
hesitate to admit the value of these reve- knowledge, using your reason, and leadlations, and for the reasons stated in the ing a useful, moral life, His advice is following letter to the editor which ap- emphatically-Beware of intercourse peared in a subsequent issue of the with spirits.-ADVISOR."

paper :

"SIR,-In your very considerate and PÈRE HYACINTHE AND SWEDENBORG. temperate review of Angelic Revela- On the night of Friday, the 23rd of tions in your last issue, you state that June, a large public meeting was held the editor is a Swedenborgian. This is, in St. James's Hall, under the joint no doubt, correct as to the writer in auspices of the British, Continental, and question; but you will oblige the readers General Federation for the Abolition of of Swedenborg in general by stating Government Regulation of Prostitution that as a body they greatly disapprove and the National Association.

At this

of the practices of Spiritism, and they meeting Père Hyacinthe, "the most do this on the principles of Swedenborg eloquent man in Europe," delivered an himself. He teaches that the spirits in impressive and eloquent address, in the closest communion with any individual course of which he is reported to have are those in similiar states, views, and said:-"A man whom I name with principles to his own. With a Quaker respect, because his intentions are good, there are Quaker spirits; with a fana- and because with great errors he unites tical person, fanatical spirits; with a great truths, a reformer and a revelator, Roman Catholic, Roman Catholic spirits. -Emanuel Swedenborg,-has written Hence, Davis the infidel, Mrs. Girling magnificent things concerning conjugal the enthusiast, and Alexis the Roman love and family life; nevertheless, in Catholic, have all had spirit communications echoing their own views. Spirits retain for some time after death the views and states they take with them from this world, because the mind cannot be instantaneously changed, and they remain near to those in this world who are like themselves.

"The phenomena of Spiritism confirm Swedenborg's teachings in these respects, but in practice they are most dangerous. Sometimes the most hurtful errors are uttered with apparently angelic authority; lies of every kind are introduced, and blasphemies of the foulest character are infused by those beings in the dark, frequently with the most baleful results. "When, on the other hand, Divine Providence intends to enable any person to see the spiritual world, in order that great ends may be accomplished, He prepares the individual, and the gift of open vision comes without his seeking it, as in the cases of Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Mary, John, and, we may add, Swedenborg. To seek intercourse with spirits through tables, hats, séances, and the like, is to do that which is so often forbidden in Seripture, namely, to commune with familiar spirits. Abundant mischiefs in the history of Spiritism vindicate the wisdon of the Divine prohibition.

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virtue of this sophism of which I have spoken, he has, with terrible scholastic subtlety, developed the idea that under certain circumstances a married man may, in conscience, before God, ally himself to another woman.

It is pleasant to find that a man of so much ability and commanding influence as Père Hyacinthe is so far acquainted with the writings of Swedenborg as to speak of him with respect as one of the recognized teachers of the world; and it is much to be regretted that he should not have mastered Swedenborg's position on this important but most painful and perplexing subject. The tendency and aim of Swedenborg's teaching is to overthrow the terrible evil which arises from the disorderly connection of the sexes by an exposition of the true origin of sex, of the relation of the sexes to each other, of the spiritual nature and exalted purity of marriage, and, where men abuse their freedom and will not live in a state of order, the importance of keeping so near to the married state, that conversion to its chaste condition may be most easily accomplished. It is a total misconception of Swedenborg's teaching to suppose that "a married man may, in conscience before God, ally himself to another woman. Conscience before God is the state of religious perception and sensitiveness in the soul, which renders every form of adultery repulsive, and leads to its rejection. The

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speech of Père Hyacinthe was published in the Shield, the organ of the Associations on behalf of which he was speaking. Several communications on the subject were forwarded to the editor, from one of which, signed H. B., we give the following extract :

