
Frigates, on his majefty's birth day,
and arrived within a league of Ro-
feau about noon on the 6th; when
we judged it beft to fend a fum-
mons to the inhabitants; to which,
after their recovering fomewhat of
their confternation, and having fent
off two deputies, probably to amufe
us, they returned a negative anfwer,
manned their entrenchments and
batteries at and above Rofeau, and
prepared to stand on their defence:
I thereupon gave immediate orders
for the troops to land; which was
effected very speedily, and in the
beft order, much owing to the dif-
pofition of the boats, and pofition
of the king's fhips, very judicioufly
directed by the commodore; and,
agreeably to orders given, there was
not one fingle cannon or mufquet
difcharged, till the enemy began
to fire just before our landing. The
troops formed quickly on the beach,
and while part foon after poffeffed
the town, the corps of grenadiers,
confifting of the companies of the
4th and 22d regiments, command-
ed by colonel Melvill, feized a
flanking battery, and part of an
adjoining entrenchment, which had
been abandoned. The enemy an-
noyed us with fome popping muf-
quetry from behind trees and bushes,
and fired from time to time from
their battery, overlooking their en-
trenchments, the town and fhore.
It was now pretty late, and it ap-
peared to me, that the troops might
be extremely harraffed, and fuffer
even great loss, during the night,
by the cannon and mufquetry of
the enemy, from the entrenchments
overlooking the town; as alfo, that
the enemy might be much rein-
forced before morning; and having
an exceffive strong country in their
favour, with four entrenchments be-

hind, and above each other, migh make a great defence. I judged it beft therefore to order them to be immediately attacked by the grenadiers, fupported by the battalion troops, which was accordingly done, with fo much order, rapidity and refolution, that the enemy, with very little lofs, were driven fucceffively, in great confufion, from all their entrenchments, from their batteries, and from the head quarter above it, where colonel Melvill immediately took poft with the grenadiers. We took there M. de Longprie, the French commandant; their fecond officer, M. de la Coucne, and fome others, with a quantity of powder.

I lay myfelf at their advanced poft during the night, having eftáblished a communication, by proper guards, with the reft of the troops who poffeffed the town. Next day I established my head quarters in Rofeau, and have been fince much employed in receiving the oaths of fubmiflion and furrender of arms from the nearest inhabitants, as well as in dispatching orders for that effect to the diftant quarters; the landing of military ftores and provifions, the quartering of troops, and the preparation to occupy and entrench a defenfible poft, have been the chief objects of my attention hitherto.

I fhall foon have the honour of tranfmitting to you more particular accounts of this ifland; but muft inform you, in the mean time, that as it was carried by assault, I gave them no other terms than a protection, till his majesty's pleasure. fhould be known, obliging them first to deliver up all their arms, and to fwear allegiance to his ma


jefty. Five hundred of the inhabitants, among which are the captains and militia officers of the quarters, with most of the principal planters, have delivered up their arms, and fworn fubmiffion, for which I have granted them a protection, till his majefty's further pleafure fhall be known. The natives Caraibs, who inhabit a rugged quarter on the windward part of the island, feem to like their new mafters, and are to deliver up their arms in a body.

I cannot conclude without having the pleasure of affuring you, that the greatest harmony has fubfifted between his majetty's fquadron and the troops under my command; and that I have experienced the greateft zeal, and most chearful fup. port from the commodore, who also very much favoured the attack, by a brisk and well directed cannonade. As to the king's troops, I cannot enough applaud the coolnefs and intrepidity with which they acted on the occafion.

It is probable, that this will be delivered to you by capt. Douglas, of his majesty's fourth regiment, who, notwithstanding very bad health, came upon this fervice, and was prefent in the attack; but, being become much worfe, now returns, with my leave, to Guadaloupe,

I am, &c.

ROLLO. Admiralty-Office, July 21, 1761. Captain Innis, of his majefty's hip the Arundell, arried here laft night, with the following account tranfmitted by commodore Sir James Douglas, to Mr. Clevland, dated on board the : Dublin, in the road of Roseau, Dominique, the 13th of June, 1761.

