole, this is a most satisfactory number.

A Supplement to the Landscape and Por trait Illustrations of Byron is announced for publication, to contain an account of the subject of the engravings in the first eight parts, (completing the volume,) with extracts and original information by Mr. Brockedon. It will be in good hands.

MEMORIALS OF OXFORD,-No 3.—This number presents views of the great Quadrangle of Christ Church, and of the staircase and hall, and several clever wood cuts. The work goes on well; but may we breathie a hint ?-Would it not be an improvement if with each number were given a little de scriptive letter press upon the architecture of the views? They are so good, that they at least deserve it.


We append some observations on the nealogy of Cardinal Wol-ey, which go to shake the impression that this dominating Prelate of the olden days was " butcher, of a butcher bred."

born of a

"Thomas Wolsey was born at Ipswich in Suffolk, in March 1471. His parents are believed to have been in humble circumstan ces, but of this nothing is known which can By the party be considered as certain. writers of their own day, few men have been subjected to more numerous or bitter invec tives. He is generally reviled as the butcher's son;' and this story has been copied by later historians. Yet whatever might have been the occupation of his father, he could scarcely be considered as moving in the very lowest sphere; since in his will he speaks of the contingency of his son being not merely in holy orders, but a priest, within a year

1. The LIDO AND PORT ST. NICOLAS, after his own death, and devises to his wife


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7. ATHENS and the Island of Egina, Stan


To begin, as in knightly courtesy we are bound, with the fair: Limners are proverbially sad flatterers, and if the enchanting face, and the admirably moulded head

all his lands and tenements' in one parish, and his free and bond lands' in another. He was, therefore, a person of respectable property.

Ever since the creation of Stanfield as an R.A.E, sundry rumours have been afloat that the painting of any more scenes' for the Theatres would be incompatible with the conferred dignity. The truth of the repor remained for many days in a well, though the broad absurdity of such an interdict, it made, was apparent from the very first. Stanfield, however, has found it necessary to give to it a public and unqualified denial;

be in strict accordance adhere reality, Lady Caroline Lamb was once in- fold cause for rejoicing: 1. That the Artist

has left to him unrestricted sea room for the

deed a comely and a graceful creature to be-
hold. Lausanne, in any hands, would have exercise of his peculiar and unrivalled ta-
made a sweet picture; but in those of Copley lents: 2. That a source of delight to be
Fielding it is exquisite. So is the Lido by ing multitudes will not thus prematurely be
so and 3. of so

the Council of the Royal Academy is not
There is a desperately assinine in its behests, as many
are generously disposed to give it credit for

to marine subjects, that we have learned to
curb our admiration thereanent.
delicacy and neatness in the engraving of
Cattermole's Campo Santa that we very much being
ndmile; Harding's Bologna is pretty and


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at ex

Go thou, therefore, on and prosper, O! most excellent C. Stanfiell, R.A E.; and avoid thou the waters of indolence, arrogance, and self-conceit as thou lovest an honoured name!

THE BYRON GALLERY. PART 4.—We have already expressed our favourable opinion of this series of illustrations. This number contains a Medora, drawn by Richter, in which that artist has excelled himself. He has done that difficult thing, embodied the loveliest and softest imaginings of the Corsair's Bride. The young Juan and Julia are entirely deficient in sentiment and character, merely dressed stage figures; but the flower of the number is the Countess Guiccioli. It is a

sweetly serene and very youthful counte-
nance, with a mild fuli eye, and a candid
brow, not in the least like the ordinary
ortraits of Lord Byron's Lady Love which
we have seen; and still less like Leigh
Hunt's Countess, with her "sleek" golden
locks. The original miniature must have
been painted before the Countess ever saw
or dreamed of Byron. It is beautifully
engraved. Jephtha's Daughter is a grace
ful picture of a not Hebrew maiden.

