
Oct. 29.

"wealth's affayres, and of the parlement; and fhall from 1653. "time to time, by writing, printing, or otherwife, declare "the true ftate therof; and indeavor the conferving of a good understanding and correfpondence between these "two ftates.

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"You are to have a due regard during your aboade there, "to all fuch matters wherin the trade and commerce of this common-wealth and the people thereof are concerned; "and to procure right to be done according to justice and equity.

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"You are to pursue the prefent inftructions, and fuch as you fhall from time to time receive from the parlement, or councell of ftate, as either exigencies, necef“fities, convenience, or advantages fhall require; and are from time to time to give full and frequent notice of your proceedings to the parlement, or councell of ftate efta"blifhed by their authority.

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WESTMIMSTER,, 21. Oct. 1653.

"HEN. SC OBL E, clerke of the

Of the first four months of Whitelocke's allowance, 4000 l. was received by him; and 1500 l. of it, befides the other monies, was layd out in provifions and advance-monies; the remaining 2000 1. for the firft fix months was ordered. by the councell to be payd, 1000 1. of it att fix weeks, and the other 1000 1. att fix weeks after that; and that the time of his monthly allowance was to begin from the day he was approved of by the parlement for that fervice. Of the remaining money in his hand of his allowance, being 2500 1. he changed 300 l. into gold, the reft into our halfe-crown


1653, pieces of filver, which are current in Sweden and Germany; and thefe he carried with him in an iron trunke.

Oct. 29.

In the evening, Whitelocke attended the councell, to take his leave of them, and to know what further fervice they had to commaund him: the parlement called him in, without attendance of a quarter of an hour; on the councell he waited an hour before he was admitted; being come in, the then prefident, Mr. Strickland, bid him fitt downe, in a chayre fett for him; and when Whitelocke had told them the occafion of his coming, the prefident gravely faid to him,

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"My Lord Ambaffador,

"I am commaunded by the councell to deliver to you your private inftructions; and to tell you, that the coun"cell hath very much confidence of your fidelity and ability "for this fervice, and do hope that God will give you a bleffing to it: they wish you a very happy and profperous journey, and defire to heare from you as often as you "can."



He delivered the inftructions to Whitelocke, who, with ufuall ceremonies, took his leave: the private inftructions were in two papers; the first paper was this.



"Infiructions for Bulftrode Whitelocke, conftable, &c. "ambaflador extraordinary, &c."

"Your negotiation being to the queen of Sweden; when you have delivered your credentialls to her, and made your generall propofitions contained in your inftructions from the parlement, and find that there is a good recep

"tion thereof, and a propenfity in that queen to enter 1653. "into an alliance with this common-wealth:

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1. You shall for the matter of that alliance propose the "articles heerwith delivered to you, either togither, or att "feverall times, as you fhall find it most convenient; and you have heerby power to alter, amplify, adde unto and amend the fame, or any of them, holding to the "fubftance of them as you in your judgment fhall find beft, and as you can agree them, for the fervice of the common-wealth.




2. If any particular fhall be propounded unto you on "the part of the faid queen and crown, for the compleating of this alliance, you are heerby authorised to treate " and debate theruppon; as also uppon any the articles of "former treatyes that have bin between the two nations, " and to conclude the fame; provided they be within the "articles heerwith delivered to you: if you fhall judge them "otherwife; then to tranfinit them to the councell, for "the parlement's or councell's further direction in thefe "particulars.

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"3. You are to lett that queen know, that you are come "qualified with powers to communicate with her majesty, by what wayes and means to open a free trade through "the Sound; that it may not depend uppon the will of the king of Denmarke, or the united provinces of the "Netherlands, when they shall thinke fitt (as now they "have done) to obstruct it.

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66 4. If you shall find, uppon a generall deliberation "with the queen concerning the ground and the impor"tance thereof to both ftates, that she is fenfible of the opVOL. I.



Oct. 29.

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1653. " preffions and restraint which is putt uppon trade there, "and that he is inclinable to joine with the parlement for removing the fame; you are to lett her knowe, that the parlement is willing to fend into thofe feas, in fit and con"venient time, a fleet fo confiderable, that may be able, through God's bleffing, to defend itselfe against the contrary party, who, no question, will joine their strength "for the profecution of their intentions. And theruppon

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"" are defirous to know what affiftance Sweden will con"tribute for the countenance and carrying on of the undertaking, fo juft in itselfe, and fo advantageous to both "nations. And in cafe the queen shall discend to particu"lars, and make propofitions accordingly; you are to tranf"mitt them to the councell, for the parlement's or coun"cell's further direction.

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5. Your lordship is to take care (efpecially whilst the treaty is on foot) that nothing be permitted or done directly or indirectly, so farre as shall lye in your power to hinder, in favour or affiftance of Charles Stuart, or "his party, or abettors.

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"Given att Whitehall, the 28th of October, 1653.

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The articles mentioned in these instructions were, in fubftance, the fame with those which were afterwards concluded by Whitelocke in his treaty; faving fuch alterations and amendments as he judged fitt then to confent unto;


and which were att his comming home, uppon a ftrict exa- 1653. mination, and comparing of them with his inftructions, approved, and fully ratifyed by the protector and his councell.

The other paper of private inftructions delivered to Whitelocke was this:

"Lord ambaffador, his private inftructions concerning gunnes.

"Inftructions for Bulftrode Whitelocke, conftable, &c. "ambaffador, &c.

"For as much as it is conceived requifite, that a quan"tity of gunnes heerafter mentioned, or fo many of them as can be had, fhould be speedily procured in Sweden, for the fervice of this common-wealth, viz.

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"All of them to be either braffe or copper, and well for"tefyed; or fo many whole culverings, or demiculverings, as may make up the faid number.

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"You are, therfore, after your arrivall in Sweden, to "imploy fuch trufty perfon, as you fhall thinke fitt, to "informe himselfe in the most convenient way, what "quantities of braffe or copper gunnes, of the respective "dimentions above mentioned, may be there procured, " and within what time, and att what rates; and to conM 2 "tract

Oct. 29.

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