
verbo (fays he) neceffe habui reddere, fed genus omnium verborum vimque fervavi. Non enim ea me annumerare lectori putavi oportere, fed tamquam appendere.*

This it feemed proper to premife with respect to the verfion: what farther appeared neceffary with regard to the original, will be found in the remarks annexed.

* Cic de opt. gen. Orat. 5.






P. 19. 1. 18. for Picenia read Picentia.-p. 33. l. 5, dele 31. 1. 8. the numeral reference 32 fhould be 31.-p. 36. 1. 14. ditto 33 fhould be 32.-p. 38. 1. 1. dele, and diftinguifhed. p. 41. the numeral references in lines 1, 4, 12, fhould refpectively be 33, 34, 35-p. 48. 1. 4. after Thermopyla, add the omitted reference 41.-p. 100. l. 12. for where as, read whereas.-p. 141. 1. 23. for where, read when.p. 147. 1. 8. for flatter, read flatterer.-p. 166. 1. 13. for exprefs, read expreffed.-p. 198. 1. 3. for To read For.-p. 212. 1. 20. for prior, read Prior.-p. 255. 1. 23. and p. 274. 1. 7. for fchool's, read fchools. p. 256. 1. 15. after inftructing, add him.-p. 296. l. 14. after penetration, add, He advised well who faid,


[blocks in formation]


H! could my numbers charm thy anxious breast,

And lull the forrows of thy foul to rest; Would't thou not deem the poet's lenient lay, More worth than fums of countless gold could pay?"

For well may I addrefs you, my friend, in those lines of the honeft bard,

"Far lefs for wealth than probity renown'd,”

with which he opens his poem

ed to Flamininus. 2



I am fenfible

at the fame time that when the poet adds,

"Each rifing fun beholds thy ceafelefs grief,
And night returning brings thee no relief,"

he holds a language by no means appli

cable to you. I perfectly well know

indeed, the moderation and equanimity you poffefs; and that you have derived from Athens, not only an honourable addition to your name, but that calm and philofophic fpirit which fo peculiarly diftinguishes your character.3 Nevertheless, I have reafon to believe that the present unpleafing posture of public affairs, fometimes interrupts your tranquility of mind; as it frequently, I confefs, difcomposes my own.4 It is not, however, my prefent purpofe to offer you any confolation upon that fubject: the cafe requires a very powerful application; and I will referve what I have to fay upon it to some future opportunity. My design at this


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