& HISTORY.-The fifth part of this na-
Morison, Perth.

tional work is before us. It relates to a most interesting division of Scottish scenery, history, and antiquities.-St Andrews. The first view, is one of the ruius of the Cathedral, seen through the "Golden Gate," a ruined but massive arched the Cathedral, of the beautiful monastery gateway. We have a still finer [view of of the Grey Friars, a gem of pure Gothic beth's Castle, more interesting to the anarchitecture; with illustrations of Mactiquary than the lover of art. etchings are faithful and spirited likenesses, and the illustrative or explanatory letter-press, is all that could be desired. This work, though on a large scale in size, from being confined to outline, is marvellously cheap, even in these days of cheap engraving.



MAJOR'S CABINET GALLERY. 5.-Of the three subjects of this month, the TENIERS-A Farm Yard-is the best in choice, and in execution. It is a charming picture. The Sea-piece has at least the name of VANDERVELDE to give it grace among modern admirers of art. Henrietta, the Queen of Charles I, though a VANDYKE, is a failure in this work Whither has the beauty of this clearcomplexioned, sparkling brunette vanish



THE Lord Chamberlain's extension of the
period of the licenses of the Haymarket Thea-
*re and English Opera House, has been the
cause of much rejoicing among play-wrights
and actors; and of much dolour to certain
other great people pertaining to certain great
patented structures, of name needless to tell.
Whilst this measure will abridge monopoly in
one case, it cannot fail to secure employment
to a too numerous class of artificers who, labour
in one of the most precarious and vicissive
Vocations of a trading nation. The tremen-
dous debt, expenses in which the great houses
are involved, must needs have exercised a
paralysing influence upon the exertions of
managers, and the pleasures of theatrical
novelty hunters; but what the results will
be to the drama, now that a powerful com-
petition is about to be instituted by establish-
ments altogether unencumbered, some folks
tremble to conjecture. We may grieve for
individual ruin, but the gain of the few must
be sacrificed to the advantage of the many.
It comes to this at last.

The "Christmas Pantomimes" have been,
as by custom established, the chief source of
interest among the play-going world during
this happy period of the season; and with
the exception of Jerrold's "Nell Gwynne,"
have excited their usual undivided interest.
At COVENT GARDEN, the classic tale of

"Puss in Boots" has afforded a fine opportunity for the display of the powers of Little Poole, the Great Grieveses, and other distinguished artists, from clown and harlequin downwards. The Adapter (we know him not; but how enviable must have been his feelings, while dramatizing the eventful history) has becomingly confined himself to the great criginal; and if a mixture of breathless attention and uproarious laughter among pleased and wondering audiences be any criterion of merit deserved, it is unequivocally his.

In matters of such importance as London Pantomimes, six days are quite sufficient time to make known to the outermost parts of the nation every remarkable scene, trick, and incident worthy of immortal renown, so that we need not detail facts with which every person must be now and necessarily well acquainted. With liberal prodigality we dispense our praise to all concerned; but to dear little Pussy Poole, we would give a score of kindly kisses and a silver-penny keepsake, if we had but the opportunity of doing so generous and grateful an act.

"Nell Gwynne" has ranged through all the gradations from praise to censure in the scale of the critical thermometer. In truth, it is a happy failure. Plot there is none; it is made up of disjointed incident. Had Mr

Jerrold contrived to impart to it a little general animation and a spirited denouement, the drama would have survived many others by which it will soon be supplanted. The dialogue is generally good, often pointed, sometimes sparkling. The acting is excel lent. The performance of Miss Taylor as Nelly, and of Blanchard as the doating but crafty old Crow's Foot, is exceedingly clever. Little Keeley in the part of Orange Moll, has signally immortalized himself;-it is one of the richest representations of character on the stage. The Ballet of Masaniello continues still attractive.

The Pantomime at DRURY LANE bears the name of Harlequin Traveller. A splendid Panorama by Stanfield (who, by the way, has made Panoramas a necessary cons ituent of Pantomimes) adds to the attraction which fun, trick, tumbling, and glitter, in all their infinite varieties, have for a risible and a thinking people. "The Way to get Married" was got up for the purpose of introducing Mr W. Dowton in the part of Tangent. He is evidently well acquainted with the business part of his profession, and performs with great discrimination and abundance of · animal spirit. The debut seemed satisfactory

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to the audience, and very much so to himself.

