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Saturday, November 3,....1810.

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'Go,' said she, attempting

to stifle her tears: I sacrifice every hope for your reputation. I must not regret your absence, for I consider that it is the duty of every one to protect his country when its welfare is endangered.'

Albert would have replied, but the horn resounded through the valley, and he perceived his comrades already on their march. 'Ha!' cried he rushing from the cottage, I shall be the last. Dearest father! dearest Laura! farewell."

Some days after the departure of Albert, Basil received a


letter from him. It was dated in the canton of Uterwalden, and containing the most. disastrous intelligence; the concluding words were these:

All is ruin and destruction; on every side we meet the fir and sword of our barbarous and Some unprovoked enemies. mothers are lamenting their lost sons slain in battle; others hang with terror ovr thir bleeding infants, stabbed while clinging to their breast. Our dispirited forces forget their duty, and are deserting from. the banners; every regiment is returning to its particular canton, and the one in which I am enrolled is on its marchhomewards; so that in a very short time you may expect me with my comrades in the neighbourhood of our cottage, where I will conquer or perish in your defence.'

Tears trickled down the cheeks of Basil as he read this melancholy recital. He lifted up his eyes to Heaven, and offered a silent prayer for the welfare of his unhappy couns

try. The amiable Laura hung over his shoulder with looks of doubt and apprehension whilst I read the letter: and, when he had concluded, she burst into a flood of tears. 'Weep not! weep not cried Basil,

The tree, overgrown with age, is encumbered by the weight of its branches, and sees its trunk almost borne to the earth; so France may extend her conquests for a time, but she will at length become the victim of those whom she now insolently tramples upon. Dry your tears, my girl, and believe me, though the virtuous may sometimes smart under the iron rod of affliction

a day of retribution is always prepared for the wicked.'

After a little persuasion, he restored the sweet orphan's Courage, and she endeavoured to bear the sorrowful news with some degree of fortitude.Three days elapsed, and no fresh intelligence arrived from Albert.

On the fourth morning the inhabitants of the valley were awakened before day light by the sound of clairons: it was a division of troops belonging to the canton, which had left the main army, and just reached their camp, about a quarter of a mile distant. Basil rose to learn the cause

of the disturbance, and was met at the door by his son.The old man shook with transport, and clasped Albert in bis arms, calling him by the tenderest names; when his feelings had subsided, he said, 'What have you to tell me?'

But little, father, replied Albert, We are vanquished: nothing remains for us now but to live in slavery, or suffer death."

The latter is preferable,' cried Basil; but we will first convince our foes that we are not to be conquered without resistance. Come, enter the cottage, and see your dear Laura; let her smiles for a moment dissipate the anxiety Alas! which fills your breast. we shall not long be able to call this delightful residence

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tion was not able to bear the inclemency of the open air.Albert and his father set to work for her convenience, and formed a kind of shed with the

hour's march of the valley.The inhabitants were abandoning their cottages for refuge in the wood, and Basil could recommend nothing else for the safety of his children.-branches of trees, which she Albert proposed to fly into It-reposed under when weary.aly, or some other foreign It was a poor shelter, but in country; but the French her eyes preferable to ravishtroops had unfortunately taken ment and slavery under an unpossession of all the passes, relenting foe. and their endeavours to escape would have been fruitless. In consequence, they followed the example of their neighbours, and took shelter in an adjacent forest.

Early on the following morning they heard the clash of cyınbals die along the air, and, accompanied by some more fugatives, ventured out of the ticket where they had concealed themselves, to the skirts of the wood. They perceived volumes of smoke issuing from their little habitations, which the victorious banditti were destroying by fire. Shuddering with fear, they again returned to their hiding place, and, being overcome with fatigue and hunger, and the tedious anxiety experienced during the night, made a scanty meal on the wild fruits which the forest afforded.

Laura's delicate constitu

Several days elapsed without any thing particular, till, one morning Basil having penetrated a little distance into the wood for the purpose of gathering fruit, Albert seated himself pensively at the entrance of the shed, and was watching the lovely Laura while she enjoyed the sweets of sleep. Suddenly he heard a rustling among the bushes, and a low murmuring that seemed to proceed from behind the thatch; he laid his hand on his sword, but, ere he could draw it, a band of French soldiers advanced and disarmed him. His struggles awoke Laura; she ran towards the officer who commanded the detachment, and on her knees implored his mercy; he was for a moment moved at her tears, but quickly conceived the diabolical design of secu ring her to himself, and ordered the soldiers to conduct

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