"On the 4th of June I failed front Guadaloupe with the troops we had for Dominique, with the Dublin, Belliqueux, Sutherland, and Montague, and on the 6th in the forenoon arrived off Rofeau, when I fent a lieutenant on fhore, accompanied by a land officer, with a manifeito, figned by lord Rollo and myfelf, addrefied to the principal inhabitants, and all others refiding in the neutral islands of Dominique, which was read by the officer to the people in the town; and 1000 after two of the inhabitants of most note came off in the boat to me, who feemed, upon the whole of their converfation, not to be displeased at our coming to take poffeffion of the island; but in the afternoon, when they were put on fhore, we found the people were fpirited up by the governor, Monf. Longprie, to ftand upon their defence, and declared they had come to a determination to defend themselves: upon which I ordered the fhips to anchor as clofe in as poffible, and the neceffary difpofitions were accordingly made for landing the troops, which was effected about five in the evening, under the cover of the nipping; and notwithftanding the enemy had 4 entrenchments upon the face of a steep hill, with two nine pounders in the upper one, lord Rolio, at the head of his troops, and colonel Melvill, at the head of the grenadiers, with a furprising alertness and intrepidity, drove the enemy from their entrenchments and battery, with the lofs only of eight men killed and wounded, and made them felves mafters of Roseau, and the adjacent places of defence, in a time too short to be conceived from the difficulty of the undertaking. The


refiftance the enemy made, has put it in our power to bring them to fuch terms as we pleafe; and they are flocking from all parts of the illand, to take the oath of allegiance to his majesty king George. M. Longprie is a prifoner, with three of the principal people.

It is with pleasure I affure their lordships of the good understand ing fubfifting between the officers and men of the navy and army.

Major Wedderburn arrived 22d. at St. James's with an account of a very fignal advantage gained the 16th by his majesty's troops over the French in Germany; and his majefty was pleafed to order publick prayers of thanksgiving for thefe fo remarkable fucceffes.

A letter from an officer of diftinction in the allied army to a nobleman in town concerning the above battle, concludes thus: "Though very prolix in my detail, I cannot help adding the most tragical history of a family I ever heard from Rouge I had it: of the two lieu tenant-generals killed, the duke de Havre, his father-in-law, was one, his uncle was another; and two brothers lieutenant-colonels, killed by the fame fhot; himself and whole regiment prifoners: all paffing within his particular view". Copy of the orders Prince Ferdinand of Brunfwick delivered after the day of the battle of the 16th of July.

the Highland battalions, in refifting and repulfing the repeated attacks of the chofen troops of France, has defervedly gained them the highest honour.

The ardour and activity with which the grenadiers pushed the enemy, and the trophies they have taken, juftly entitle them to the higheft encomiums; and the intrepidity of the little band of Highlanders merits the greatest praise.

Lieutenant colonel Beckwith begs leave to add, that the humanity and generofity with which the foldiers treated the great flock of prifoners they took, in his opinion, does them as much honour as their subduing the enemy.

[The little band of Highlanders above-mentioned were commanded by Patrick Campbell, of Barcaldine, of colonel Campbell's regiment.]

Admiralty office, Rear ad28th. miral Holmes, having intelligence that feveral fhips of war of the enemy had failed from Port Louis the 5th of June; as also that the St. Anne French fhip of war had failed from Port au Prince on the fame day, he disposed several fhips of his fquadron in fuch a manner as he thought moft likely to meet with those of the enemy. In the morning of the 13th, the Hampshire fell in with the St. Anne to windward, and chafed her right down upon the Centaur to leeward. Upon difcovering the Centaur, the St. Annehauled up, and was kept between the two fhips till he was run quite in fhore, and becalmed about a league to the northward of Donna Maria Bay, when he began to fire her lern chace. Soon after The foldier-like perfeverance of one o'clock the Centaur got clofe

July 17, 1761. His ferene highnefs duke Ferdinand of Brunf wick has been graciously pleased to order lieutenant colonel Beckwith to fignify to the brigade he has the honour to command, his entire approbation of their conduct on the 15th and 16th.


along-fide the St. Anne, when fhe ftruck her enfign. She is a very fine fhip, conftructed for 64 guns, and had on board fix 24 pounders, 26 twelve pounders, and 8 eight pounders, with 389 perfons; was commanded by M. Aguillon, and was carrying home a cargo of indigo, coffee and fugar, to the value of nine million of French


The fea flowed at Plymouth about 18 inches in about two minutes, and immediately ebbed with the fame rapidity. This extraordinary flux and reflux continued the whole day. The fame was obferved at Penzance, and at Carrick, Dungarvan, and Waterford in Ireland, as appears by the following letters.

