
lar view of Shakespear, 192; Shake-
spear's improvement of an old play, 194;
mode in which plays were acted in the
early part of the seventeenth century,
204; miracle plays, extract, 206; pi-
rate song, 207; Anecdotes of Skelton,
208; character of Bell's Lives of the
British Poets, 209.
Encyclopedia Britannica, Part CVIII.,
117; see Registration.
English Dialects, 690; advantages of
works of dialects, and of glossaries,
ib.; specimen from Exmoor, 691; Ap-
pleby school-boy's speech, ib; former'
works on the subject, ib.; character of
the books now published, ib.
Englishman's Greek Concordance to the
New Testament, see Robson.
Exmoor Scolding and Courtship, see
English Dialects.

Festus, a Poem, 654; story of the poem,
656; character of the poetry, 657;
description of Angela, ib.; Clara, 659;
Lucifer preaching, 660; Village feasts,
ib.; Address of Festus, 661; promising
character of the author, 663.
First Annual Report of the Registrar-

General of Births, Deaths, and Mar-
riages in England, see Registration.
Floreston, or the New Lord of the
Manor, 455; sketch of the story,
illustrative of England as it should
be, ib.; the work commended, 457.
Forster, John, Lives of Eminent British
Statesmen, 365; British worthies of
the seventeenth century, ih.; sketch
of Sir John Eliot's history, 366, et
seq.; his education and entrance into
public life, [367; character of the
Stuarts, ib.; Elizabeth, ib.; character
of James, 368; state of Europe, 370;
Eliot's introduction to the House of
Commons, 371; his intrepidity, ib.;
his religious character, 372; his po-
litical conduct, 373; death of James,
374; character of Charles, 375; con-
duct of the Commons, ib.; evil of pur-
veyance, 376; Eliot's popularity, 377;
his parliamentary eloquence, extract,
ib.; committed to the tower, 380;
treachery of the king, 385; state of
the country, ib.; Eli's last speech,
386; his princi
388; his portrai
Froissart, Sir Joh
land, France,
translation, 515
in ruder histor
resemblance be
Froissart, 517;
honesty and dil
of Froissart, 5
veller, ib.; rece

521; translations by Berners and
Johnes, ib.; battle of Crecy, 522; bat-
tle of Otterbourne, 526; tournament of
Inglevere, 531; present edition of the
work warmly commended, 538.
Fry, Alfred A., Report of the Case of
the Canadian Prisoners, see Habeas

Geography of the Bible, 607.

Gilbert, Mrs., The Convalescent, 607.
Gisborne, T. Esq., see Session, review
of the.

Gregg, T. D., and Macguire, T., Dis-
cussion between, see Catholic Con-

Gutzlaff, C., Journal of Three Voyages
along the coast of China, 118.
Habeas Corpus, 325; case of the Cana-
dian prisoners not generally under-
stood, ib.; origin of the Habeas Cor.
pus writ, 327; its neglect and viola-
tion by Charles I., 328; conduct of
Jenkes, extract, 329; main object of
the act, 330; its unsatisfactory state,
331; use of the act in the case of the
Canadian prisoners, extract, ib. ; im-
portance of the subject, 334.

Hack, Maria, English Stories of the
Olden Time, 118.

Hall, Rev. R., Christianity consistent

with the Love of Freedom, see Chris-
tians, the Political Duty of.
Hanbury, Benjamin, Historical Memo-
rials relating to the Congregationalists,
335; character of the volume, ib.;
plan, 357; analysis, 340, et seq.;
rise of the Independents, 342; power
of the people, 343: views of Hall and
others, ib.; extracts from Barrow, 344;
history of the Independents, ib.; read-
ers for whom adapted, 345; the im-
pression it should produce, 346.
Hanmer, Sir J., Fra Cipella, and other
Poems, 238.

Holland, Dr. H., Medical Notes and
Reflections, 733.
Howitt, Mary,
of the wo
times, 61
ib. et seg
ib.; La

[ocr errors]

imes of the
est and value
arities of her
her biography,
introduction of
nto her family,
astings, 612; con-
atingdon, ib.; con-
extract, 613; her
Methodists, 614;
Duchess of Marlbo
d progress of Me-
seq.; John Nelson,
lence of the Welsh
Whitefield and his
rt, 623; infidelity of

[ocr errors]

Bolingbroke, ib.; Countess of Suffolk,
624; state of the Dissenters, 625;
conduct of the evangelical clergy,
626; character of Methodism, 627;
Rev. H. Venn, extract, ib.; want of
candor in his biographer, 628; Sou-
they's allusion to Berridge, extract,
629; Whitefield and Wesley, 630;
separation of the Methodists, 631;
character of the controversy, 632; death
of Lady H., 633; character of the
work, 634; duty of the church, ib.
Indian Papers; correspondence relating
to Aden, see Turkey, prospects of.
Innes's Political Economy of the New
Testament, 238.

