
vited by the mafter and benchers of the Temple, to come on fhore, and were refreshed in the Templehall.

I made my way as well as I could through the crowd to the queen's arms tavern, the corner of St. Paul's 'church yard, kept by honest Bates, fo remarkable for his good wines and good treatment in every other refpect. Here a party of us had fecured a room, which commanded a complete view both of the royal and city proceffions. Mrs. Heming was at Meffieurs Carr and Ibbetfon's upon Ludgate-hill, who, as well as their neighbours, Palmers and Fleetwood, had not only filled every window in their houfes, but built a large fcaffolding before their doors for the accommodation of their friends. Every houfe indeed, from Temple-bar to Guildhall, * was crowded from top to bottom, and many had fcaffoldings befides. Carpets and, rich hangings * were hung out on the fronts all the "way along. And for the honour of the city I muft observe, that contrary to what was practifed at the coronation, instead of letting out places to hire, and making money of provifions at advanced prices, the inhabitants (fome few excepted) generously accommodated their friends and cuftomers gratis, and entertained them in a moft elegant manner fo that, though the citizens fhops were fhut, they might be faid to have kept open house. The fame was alfo done in all the ftreets from St. James's through which the royal cavalcade was to pafs.

This fet out from the palace about twelve o'clock; but (would you believe it?) by the mifmanagement of thofe, who fhould have taken care to clear the way of

hackney coaches and other obftruc tions, fuch long and frequent ftops were made, that it was near four hours before the royal family got to friend Barclay's houfe oppofite to Bow-church, from whence they were to fee the city proceffion, in å balcony hung with crimson filk damask; by which delay my lord mayor was enabled to return the compliment to his majesty, who was just as much in the dark at the coming back of the proceffion at the coronation. As the royal family paffed by our window, I counted between twenty and thirty coaches belonging to them and their attendants, befides thofe of the foreign ambaffadors, officers of ftate, and the principal nobility.

The royal family proceeded in the following order.

His royal highnefs the duke of Cumberland, in his coach drawn by fix horfes, preceded and followed by guards.

Her royal highness the princess Amelia, in the fame manner.

His royal highnefs the duke of York, in a new ftate coach, in the fame manner. His royal highness's coach was the most elegant of all, and inftead of coronets at the corners, had a moft fuperb gilt ducal coronet in the center of the top.

Their royal highneffès prince William, printe Henry, and prince Frederic, in one coach, in the fame manner.

Their royal highneifes the princess dowager of Wales, the prince's Augufta, and the princess Caroline in one coach, preceded by twelve footmen in black caps, and with guards, and a grand retinue.

Their majelties in their ftate coach, preceded by the earl of Harcourt in his chariot, and the dukes


of Rutland and Devonshire in another chariot, the grenadier guards and the yeomen of the guards, and followed by a corps of the horfe guards.

A booth had been erected at the eaft-end of St. Paul's church-yard, for the children of Chrift-church hofpital, being a royal foundation, to pay their refpects to their majefties. As foon therefore as their majefties coach came oppoûte this booth, it made a ftop, and the fenior fcholar of the grammar fchool in the hofpital, ftepping up to the fide of it, moft humbly addreffed the king in the following manner : "Moft auguft and gracious fovereign,

From the condefcenfion and good. nefs, which your majefty dilplays towards even the meanest of your fubjects, we are emboldened to hope you will accept the tribute of obedience and duty which we poor orphans are permitted to prefent you.

Educated and fupported by the munificence of a charity, founded, enlarged, and protected by your royal predeceffors, with the warmeft gratitude, we acknowledge our inexpreflible obligations to its bounty, and the diftinguished happinefs we have hitherto enjoyed under the confiant patronage of for mer princes. May this ever be our boaft, and our glory! Nor can we think we fhall prefer our prayer in vain, whilft with earnest, but humble fupplications, we implore the patro. nage and protection of your majefty.

To our ardent petition for your princely favours, may we prefume, dread fovereign, to add our most respectable congratulations on, your aufpicious marriage with your royal confort. Strangers to the difquietude which often dwells within

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As foon as he had finished, the boys in a grand chorus chanted, God fave the king, Amen. After which, the fenior fcholar delivered two copies of the fpeech to the king and queen, who received them most graciously.

