
ples were frequently erected at the point where three roads met. As Subst.: Trivia, æ (sc. dea) f. ("She of the three ways or roads," i.e.) Trivia, or Diana:-Triviæ lacus, the lake of Trivia (now Lago di Nemi); a lake near Aricia in Latium. TrõĬus, a, um; Trōja, æ; Trōjānus, a, um; Trōjāni, ōrum; Trões, um; see Tros.


1, 335, 336, etc., and v. 41, where, in order to impart additional force, it is repeated [Tú, Doric form of σú].

tŭb-a, æ, f. [akin to tub-us, "a tube"] A straight trumpet used by the infantry.

tă-ĕor, ĭtus (rarely, tus) sum, ēri, 2. v. dep.: 1. To look upon, behold.-2. To see to, i.e. to guard, protect, etc.

1. tui, gen. sing. of tu; v.


2. tăi, ōrum; see tŭus.
tuli, perf. ind. of fĕro.

tum, adv.: 1. At that time; then.-2. In a series, etc.: Then, in the next place [prob. akin to a demonstr. root To; Gr. Tó; cf. tālis].

tumens, ntis, P. pres. of tumeo.

Trō-s, is, m. ("Tros"; a king of Phrygia, from whom Troy took its name; hence) 1. Trō-ja, (= Trō-ĭa), æ, f. ("The city of Tros") Troy; which was captured by the Greeks, B.C. 1184;-at v. 233, Trojam Trojānos, the city being put for its people. Hence, a. Troi-us, a, um, adj. =Trōjānus; see no. b.-b. Trōj-ānus, āna, ānum, adj. Of, or belonging to, Troy, Trojan.-As Subst.: Trōjāni, ōrum, m. plur. The Trojans," to swell"]("The thing -2. As Adj. Trojanus swelling up; hence, а Trojan.-As Subst. Tros, mound," etc.; hence) A sepulõis, m. A Trojan.-Plur.: chral mound; a tomb, etc. Trões, um, m. The Trojans [Τρώς].


tū, tăi (plur. vos, vestrum), pers. pron. Thou, you.-N.B. The personal pron., as Subject, is usually omitted when the person is not emphatically put forward; but when the person is to be emphasized, then it is expressed; see vv.

tůměo, ui, no sup., ēre, 2. v. n. To swell; to be swollen. tăm-ilus, žli, m. [tum–ěo,

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tun-c, adv. [contr. and altered fr. tum-ce: i.e. tum, "then"; demonstrative suffix ce] At that time, then.

turba, æ, f. ("A turmoil, disturbance"; hence) A crowd, throng, multitude [akin to rúpßn].

turbātus, a, um, P. perf. pass. of 1. turbo,

1. turb-o, āvi, ātum, āre, 1. | [tu, "thou, or you"] Thy, v. a. [turb-a, "a disturbance"] thine, your, yours.—As Subst.: ("To make a turba with re- tui, ōrum, m. plur.: Thy gard to"; hence) To throw friends; v. 365. into disorder or confusion.Pass. turb-or, ātus sum, āri.

2. turb-o, inis, m. [turb-o, "to move violently "] ("That which moves violently" round; hence) A whipping-top; v. 378.

Turnus, i, m. Turnus; a Rutulian king, the rival of Eneas, by whom he was slain. turr-iger, gěra, gĕrum, adj. [turr-is, "a tower '; (1) connecting vowel; ger-o, "to bear"] Of cities: Turret-bearing, turreted;-at v. 631 the final syllable of turrigĕræ is not elided before the vowel with which the following word (Antemna) commences. Moreever the verse is spondaic, i.e. has a spondee in the fifth place.

turris, is (Acc. turrim and, more rarely, turrem), f. A tower [Túppis].

tūt-or, ātus sum, āri, 1. v. dep. [tūt-us, "safe"] (" To make tutus; hence) To guard, protect, defend.

