
as a chimney sweep might have doné, were fruitless. My escape in this way, therefore, was impossible. To cut through the trunk a hole sufficient to let out my body with a smalı pocket knifé, the only one I had', would have been the work of weeks and even months, as from the examinations which I had made of both the exterior and interior, I knew that it could not be less than a foot thick. The knife was the only weapon which I possessed`, and a hug of my tremendous adversary would deprive me of the power to use even so contemptible an implement; and even if I succeeded in killing the bear'which was not to be expected'—my case was equally hopeless`, for I should only exchange a sudden death' for one, if possible, even more horrid`, a lingering oné of famine and thirst`;—for my tracks in the snow I knew were long since covered by the drift', and there was no possibility of my friends finding mé, by searching in a wilderness of many miles in circuit.

My situation was indeed hopeless, and desperate. As the shades of evening were now fast approaching, I thought of my cheerful home`; my wife, seated by the fire with our child in her arms, or preparing our evening meal', looking out anxiously from time to timé, expecting my return'. These and many more such thoughts rushed through my mind`, and which way soever they were turned', you may suppose that they were teeming with horror. At one time I had nearly determined to wreak my feeling upon the cubs by destroying them', but the wanton and useless cruelty of the act', as they could be of no service to me then', prevented me. Yes, I would be merciful. Oh! you know not how merciful one is', when he feels that he himself would willingly be an object of mercy from others. Two hours had probably elapsed, and to me, two of the longest that I ever experienced', when suddenly the little light which had illuminated me from abové was gone. I looked up', and could no longer see the sky. My ears', which at the time were peculiarly sensitivé, were assailed with a low, growling noise', such as a bear makes on discovering an enemy, and preparing for an attack. I thought that my fate was at hand, as this was the mother descending to her cubs', having', by her acute organs of smell', discovered that her den had been entered by some enemy. From the time I had ascertained my true situation', I had opened my knife and held it ready in hand for the encounter, come when it would. I now, thereforé, braced myself for a death grapple with my terrible antagonist', fevershly awaiting her descent.

Bears always descend in the same manner as they ascend trees; that is, the head is always upward; consequently, her

most assailablé, or, rather, least formidable part' was opposed to me. A thought quick as lightning rushed through my mind, that escape was possible', and that the bear might be the means. No time could be afforded, nor was necessary, for deliberation.

Just as she reached that part where the hollow widened, and where by a jump' I could reach her', I made a desperate spring and with both hands firmly caught hold of the fur which covered her extremities`, giving at the same time a scream^, which, in this close den, sounded a thousand times louder than any human voice in the open air'. The bear',-and she was a powerful oné,—taken by surprisé, and unable to get at mé,-frightened, too, at the hideous and appalling noise which I madé, scrambled for life up the hollow. But my weight, I found, was an impediment to her`; for when about half way up', I perceived that she began to lag', and notwithstanding I continued to scream', at length came to a dead stand', apparently not having strength enough to proceed. Knowing that my life depended on her going on', I instantly let go with the hand in which I had my knifé, driving it to the haft into her flesh', and redoubling the noise which I had already made. Her pain and fears gave her new strength, and by another effort she brought me once more to the light of day', at the top of the stub`; nor did she stop there, to receive my thanks for the benefit which she had conferred on mé, but hastily descended to the ground, and made her way with all speed to the swamp. I sat for some time on the stub', out of breath, and hardly crediting the reality of my escape. After giving thanks to that Providence which had so wonderfully preserved mé, I descended to the ground`, found my coat and gun where I had left them', and reached home after a fatiguing walk through the woods' about nine o'clock in the evening.



"SHUT the door', Agathá," said Mr. Torrington to a beautiful girl four years old; "the wind from the passage is intolerable." But Agatha stirred not.

"Did you not hear what I said^?" resumed her father, "shut' the door, for I am cold."

* Ag-atha, accent on the first syllable.

Still, however, the child continued to build houses', and her father spoke in vain.

"I will shut the door myself," said her fatally indulgent mother. "Agatha is not yet old enough' to understand the virtue of obediencé."

"But she is old enough to understand the inconveniences of disobediencé, my dear Emmá, if properly punished for disobeying."


Surely it would be cruel to punish a child when she is incapable of knowing that what she does is worthy of punishment'. When she is old enough to have reason', I will reason with her, and make her obedient and obliging on principlé."

"It is lucky for society, Emmá, that the keepers of lunatics. do not act on your plan', and allow them to follow all their propensities till they are reasonable enough to feel the propriety of restraint."

"There is a great difference between mād peoplé and children', Mr. Torrington'."

"Undoubtedly, but not in the power of self-guidancé and self-restriction. The man who has lost his reason', and the child who has not gained his`, are equally objects for reproof' and restraint`, and must be taught good and proper habits by judicious and firm control, and', occasionally', by the operation of fear." "Could you ever have the heart to beat Agathá, Mr. Torrington'?"

