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ab'sti-nence (ǎb'sti-něns), refraining

from certain kinds of pleasures. ab-stract' (ǎb-străkt'), separate. a-byss' (à-bis'), a bottomless gulf. A'ca'die' (à'ka'dē), See note p. 249.

ac-ces'sion (ǎk-sěsh'un), coming into possession of.

ac-cord' (ǎ-kôrd'), blend.

ac-cost' (a'kost'), approach; speak to. ac-cu'mu-late (ǎ-kū mû-lāt), collect; store up.

ac'cu-ra-cy (ǎk'û-rå-si), exactness. ac cu-rate-ly (ǎk'û-rât-li), precisely. ac'qui-escence (ǎk' wi-és ens), yielding or agreeing.


Act of Nav'i-ga' tion (act of năv'igā, shun), an ordinance passed by the British Parliament for the American colonies by which goods were to be imported to the colonies free of duty for a period of years, provided all goods were sent out of the colonies in British ships. ad'a-mant (ǎd'à-mănt), a stone of extreme hardness.

a-dapt' (a-dăpt'), fit; change to suit. A-da'yes (å-dā'yēs), an early settle

ment in southwestern United States. ad'dled (ăd''ld), rotten; confused. ad'e-quate (ǎd'ê-kwât), fully sufficient. ad-her' ence (ǎd-her'ĕns), steady attachment.

ad-her'ent (ǎd-hēr'ĕnt), clinging; a follower.

a-dieu' (å-dū'), good-by, farewell. ad-just' (ă-just), fit; to put in order. ad-min 'is-ter (ăd-min'is-ter), manage or conduct (public affairs); tender an oath.

ad'mi-ral (ădʼmĭ-răl), a naval officer of the highest rank. a-do (a-doo'), trouble, fuss. A-do'nis (a-do'nĭs), in Greek mythology, a youth of marvelous beauty.


a-dop'tion (ȧ.dop'shun), See note p. 102.


a-drift' (a-drift'), floating at the mercy of the wind and waves.

ad'vent (ǎd'věnt), coming, approach. ad'ver-sa-ry (ǎd'ver-så-ri),

posed, a foe.



ad verse (ăd'vērs), contrary. a-ë'ri-al (a-e'ri-ăl), pertaining to the air; lofty.

Aer'shot (är' skot), the town Aerschot in Belgium, 23 miles northeast of Brussels.

af'fa-ble (ǎf'å-b'l), friendly, gracious. af'fec-ta' tion (ǎf'ěk-ta' shun), an at tempt to assume what is not natural or real.

af'fi-da, vit (ǎf'i-dā vit), a sworn statement in writing.

aft (åft), near or towards the stern of a vessel. Ag'as-siz (ǎg'ȧ-se), a celebrated Swiss-American naturalist who

came to the United States in 1846. He was professor of geology at Harvard.

ag-gression (ǎ-grěsh'un), attack. a-ghast' (å-gast'), terrified.

ag'i-tate (ǎj'i-tāt), stir up; discuss. a-gog' (a-gog'), eager.

ag'o-ny (ǎgo-ni), great pain. aid' de-camp' (ad dê-kămp';

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kän'), an officer who assists a general in correspondence and in directing movements.

Ai'denn a'den), paradise (from the Arabic word for Eden, used by Poe for the sake of the rhyme).

Aix (āks), a city in Prussia, founded by the Romans and a favorite residence of Charlemagne. Aix-laChapelle (āks 'lå-shâ'pěl'), is French name and Aachen the German.

a-kim'bo (å-kim'bō), with hand



the hip and elbow turned outward. a-lac'ri-ty (å-lǎk'ri-ti), cheerful readiness.

A-lad din (å-lăd'în), in the "Arabian Nights' Entertainments," the possessor of a wonderful lamp with magic charms.

a-lar'um (å-lărʼŭm), an old form for alarm.

Al' bi-on (ǎl'bi-ŭn), an ancient name of England.

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Allah (ǎl'lá), in the Mohammedan faith, the name for God.