Penzance, July 30. Laft Tuesday we had an uncommon hot day, and very calm; and between the place and Marazion, diftant about three miles, the waters were agitated in an uncommon manner. Sometimes it would run in paft its ufual bounds, and return again with great swiftnefs, and continued in this manner most of the afternoon. Towards evening the horizon began to be cloudy, attended with thunder and lightning; and at half paft feven, there was the fiercest flash of lightning attended with the loudeft clap of thunder that I ever I heard. At Ludgvan, about three miles from hence, the lightning ftruck down one of the pinacles of the tower, forced in one of the doors of the porch, and into the church, and battered the pulpit and canopy, threw down one of the tables of the commandments at the altar, and did a great deal of other damage. It is imagined, that if the

tower had not been a very strong built one, it would have been laid in ruins.

Carrick, July 31. Laft Tuesday about four o'clock in the afternoon, the waters of the river Sure rofe four feet, in the space of five minutes, thirty miles from the fea, and to which the tide comes. It happened about two hours after the flood. At Dungarvan, the fea flowed and ebbed five times alternately, between four and nine o'clock the fame evening, and once rofe much higher than it was obferved to do in the greatest spring tides.

A perfon in Leeds rode his common hackney, from thence to Hull, and beck again, which is 130 miles, in 19 hours and 22 minutes; he was allowed 20 hours.

Upwards of 100 young fellows fent to Portsmouth in order to take fhipping there, as fervants to the British colonies, have been stopped and fecured, but the perfon who hired them is not to be found, notwithstanding the most diligent fearch has been made for him.

Two malefactors were ex

ecuted at Pennenden heath, 29th. near Maidstone, for forging fea mens wills.

About fix in the evening, there was a terrible ftorm of lightning, thunder, and rain, at a village called Sowerby, near Hallifax, in Yorkshire the whole town was by the thunder agitated in a dreadful manner, which threw the inhabitants into the utmost cenfternation, and many were thrown down; feveral fheep in an adjoining croft were fcorched to death by the lightning, part of the wool was burnt and torn off, no other marks of violence appearing on


them; the ground in many places was forced up as with a plow, in others many furprizing apertures were made in the earth, whieh feemed to be of an astonishing depth, The lightning penetrated into one house in particular, tore up the pavement, and many of the pieces hit the dwellers on the legs and thoulders, but, thro' the mercy of God, not one in the town received any capital damage.

A few days fince a gentlewoman, near Leicester-fields, was fuddenly taken ill; and fending for a nurfe, he was likewife taken ill after the fame manner the next day, when the went home and died foon after, not having proper care taken, but the gentlewoman recovered. Upon enquiry, this accident was found to be occafioned by using a copper fauce pan, from which the tinning was worn off.

The empress queen has fold to a gentleman of Strafbourg, the town and lordship of Riechfhoffen in the Lower Alface, being the laft patrimonial eftate fhe poffeffed in France.

Berlin, July 14. A young wo man, aged 23, of a brown complexion, and ftrong features, who hath ferved in our troops four years with honour, hath been difcovered in prince Henry's camp. Her name is Anne Sophia Detzleffin, born at Treptow on the Rega. In 1757 fhe left her father's houfe, and came to Colberg, where the enlisted in the militia, and ferved fix months. She afterwards enlifted in prince Frederick's regiment of cuiraffiers, in which the ferved two years. In a fkirmish near Bamberg, fhe was wounded in her right arm with a fabre. She afterwards fought in

the battle of Kunnerfdorff. Since that time, the corps the belonged to returning to Saxony, the fell dangerously ill there, and was fent to the hospital at Meiffen. After her recovery, having no opportunity to rejoin her regiment, fhe enlifted in a battalion of grenadiers which fuffered much in the actions at Strehlen and Torgau. In the last of those battles, she received two wounds in the head; was made prifoner, and sent to the hospital at Drefden. When the recovered a little, the found means to escape out of the hofpital, and paffed, without being discovered, thro' the Auftrian pofts, but inftead of going to join her corps, fhe enlisted with colonel Colignon, who sent her to the regiment of Le Noble's volunteers, in which the ferved two months. One of her comrades accufing her (but without foundation) of ftealing from him 144. fterling, a fubaltern put her under arreft this fhe could not digeft, and fending for her lieutenant, acquainted him with her fex, and told him, that, during four years fervice, he had never been put under an arreft, nor received a blow for neglect of duty, that he could not put up with this laft indignity and would serve no longer.

The war that has fo long fubfifted between the Geneofe government and the malecontents of Corfica, is approaching faft towards a conclufion. The Genoefe, no longer in a capacity to maintain the war, have published a manifefto, by which they offer a general pardon to the revolters, upon terms of fubmiffion; but this has been fo far from producing the defired effect, that it has infpired the


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