

his appointment, by our meeting together, full in view. f our apoftle is allowed to have wrote this letter to Timothy, under the influence of infpiration, then fupplications, prayers, interceffions, "and giving of thanks," for others, mult be claffed amongst the ordinances of heaven; confequently, must be performed by us with faithfulness and concern, as we would not be found chargeable with neglecting to obferve any one of the "all "things whatfoever he hath commanded us." Thefe duties, in our church capacity, are not to be performed as fo many words of course, which has too much, and long been our reproach; but with a particular earneftnefs and fervour, according to the obligation, importance, and neceffity of


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1 TIM. ii. 1, 2. I exhort therefore, &c.


HOSE for whom the apoftle would have Chriftians, fo particularly, to intereft themfelves, are "kings, and all that are in authority."

The exhortation having a refpect to Chriftians in general, plainly infinuates, that without excluding their generous concern for others, elfe where intrufted with the regal power, " fupplications,


prayers, interceffions, and giving of thanks," are especially to be made, for the royal perfon who fways the fceptre over themselves.

It was eafy for the apoftle to fee, that Chriftians would, by their birth, ftations, and places of refidence, be fcattered through the dominions of different potentates; and therefore, when he men



tions the privilege of "leading a quiet and peace"able life, in all godlinefs and honefty," and mentions it, as one end they should have in view, by complying with the exhortation in our text;-it needs no argument to prove, that the particular fovereign, under whofe administration that end can. only be reached, has a firft claim to the exercise here recommended.

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For foreign princes, the concern of Chriftians fhould be regulated, according as circumstances do, or may, direct. All of them have a title from this apoftolical warrant, to the "fupplications, prayers, interceffions, and thanksgivings," of Chriftians, in as far as their fpiritual and eternal good require if unconverted, their converfion to God, through Jefus Chrift, fhould be the burden of the exercife under view; and if the fruits of converfion are brought forth by them, then "giv"ing of thanks" is the Chriftian's province and duty. If they are joined in a friendly alliance with the fovereign, under whom Christians "lead "a quiet and peaceable life," the exercife of this concern may, with greater fafety, be extended to the temporal, as well as fpiritual interefts of fuch princes. But if upon the oppofite fide, or merely neutral in the public controverfy, the Chriftian's concern, for their outward profperity, must not be inconfiftent with what is due to their own fovereign, and the community of which they make a part.

With thefe limitations, it is highly worthy the Christian character, and particularly expreffive of the Chriftian temper, to extend the concern, here recomended by our apoftle, to kings in general, and all in authority under them.

Perhaps this view of the matter may differ,-widely differ, from what even Christians themselves have been

been accustomed to think and practife; but if it has a foundation in the New Teftament, as a part of the counsel of God, it should be honeftly declared, and fuirable compliance with it univerfally ob. ·tained. If it is the will of God, that "all men "should be faved, and come to the knowlege of the "truth," how do Christians instruct their conformity to that will, if they have no concern for the falvation of others, whatever their ftation or character, whatever their, connections or political fyftem? Such an unbounded compaffion, can, with no degree of juftice, be constructed as, any how, fubverfive of the fpecial intereft in their concern, to which their immediate fuperiors have an indifputable right; nor is it, in the least, inconfiftent with that intereft, unless it could be alledged, that none of oppofite nations and alliances from them, can have a place in the better world, where-entire, univerfal, everlafting concord, harmony and friendhip, invariably reign; which is fo abfurd in itself, and fo contrary to the very genius of the gospel, that, to the most fuperficial ftudent of the fcriptures, it muft, at firft fight, appear.

The influence of kings over their fubjects, and of those in authority over the inferior tribes of men, at once accounts for the apostle's recommending them, fo explicitly, to the concern of the churches of Chrift; for though no natural nor political parents, can transfer grace to others, their authority and example may have incredible influence on an external reformation, if not on men's feeking after the like precious grace with themfelves. Hence, an inspired politician affures us, that "when the "righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: "but when the wicked bear rule, the people mourn, Prov. xxix. 1. According to this view, when Chriftians exercise a proper concern for the refor`mation

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mation of kings, and thofe in authority, their concern, in effect, reaches to all, without diftinction, whofe principles and practices may be bettered by


With regard to ourselves; though, as men, all nations; as Chriftians, the whole Chriftian world; and, as Proteftants, every country and kingdom diftinguifhed by that name, fhould ly upon our hearts, and have a fhare in our concern at the thron of grace; yet, my brethren, as Britons, joined to thofe other relations, our British fovereign has a peculiar title to the concern expreffed in this exhortation.

It is impoffible to think-of his juvenile years, his high ftation, his important office, the variety and weight of business laid upon him, the critical conjuncture of affairs at his acceffion to the throne, the temptations with which he must be furrounded, the common enemies of liberty and true religion, against whom he is our royal guardian, and to think of the very acclamations of loyalty and pleafure, fo univerfally heard amongít his loving fubjects; it is impoffible to think of these things, without difcovering the propriety of "fupplications, prayers, "and interceffions," in his behalf. If expofed to evils, not only in common with others, as men, but, peculiar to the pinnacle of dignity and eminence, upon which, as an imperial monarch, he ftands, can the neceffity of deprecation bear the smallest difpute? And if he not only needs gifts and graces, with the exercite and improvement of them, as the man and the Chriflian; but, as the king and the fupreme magiftrate; are not prayers for him equally needful, and, by his subjects, a tribute proportionally due? Intercefions, therefore, in both thele views, become the duty of the fubjects, as


they are, by apoftolical authority, the right and privilege of the lovereign.

Nor is thanksgiving, upon the occafion, to be neglected, or performed without the warmeft fentiments of love and gratitude to God. Many circunftances, my brethren, in this noticeable providence, confpire to enforce that duty, to excite that exercife, and to obtain an univerfal compliance with this part of our apoftle's exhortation.

Can we ref &t on the prefervation of our late fovereign, until the years of his royal fucceffor's majority were more than numbered? Can we think of the British throne being now filled with a natiye of our happy ifle? Can we hear of fuch regards to true Chriftianity appearing in him, as are not common to his years, far lefs to his exalted ftation? Can we understand his royal purpofe to lay out himfelt, and make it the bufinefs of his life, to preferve our invaluable privileges, and tranfmit them entire to pofterity? Can we learn from his own mouth, that, in discharge of the truft repofed in him, he refolves to depend on the advice and affiftance, not of his council alone, but of every honest man? In a word, can we, of this part of the united kingdom, be certainly informed of his undertaking, by oath, to fecure us in the free exercife of the Prefbyterian religion, according to our conftitutional laws? Can we advert to thefe things, without, at once, feeing caufe, feeling and expreffing fentiments, of minifold gratitude to God our Saviour, for all his bonefi's?

There is fome thing, my brethren, in our very conftitution itself, that, on every unprejudiced mind, must have a conftraining influence, toward the end of the exhortation being reached. Inftead of an abfolute monarch, whole will is the only law, and whofe fubjects are hereditary flaves, our auguft fo


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