Al-la'hu (ål-lä'hoo), probably a Persian ejaculation.

all-be-set' ting (ôl-be-sět'ing), rounding on all sides.


al-lege (ă-lěj'), declare; affirm. al-legiance (ă-le jans), loyalty. al'le-go-ry (ǎl'ê-gô-ri), description of one thing under the image of another; parable.

al-li'ance (ă-li'ăns), union of interests; league.

al-loy' (ǎ-loi'), a baser metal mixed with a finer.

al'oe (ǎl'ō), a fragrant plant growing in warm climates; the American aloe is the century plant.

al'ter-ation (ỗl'tēr-a' shŭn), making different; change.


al-ter'nate-ly (ǎl-ter'nāt-li), by turns. al-ter'na-tive (ǎl-tûr'nå-tiv), a choice between two or more things. a-main' (a-man'), with full force. am'a-ranth (ăm ́ả-rănth), imaginary flower supposed never to fade. Am'ba-ar en (ăm'ba-ärꞌ ĕn), p. 174. am-bas' sa-dor (ăm-băs'å-der), a minister representing his ruler or country at a foreign court. am-bi'tion (ăm-bish'un),

honor or power. am-bro'si-al

desire for

(ăm-bro’zhi-ăl), pertain ing to the fabled food of the gods, which immortalized them. a-mendment (a-měnd'měnt), a change

for the better; a change in a bill or motion by adding or omitting. a'mi-a-ble (aʼmi-à-b'l), lovable, goodnatured.

a-mid'ships (å-mid'ships), in the middle of a ship.

a-mor'pha (ȧ-môr'få), a plant belonging to the pea family and having blue-violet flowers.

am'phi-thea-tre (ăm'fi-the ȧ-ter), an

oval or circular building with rising tiers of seats about an open space.

am'ple (ăm'p'l), abundant; full. A'mun (ä'mon), an Egyptian deity

generally represented as a ram. ancho-rite (ǎn'kô-rīt), one who renounces the world and secludes himself, a hermit.

and' i'rons (ǎnd i'urnz), metallic stands to support wood in a fireplace. an ec-dote (ǎn'ěk-dōt), a short narrative of some particular incident.

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Angel of the backward look; memory. An'ge-lus (ăn'jê-lŭs), the bell tolled in the morning, at noon, and in the evening to tell the faithful the time for prayer.

An'gus (ån'gus). See note p. 95. an'nals (ăn'ǎlz), historical records. a-non' (à-non'), in a little while. an-tic'i-pate (ăn-tis'i-pāt), count upon in advance; foresee. an-tique (ăn-tek), old.

an-tiq ui-ty (ǎn-tik' wi-ti), great age. ap'a-thetic (ǎp'a-thětik), without feeling.

ap'a-thy (ǎp'ȧ-thi), lack of feeling. a'pex (a'peks), summit; point. a-pol'o-gy (ȧ-põl'ô-jï), an acknowledgment for some injurious act; an


Ap-o-lo'ni-us (ǎp-pō-lô'nĭ-ŭs), a philosopher and wonder-worker who lived at about the same time as Christ. a-pos'tro-phe (ȧ-põs'trô-fé), a speech or address to some person or thing absent or present. Apostrophe to the Ocean, p. 71.

ap-pall'ing (ǎ-pôl'ing), terrifying. ap-par el (ǎ-păr ěl), clothing. ap-parent (å-pâr'ĕnt), clear, plainly to be seen.

ap-peal'ing (ǎ-pēl'ing), calling for aid or sympathy.

ap'pre-hension (ǎp'rê-hěn shŭn), a taking hold of; anxiety.

ap-prise' (ǎ-priz'), inform.

ap pro-bation

ing; consent.

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ap-prox'i-mate (ǎ-prok' si-mât), proach; nearly exact. ar'a-besque (ǎr'ȧ-běsk), a kind of ornament, brought to high perfection by Arabian artists and consisting of lines, figures, fruits, flowers, and men variously grouped. A-rach'thus (ȧ-rǎk'thus), the ancient name of a river in Greece; modern Arta.

ar bi-ter (är'bi-ter), one appointed to determine a controversy; umpire. ar chi-tect (är'ki-těkt), one who is

skilled in planning, designing, and constructing buildings.

Ar-dennes' (är-děn'). See note, p. 79. ar'dent (är'děnt), burning; passionate. ar'dor (är'der), heat; zeal.

ar'du-ous (är'dû-ŭs), hard, difficult. a-re'na (ȧ-re'nå), the sanded area in the central part of a Roman amphitheater.

ar'go-sy (är'gô-sï), a large merchant vessel. ar'gu-ment (ärʼgû-měnt), proof ог

reasons in a controversy.

