


"Have you thought there could be but one Supreme? There can be any number of Supremes-One cannot countervail another, any more than one eye can countervail another, or one life countervail another."-Whitman.

A scientific age will relate its problems to natural law. We claim to be living in a scientific age. Among the problems of the hour we find one which compasses the world.

Reforms which today have no defined scientific basis upon which to rest their appeal to the people must naturally die a natural death.

The problem, Votes for Women, faces all nations. Today each nation is evolving out of its own intelligence the battle ground upon which this appeal of life, through womanhood, is to be met. The fundamental principle of Democracy found its first great victory upon these shores. Here a principle became a Republic. Here life clothed the Law of Revolution with flesh and gave the divine body bone and structure, with the blood of a mighty race for its blood. The Republic was born, under the law, a child, to be born again as a manchild, recognizing a first and a second birth in its mortal construction,-a birth which ordains followed by a birth which establishes in immortality that which was ordained in the original conception.

All of the quotations in this work are, unless otherwise indicated, from the Bible and Walt Whitman.


America faces its native problem in that order of evolution which commands an involution to stand forth as the creative principle of new generative existence. Where the scientific age has found root reason is found as the one supreme in the will of the people. Where force is, reason is not. Where reason is not, science-although it be big with discovery-can make no appeal. The scientific age has born its spirit and is today seeking body for its voice. A scientific age brings its own life and thought and expression to the civilization which is its own. It brings reason to the throne of reason in the flesh of its life. The entirely scientific looks to the ether, which falleth as the gentle dew, and not to the magnetic forces of life, for the enthronement of Law. Force belongs to the magnetic age. The closing era has enthroned force. An ether age has dawned to establish peace. The things of an era are not isolated from the natural law of that era. The nineteenth century declared that the universe is governed by Law. The twentieth establishes that declaration in understanding upon all planes of thought and action. The twentieth century brings an art of government resting upon natural law.

The rise of womanhood throughout the world must be related to the rise of the law of a new era; an ether rise in all nature, manifest in the natural brain of a natural Man; a universal uprising governed, not by individual nations, but by Life, and

the Law of Life.

The dream of America is one of supremacy upon the high seas. The reality of that inverted ambition is written in supremacy upon a sea which is crystal, written within the Revelation of Law, bringing that holy see which shall enthrone Law as the Lord of Life, by the authority of a people, reborn. Life is now stooping again to write upon the ground, "Taxation without Representation is Tyranny." How shall America as an intelligent nation meet its fundamental principle in normal second birth? Shall it meet its natal problem with opinions of men and women, with interpretations of a past age or, with the Law of the era which brought the second birth?

The ether law divorces its age from dominance. The problem of an ether age is to enthrone its law. The magnetic era enthroned its law in brains and things. The magnetic era of dominance is ended, not by man, but by a "limit of growth" period in its own constitution. The magnetic era is ended not by this reform or by that but by Life, which now writes its new law in its new century. Though the magnetic law at its limit of dominance build the dreadnaughts of combined nations, the will of the new century is the will of that dreadnaught "which passeth and goeth through all things," the will of the ether law. The twentieth century brings humanity face to face, not with new humanly conceived conditions, but with a newly discovered natural law, which law must define itself, and its will in the human problems which

lie in civilization. America conquered before upon the issue, "Taxation without Representation is Tyranny" under the fiery law of beginnings written in the years of her life. She conquers again under the law of the times in which she meets her problem. She conquers again to write America within the law of the times, ascending with the universal ether forces of nature. Nature uses human figures as figure heads of natural processes only until the people have seen and learned to know nature and her way of ascension. Life must lead its people through primitive war and strife until that intelligence is born which will follow the Law of Life. America is no longer primitive. A new law is born unto intelligence. This law is divorced from dominance. Nations to inherit the protection of the rising ether law divorce themselves from dominance. Dominance is won and sustained by destroying the center between equal opposites.

When the center between equal opposites is destroyed nature forms center in the midst of the positive one of a dual opposite expression of nature. When nature has given two equal and opposite to sustain center between equal opposites, and this center is destroyed, center is formed in the positive one, which center creates an impotent left hand in brains and things, in nations and in civilization. Knowledge of this fact is the fundamental principal of Democracy in an art of govern


Positive magnetic dominance is abnormal. That

which is normal is that which is creative. Nowhere in the whole realm of life is the magnetic center creative. The magnetic is the center formed in the positive one where nature has intended equal opposite relation. In the discovery of the ether life brings to the intelligence revelation of the creative one which lies in the midst of equal opposites.

The twentieth century has to do, not with the problem of dominance, but with the problem of that balanced relation of two which produces the "neutral pair" which produces "the regeneration" which is the immortality of the center between opposites, which is life more abundant. The twentieth century has to do solely with the universal problem of the preservation of man's natural resources and appropriation of the same. Here the woman problem appears in place as the most significant sign among the signs of the times, all of which are declaring a newly discovered relation of life's eternally dual force, the natural function of which is not generation but re-generation.

A relation of dual force has been discovered by science, which points the eye of reason toward the problem of immortality. The problem of an immortal existence is the central problem of every opposite duality. Immortality now, says science, is a problem of the regeneration. Now force is dual for relation. As science has declared a relation of dual force which is generative and a relation which is regenerative, intelligence may lawfully ask, if force is dual for relation, what rela

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