
humble Gratitude, than I at this time am difpofed, and most earnestly wish, to exprefs.

I know, O Lord, how far I am from being worthy to receive at thy Hand fuch plentiful Effufions of Grace, fuch diftinguishing Marks of thy Kindness, as enabled Them to be fo pious and exemplary in all their Addreffes to thee. But yet my Heart, and all its Affections, fuch as they are, I dedicate to thy Service. The utmost a devout Mind can conceive or defire, I offer in thy Prefence, with all poffible Refpect, with Sincerity as unfeigned, as if my Zeal were much more bright and fierce. I do it without the leaft Referve; All I have and am, is entirely thine; most freely confecrated to thy Ufe, my God and Lord, my Almighty Creator, and moft merciful Redeemer, Take then a full Poffeffion of One, upon fo many Accounts thy own. Enter, and dwell, and reign in me, abfolute, and for ever. Behold, I open my Arms wide, to embrace my Lord and Spoufe. I defire at this time to receive thee into my Heart, with the fame Reverence and Humility, the fame respectful Gratitude and Love, the fame Faith and Hope, and chafte Defire, with which thy Holy Mother received thee into her Virgin Womb; when fhe returned that pious Answer to the Angel, who brought the glad Tidings of thy myfterious Incarnation, Bebold the Handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy Word.

Luke i.

Luke i.

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And, as thy Servant John Baptift, that greatest among them that are born of Women, thy Meffenger fent to prepare thy Way before thee, felt the powerful Influence of the Divine Prefence, and confefs'd it, by leaping in his Mother's Womb for Joy; As He, afcribing nothing to himself, did afterwards declare himself the BrideFohn iii. groom's Friend, whofe Foy was full in bearing the Bridegroom's Voice; fo do I defire to offer my



without any Exception, or Regard to private Intereft, and to rejoice and live in thee alone. May all the Zeal and Raptures, the Extafies and heavenly Visions of the Saints; May all their Virtues and their Praises May every Creature in Heaven and Earth; May all that I have ever prayed for, and all that pray for me, contribute to thy Glory; and may thy Name be, only and ever, magnified by all and each of them.

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Accept, O Lord, my hearty Wishes and Defires of Praife and Thanksgiving, as infinite as thy Majefty; for they are thine of right, and mayeft thou be worthily bleffed by them. This is, and shall be, my daily hourly Prayer. Nor will I content my felf with Wishing and Endeavouring this, fingly and in my own Perfon, but do moft ferioufly invite and con jure all the Bleffed Spirits above, all thy faithful People upon Earth, to join in this most just Tribute of Honour; and, in full Confort and perfect Harmony, to publish thy Praife and Glory, in all Times and Places.

Come in, ye Nations and Countries, all Kindreds, and Languages of the World, and bear your Parts in finging forth the fweet, the faving, the holy Name of Jefus. Raife your Devotions, as high as Human Nature can go, for you can never go far enough, And You devout Difciples of this Bleffed Mafter, as oft as you receive this Holy Sacrament, fee that you reverently adore this Myftery of Love. And then be fure with a moft fervent Faith, and univerfal Charity, to befeech this gracious Saviour, that the Effect of his Death may be as general as the Design of it; that he who Died for All, may be Glorified in the Salvation of All. And may thofe Supplications be fuccefsful in obtaining Mercy, for yourfelves, for every Sinner, and for Me, the Chief of Sinners in particular.

And, when you return from this precious heavenly Feaft, full of Grace and Joy, remember then to look


back with tender Compaffion upon your weaker Brethren; and wifh, that every contrite and afflicted Soul may be admitted to the like Comforts, may feel the fame wonderful Efficacy from this myfterious Table; and let not Me, the least and most unworthy of your Brethren, who want them most of any, be denied a part in your Charitable Interceffions.


Against the Nice Difputes concerning this Sacrament.