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ployed to mitigate the afflictions of the sufferers, in which persons of all creeds and conditions can take part. The London correspondent of the Eastern Morning News of September 11th has the following allusion to one of these :"I had some conversation with Miss "In most of his arguments I heartily Albert last evening, just after she had concur; but I was sorry to find him been making what was in every sense of committing a great error' in saying of the word her maiden speech at the the illustrious Swedenborg that he sanc- Cannon Street Hotel, on the subject of tions concubinage. This could only the Bulgarian atrocities. Miss Albert have arisen from his imperfect acquaint- has lived several years in Turkey, and ance with what Swedenborg has said on showed me the letter she had received the subject. In reality it is no more from Dr. Washburne, the rector of the true than it would be to say the Bible American College in Constantinople, sanctions it. It is quite true that Among his pupils Dr. Washburne had God permits it, as he does many other several Bulgarian youths, who on reatrocious and deplorable evils. But turning to their province wrote him full does He not thereby, in some inscrutable descriptions of the atrocities. These way, prevent the commission of some letters, it appears, were all submitted to still greater evil? Men are free agents; and God will not infringe our freedom. Swedenborg's work, Conjugial Love and its chaste Delights; also Adulterous Love and its Sinful Pleasures, is perhaps the most exhaustive treatise ever written on the subject. I read it, when a very young man, more than sixty years ago; and the effect it produced on me was most salutary. It gave me an exalted notion of women and of the sanctity of marriage, which time has not in the slightest degree weakened. I have read it repeatedly since with ever-increasing delight. I would not think of recommending it to young people, of either sex, who entertain loose notions on such matters. They would probably abuse it, as many do certain parts of the Bible. But I felt it my duty to place it in my daughter's hands at eighteen; and 1 have never regretted doing so.

"To the pure all things are pure.""

BULGARIAN ATROCITIES.-The moral sense of the country has been shocked by the revelation of the fearful outrages which have been perpetrated by the Turks in Bulgaria. This terrible wickedness is a sad evidence of the nature of man when neither restrained by the bonds of conscience nor the pressure of external authority. To prevent the recurrence of such barbarous cruelties must be the aim of European statesmen; to elevate the people above the condition which renders such practices possible, the aim of all Christian philanthropists. Meanwhile there are many agencies em

Sir Henry Elliot, who took no notice of
them. Miss Albert represents the Turks
as being, generally speaking, well ac-
quainted with the doctrines of Chris-
tianity, even to the extent of under-
standing the difference between Catholics
and Protestants. The general objection
they urged was the stereotyped one of
the Theist, that we believe in three Gods;
but this lady succeeded in puzzling them
somewhat with her form of, faith.
is a Swedenborgian; and on her de-
scribing the doctrines of that body to
her Mahometan friends they almost
claimed her as a convert. Miss Albert
is busily engaged in getting up women's
meetings on the subject of the atrocities.
She breaks ground first at Quebec Hall,
but wishes to make it a woman's ques-
tion all over London.


SUSTENTATION FUND.-We noticed in our last the institution of this fund by the General Conference. We were not able at the time to give the list of subscriptions, which we find is not quite equal to the report which had reached us. We give this list now, and hope to be able to report continued increase in its amount in our future numbers. The Committees appointed to act in various districts have not yet, we believe, commenced their labours. The time most convenient for the holding of public meetings is approaching, and although many of our Societies have important questions occupying their attention and needing pecuniary efforts, yet we hope this most important work will not be

overlooked. As a Christian community, the Society from year to year, and this in all probability is again circulated through new channels, even if not in all cases printed. There is no doubt that it is this publicity, combined with numerous notices and reviews of recent editions of Swedenborg's works and those which are collateral to them, that prompts such remarks as the following which appeared in The World of the 16th August, in a notice of Professor Parsons' Outlines:-"Nothing more need be said

there is no subject before us of so great importance to the growth of the Church and its extended usefulness, as an adequate support of our ministers. We cannot reasonably hope to obtain the full energies of a man who is crippled and perplexed with worldly care and anxiety. If he is to give full attention to his ministry, he must at least be raised above absolute need; 'and at present this is all the Conference can hope to accomplish.

Promises for Investment to August 24, 1876.