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But what was most remarkable, were the prodigious acclamations and tokens of affection fhewn by the populace to Mr. Pitt, who came in his chariot, accompanied by earl Temple. At every top the mob clung about every part of the vehicle, hung upon the wheels, hugged his footmen, and even kiffed his horfes. There was an universal huzza; and the gen tlemen at the windows, and in the balconies, waved their hats, and the ladies their handkerchiefs. The fame, I am informed, was done all the way he paffed along.

I need not trouble you with an account of the city - proceffion, (which was now left at liberty to fhew itself) as it differed very little from that which you and I faw together, and has been feen for many years the fame.

The lord mayor's ftate-coach was drawn by fix beautiful irongrey horfes, richly caparifon', and adorned with ribbons, and all


the companies made a very grand appearance. But the armourers and braziers, the skinners, and the fishmongers companies, were the only companies that had fomething like the pageants exhibited of old on the occafion: The firft were marked by an archer riding erect in his car, having his bow in his left hand, and his quiver and arrows hanging behind his left fhoulder, and a man in compleat armour. The skinners were distinguished by feven of their company being dreffed in fur, having their skins painted in the form of Indian princes, The fishmongers pageants confifted of a flatue of St. Peter finely gilt, a dolphin, two mer. maids, and two fea-horfes, which had a very pleafing effect.

The proceffion having paffed me, I pofted away along the back lanes, to avoid the crowd, and got to Guildhall fome time before the lord mayor could reach thither. I had procured a ticket, through the intereft of Mr. who was one of the committe for managing the entertainment, and a mazarine. You will wonder what this appellation can mean, and what new dignity our friend has arrived at. You muft know it is a fort of nick-name given to the common-council men, on account of their wearing maza. rine blue filk gowns upon this occafion. When I had got in, I foon found out my friend, who informed me of the following par ticulars he told me, that the doors of the hall were opened at nine o'clock, for the private admiffion of fuch ladies into the galleries, who were favoured by the gentlemen of the committee, and confequently got the best places that at twelve they were again opened, for the general reception of all



who had a right to come in that' particularly at the entrance of Mr. Pitt and lord Temple, there was a loud and univerfal clap, which was continued for fome time. The galleries prefented a very brilliant flow of ladies; and among the company below were all the officers of state, the princi pal nobility, and the foreign ambaffadors, among whom I could not but particularly remark the rich and fingular dreffes of the Alge rine and Tripoline ambaffador and his fon. It was past fix before the lord mayor came in ; when immediately difpofitions were made for the reception of their majefties, and the royal family. The fheriffs did not alight from their cha riots, but went to Mr. Barclay's, to conduct the royal family to the hall.

A temporary paffage (en clofed at the fides and top) had been made leading to the hall. gate, and this was lined by the mazarines, many of them with candles in their hands: the aldermen not on the committee, in their fearlet gowns stood across the ball, to the steps leading to the King's bench, and were fupported by the band of gentlemen penfioners with their axes in their hands. At the bottom of thefe fteps ftood the > lord mayor and lady mayorefs, with the aldermen and commoners who were of the committee for conducting this entertainment, to receive each of the royal family as they came in.

After waiting about half an hour in this order, came the princess Amelia, then (at fome intervals) the duke of Cumberland, the three young princes, the princefs dowager of Wales, and lady Augufta, and aiter that the duke of York, all


of them being received with great clapping, &c. They waited in the body of the hall until their majefties entered it. Notice being now given, that their majefties coach was near, the lord and lady mayorefs, with the aldermen, advanced to the great door of the hall, and waited there to receive them. At their majesties entrance, the lord mayor kneeling, prefented the city-fword, which being returned, he carried it before the king, the queen following with lady mayorefs behind her. The mufick had ftruck up, but was drowned in the acclamations of the company in fhort, all was life and joy; even their giantships Gog and Magog feemed to be almost animated.