Ar-ma'da (är-mā'då). See note, p. 74. ar'ma-ment (är'må-měnt), arms, ships and other equipment for war. a-ro'ma (ȧ-rõ’má), fragrance; a spicy perfume.

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as-sault (ǎ-sôlt'), a violent attack. as-sem'blage (ă-sem'blaj), a company of people gathered together. as'si-dui-ty (ǎs'i-dui-ti), attention; industry.


as-sid'u-ous (ǎ-sĭd'ù-us), busy; persevering.

as-sign (ă-sin'), give over.

As-syr'i-a (ă-sir i-å), an ancient state in Asia, east of the Tigris river. a-stern (å-stûrn'), in the rear part of the ship. as-tound'ing (ǎs-tound'ing), astonishing.

a-sun'der (å-sun'der), apart. Atch'a-fa-la/ ya (ach'à-fa-li å),


outlet of the Red and Mississippi rivers in southern Louisiana. a-tilt (å-tilt'), balanced lightly. At-lantic Monthly, a magazine first published in 1857, with Lowell as editor.

at-tain' (ǎ-tan'), reach; accomplish. at-taint (ǎ-tant'), corrupt; disgrace. at-ten/ u-at'ed (ǎ-těn' u-ât ed), thinned, slender.

at'ti-tude (ǎt'ĭ-tūd), position; feeling. at-tribute (ǎ-tribút), give; refer. at'tri-bute (ăt'ri-but), characteristic ; quality.

au-dac'i-ty (ô-dăs'i-ti), boldness. au'di-ble (ô'di-b'l), capable of being heard.

au'di-tor (ô'di-ter), a hearer.

au-gust' (ô-gust'), majestic; solemn. au-ro'ral (ô-ro'rǎl), pertaining to the dawn, rosy.

aus-tere (ôs-ter'), severe.

aus-ter'i-ty Côs-těr 'i-ti), severity; severe simplicity.

au-then'tic (ô-then'tik), true; genuine.


(ô’tô-krăt), an absolute

ruler. a-vail' (å-vāl'), help; be of use.

A've Ma-ri'a (ä'vā mä-rē ä), Hail Mary, first words of a Roman Catholic prayer to the Virgin Mary. The words are those of the Angel Gabriel, hence the prayer is called the Angelus.

a-venge' (a-věnj′), punish in order to execute justice.

a-ver'sion (à-vûr'shŭn), dislike. a-vert (å-vûrt'), turn aside.

a-wry' (å-ri'), turned or twisted; crooked.

aye and a-non' (a and ȧ-non'), continually.

A-zores (ȧ-zōrz'), a group of islands in the Atlantic belonging to Portugal, and 800 miles west of it. az'ure (ǎzh'ûr), the clear blue color of the sky.


(bā'ǎl), the supreme god of the Assyrians, p. 75.

Bab'y-lo nish jargon (băb'ĭ-lōnĭsh), unintelligible language.

See story of Gen. XI.

the "tower of Babel.' bac'cha-nal (băk'ȧ-năl), a carouser; a follower of Bacchus, the god of wine.

Bac-chant'es (bå-kȧn'těz), priestesses of Bacchus, the god of wine.

bairn (bârn), Scottish name for a child.

Ba'la-klava (bå'lå-klä vȧ), a city in the Crimea on the Black Sea. bal'dric (bôl'drik), a broad belt worn Over the shoulder and under the opposite arm.

bal lad (băl'ăd), a short poem telling a story.

balm (bäm), anything that soothes pain.

balm in Gilead (bäm in gil'ê-ǎd), a biblical expression meaning comfort or healing.

balm'y (bäm'i), mild; soothing; fragrant.

ban’dit (băn’dit), an outlaw. bane'ful (ban'fool), injurious. Ban’nock-burn (băn’uk-burn), a bat tlefield in Scotland upon which Robert Bruce defeated the English. Bap'tiste Le-blanc' (bȧ'tēst

blän'). See p. 224.

bar (bär), the legal profession. bard (bärd), a poet.

barge (bärj), a boat.

ba-rom'e-ter (bå-rom'ê-ter), an instrument for determining the weight or pressure of the atmosphere. ba-rouche' (ba-roosh'), four-wheeled carriage, with a falling top, and two double seats on the inside.

bar' rack (băr'ȧk), a building for soldiers, especially when in garrison. bar'ri-er (băr'i-er), an obstruction or limit.

bask (båsk), warm; lie comfortably. baste (bast), drip fat on meat in roasting.

bat’ter-y (bắt’ér-i), to or more pieces of artillery in the field. bay'o-net (bā'ô-nět), a dagger fitted on the muzzle of a musket. bay ou (bi'oo), an inlet from a gulf, lake, or large river.

