
the world whom we had wronged, or from whom we had anything to fear." His carrying out of "the homely old adage," "Speak softly and carry a big stick: you will go far" had proved effective during his administration.1

Roosevelt had a wonderful brain; an indomitable capacity for work. His mistakes were few; his accomplishments many. many. Rudyard Kipling wrote thus to Brander Matthews in 1910: "I saw him for a hectic half hour in London and a little at Oxford. Take care of him. He is scarce and valuable." 2

1 The first mention that Bishop found was while he was governor, i. 240. 2 Bishop, ii. 259.

I am much indebted to Edward L. Burlingame, Charles Scribner's Sons, Joseph B. Bishop and William R. Thayer.

D. M. Matteson has rendered me valuable assistance in historical research. I acknowledge the aid of my secretary, Miss Wyman, that of Charles K. Bolton, librarian, Miss Wildman, Miss Fowle and Miss Gerald, assistants of the Boston Athenæum. I am indebted to George A. Myers. of Cleveland for useful suggestions.


ABBOTT, L. F., and Boxer indemnity
fund, 320; on Roosevelt as reader,

Abbott, Lyman, and Boxer indemnity
fund, 319.

Adams, C. F., on private letters on
foreign affairs, 252.

Adams, Henry, on Roosevelt's energy.

231; on Hay, on St. Louis World
Fair, 300.

Adee, A. A., on Panama Revolution,

Agriculture, and election of 1896, 27;
prosperity, 118; corn crop (1901),

Aguinaldo, Emilio, and surrender of
Manila, 96 insurrection, 111, 139,
192; capture, 201; takes oath,
advises peace, 202.
Alaska, British boundary claim, reason
for it, 254, 255; Roosevelt and ar-
bitration, 255; convention, Tribunal,
personnel, 256; Roosevelt's attitude
and intentions, 257-259; decision,
conduct of Canadian members, 259.
Aldrich, N. W., and Dingley Bill, 38;
Roosevelt on, and trust legislation,
279, and Hepburn Bill, 325.
Algeciras Conference, Morocco im-
broglio, 312; Roosevelt's good offices,
conference, 313, 314; results, 314.
Alger, Russell, and Spanish War, 59;
on call for volunteers, 81; as scape-
goat, 83.
Alverstone, Baron, Alaskan Boundary
Tribunal, 257, 259.
American Bridge

merger, 145 n.

Company, and

American Line, combine, 156.

Ananias Club, 394.

Andrew, A. P., on panics, 345.
Andrews, Samuel, patent and begin-
ing of Standard Oil, 158.
Anthracite coal, strike and election of
1900, 140, 239; strike (1902), 236;

efforts of Mitchell, Hanna, and
Roosevelt to settle, 236, 237, 245;
operating companies and leaders,
bituminous workers and strike, 237;
threatened famine, 238; operators
refuse to treat, 238, 239; Roosevelt's
futile conference, 239; Cleveland's
suggestion, 240; miners and return
pending a commission, 241; pro-
posed federal investigation and
extra-constitutional action, 241; vio-
lence, state troops in region, 242;
commission agreed to, personnel,
243-246; return of miners, 246; re-
port of commission, recognition of
union, 246, 247; premanent results
of commission, 247.
Arbitration, McKinley and British
treaty, 40; rejected by Senate, 41.
Arid lands. See Reclamation.
Army, Brownsville affair, 338-340;
and Roosevelt, 366, 369; Roosevelt
and preparedness, 367, 368. See
also Philippines; Spanish War.
Art, Roosevelt and, 398.
Atlantic Transport Company, combine,

Australia, and American battleships,

Austria-Hungary, and American-Span-
ish crisis, 64.

Aylesworth, A. B., Alaskan Boundary
Tribunal, 257, 259.

BACON, ROBERT, in Cuba, 365.
Baer, G. F., and coal strike, 237, 239,

Baker, R. S., on agricultural prosperity,

Balfour, Arthur, on Venezuelan affair,

249; and Alaskan boundary, 257.
Banks, chain banking and panic of
1907, 348.