Intelligence, Literary, 119, 239, 483,
608, 734.

Inquirer, the, October, 1839, 734.
Irving, Dr. D. Lives of Scottish Writers,

James, J. A., The Young Man from
Home, 607.

Jethro a System of Lay Agency; see
Lay Agency.

La Trobe, Rev. J. A., Scripture Illustra-
tions, 607.

Lay Agency, 665; inadequacy of the
ministry to the full diffusion of
the gospel, ib.; Works on the sub-
ject, 666; Dr. Matheson on prejudices
against lay agency, ib.; unscriptural
distinction between clergy and laity,
667; Jethro, 668; governing principle,
669; District Divisions, ib.; department
relating to the congregation, 674; popu-
lation in the vicinage, 676; excellencies
of the plan, 678; its faults, 679;
every thing to be done by the churches,
ib.; authority vested in the pastor,
680; preference to Dr. Matheson's
Essay, 681; Loan Tract System, ib.
Lepage's French Master for the Nursery,

and French School, parts 1 and 2, 606.
London Exhibitions, 281; public taste
for sight-seeing subject for congratula-
tion, ib.; present attractions of Lon-
don, 283; Zoological Gardens, 281;
Adelaide Gallery, 285; Polytechnic
Institution, 286; Tower, 287; Dio-
rama, 290; British Museum, 293;
British Institution, ib.; Colosseum,
295; Royal demy, ib.; Sur-
rey Zoologi
ns, ib.; Green-
wich Park
wich Dockyard,
ib.; Ham
ib.; Kew Gar-
dens, ib
ter Abbey, 297;
ib.; importance of
8; improper beha-
s, 299; increase of
tish Museum, 301;
the people at New-
; cautions to visitors,
of a spirit of mut

[ocr errors]

accommodation, 303; statistics of the
British Museum, 304; Armouries at the
Tower, ib.; Zoological Gardens, ib.;
Zoological Museum, 305; National
Gallery, ib.; gratification of curiosity
improving to the mind, ib.

Lyndhurst, lord, Speech of, see Session,
review of the.

Maclure, Dr. R., Praxis on the Latin

Potential and Subjunctive Moods, 605.
Marryat, Captain, Diary in America,
with Remarks on its Institutions, 422;
importance of collecting facts relating
to America, ib.; the author's object in
visiting the United States, 423; his
self-complacency and bad taste, 424;
arrival at New York, 425; humourous
anecdotes, ib.; Radicalism and Demo-
cracy, ib.; rise and present state of Buf-
fulo, 427; Mr. Rathbun, ib.; Canadian
provinces, 428; excitability of the Ame-
ricans, 430; interview with an editor of
a newspaper, ib.; American Museums,
432; the American Congress, 433;
prying disposition of the Americans,
434; character of the work, 436; mis-
taken view of the author on slavery,
ib.; rapid progress of anti-slavery
principles, ib.; his errors on the vo-
luntary system, 437; defects of the
book, 438.

Matheson, Dr. J., Our Country; see Lay

Miller, Thomas, Rural Sketches, 69;
acceptable character of the work to
those leaving town, ib.; absurd con-
duct of the fashionable world, 70; the
author's qualifications for describing
scenes connected with the working
classes, 71; their future influence on
literature, 72; present perverted
state of the press, ib.; character of the
book and its author, 73; Home revi-
sited, 74; arrangements for a marriage,
77; contrast between the poor in London
and the country, 79; the work warmly
commended, 81.

Milman, Rev. H. H., Life of Edward
Gibbon, Esq., 142; character of Gib-
bon, ib.; sketch of his biography, ib. et
seq.; birth and education, 143; cha
racter of his aunt, ib.; their removal to
Westminster, 144; his intense read-
ing, 145; Magdalen College, ib.; prob-
able cause of his infidelity, 147; his
profession of Popery, 148; removal
to Switzerland, 149; his grateful regard
of M. Pavilliard, 149; study of the
classics, 150; revisits England, 151;
origin of his history, 152; Porson's
opinion of it, 153; the reception of
his history, 154; sketch of his work,
ib.; its completion and publication,
tract, 156; again retires to Switzer-


land, 157; return to England. ib.; last
illness and death, 158; his contempt of
religion, 159; description of his per-
son, ib.; his political inconsistency,
160; character of the present edition
of the work, ib.