Mr Dowton, pere, in the cleverly drawn character of Caustic, displayed his usual addiction to that best of instructresses-Nature. Farren gloried in Tobby Allspice, and played admirably. The other parts of the comedy were well sustained, and-we have not seen it since.

The MINORS have shone forth this Christmas with unusual lustre in their pantomimes, In the two all-important points of scenery and harlequinade, each rivals the other; and majors. SADLERS WELLS has for years and they all are well-nigh running'abreast with the years back been the very hot-bed for the rearing and cultivation of Harlequins, Columbines, and Clowns; and he who knows not the holyday pantomine of "the Wells," argues of course himself unknown. We parti cularly notice this little Theatre for a very spirited attempt to introduce a noticeable Panorama within the walls of a minor. A Mr Cocks (he cannot remain long unknown) has painted a picture of the marine scenery, from Portsmouth Harbour to Antwerp Citadel, in a style of surprising excellence, creditable alike to his own skill and the manager'● enterprise.


SINCE our last publication, there have appeared in Edinburgh two Musical Periodicals THE MONTHLY MUSI. CAL ALBUM, comprising Quadrilles, Waltzes, Gallopades, &c. for the PianoForte; and THE MUSICAL SCRAP-BOOK, containing original and selected Songs, Ballads, &c. for the voice, and Quadrilles, Waltzes, &c. for the Piano-Forte. The Scrap Book is edited by Mr. Finlay Dun, an accomplished musician, a successful teacher of singing, and a gentleman of considerable literary attainments. The regular contributors to The Musical Album are announced to be the same Mr. Dun, with Mr. Alexander Murray, Mr. Muller, and Mr. Spindler, three Edinburgh professional musicians and teachers of the most respectable order. Both works are well conducted, and published by music-sellers of extensive connection. But what is wanted is a Musical Periodical adapted for the many. Fourfifths of such a work should consist of simple airs, simply accompanied . the remaining fifth being devoted to music of a higher kind. The staid professional

musician would have small relish for such a work; and the mongrel sort of musi cians, called amateurs, would express still higher contempt for it than their

professional brethren; but a musical
periodical, conducted on that plan, would
give pleasure to thousands. Above all,
it would sell; and that, we suppose, is
The Musical Album and Musical Scrap.
one of the principal purposes for which
Book are intended. We wish to see a
sort of Chambers' Journal in music,
rather than a Scientific Journal, although
bearing names in the musical world equal
world of science.
these of Brewster and Jameson in the

There have been a number of Concerts in Edinburgh during last month. Mrs. Wood has shewn us how much the human voice, and Mr. Bochsa how little the harp can do, to entrance the soul in musical delight. Miss Eliza Paton is, as yet, far inferior to her sister, Mrs. Wood; but has the natural gifts of a first rate singer, and is likely to take that rank in due time. Mr. Sapio, whom we have now got in Edinburgh, appears to us, among English singers, second only to Braham.

The Leith Philharmonic Society, a large and flourishing association of amateurs, give their friends, generally once a month, scription. a concert of a particularly agreeable deSociety is dormant. The Edinburgh Professional

J. Johnstone, 19, St. James' Square, Edinburgh.




THE Session has commenced with bad omens, the Ministers, with the two Houses of Parliament, having given signs of a spirit which the sanguine believers in a Reformed Parliament fancied extinguished for


The speech with which his Majesty commenced the Session was, as usual, when speaking of improvements, vague and unsatisfactory; when menacing war, and denouncing vengeance against the people, peculiarly definite, clear, and intelligible; and the commentary on this text, viz., the speeches and explanations of the Ministers, has gone far to strengthen all the unpleasant anticipations which the speech itself was calculated

to raise.

