
of the institution; but they are now extended so as to embrace a great variety of branches, both of agriculture and the arts. The premiums annually distributed by the Society have raised a spirit of emulation, exertion, and desire to improve, productive of the greatest advantages. Premiums have been given in every district of the country for improving the breed of horses, cattle, and sheep ;-for draining, trenching, clearing, and planting ;for the cultivation of green crops in all their varieties, as well as for many other improvements, applicable more especially to the Highlands. In support of national literature, the Society has been equally liberal; and the amount of the sums expended in preparing and publishing a Gaelic Dictionary is, I believe, almost unexampled in the history of literature. In the Lowlands also, premiums are given for various agricultural improvements, machinery, &c. Much labour and a considerable portion of the Society's funds have been expended on the subject of establishing an uniformity of weights and measures, with many other important objects intimately connected with the welfare of the country.

Faithful to the purposes of its institution, the Society has taken every opportunity of encouraging whatever tended to improve the cultivation of the country in general, and particularly of the remote and mountainous region from which it assumed its name. The premiums, therefore, are not confined to the Highlands, or to such kinds of agriculture or manufactures as are exclusively adapted to that country; they have extended, and continue still farther to extend, to draw forth information, and to stimulate ingenuity in every branch of those departments which may be useful, whether in the Highlands or other parts of the country: and in the eloquent language of one of its first members, who has ever been a constant, zealous, and able conductor of its duties,-"The Highland Society has been, not unaptly, compared to one of our native rivers, which has its rise indeed in the Highlands, but which, increasing as it flows, fertilizes and improves Lowland districts, at a distance from

those less cultivated regions whence it originally springs." In prosecution of these views, the Society has, within the last twelve years, distributed about L.1000 annually in pre


The subject of emigration did not escape the attention of the Society; but the Directors were too intelligent to attempt to prevent emigration, among a people who, in the language of the report on the subject, have been "thrown, as it were, loose from their native land," and left without the means of subsistence. With more humanity they endeavoured to shew the cruelty of such measures, and, at the same time, suggested the necessity of establishing regulations to preserve the health and lives of the emigrants on their voyage, by preventing vessels from taking more than a certain number of passengers, that there might be proper accommodation and a sufficient supply of provisions, so that emigrants may in future be treated with humanity, "instead of being delivered over, by numberless privations, and the want of comfort and care, to diseases and destruction." In conformity to these views of this important subject, the Society got a bill brought into Parliament, founded on their suggestions: It passed with little opposition,

• Introduction to the third volume of the Transactions of the Highland Society, by Henry Mackenzie, Esquire. Lord Bannatyne and Mr Mackenzie are now the only surviving members of the Lounger and Mirror Club. For a period of thirty-five years they have never been absent from a General or Committee Meeting of the Highland Society, except in instances of indisposition, or some indispensable engagement.

+ Report of the Highland Society.

Emigration, properly regulated, ought to be encouraged from those districts where the new improvements have sent the people to patches of land, to lay the foundation for realising the cottage and potatoe system, and the wretchedness of the Irish peasantry. Better for the mother country that they should emigrate than remain with such deplorable prospects in view. Two years ago some gentlemen, natives of Sutherland, resident in India, lamenting the state to which so many of their countrymen were reduced, subscribed about L..1,250, and sent home the money to pay for the passage of a certain number of emigrants. About 200 got the benefit of this donation, and have gone to Canada. This humane act of these gentlemen is called the "Demon of Reform" by those who write in praise of the new order of things in the North.

so that an emigrant has now the chance of reaching his destination without danger of being doomed to "diseases and destruction." With this humane act,' I conclude this short notice of the patriotic Highland Society of Scotland, which has rendered such essential service to that part of the country whose name it bears. It consists of nearly 1300 members.

A few years previous to the institution of the Highland Society of Scotland, a Society was established in London in somewhat similar circumstances. General Fraser of Lovat and several Highland gentlemen met at the SpringGarden house in the year 1778, and, after a few arrangements, formed themselves into a society with the same views, and for somewhat similar purposes as those I have detailed of the meeting in Edinburgh. The Society soon increased in numbers, and in the rank and respectability of its members, among whom were not only many of the first nobility and men of talents and property in the kingdom, but several members of the Royal Family; and in 1817, the Prince Regent was graciously pleased to become "Chief of the Highland Society of London."