"If Agatha's good required it. If it were necessary that she should take mêdicine in order to cure the bôdy', even you^, Emmá, would not hesitaté, I concludé, to force the medicine down her throat."

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Certainly not`."

"And is not the health of her mind of even greater importancé? and should we hesitate to inflict salutary punishment in order to preserve that uninjured?"

At this moment Agathá, unconscious', poor child', how important to her future welfare was this conversation between her parents', interrupted it by seizing a pair of sharp-pointed scissors', and carrying off the forbidden plaything to the furthest part of the room.

"Agatha, bring back the scissors this mōmēnt`," cried Mr. Torrington' but Agatha kept them still.

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Give them to me this instant'," he repeated', arising from his chair', and approaching to take them by forcè, when Agathá, unaccustomed to obey^, as she was', when not in her father's presencé, and always used to command', instantly threw the scissors on the ground with violence.

“Take them up and give them tỏ mē.”

But Agatha only turned her back', and putting her hand under her chin, threw out her raised elbow at her father' with the gesture of sulky defiance.

Mr. Torrington now found that he was seriously called upon. to practice as well as preach^.


Agatha," said he firmly but mildly', "obey mè and give me the scissors', or you shall go to bed this moment, and without your supper." But as the child continued obstinate and disobedient', in spite of her cries, blows', and kicks', Mr. Torrington took her up in his arms', and carried her into the nursery. "Put Miss Torrington to bed' directly`,” said hé, "and on pain of instant dismissal I forbid you to give her any thing to eat` or drink`."

He then returned to her mother', in the midst of the screams of the spoiled and irritated Agatha. He found Mrs. Torrington in tears.

"Why are you distressed thus', dearest Emmá ?" cried he affectionately.

"I cannot bear to hear Agatha cry, Mr. Torrington."
"It does not give me pleasure'," coolly replied he.
"Ah' Mr. Torrington`, būt yoū āre nōt ā mōther.”

“I know it', my lové. I have had', it is true^, many comical nervous fancies^, but I never fancied myself a môther' yēt." This is a bad jokè, Mr. Torrington."

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“I grant it.”

“ And I`, Mr. Torrington`, am in no hûmor for joking; this is too sērīoūs a subject."

“Emmá, I joked^, to show you that I', at least', did not think this temporary affliction of our violent child a cause for sorrow."

"Nô? Hark`, how she screams! Indeed', Mr. Torrington', · I must go to her'."

'Indeed`, Emmá, you mūst nōt.”

"Her agonies distract me; I cannot bear it', I tell' you.” "You must' bear it', Mrs. Torrington', or forfeit much of my respect."

"O`, a mother's feelings

are natural', and therefore honorablè feelings: but I expect a rātiōnāl being to be superior to a mere brüte mother." "A brūte mother, Mr. Torrington'!"

* Emphasis is often made by inversions. See the article on emphasis

"Yes'; a brūte mōthēr. The cat that lies yonder', unable to hear the cries of its kitten', would, from mere natural instinct', (the feelings of a mother', Emmá, which I have not, you know',) fly at the animal', or human creature', that occasioned those cries; and the cat', wholly guided by instinct', could not do otherwise', though an operation were performing on its offspring that was requisite to save its life. But from you, Emmá, who have reason to aid and regulate the impulses of mere instinct', from you, I expect better things than a selfish indulgence of your own tenderness' at the expense of your child's future welfare; nay, even of its present safety. For had she been allowed to retain the scissors', she might have destroyed an eye^, or laid open an artery` with them. If you must weep because she weeps', let it be for the alarming obstinacy and violencè which is now exhibiting; a violence which may, perhaps', be big with her future misery and ruin." The cries of Agatha soon began to grow fainter and fainter', and at length ceased` altogether; for she had cried herself to sleep. But now a new alarm took possession of Mrs. Torrington.

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"Bless mè," she exclaimed', "perhaps she has screamed herself into convulsions! I must go up and see her', indeed', Mr. Torrington'."

"Nò, Emmá, I will spare you the trouble', and go myself." Accordingly he did so', and found Agatha in a calm and quiet slumber, though on her full and crimson cheek' still glit tered the tears of turbulent resentment.

Mrs. Torrington', whom love and reverence for her husband made submissive to his will, did not venture to follow him into Agatha's bed room'; but she stood in the hall, anxiously waiting his return.

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'Away' with these foolish fears," said Mr. Torrington', "the child is in a most comfortable sleep';-ōr', if you must fear', let it be, as I said before', for the health of her mind, not of her body; and avoid`, in future, the conduct that may endanger it."



On our returning from our expedition in quest of the young Count', I learned that a burrow', or villagè, as it is termed', of

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