1. tu-tus, ta, tum, 1. P. perf. of tuĕor.-2. Pa. (see tuĕor, no. 2) ("Protected," etc.; hence) Safe, secure.

tu-us, a, um, pron. poss.

Tybris, is, or ĭdis; see Tiberis.

tyrannus, i, m. A monarch, ruler, sovereign, king [TÚpavvos].

Tyrrhēn-us, a, um, adj. [Tyrrhen-i, "The Tyrrheni "; a Pelasgian people, who migrated to Italy and formed the parent-stock of the Etrurians] Of, or belonging to, the Tyrrheni or Etrurians; Etrurian, Tuscan ;- at V. 663 Tyrrhenum flumen = the Tiber.

Tyrrhidæ, ārum; see Tyrrheus.

Tyrrheus (dissyll.) ei, m. Tyrrheus; the chief herdsman of king Latinus.-Hence, Tyrrh-idæ, idārum, m. plur.: The sons of Tyrrheus.

[blocks in formation]

"when," "as soon as," are joined to the perf. ind. where a plup. would have been expected. This perf. is to be rendered as a plup.-2. Of place: Where.

ū-dus, da, dum, adj. [for uv-dus; fr. obsol. uv-čo, "to be damp"] Damp, wet, moist, humid.

Ufens, ntis, m. Ufens

"to howl"] A howling, howl, yell, shriek.

ǎl-ǎl-o, avi, ātum, āre, 1. v. n. [formed fr. the sound of the natural cry of wild animals] To howl, yell, etc.; at v. 18 ululare is the Historic Inf. [§ 140, 2].

umbo, onis, m. (Any convex elevation; e.g. "the boss of a shield"; hence) A shield :

1. A small river of Latium-crates umbonum, the wicker(now the Uffento) flowing past Terracina; v. 802.-2. A Latin warrior; v. 745.


work of their shields = their wicker shields; v. 633. umbra, æ, f. 1. Sing. and ul-lus, la, lum (Gen. ullius; Plur.: ("Shade, shadow"; Dat. ulli), adj. [for un-lus; hence) 1. Of a building: fr. un-us, one"] ("Pertain-Recess, retirement ;—at v. 619 ing to unus"; hence) Any :- with reference to the palace non, or haud, ullus, not any, of Latīnus).-2. The shade, попе, по. spirit, of a departed person. :-Plur.: The shades, i.e. the realm of shades, the lower world; v. 770.

ultimus, a, um, sup. adj. In time or order of succession: Furthest, most distant, or remote; the earliest.(Pos.: obsol. ulter); Comp. ultĕrior.

ultro, adv. [obsol. ulter, "that is beyond"] ("On the further side"; hence, to denote an action, etc., that proceeds from a cause outside of itself, and emanating solely from the will of the doer, etc.) 1. Of one's self, etc.; of one's own accord, voluntarily, spontaneously.-2. Of one's self, etc. on one's own part, etc.

úlula-tus, tūs, m. [ulul(a)-o,

Umbro, ōnis, m. Umbro; a priest, and brave Marrubian (= Marsian) warrior. With reference to the statement at v. 753 etc., see Marsi.

ūnā, adv. [adverbial abl. fem. of unus, "one"] In company, at the same time, together.

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un-ănĭm-us, a, um, adj. [ūnus, "one and the same ănim-us, "mind"] Of one mind, heart, or will; harmonious, living in harmony or amity.

unda, æ, f. ("That which

wets"; hence) 1. A wave, billow.-2. Water [akin to Sans. root UND, "to wet or moisten "].

undans, ntis, P. pres. of undo.

u-nde, adv. [for cu-nde qu-nde; fr. qu-i," who, which, what" 1. Locally: a. Relative: From which place whence. b. Interrogative From what place? whence? 2. Of persons or things: Relative: From whom, from which, whence;-at v. 778 = from which cause, for which reason, wherefore.

unum, ius, n. One thing.-2. The one, or only; alone.3. Of that which is common to several; One and the same.