Beau Se-jour' (bo-sa-zhoor'), a French fort upon the neck of land connecting Acadia and the mainland. had just been taken by the British, p. 206.

"beard the li-on," defy. Beautiful


Gate, an entrance to the
See Acts III-

temple in Jerusalem.

2 and John X-7.

Beautiful River, the Ohio.

beck (běk), call.

bee'tling (be'tling), projecting: jutting

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bel'lows (běl'ōz), an instrument for driving air through a tube. "belt-ed knight," girt with a belt as an honorary distinction. ben'e-dic/ i-te (běn'-dis i-tê), a chant


or hymn, the Latin version of which begins with this word; an exclamation corresponding to "Bless you!" ben'e-diction (ben'ê-dik shun), blessing. be-nef'i-cence (bê-nef'i-sens), goodness or charity.

be-nign' (bê-nin'), of a kind disposition.

be-nig'nant (bê-nig nănt), kind. be-seech' (bê-sech), entreat. be-stead' (bê-stěd'), put in peril. bes'tial (běs' chal), beastly; vile. be-stow (bê-stō'), give; grant. be-troth'al (bê-troth'ǎl), contract to anyone for a marriage. bev'er-age (běv'er-âj), drink.

bick'er (bik'er), move quickly with a pattering noise, p. 44.

bier (bēr), a frame on which a corpse is borne to the grave.

big'ot (big'ut), one blindly devoted to his own opinion; narrow-minded. big'ot-ry (big'ŭt-ri), narrow-minded

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bla'zoned (bla'z'nd), adorned, depicted in color.

blithe (blith), gay, joyous.

blithe' some (blith'sum), happy, gay. Blom'i-don (blom'i-důn), a mountain in Nova Scotia.

bod'kin (bŏd'kin), a pointed implement for making holes in cloth. bonds' man (běndz’măn),



gives security for another. "bonnet and plume.", a soft cap worn by men in Scotland.

Boom (bōm). a town in Belgium. boon (boon), a gift; bountiful; gay. boot'less (boot'les), useless.

Bor'der (bôr'der), the frontier between England and Scotland.

"bore the bell," carried off the prize. A bell was formerly used as a prize in races.

bosk'y (bos'ki), woody or bushy. bos om (booz'um), the breast. Both'ni-a (both niȧ). Gulf of-the northern arm of the Baltic Sea between Finland and Sweden. boun'ti-ful (boun'ti-fool), liberal. bourn (börn), a boundary; limit. bow (bou), the forward part of a ship, p. 39 (bo) to rhyme with tow. Bow'doin (bō'd'n), in Brunswick, Maine, college from which Longfellow graduated in 1825.

Boz-zar'is, Mar'co (bo-zăr 'is, Mär' ko). See note, p. 84.

brack'ish (brăk'ĭsh). saltish; distasteful.

Brad'dock (brăd'ŭk), a British general who met defeat and was killed in 1755.

Bra-gan'za (brä-gänʼzä), a reigning family of Portugal.

brake (brāk), a fern; a thicket. brawl (brôl), noise; quarrel.

breach (brēch), an opening in; break.


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Brit'on (brĭt'un), a native of England.

broad' side' (brôd' sid'), the side of a Iship above the water line, from bow to quarter.

broad sword' (brôd sōrd'), a sword with a broad blade and cutting edge. Brook Farm, farm a near Boston, where an experiment in agriculture and education was tried by a group of literary people.


Bruns' wick (brunz-wik), Duke Brunswick (Frederick William) was

killed in the engagement described, p. 78. Bru'tus (broo'tus), a Roman politician who joined in the assassination of Caesar.