Barney, C. T., and panic of 1907,

[ocr errors]

Beaupré, A. M., and canal treaty, 267,

Beveridge, A. J., on Hanna, 290; on
rise of Roosevelt Period, 322; and
Meat Inspection Act, Life of Mar-
shall, 335; on Roosevelt as Great
Heart, 398.

215 n.; on social influences on
politics, 256; on fortification of
Panama Canal, 263; on Canal as
achievement, 276-278; on Roose-
velt as diplomatist, 315 n.; on
Roosevelt's administration, 398.
Buenos Ayres, Root's visit, 343.

Bigelow, John, on battle of San Juan Buffalo, Exposition, assassination of
Hill, 85.

Bill of Rights, Philippine, 199.

Bishop, J. B., on Roosevelt and coal

strike, 247; acknowledgment to,
399 n.

McKinley, 169–171.

Bunau-Varilla, Philippe, and Panama
Revolution, 268; on United States
and Revolution, 270; canal treaty,
275; on work on canal, 276.

Burlingame, E. L., acknowledgment
to, 399 n.

Blanco, Ramon, Cuban policy, 52; Bureau of Corporations, creation, 296.
and Cervera's fleet, 88, 89, 95.
Bland, R. P., presidential candidacy
(1896), 17.

Bliss, C. N., on Hanna's presidential
candidacy, 287; and campaign of
1904, 293.

Blount, J. H., on Philippines, 212.
Bolton, C. K., acknowledgment to,
399 n.

Boston Herald, on Standard Oil and
big business, 157.

Boutelle, C. A., on Congress and war
feeling, 55, 60.

Boxer uprising, Boxer society, progress,

127; siege of legations at Peking,
128-130; relief, 130: attitude and
achievement of American adminis-
tration, 130, 131; southern viceroys
and, 131; partial cancellation of
American indemnity, 319-321.
Brewer, D. J., Northern Securities
decision, 224; on Booker Washington
incident, 228.

Bridge, J. H., on Jones, 152.

Brooklyn, battle of Santiago, 91, 92.
Brown, H. B., in Northern Securities
decision, 224 n.

Brownsville affray, Roosevelt's action,

Bryan, W. J., free-silver speech,
presidential nomination (1896), 18;
campaign, 20-22, 28; and discon-
tent as issue, 27; defeat, 29; and
Spanish peace treaty, 111, 136; and
issues in 1900, 135; renomination,
136; in campaign, anti-Imperialism,
136-138, 142; defeat, 143; at
Governors' Convention, on "twi-
light zone," 361; defeat (1908), 388.
Bryce, James, on people as final tri-
bunal, 61; and Root, 214; on Root,

Burton, T. E., and offer of senatorship
(1897), 34; and Hepburn Bill, 325.
Bushnell, Asa, and senatorial appoint-
ment of Hanna, 34, 35.

Butler, N. M., and Congress of Arts
and Science, 301.

Butterworth, Benjamin, and Hanna, 10.

CABINET, Hanna and portfolio, 30, 34;

Sherman's appointment, 31-34, 41;
Hay in, 124; Root in, 184, 195,
311; Roosevelt and, 219, 233, 311;
Department of Commerce and Labor,

California, Japanese question, 341, 371,
373, 377.
Cambon, Jules, and American-Spanish
crisis, 63; and protocol of Spanish

War, 97, 100, 101; Root on, 97 n.
Canada. See Alaska.

Cannon, J. G., and Roosevelt, 396.
Carlisle, J. G., on postponement of
gold standard measure, 36.
Carnegie, Andrew, as iron master, 118;
career and character, 145-148; and
merger, 148, 153; and his subor-
dinates, 152, 152 n.; and peace, 153;
ethics of career, 168; on Booker
Washington, 228.

Carnegie Steel Company, and merger,
145, 148.

Carter, J. C., on Panama Revolution,

Cervera, Pasqual, cruise, at Santiago,
82; sortie and battle, 88-94; on
conduct of Americans, 94.
Chadwick, F. E., on Cuban insurgents,
46; value of book, 50, 81 n., 98 n.;
on Maine inquiry, 50; on Spanish

procrastination, 54; on Santiago
expedition, 85 n., 86 n.; on the
Oregon voyage, 98 n.; on acquiring
Philippines, 105.