4. Joined to superlatives to strengthen their meaning and to show that the person or thing, of which the superlative is used, possesses the quality expressed by it in a degree far beyond all others. It may be rendered, By far the most, etc.:-justissimus unus, by far the most just; v.



urb-s, is, f. [prob. urb-o, to mark out with a plough"] und-i-que, adv. [und-e, ("That which is marked out "whence"; (i) connecting with a plough"; hence) 1. vowel; que, indefinite suffix] A city, a walled town ;-at v. ("Whencesoever "; hence) 195 urbem-Trojam.-2. The From all parts or every city; i.e. of king Latinus; quarter; on all sides, every-v. 171 and frequently elsewhere. where.

und-o, āvi, atum, āre, 1. v. n. [und-a, "a wave"] ("To wave, to rise in waves hence) Of a caldron or the water in it: To bubble up violently; to surge.


un-quam, adv. [ūn-us, 'one"; suffix quam] At any (one) time; ever.

urgeo, ursi, no sup., urgere, 2. v. a.: 1. To urge, impel, etc.-2. To press upon by too great closeness; to hem in, confine; v.566.-Pass.: urgeor, no perf., urgēri.

ur-na, næ, f. A water-pot, water-jar, urn [akin to Sans. vâr, "water"].

ūro, ussi, ustum, ūrĕre, 3. v. a. To burn [akin to Sans. root USH, "to burn "]. urs-us, i, m. A bear [akin to Sans. riksh-as; Gr. ápк

un-us, a, um (Gen. generally unius; in poets, sometimes unius; Dat. uni), adj.: 1. One.-Adverbial expression:-in unum, into, or to, one place; together.-As Subst.: TOS, ČρK-OS].

u-s-quam, adv. [akin to | (utr) of this compound word] qui, "any"; (s) epenthetic; On one side and on the other; indefinite suffix quam] In any on both sides; on each side. place, anywhere.

u-s-que, adv. [akin to qui, "any"; (s) epenthetic; quě, indefinite suffix] 1. Of place: Right on, without stop, ever, incessantly, constantly, continuously.-2. Even ;-in conjunction with prep. ab, "from" (sometimes written as one word abusque) even from; v.


văc-ŭus, ŭa, ŭum, adj. [vǎc-o, "to be empty"] Empty.

văd-ōsus, ōsa, ōsum, adj.

shallow or

shoal "] Full of shallows or

văd-um, i, n. [vād-o, "to go"] ("That through which one can go"; hence) 1. Of a river: A shallow, shoal, ford.

ut (originally uti), adv. and conj.: 1. Adv.: a. When: -ut primum, when first, i.e.-2. A sea, stream. as soon as.-b. How.-c. As

văl-ĕo, ui, ĭtum, ēre, 2.

vigorous; to possess strength. -2. With Inf. To have the power, or strength, to do, etc.;

for example.-d. As, as soon v. n.: 1. To be strong or as.-e. In comparisons: As, like as.----2. Conj.: a. That.b. That, in order that.-c. In wishes = utinam: Oh! that; to be able to do, etc.; [prob. would that; I etc. wish that. akin to Sans. bal-a, uter-que, utră-que, ūtrum-“ 'strength "]. que (Gen. utrius-que; Dat. utri-que), adj. [uter, one or the other"; que (suffix)] 1. Each.-2. Both; both one and the other.


ŭtěrus, i, m. The belly [akin to Sans. udara]. ǎtinam, adv. [§ 147] Oh! that; would that, etc.

utr-im-que, adv. [uterque, utr(-ius-)que, "both one and the other"; with adverbial suffix im inserted between que and the first portion

valles (or vallis), is, f. A valley, vale;-at v. 565 valles is nom. sing., but at v. 802 acc. plur.

vǎpor, ōris, m. Vapour,


văr-ius, ĭa, ĭum, adj. (" Party-coloured, spotted hence) Various, of different kinds [akin to βαλ-ΐος, "mottled, party-coloured"]. vastus, a, um, adj. Immense, vast.

vā-tes, tis, comm. gen.

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