Their majefties were pleafed, with wonderful condefcenfion, to return the compliments that were paid to them, and, in exprefs terms, declared their admiration at the fplendor and magnificence that every where furrounded them, as had also the rest of the royal fa mily. The committee then conducted the royal family to the council chamber, the commoners thereof going first, the aldermen next; after them came the duke of Cumberland, and the four princes; then the great officers, with white ftaffs; then his majefty, the queen, the princess dowager, lady Augufta, princefs Amelia, and follow ed by the queen's attendants, &c. Their majefties being entered the council chamber, Sir William Moreton the recorder, made the compliments of the city in a fpeech, the aldermens ladies and daugh ters were prefented, and had the honour to be faluted by his ma jefty, and to kiss the queen's hand,


and the number of city-knights was increased by the honour of knighthood being conferred on the two fheriffs, meffieurs Nath and Cartwright, and the lord mayor's brother, heretofore Mr. Thomas Fludyer. After ftaying here for about half an hour, the royal fami ly returned into the hall, and were conducted to the upper end of it, called the hutings, where a table was provided for them. It is... where you have feen the drawing of the lottery. This table was fet off with a variety of emblematick ornaments beyond defcription elegant, and a fuperb canopy was placed over their majefties heads. at the upper end. It was almoft nine before the dinner, (or rather fupper) was ferved up to the roy al family, who all fat at the fame table, and no other perfon with them. One particular I cannot help acquainting you with, viz. that the ladies in waiting upon the queen had claimed a kind of right by cuftom to dine at the fame table with her majefty; but this was over ruled, and they dined at my lady mayorefs's tables; which, by the bye, were no less than three in number, and ferved in the mot elegant manner, in the apartment called the King's bench. Other Ja dies of distinction, not accommodated there, had an entertainment at the town-clerk's house. The lord mayor, aldermen, and their ladies, had a table fpread for them in the lower huftings. A table for the privy-caunfellors, minifters of ftate, and others of the nobility, was on the right hand, as you afcend the upper huftings; another for the foreign minilters on the left. At the upper end of each of these two laft mentioned tables was placed

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half a fide of roast beef, in one of which was fluck a flag with the roy al arms; and in the other a flag with thofe of the city. The mazarines (I have already explained the term to you) were not overlooked by thofe of their brethren, who had no fmall share in conducing the whole of this entertain ment; for they had eight tables (as well as I can recolle) allotted to them in the body of the hail, at the end where my lord mayor's table was. The judges,ferjeants, &c. dined in the old council-chamber. The attendants upon all the company were plentifully regaled in the court of common pleas. I thould en clofe you a topographical map, in order for your rightly understanding the various places of action; but let it fuffice to tell you, that the ground was properly marked out, and the commiffaries were much more than not deficient in providing the alimentary fupplies for each party.

The feven aldermen of the committee, fet on the difhes, and attended the royal table. The lord mayor ftood behind the king (as we may fay) in quality of chief butler, while the lady mayorefs waited on her majefty in the fame capacity; but were, foon after the royal family were feated, defired by their majefties to go to dinner. The entertainment confifted of three courfes, befides the defert. To fay 'that it was elegant, fumptuous, and all that is faying fomething and nothing: It is but juflice to acquaint you, that the committee were wholly difinterested, and took care, that every bottle of wine fhould have the name of the perfon who ferved it, palled on the fide; with an intent, as we may reafonably prefume, to be a check upont

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the venders, as also that every dne might have the liberty of calling for this or that perfon's wine, which ever he liked beft.

When the fecond courfe was bringing on to the royal table, the common cryer, ftanding before royal table, demanded filence; and then proclaimed aloud, that his majefly drank to the health and profperity of the lord mayor, aldermen, and common council, of the city of London, and the trade thereof

and added thereto, that her majefty alfo drank confirming the fame, whereupon the band of mufick im mediately played the march in Judas Maccabæus, accompanied by the fide drum.

The common cryer then came to the lord mayor's table, at the lower end of the hail, and the musick ceafing, he again demanded filence, and proclaimed, that the lord mayor; aldermen, and common - council, drank health, long life, and a prof perous reign, to our most gracious fovereign king George the thirds upon which the mufick immediately played the latter part of Mr. Handell's coronation anthem, God fave the king, &c. The mufick again ceafing, the common cryer demanded filence a third time, and proclaimed, that the lord mayor, aldermen, and common council, drank health, and long life, to our gracious queen Charlotte, upon which the band played again. The healths of the reft of the royal family were in order drank at my lord mayor's, and the other tables, but not in the fame ceremonious publick manner.

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I must not forget to tell you, that the grand fervice of plate at the king's table was entirely new, and made by Mr. Gilpin. The city


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