Chain banking and panic of 1907, 348.
Chamberlain, D. H., on Panama
Revolution, 272.

118: American, in China and open
door, 125, 126; Morgan's steamship
combine, 156; Department created,
296. See also Railroads;


Concas y Palau, V. M., on naval battle
of Santiago, 95.

Chamberlain, Joseph, and Alaskan Conger, E. H., and Boxer siege of

boundary, 257.

Peking, 128-130.

Chamberlain, L. T., on Panama Revo- Congress, Fifty-fourth: and Cuba, 44.
lution, 273.

Charles Scribners' Sons, acknowledg-
ment to, 399 n.

Charleston, Exposition, Roosevelt at,

Chicago, Hanna on stump in, 141.
Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Rail-
road. See Northern Securities.
Chichester, Sir Edward, at Manila
Bay, 80.

China, foreign attitude, American trade

and spheres of influence, 125; Hay
and open door, 126; Boxer uprising,
127-131; partial concellation of
American indemnity, 319-321.
Ch'ing, Prince, on American Boxer
indemnity reliquishment, 320.
Civic Federation, Hanna in, 238.
Civil Service reform, Hanna's attitude,
3, 175; McKinley and, 174, 175;
under Roosevelt, 336.

Clarendon, Lord, on Spanish procras-
tination, 58.

Clark, C. E., Oregon voyage, 98 n.
Clark, E. E., Anthracite Coal Com-
mission, 243, 246.

Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, abrogation,

Cleveland, Grover, on postponement
of gold standard measure, 36; and
McKinley, 36, 39; and Cuban
Insurrection, 44, 45; and Hawaii,
113; and anthracite coal strike, 240,
241, 245; and candidacy (1904), 293;
and old-age pension, 297 n.
Cleveland, Hay and the Vampire Club,
120, 121; oil refineries, development
of Standard Oil, 158-160.

Coal. See Anthracite.
Coin's Financial School, 22, 23.
Colombia, rejection of canal treaty,
266-268. See also Panama Canal.
Colonies. See Imperialism.
Commerce, American invasion of
Europe, 117; increase of exports,

-Fifty-fifth: Hanna's appointment
as senator, 30-35; extra session,
silver in, 36; tariff, 37-39; and
British arbitration treaty, 41:
Cuban belligerency, 46; Proctor's
Cuban speech, 51-53; war feeling.
54, 55; Cuban intervention resolu-
tions, Teller Amendment, 65-67;
and Cuban Republic, uproar, 68:
declaration of war, 69; thanks to
Dewey, 74; war finances, 82;
treaty of peace, 110, 136; Hawaii,


Fifty-sixth: gold standard act,
119; Puerto Rico, Foraker Act, 176;
Cuba, Platt Amendment, 179-181;
Philippines, Spooner Amendment,
185, 200, 201; Hay-Pauncefote
draft treaty, 261, 262.

Fifty-seventh: Philippines, 201;
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 262;
isthmian canal route, 263-266;
reclamation, 354. Fifty-eighth:
Cuban reciprocity, 183; canal treaty
with Panama, 275; railroads, Elkin
Act, 296, 323; Department of
Commerce and Labor, 296.

Fifty-ninth: complexion, 295; old-
age pension, 297 n.; railroads, Hep-
burn Act, 323-334; meat inspection
and pure food, 334-336; employers'
liability, 337. Sixtieth: and
Roosevelt, 388.

Congress of Arts and Science, 301 n.
Conservation, Governors' Convention
on conservation, 360, 363; division
of powers and control, 361-363;
judicial support of policy, 363. See
also Forest reserves; Reclamation.
Consular service, reform, 336.
Coolidge, A. C., on Puerto Rico, 176;
on Cuba, 177; on lack of exploitation
of Philippines, 186; on results of
American rule in Philippines, 215.
Coolidge, L. A., on Platt, 180.

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