Buck'holm (bŭk'hōm), p. 174. buff'coat (buf'kōt), a military coat made of buff leather. buf'fet (buf'ět), a blow.

bulk head' (bŭlk, hěd'), a wall to resist pressure of earth or water. Bun-ker Hill, a hill near Boston where a famous battle was fought. buoy an-cy (bou'ăn-si), lightness. burg'er (bûr'ger), an inhabitant of a borough.

bur'gess-es (bûr'jěs-ěs). citizens of a borough.

Bur-gun di-an (bur-găn’di-ăn),


taining to Burgundy, a province of France on the Rhone river. bus'kin (bus'kin), a covering for the foot and leg, worn by tragic actors.

ca'd (cä'd), Scotch for called. ca'dence (kā'děns), a fall of the voice; rhythm.

Cad'mus (kǎd'mŭs), in Greek legend the founder of Thebes and introducer of the letters of the Greek alphabet.

Cae'sar, Julius (sē'zår), (100 B. C.44 B. Č.), a famous Roman general, statesman and writer."

Cai'us Ma'ri-us (kā'yŭs mā'rē-üs). See note, p. 334.

ca-lam’i-ty (kă-lăm’i-ti), misfortune; disaster.

cal' en-der (kǎl'ĕn-der), one whose business it is to press cloth or paper between cylindrical rollers. cal'um-ny (kǎl'um-ni), slander. "Calvin's creed." Calvin was a celebrated reformer whose doctrines are noted for their severity.

Cam'er-on (kăm'ēr-on).


See note, p.

can'did (kǎn'did), frank; open. Can'no-bie Lee (kǎn'o-be le), a lea or large open space in Scotland. can'non-ade/ (kǎn'un-ad), a discharging of cannon.

ca-pac'i-ty (kȧ-păs'i-ti), power. "cap and bells," the tokens or signs of a jester or clown, therefore, foolish pleasures.

Cape Pal'mas (päl'mäs), a promontory on the coast of Liberia, western Africa.

ca'per (kā'per), "cutting a caper,"

to leap about in a frolicsome man


ca'pon (kā'pon), choice chicken. ca-price (ka-pres'), whim, fancy. Cap'u-a (căp'u-å), an ancient city in

Italy near Naples, famous for its wealth and luxury.

ca-reer' (kȧ-rer'), move rapidly. car'ri-on (kăr'i-ŭn), dead and decaying flesh of an animal.

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(sê-lĕs' chǎl),

cen'o-taph (sen'ô-tåf), a



to one buried elsewhere. cen'ser (sen'ser), a vessel in which incense is burned.

cen'sor-ship (sen'sŏr-ship), office or power to examine papers for the press and suppress what is thought harmful.

cen'sure (sen'shûr), blame. cen'tu-ry-cir-cled

(sen'tû-ri-sûr 'k'ld), having a hundred circles, indicating its age.

ces-sa'tion (se-sa'shun), pause, stop. ces'tus (ses'tus), girdle.

chaise (shaz), a two-wheeled carriage. chal'ice (chǎl'is), a cup.

Chalk-ley's Journal. Thomas Chalkley
was a traveling Quaker preacher.
His journal, published in 1747, told
of his many wonderful experiences.
Cham' bered Nau'ti-lus (chām'berd
nô'ti-lus), a shellfish belonging to
the highest class of mollusks.
chan'cel (chan'sěl), that part of a
church containing the altar.
chan’ti-cleer (chặn ti-klēr), a cock, so
called from his clear voice in

cha'os (kā-os), disorder.
cha-ot'ic (kå-ot'ik), confused.
chap'let (chap'lět), wreath.
char'ac-ter-ize (kår'ǎk-ter-iz),



chasm (kǎz'm), deep opening, gap. Chat' ta-hoo' chee (chặt’a-hoo chế), a river in Georgia which forms part of its western boundary. chaunt (chant), song, especially one that is solemn and slow. Cheap'side (chep'sid), the central east-and-west street of London, formerly a market. "Chepe" is the old English word for market. Cher'so-nese (kûr'sô-nēz), Athenians who had colonized the peninsula between the Hellespont and the Gulf of Melos. Miltiades ruled over them. chi-mer'i-cal fantastic.

(ki-měr 'i-kǎl),


chiv'al-ry (shiv'ǎl-ri), manners of knighthood, courtesy.

chowder (chou'der), a dish made of fresh fish or clams, biscuit, etc., stewed together.

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