On the first question which arose in the House of Commons, (the choice of the Speaker,) we shall say little. The matter itself was not very important, but as a sign, or when considered as involving a principle: and the division was, we conceive, unwisely forced on; yet are we well pleased to see, that even under all the unfavourable circumstances which attended this case, there were found thirty good men and true, to enter their protest against a bad principle.

The next matter which came under the consideration of the House, was one of far graver importance: one which, for the immensity of its consequences, has never been surpassed; involving, as it does, Civil War in Ireland; and, therefore, calling into question the very existence of the empire at large. The conduct of the Ministers on this momentous subject, was, to speak in mild terms, highly disingenuous; while the House appeared like one wilfully blind, and determined to be confiding in spite of any damning evidence which might be placed before him.

The question respecting Ireland may be stated in a few words: By the admissions of the Ministers themselves, that unhappy country has suffered for centuries under misrule; and been borne down by grievances which yet remain. The extent and pungency of these grievances is admitted on all sides. That they, and they alone, have driven the people to madness, seems also to be allowed; that they have been, and are, quite sufficient to that end, no one denies.

At the present time, in certain parts of the country, the peasantry are


3 A

more than usually disturbed. Driven by want, and goaded by oppression in ten thousand various and maddening forms, they nightly devastate the country, commit depredations, and sometimes are guilty of murder. This is one evil, and this is the one chiefly insisted on by Ministers; but there are others, which are really the things felt, though not openly complained of. Among other things, the agricultural population have determined to pay no tithe. Mr. Stanley, in his wisdom, commenced a campaign in favour of tithe. He levied it at the point of the bayonet. He employed police, troops, judges, and lawyers, to enforce it. He ruined thousands, and exasperated the whole population. As the tithe was levied by force and arms, so was it defended. Is it wonderful, that when, in warlike guise, you strip the poor of their hard earnings, they should resist you in the same way? Is it strange, that when you shew, that the law has no moral power, that it is strong only by physical force,-is it strange, we ask, that the people should cease to venerate the law, and withdraw from it the allegiance which, by habit, they are accustomed to pay to it? In Ireland such has been the conduct of the Government; such has been the result. A law hated by the people has been backed by force; and by force it has been successfully resisted. The parsons who have insisted on their tithes have been shot; the army employed to collect them has been foiled; the judges appointed to hang and otherwise punish no-tithe-payers, have been disappointed of their prey; and the police are no longer supreme in Ireland. Added to these two evils, there is another existing, in the opinion of the Government; though this also is not insisted on. The people generally are politically excited. The grievances under which they have so long suffered are marked out for destruction; the sweeping besom of Reform is about, by the people, to be passed over the Church of Ireland, and all the monstrous emanations from that portentous establishment.

These three classes of evils (for so the Ministry and the gentry of Ireland consider them) now existing, the Ministry are at their wits' end to put them down. And without any explanation respecting the malady, without any statement as to the cure proposed, they come to the Legis. lature, and demand of them at once confidence and increased powers. The answer to this demand was, that before any increased powers were given, the ills complained of should be explained; before harsh measures were resorted to, the real grievances of which the people complained should be abated. The history of Ireland contains many instances of powers being given, and being exercised; it contains more of grievances abated,―of the legitimate demands of the people being satisfied. In place of declaring war against a whole people, a people, too, whom all persons allow to be grievously abused,-why not, it was asked, try the more mild and soothing plan of abolishing the ills complained of? For example, try the effect of putting down the tithes, and the tithe campaign; substitute for an inefficient and insulting police, one which the people could confide in, and one which they would assist ; let the people elect their own magistrates, and they will have confidence in the administration of justice; destroy all distinctions between Catholic and non-Catholic; do away with the Irish Church,—a church maintained only for the clergy, and not for the people; establish a system of education, and a more equitable taxation; and then, if all these things fail, ask for additional powers, and demand of the people's representatives unbounded confidence in your intentions. But these things would not fail. Whitefeet would, by this system, be effectually suppressed, and good order firmly established, where anarchy has for centuries been predominant. This plan, however, does

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