Chrift.]F thou would'st preserve thy Faith incor

Irupt, and thy Devotion from Diftraction,

content thy felf with reverencing and admiring these holy Mysteries; and do not indulge a bufy Curiofity, in bold and unprofitable Enquiries concerning them. For this is the Way to damp a godly Zeal, and to perplex thy Mind with intricate and endless Doubts. Remember, it is the Glory of God to conProv.xxv.2. ceal a thing, and his Supereminent Wifdom and Power procures it felf juft Veneration, by doing more than Man is able to comprehend. I do not mean by this to exact a blind Obedience, but expect, and commend, the Ufe of Reafon in the Search of Divine Truth. Provided always, that it be tempered with Sobriety and Modefty, with Teachableness, and a due Respect to what I my felf have revealed in my Word, and what my Church hath faithfully delivered, in her Doctrines and Expofitions upon it.

Happy is that Meeknefs and Poverty of Spirit, which induftriously declines the rugged thorny Paths of Controverfy and captious Difputes; and walks in the plain smooth Way of Duty, and Practical Religion; which studies God's Commands, and labours to


understand things of a fize with its Capacity, without troubling it felf about his Doings and Decrees. Too many Inftances there are of daring Men, who, by prefuming to found the deep Things of Religion, have cavilled and argued themselves out of all Religion. These Men mistake their Bufinefs. For the Thing required of a Chriftian, is not Penetration, and Subtilty of Wit, nice Distinction, or fublime Notions; but vigorous Faith, and an honeft holy Life'; Sobriety, and Temperance, and Chastity, Juftice and Charity, Piety and Devotion. How oft is Reafon puzzled, even in Matters relating to Creatures inferi or to thy felf? And will not this Reflection controul, and cure, an Expectation fo extravagant and abfurd, as that of being able to give a clear Account of Things above thee; nay, of perfectly understanding thy Great, thy Infinite Creator himfelf? Submit thy Reafon to Revelation, and let Humility, and Deference to God, recommend thy Faith; and then, though thou canst not attain all Knowledge, yet thou shalt be fure not to want any, that is neceffary or profitable for thee.

Many Men are much diffatisfied in their Minds, with Doubts concerning the Nature of true Faith, and Difficulties which arife concerning my Prefence in the Sacrament. Thefe Doubts are not always finful, nor always from themfelves; but frequently owing to the Temptations of the Devil, and induftrioufly fcattered by Him, with wicked Artifice, and malicious Design. Be not therefore too anxious upon thefe Occafions. Trouble not thy felf to argue nicely, nor employ thy Thoughts upon the Matter; nor hold thy felf concerned to be able to answer every Cavil, which he puts into thy Head: But keep clofe to Scripture, and do thy Duty; and the Enemy will foon retreat, when he finds thee neglect his Attempts. Think not these inward Distractions a Sign that thou art forfaken of


God. They are rather the contrary, and a Mark of Grace. God fuffers them to exercise thy Patience, to try thy Conftancy, to promote thy Spiritual Advantage. Wer't thou a Reprobate, thou would'ft not thus be affaulted; for fuch the Devil is fure of already, and Temptations are thrown away upon Them. They are the Faithful, the Sincere, the Devout Chriftians, whom he teizes and torments; for, in fo doing, he hopes to enlarge his Dominion, and to feduce thofe who were not his before.

Proceed then in thy Chriftian Courfe with Refolution and Patience, and ftill frequent the Sacrament with ftedfaft Faith, and humble Reverence. What ever there thou findeft to exceed thy Understanding, put it to God's Account; and leave him to make it good, tho' thou canst not conceive, how it fhould be done. He will not deceive thee; but they, who rely upon their own Understandings, are fure to deceive themselves. Remember, God hath faid, that he walks and dwells with the Humble, and fhews bis Ways to the Meek; that he reveals himself to Babes, that he opens the Eyes of the Honeft and Sincere; but hides his Grace and Knowledge from the Proud, and Wife in their own Sight. Reafon (Experience proves) may both deceive and be deceiv'd, for it is but human. But Faith has God for its Foundation, and cannot err; becaufe depending upon One who is Truth it felf, incapable of mistaking, or of impofing upon others.

"Tis therefore highly fit, and in Matters of Religion, abfolutely neceffary, that these two Principles fhould know their Order, and refpective Stations; and each contain it felf within its proper Sphere. Faith (which fuppofes a Revelation received and acknow→ ledg'd) challenges the highest Place; and Reafon ought to keep her distance, to serve and follow after, not to fet Bounds to, or affume, and encroach, and ufurp over, the Other. For Faith and Charity are the two

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