
prehend Truth, impertinent, p. 147. Difcrete
Quantity not Infinite, ibid. His calling the Immor
tality of the Soul Heathenifh and Popilh examin'd,
p. 15c. He makes Inferences, from no Premiffes,
p. 152.

CHAP. II. Obfervations on his Third Chap-

ter, wherein he pretends to prove that the Noti-

on of Human Soul, as held by the greatest Philo-

fophers, and their Opinions of its Original are

unfatisfactory; together with an Answer to all that

is here Objected to our Doctrine, p. 154. He be-

trays his Caufe by enumerating the most ridiculous

Opinions on his own fide, ibid. His proof that the

Soul is a Power not Subftance, from Juvenal exa-

min'd, p. 156. From Virgil, p. 158. His appeal

to the Heathens for proof of a Doctrine, which he

rejects as Heathenish, p. 161. Ariftotle's Defini-:

tion of the Soul vindicated, p. 162. Proves that

Matter cannot Think, p. 164. The Soul being

tota in toto, & tata in qualibet Parte explain'd,

p. 166. No way ferviceable to his purpose, p. 167.

How the Nullibifts may answer his Objections, p.

168. The Senfe of Infundendo creatur & creando

infunditur, p. 170. Immediate Creation not con-

futed by him, ibid. The feat of the Soul as well

known, as the feat of Life, p. 171. Præexiftence

of Souls be oppofes by recurring to the Scripture

impertinently, to the Fathers inconfiftently, and to

the Church-Hiflorians ridiculoufly. Præexistence

does not limit the Power of the Creator, p. 173.

The Aftral Spirit, or fenfitive Soul, with the Pro-

perties affign'd to it, unconcern'd in this Difpute,

p. 175.

C'HA P. III. Wherein is fhewon the infufficiency

of all that he advances in his fourth Chapter, is

prove his own the true Notion of the Soul, p. 177.

[ocr errors]

His concurrence with Hobs, ibid. Denies what he

had juft afferted, to evade an Objection, p. 178.

makes our Saviour affert that a Body is more intel-

ligible than a Spirit, when he bid his Difciples be-

hold his Hands and Feet, p. 179. The Character of

a Man that has laid afide Prejudice, taken from

Eftibius, p. 180. The Immortality of the Soul, as

a folution amongst the Heathens of Providential

Appearances, no Prejudice to it, p. 181. Nor the

Primitive Chriftians having it from the Heathens,

p. 182. His Definition of the Soul to be Afflatus or

Breath, wants the requifite Perfpicuity, p. 184.

The Word figuratively us'd in Scripture, p. 185.

his Notion of it inconfiftent with his own Account

from Scripture, ibid. His fecond Definition of Life

no better, p. 187. Man does not propagate Life, p.

188. Abortions equally accountable on ours, as his

Hypothefis, p. 189. The Soul being fo eafily driven

out of the Body as we find it is, a trivial Objection,

p. 190. and fuch is his Quarrel with De La-Forge

for ufing Mens to fignify the Soul. p. 192. His

grand Definitions come to this at last, Life is a

Power to live, p. 193.

CHAP. IV. Containing a full Answer to all

that he has objected in his Fifth Chapter, to the re-

ceiv'd Doctrine of H. Soul from Philosophy, p. 196.

His excurfion from the Subject, p. 197. From that

leaps into another, p. 198. His Objection that the

Understanding, an Effential of the Soul, is perish-

able, therefore fo is the Soul, propos'd, ibid,

Anfwer'd, ft. the Understanding not effential to

the Soul, either in a proper Senfe, p. 199. Or in-

his improper Senfe, p. 201. 2dly, The Under-

ftanding does not perish while the Perfon is alive,

p. 202. The Obftruction of the Understanding no

Proof that it perishes, p. 203. The Soul not an


Operation, p. 205. His Argument for the Gene-

ration of Human Soul propos'd, p. 207. Genera-

tion only Nominally to be defined, p. 208. Life

not producible by the Commixture of any Semen,

p. 209. Nor particularly the Human, p. 212. All

the Philofophy of this Objection lies in mifapplying

a vulgar Saying, p. 214. And quibling upon a Word,

p. 215. His fupport of this Objection as real, p.

216. Perverts the Senfe of Ariftotle about Gene-

ration, by a falfe Tranflation, p. 217. Sennertus
bis Opinion of no weight, p. 218. His mistake that
we make the Dead generate, p. 220. His idle way
of confuting Præexiftence and immediate Creation,
p. 221. Both of thefe have fufficient reference to
fecond Caufes, in the Generation of Man, ibid.

