Original Letters of Locke; Algernon Sidney; and Anthony, Lord Shaftesbury, Author of The"Characteristics".: With an Analytical Sketch of the Writings and Opinions of Locke and Other Metaphysicians

Thomas Forster
J.B. Nichols and son, 1830 - 279 ページ





lxxxviii ページ - Anchises atque ordine singula pandit. 'principio caelum ac terras camposque liquentes lucentemque globum Lunae Titaniaque astra Spiritus intus alit, totamque infusa per artus mens agitat molem, et magno se corpore miscet.
cxviii ページ - A Battle-Door for Teachers and Professors to learn Singular and Plural; You to many, and Thou to One: Singular One, Thou; Plural Many, You.
86 ページ - House sit long enough to perfect that businesse, they will finde wayes of exempting them from the penaltyes of the Lawes made against thoes that in no degree resemble them ; never the lesse I...
20 ページ - I thought it fit you should know before the ship you sent it by went away. But now I have begun I fear it will scarce pass for a letter, if I, who have not altogeather as much pretence to busynesse as you, should not make it a litle bigger. Though I can tell you I am as busy as a hen with one chick...
164 ページ - The ublest man of his party was Seymour, who was the first Speaker of the house of commons, that was not bred to the law.
246 ページ - These charges were, afterwards, investigated in the House of Lords, when not only were they declared to be utterly unfounded, but the House voted that, — " During the time he had the command of the army in Spain, he performed many great and eminent services, for which he had the thanks of their House.
79 ページ - I have noe other businesse here then to cleare somme small contests that are growne between one of my brothers and me concerning that which he hath left me, and, if it please God to give successe unto my endeavours in composing them, I shall have nothing relating unto this world soe much...
43 ページ - ... remaining children (who now more need your care, help and comfort) the sooner you get rid of it, the better it will be both for them and you. If you are convinced this is fit to be done I need not make use to you of the common though yet reasonable topics of consolation. I know you expect not to have the common and unalterable law of mortality which reaches the greatest, be dispensed with for your sake. Our friends and relations are but borrowed advantages lent us during pleasure, and must be...
184 ページ - Spain, in 1705. and the interest of each in particular, it is better that this favour should be for Mr. Arent ; since being your own son, a kind of foster-child too to Mr. Locke, my lord's great friend, he can enjoy the fruits of your recommendation and carry the force of your own and friend's interest with my lord much better than a stranger can do, or one whom I am, as perhaps may seem, but remotely concerned for.