The Highland Society of Scotland taking the lead in promoting the agricultural, and indeed the general improvement of the country, that of London confines itself chiefly to the language, music, poetry and garb of the Highlands, and, along with these preserves perhaps some of the best traits of the ancient character of the people: and while in Edinburgh, rewards and premiums are given for agricultural improvements, ingenious inventions, and other objects applicable to civil life; in London it was intended to give rewards and honorary marks of distinction for particular instances of courage, distinguished talent, and chivalrous deeds in war, as they might be displayed by Scotchmen and Scotch corps. But in this respect the intentions of the Society have been interrupted by an unfortu nate misunderstanding, which will be noticed afterwards. But in the encouragement of national music and other use

ful objects, it has been most liberal; as is seen at the annual exhibition in Edinburgh of the ancient war and field music of the mountains, and of the Highland garb which was in stituted, and the expence supported by the London Society. But the great and most important benefit which it has conferred was the institution of the Caledonian Asylum in London for educating, supporting, and clothing the children of soldiers and sailors of Scotland killed or disabled, or of other destitute Scotchmen resident in London. This institution originated with the Highland Society of London; and having concluded the notice of the Society of Scotland by the act for the protection of the unfortunate emigrants, I finish now this notice of the sister society by stating its connexion with the Caledonian Asylum.

Two such dissertations as the foregoing, on the past and present state of the Highlands, may be considered as out of the line of my profession, and not a very suitable preliminary to a military memoir. But as the same people form the subject of both, and as their personal hardihood and moral qualities were such as peculiarly fitted them for the toils and privations of a military life, as will more fully appear in the military narrative; it may not perhaps be foreign to the principal subject, to show of what materials the Highland regiments were originally composed, and what were the habits of thinking and acting which, formed and matured within their native mountains, accompanied them in their military progress. And, as much of the happiness of the Highlanders, and no small share of the prosperity of the country, depends on the manner in which they are treated by their natural protectors, in whose hands Providence and the laws have placed so much power to raise or depress their condition; it is surely of importance to remember that this race of people, although poor in circumstances, has been both moral and independent; and as the recent symptoms of a retrograde tendency begin to show themselves, I trust I shall not be thought presumptuous in making this feeble attempt, founded on a long intimacy with this people, both

as inhabitants of their native glens, and as soldiers in barracks and in the field, and on some knowledge of the state of the country-to show what they were, what they now are, and what, under a proper management they may yet beThe revolution to which I have so often alluded, considering the short space of time in which it has been in operation, has been great. Had it been accomplished in a more gentle manner, its influence on the general disposition and character of the people would have been less evident and more beneficial, and they might have been taught to become more industrious, without any loss of attachment or of moral principle.

In the central Highlands, industry can be employed only in the cultivation of the land. Fuel is too scarce, and all materials, except wool and flax, too distant, for manufactories; nor is this to be regretted. There is sufficient space for manufactories in the low country, and the towns are abundantly populous. Let the Highlanders, therefore, remain a pastoral and agricultural people, the superabundant population filling our military ranks with good recruits, sending out an annual supply of labourers to the low country when required, and colonizing our distant possessions with a loyal and well-principled race. Although there may be some waste of labour, and some parts of that produce consumed on the spot, which might otherwise be sent to distant markets, still it may be admitted, that the general value of produce does not depend on the difference between a distant and home consumption. It matters little to the general welfare of the State whether the consumption be on the spot, or at the distance of forty or one hundred miles; and although, on a first view, it may appear a waste of labour to employ more persons in agriculture than are absolutely necessary to cultivate the soil, yet the morality and the independence of the agricultural population is surely of some, if not of the highest consideration. And it ought not, moreover, to be forgotten, that, if small farmers raise the same quantity of produce as the large farmers, the

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