CHAP. V. Containing a full Answer to all

that he has advanc'd to prove his Point from right

Reafon, p. 222. His Axioms from Grotius ad-

mitted, p. 223. His Proof from them examin'd,

p. 224. His palpable and unavoidable Self-contra-

didion, p. 225. The gift of Eternal Life not

leffen'd by Man's having naturally an immortal

Soul, p. 228. The belief of which does not lead to

Superftition. p. 229. His Argument from the Pa-

rity of Brutes, p. 230. Is not confirm'd by Scrip

ture, and excludes the Refurrection, p. 231. The

Objection as it fhou'd have been urg'd, anfwer'd,

p. 232. He makes his Adverfary Jay, that it is

not the fame Soul, thinking in Dreams, and awake,

p. 235. His comparison of the Union of Soul and

Body in Man, with that of God and Man in Chrift,

p. 236. Neither true, nor to the Purpose, p. 237.

But confutes, at once all his own Demonftrations.

Promifcuous Copulations no Objection, p. 239.

CHAP. VI. The Immortality and Separate

Existence of the Soul, confiftent with other Chrifti-


an Doctrines, not repugnant to any Expreffions of

Scripture, but plainly countenanc'd, and neceffa

rily fuppos'd in feveral important Texts, and as

clearly deliver'd as was requifite or reasonable to

expect; in Answer to all that is objected in his

Seventh Chapter, from the tenour of the Holy

Scriptures, p. 240. The tendency of his Interpre-

tations of Scripture, p. 242. His ufual and gra-

matical fignifications of the Word Sou! and Spirit,

miftaken Criticism, and inconclufive Argument,

p. 243. Our mortal Body quickned by a re-union

with the Soul, p. 247. The Scripture clear and

full for the Salvation of Souls, p. 248. Our Sa-

viour and bis Apofties, Speaking to the Perfon, not

the Soul of thofe they rais'd from the Dead, no ob-

jection, p. 250. Nor any Perfon's being tranflated,

or immediately after Death receiv'd into Heaven,

P. 252. Noftrefs to be laid on the Grammatical

fignification of Words, as to the Senfe of them, p.

255. properly fignifies Soul, and nothing elfe,

p. 256. The Etymon not the ufual Senfe of the

Words, to denote Soul in Greek, p. 260. Nor Latin,

p. 261. His firft Argument from Scripture, that

Life is properly the Soul, anfwer'd, p. 264. The

word wepa of eminent fignification to denote a

Spiritual Subftance in Scripture, p. 265. Apply'd

there properly to the Soul of Man, p. 267. The

Dead having no Knowledge, anfwer'd, p. 274.

And difprov'd, p. 275. His fecond Argument

from the Fall of whole Man, to prove him wholly

Mortal, anfwer'd, p. 278. His third Argument from

the Nature of the Refurrection anfwer'd, p. 282.

His laft Argment from the Nature of the Redempti-

on, grounded on the fame Miftake with the former,

p.285. The feveral Texts he has quoted from Scrip-

ture confider'd, ibid. 1ft, Many of them foreign to the

Purpose, p. 286. 2dly, Others tho' relating to the


Subject, leave the Question undecided, p. 300. 3dly,

Several very remarkable Texts interpreted with

more clearness and confiftency, on ours, than they

can be on the contrary Suppofition, p. 303. 4thly,

Several important Expreffions of Scripture, which

cannot be understood with any confiftency, but up-

on fuppofition of the immaterial Nature, and fe-

parate Exiftence of the Soul, p. 114. Reafons

why the diftinction between Soul and Body is not fo

fully deliver'd in Scripture, as the Refurrection of

the Body, p. 327. 1ft, That this diftinction is im-

ply'd and contain'd in the Promife of a Refurrection,

ibid. adly, The delivering this Doctrine only con-

fequentially, agreeable to the Method and Defign

of Scripture, p. 328. 3dly, A good Reafon given

why this Doctrine, in particular, fhou'd be rather

taken for granted, than exprefly taught, p. 339.

4thly, Efpecially when confider'd as a Principle

of Natural Religion, p. 333. Why we have not

Jo particular an Account in Scripture of the in-

termediate, as of the final State, p. 336. 1ft, The

final State the more effectual and proper Method,

to Mens Hopes and Fears, p. 337. 2dly, The In-

termediate State dependent on the final, and not

fridly Speaking the Chriftian Reward, p.338. 3dly,

Yet fufficiently reveal'd in Scripture, p. 339.

CHAP. VII. The Author of Second Thoughts,

bis pretended Anfwer to Objections, from Philofo-

phy, Reafon and Scripture examin'd, and the

true Nature of Human Soul farther vindicated,

P. 349. His fhifting Answer to the Argument

from the Immateriality of the Soul, p. 341. Se-

veral Objections he has rais'd, no Objections, p. 342.

And to an Objection he gives no Answer, p. 343.

His precarious Vindication of fome of the Fathers,

who held the Soul to be Fire or Light, p. 344.


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