
and I."



"By Allah! O my Lord, I have eight children -Thousand Nights and One. "A free government will make its final stand upon the decisions of the United States Supreme Court." —James J. Hill, before Yale Alumni, '10.

Our physical law at the limit of expansion signs itself Seven, the last day which, under the law of the third, is also the first. Our physical law at its limit, by a process, becomes a spiritual law signed Nine. Nine is that sign which marks a place where physical law has taken to itself that natural increase of power from within which is the normal gift of ascending life. At seven the physical law takes to itself the involved power which it has evolved within itself. The spiritual fact of this process lies neither in the evolution nor the involution but in the relation which is established by these two witnesses of the Law called marriage, in the name of the triune one.

The spiritual fact is the equal opposite relation of evolution and involution, both physical forms. Through the involved one, or the negative form, the whole physical expanse finds itself written above. This writing "above" is above the original external facts, or above the original earth. And what is the earth? The earth is the physical expansion and the original earth, and every problem

and every man has the law of the earth as his law. All beginnings must fall under the law of the original earth of that beginning to arrive at a natural of evolution-involution. "And one for two I never did misread," will be our constant care in all interpretation. We build submarine lines in all vision to arrive at the heart of the earth where the regeneration, which is to ascend from within, is imprisoned. Seeing within the physical expansion we see the heaven which is to ascend as a descent upon the earth. The one of the heaven above we see first imprisoned within the earth form. Every physical problem follows natural lines of creation. We therefore in interpretation follow dual creative lines of force, by the law of "my two witnesses."

Evolution we see as the first A, and the involution as the second one, or the second A. Out of the second A we build the Christ form by a descent of the whole Law upon the involution, or the negative expression of the physical expanse. Wherever this descent is recorded the quality of the without and the within (or of the evolution and the involution) is written, and one above appears to declare I AM. The problem of two and two in the name of the triune one is the One problem of the art of government.

We see our evolution as the first one, and the second one at once as our involution, under the law. We see then two in the first one. We bring the dual vision, to enthrone One, in all the physical affairs of life. Intelligence then notes for us not

only the external positive man A, but also the hidden man A, of the creative law. This hidden one of evolution is a descent from above and an everlasting omnipresent gift of the ground.

At the limit of physical expanse the whole physical area must become negative to the descent from above, which rises from within the original earth form, if it would inherit the ascension promised the original earth of every problem and form. Rejecting the food of the Law we here die. At the limit of physical expansion the whole physical body of the creation will become negative to the descent of life from above, which rises from within. Here government must become art, leading nature in obedience to a new law. The descending-ascending one will be seen to be the second one of the physical expansion, involved from the beginning, to arrive at, and form, the place I, the Nine, and the one altogether lovely, the one which is written one for all. The physical expansion, wedding this one in the triune name, signs itself, "By Allah," and by the law Selah declares, "I have eight children and I."

Revelation has been ever in the world to arise where it has been laid. There is no place of resurrection for the Law save the grave wherein the Law is buried. Today every physical form is yielding up the holy body of its life. Today the Law arises, not by the power of man or of woman, of king or of priest. "Now will I arise, now will I lift up myself, saith the Law." Our problem is recognition and enthronement, in the earth.

Our physical expanse, or AH law of Seven days, will yield not to the physical understanding the whole triune wife descending as the square Jerusalem from above, but will give seven hundred concubine physical forces, negative forces of involution, to be wedded to one. In the redemption which ascends, from within, these Seven lay hold upon one, for redemption (Isaiah, 4, 1), and thus the whole physical expanse is lifted up, as the AH law passes through AH to I, the last which was and is first.

There is no passage from generation to generation save through the square which is formed at seven of the equality of evolution and involution. This passage is through the better half of the physical body of life, the involution. Here the two immutable things of God reveal God and the Son three in one, born of the equality of heaven and of earth from within the body of physical force, or from the involution, which is the body of the woman. God reveals the triune Son of nature as the redemption from the fall through a normal ascension from within. Two immutable things are given, for interpretation of God and the Son. Every form holds two bodies of physical force. Religion binds back to the creative law to reveal its I above. Religion is the word of God, a body of Hebrew force to send out the Son of the woman. The Logos of the word religion is E, reaching from first to last. Our religion is first physical or purely external under the law of ascension. Re

ligion is dual before it reveals to our holy see the triune I. Our religion becomes our interpretation of all things. All nations and governments first worship the God AllAH.

The physical law will evolve an intelligence which, worshipping the God Allah, denies the Son, making no attack upon the city AH to take AI. This law will also evolve a consciousness which, claiming to see and be the Son, will deny the God Allah. All physical expansion will evolve the consciousness which worships the God Allah to deny the I, and the consciousness which will deny the God ALLah claiming to enthrone I. Neither arrives at truth, which is "born of two immutable things in which it is impossible for God to lie.” Art enthrones "my two witnesses," the Old and the New Testament, the physical expanse and the resident forces within the physical expanse.

For the taking of the city AI we need the whole physical expanse of five fundamental sense forces to hang these five within that "cave" which is the "sepulcher" of the Law and the brain of nation and Man. Unless we have obeyed the law of ascension by conservation and appropriation of these forces these five go not in to the marriage of life and law. "Put them in fear O Lord; that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah." For the taking of the city AI in which are five kings to be hung and caved, we need the whole expanse of the AH law. Nations refusing to ascend beyond the physical limit in the way of

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