Mr. Geo. Benson, Manchester,

in five years,

£200 0

Mr. Sam. Gee, Kersley, do. 200 0
Mr. And. Eadie, Glasgow, do. 200
Mr. R. M. Paterson, Paisley,

Mr. Thos. Downes, Glasgow,


Rev. Dr. Bayley,

Mr. Thos. Isherwood, Heywood, in five years,

Dr. Pilkington, J. P., Claytonle-Moors,

Mr. G. H. Johnstone, Bir

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200 0

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100 0

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100 0



25 0

Mr. J. Mottram, Southport, pd. 10 10

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Mr. Geo. Pilkington, Acerington, this year, paid,

20 0

Mr. Wm. Standring, Fails

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Mr. Jas. Horrocks, Bolton,

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Miss Tickle, Bolton, paid,

10 0


Mr. John Parkinson,

5 0

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Mr. Graham, Bolton,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Mr. Peake, Bolton,

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than that it is a clear, careful, and concise summary of the views of a man who has exercised more influence upon human thought than is generally allowed."

Several provincial editors and proprietors having offered to review any work the Committee might think proper to send to them, copies of either the True Christian Religion or the Apocalypse Revealed were sent. The use made of the books will be best seen by the following extracts :

The Potteries Examiner printed the paragraph in full, and on receiving a copy of the Apocalypse Revealed, the editor inserted a long and favourable notice of that book in a subsequent 0 issue. We quote a few sentences only: "Some think that the views of Bible 0 Christians everywhere are undergoing a vast and important change, and that, from our D. D's. to the humblest followers of the God-Man, each and all are endeavouring to rise higher and higher still into the knowledge of Him, whom to know is life eternal. Amongst every denomination and sect, and in every district there are those who turn with pleasure and satisfaction to the rich soul pastures, in the opinion of his 0 admirers, to be found in such works as the True Christian Religion, the Apocalypse Revealed, etc. The Committee are doing a great and good work in their liberal efforts to disseminate, in their view, the true Christian light, spiritual SWEDENBORG SOCIETY.-A newspaper truths and immortal principles revealed paragraph, containing an abstract of the through the great philosopher of Sweden, report and the resolutions passed at who, apart from his mighty grasp of the annual meeting, was sent to the Divine truths, stands, in the opinion of editors of the newspapers and periodicals many, head and shoulders in most reof the United Kingdom, who number spects above his contemporaries in the nearly 2000. The results in the larger very front rank as a thinker, a reasoner, number of cases cannot of course be and a scientist. It will be evident that known, beyond the fact that the editors the writer of the above holds the docby this means receive definite infor- trines taught by Swedenborg in high mation as to the aims and progress of estimation. At the same time due cau

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Mr. George Benson, in five


Mr. Samuel Gee, do.
Mr. George Pilkington, paid, 5 0


tion is used in penning an article suitable for the general reader.

The North Wilts Herald, in a notice of the True Christian Religion, remarks:"The fact is, there has been a prejudice against the writings of Swedenborg . the word Swedenborgianism has usually presented some fearful picture to the minds of men and women who have not had the courage to read for themselves, but were content to accept verdicts from critics about as well informed as themselves. His (Swedenborg's) exposition of and comments upon the Decalogue would astonish many who have never read for themselves. We recently had sent to us a little publication called Penuel, which was said to be issued in the interests of spiritual holiness, and to advocate a higher Christian life. Swedenborg wrote in the same spirit many years ago, and without that unctious spirit of self-satisfaction which characterizes the teaching of Penuel. . . The day will yet come when the writings of the Swedish mystic and philosopher will exert the influence they deserve." The notice of the Apocalypse Revealed which appeared in the Figaro is described by its writer "as taking an exclusively literary view of this book. First we are struck by the coldness of the author. He deals with the glowing verses of St. John in the manner of a lawyer. His imagination seems never to be excited. Even when he ceases to comment and gives a memorable relation . . . he is extremely dull, and an ordinary writer of fancy tales would excel him in imagination. On the other hand, his method is excellent. . . . The comments on the Apocalypse are far superior to the memorable relations, which are neither argumentatively forcible nor allegorically effective. . . . Clearly the pen of Swedenborg was not wont to stop because the flow of thought had stopped. Verse after verse is treated with fulness, and yet the idea of the author trying to make much of his matter is never suggested." The coldness and want of imagination here attributed to Swedenborg is strangely in contrast with the opinion of Mr. Proctor, who in a recent article in Belgravia credits him with an almost superabundance of the latter power. Under a strong impression that a good work might be done by extending the offer of the Apocalypse Revealed to all the editors to whom the newspaper

paragraph has been sent, the Committee has had a suitable circular prepared making the offer, which will be sent out during the present month. The time indeed seems rapidly approaching when some knowledge of the philosophy and theology of Swedenborg will form part of the répertoire of every educated man. The discovery by Mr. Stanley of a white race in Africa, which is distinct from those hitherto associated with that continent, for instance, will naturally bring into the foreground the remarkable statement which Swedenborg makes with regard to a Gentile people inhabiting Central Africa, of a high moral and religious character. The applications for the Apocalypse Revealed to September 14th number 442. The following is a complete list of the subscriptions which have been received by the Treasurer towards the £500 which it was estimated the presentation would require beyond the Society's resources:

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its property, church, schools, and cottages, to the Conference. At Bolton he added four names to the list of contributors to the "Ministers' Sustenation Fund," and at Southport, two. The Horncastle Society, which strongly desired the services of Mr. J. R. Boyle before he went to Melbourne, has now arranged for Mr. Boyle's services. Melbourne and Lowestoft are in need of ministers. An arrangement has been made for Mr. Hancock to visit Lowestoft for Sundays 17th and 24th.

herd." Their earthly loss may, perhaps, lead them to look more entirely to the Good Shepherd who gave His life for the sheep. And He, in His own time, may provide for them a pastor after His own heart, who will lead them in the paths of righteousness for His Name's sake.

The meeting for worship and instruction is still held at the residence of Dr. Poisson, 18 Rue des Grands Augustin, at 3 o'clock on Sunday afternoons. I mention both the place and time of meeting thus particularly, because Paris is so often visited by Englishmen, and THE AUXILIARY NEW CHURCH MIS- the presence of brethren from other SIONARY AND TRACT SOCIETY under- countries is so kindly welcomed, that it took this year, as on two former occa- is desirable none should be prevented sions, to supply reports of the meeting joining in their service by ignorance of of the General Conference to the London its existence. The unity of the brethren and provincial press. The following is promoted by the intercourse of the statistics name the newspapers whose various members of the Church of insertion of paragraphs has come under different nations and their associated the notice of the Society, the figures worship. We are benefited, spiritually, added in some cases representing the by assembling with the "two or three, number of issues in which such para- or the dozen or fifteen, who may come graphs appeared. Birmingham Daily together in a foreign land to worPost; Bolton Evening Guardian; Chris- ship our Saviour God; and they are tian Age; Christian World; Daily strengthened and refreshed by our News (5); Daily Telegraph; East presence and sympathy. For myself Lancashire Echo; Echo (4); Evening and wife I can heartily testify to the Standard; Hour (3); Kensington News; good derived to ourselves from the kind Manchester Guardian; Manchester Critic; Morning Post (4); Nonconformist; Sheffield Post; Western Daily Mercury; Western Morning News (2); Western Weekly News. It is believed that this list would have been largely increased had not the unusually prolonged session of Parliament, and other matters of striking public interest, monopolized the Press during Conference week.

SCOTLAND. We are informed by a correspondent that the annual meeting of the New Church in Scotland will be held in the New Jerusalem Temple, Cathedral Street, Glasgow, on Thursday, the 26th of October, at 5 P.M. New Church friends who may be in the locality at that time are kindly invited to be present.

PARIS.-Having paid another visit to the little flock in Paris, I cannot do better than employ a portion of my last evening in that beautiful city in giving your readers some account of their present position. The removal of good M. Harlé has left them "as sheep without a shep

reception and fraternal greeting of our French fellow-religionists, and they say that our visits do them great service.


On Sunday 13th instant (August), after some preliminary conversation in reference to their great loss by the decease of M. Harlé, I addressed them on the parable of the unjust steward from the 16th chapter of the Gospel according to St. Luke. Sunday 20th, I took as a text Rev. xxi. 24. Their service is usually constructed in the simplest manner possible. It consists of reading the Word, the Lord's Prayer, a commentary on the Word, or sermon, and the benediction. They have no singing, lest it should bring them into trouble with the Romanists and the State. I am glad, however, to say that there is, practically, more religious freedom than there was a year ago. The definitive establishment of the Republican Government, and the spread of liberal opinions in the Chamber of Deputies, have loosened the bonds of Separatists in France, and I think the time is rapidly hastening when our brethren may have a service which will warm their affections as well

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