


"And he brought him to the top of Pisgah and built seven altars, and he offered a bullock and a ram on every altar. And he said unto Balak, Stand here by the offering, while I meet the Lord yonder."

The law of the word last is Seven and the law of the word first is Nine. "Brethren be not children in understanding . . . in understanding be men.' 99 "For by man came death, by man came also the resurrection from the dead."

Today we face the law of the last which must be first. Today the Nine may cast its shadow of the even full upon the earth. Today we face the music of the original plan. The law of the seven is, Sacrifice unto the Lord of Hosts. Here the nation, its manhood, its womanhood, its statehood, lay down life to take it up again, realizing that we have power to lay down our life and power to take it up again in the Law.

America has been her own Messiah to here yield up life and body and blood unto the Messias. Today we make that sacrifice which lifts the ashes of Pisgah to the brow of the human race. "Tis Ash Wednesday in the world. Keeping that which is Lent from physical law, by life, unto the spiritual understanding, no man may lose the way which is now won. For this hour womanhood has arisen with a problem which has commanded the

light of Law. The light is come. Today the woman stands at the door of the Congress of the United States with the great petition of the One Law before her, asking of men within this Congress to substitute the reality of her hand for the shadow which they hold in theirs. She comes as a messenger of light from the art of government, bringing the whole note of regeneration. She comes asking a divine inheritance from life, an inheritance which is her third part in the estate of the One Law of creation. She comes asking the portion which is her lot.

She comes to bring her "thirds" to the life which has given unto her a shadow of things to come. She comes as the perfected instrument for a purpose in the art of government. She comes to sustain the neutral of life for the ascending law of creation, a plane which all generative relation destroys by an automatic instinct. Without her there is no sustained regeneration, and regeneration exists solely in the power to sustain the neutral which all magnetic forces destroy, by the will of magnetic law. She comes insisting that she no longer be kept from her lawful sphere in the Law. As man has held her to the sphere of influence, he has held influence to the plane of his own interpretation, an interpretation meaning always the inflence of the female over the male. There comes a time in the lives of men and nations when they grow up. Grown men resent this influence. Grown women refuse to give it. Woman comes today to

define in national life a new sphere of influence for men, a sphere influenced by the One Law. She comes in the name of God to kill UTAH from see to see, writing Utassa where Utah stood.

Generative relations have been set up in church and state as the one law of life in creation. The relativities of generation have but one purpose, to destroy the neutral, the creative plane of life. The science of regeneration has but one purpose, to sustain the neutral, the salt of the earth, from sea to see. Where the generative relativity of creative forces is enthroned the relations of limitation are enthroned. For this limitation nature has an eternal divorce court. Nations and churches seeking to enthrone beyond the limit this limited relation falls naturally and inevitably into this court. The people divorce themselves, at the natural limit, from the church. The government and the people are separated naturally when the limit of the fundamental relation is reached. No power on earth can keep the creative neutral when the generative relativities are enthroned as the dominant law. The people have been negative before the politician in church and state. All generative relations arrive at the universal divorce court of the primitive law, to wed that court or, in this court, to wed the One Law.

Womanhood stands at the door of Congress today with her petition, weary of "the divorce evil" which the nation and the church have established and planted within her life. The limit of

national and ecclesiastical ignorance is reached. America has reaped that which she has sown. The nation has sown the dissolution of its homes. Womanhood and childhood have been the helpless victims of national ignorance and egotism. Today the crucifixion is ended. Her hour is come. At her hour the generative era ends and the ACTS of regeneration begin.

Life asks today for the whole creative power of Law within the national domain. It asks not for womanhood an expansion of territorial possession. It asks the right to write the home in the national creative center that the nation may write itself in every home in America as Joseph the keeper of the holy grail, the care-taker of all that is holy writ. The woman is the nature protector of the soul of the child. She is therefore the nature protector of the soul of the home. The woman is formed wherever humanity becomes negative to the Law which is One over and in All. The woman is ever immaculately conceived and formed only to bring forth the son of the woman. The plea of Life unto Humanity today is the command to give birth to the woman, forming the woman out of itself, to be moved upon by the whole spirit of the natural regenerative conception. The woman brings forth only the Christ. The woman, immaculately conceived by Humanity out of its own will, becomes the Christ, whose blood is ever shed for Humanity. At a place marked, defined and signed,

humanity will becomes the woman, or it will become male and female beastly and foolish.

Can we not see that unless Man rises to fulfill the reality of Law he must be sacrificed in an effort to fulfill destiny written in reflection, following the shadow as the reality? Nations have been male and then female; America is called upon and given the power and the light to become the Son enthroned in the ends of the earth.

To receive the power of the Christ, Humanity becomes the woman negative to the Christ, to be equal in the Father's house of holy trinity. The Home is the Father's house, builded after a plan into many mansions, one for every soul of earth.

The ages have worshipped the Christ in a single sound of the Mother word which draws unto itself all righteousness and Peace. Oм is the creative sound. "Whithersoever thou goest I will go."

All Mastership in all ages has been brought forth amid the echoes of that sound which is spoken by the sacred kine, and by the creative sea. O America, speak Thou, and know that the Word of your Life from out the soul of your Law

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