Modern Protestant Church Courts Un-
masked, see Brown, John E.
Morison, Rev. J., Prevalence of As-
sumed Apostolicism, a call to Evange-
lizing Labours, see Are we Protest-

Müller, C. O., Tragedy of Athens, 635;
sensation produced in Germany by the
work, ib.; deficiency of our country.
men in scholarship, 636; difficulty of
duly appreciating a Greek Tragedy,
ib.; necessity of intimate familiarity
with the language, 637; deficiency of
perfect specimens of Greek plays, 639;
Satyric drama, 640; remains of Eschy-
lus, 641; contrast between Shake-
spear and the Grecians, 641; his defi-
cient arrangement, 642; defect of
illusion, 643; costume of Greek tragedy,
643; chorus, 644; chorus in Æschylus,
ib.; contrast between ancient and mo-
dern tragedy, 647; position of females
in Greek tragedy, 648; distinction
between Euripides and Eschylus and
Sophocles, ib.; commendation of the
book, 651.

Napier, M. Esq., Montrose and the
Covenanters, 1; violent party spirit
of the author, ib.; his advantages for
the undertaking, 3; character of Mon-
trose, ib.; sketch of his life, 4, et seq.;
The Covenant, 7; Reformation pro-
duced by Knox, ib.; infatuation of the
Stuarts, 8; misrepresentations of Mr.
Napier, 15; Montrose signs the So-
lemn League and Covenant, 20; cha-
racter of the Covenanters, 21; change
of sides on the part of Montrose, 25;
arrival of the king at Edinburgh, 27;
his return to England, 28; Mr. Na-
pier's explanation of Montrose's con-
duct, 29; execution of Montrose and
Argyle, 30.

New Excitement, the, 604.
Newton, Rev. J., Works, 235.
Omicron, the Evangelist, 732.
Palestine, Pictorial History of, 234.
Philanthropist, the; or Selfishness and
Benevolence illustrated, 481.
Philip, R., Life, Times, and Character-
istics of John Bunyan, 468; popularity
of the Pilgrim's Progress, ib.; Bun-
yan's autobiography a specimen of
morbid anatomy, ib.; danger of adopt-
ing erroneous opinions on diabolical
agency, 470; Bunyan's doubts as to
the reality of supernatural visitations,
471; sound judgment shown by Mr.

Philip on the subject, 473; the Pil-
grim's Progress written in jail, 474;
interview between Bunyan's wife and
Judge Hale, ib.; character of the Times,
476; kindness of the jailor to Bunyan,
477; bibliographical notice of the Pil-
grim's Progress, ib.; genius of Bun-
yan, 478; excellencies and faults of
Mr. Philip's work, 480.

Platter, Thomas, autobiogrophy of, 606.
Polack, J. S. Esq., New Zealand, 31;
curiosity not repressed by the know.
ledge of the universal prevalence of
depravity, ib.; means for the attain-
ment of correct geographical know-
ledge, 32; advantages of the author's
residence in New Zealand, 33; de-
scription of New Zealand, 35; naviga-
tors who have successively visited it,
ib.; conduct of the natives to the author,
36; their religion and superstitions,
ib.; dread of falling in war, extract,
37; views of another world, 38; Sa-
cerdotal office, extract, 39; celebration
of victory, extract, 40; death of E'Ongi,
decline of population, 42; dis-
trust of each other, ib.; affection for
their relations, extract, 43; character
of the women, 45; aristocratic feeling,
46; prospect of their renovation, ib.;
introduction of the English, 47; con-
duct of Captain Stewart, ib.; import-
ance of colonization, 48; preparation
for carrying out the plan, 49; the
author's favorable opinion of missiona-
ries, ib.; recommendation of the book,

Polytechnic Institution, catalogue of, see
London Exhibitions.

Prospects of the Ottoman Empire, see
Turkey, prospects of.
Pulpit Studies, 236.
Registration, First Annual Report of the
Registrar-General, 485; past disgrace-
ful state of our Registration, ib.; com-
mencement of a new era, ib.; decline
of clerical influence, 487; origin of
registers, ib.; acts of parliament on the
subject, 488, et seq.; motion of Mr.
Wilks in the House of Commons, 490;
provisions of the recent act, 491;
character of Mr. Lister's report, 492;
importance of a correct return of births
and deaths, extract, 492; abstract of
births, 493; deficiency in regis
tration of births, 494; abstract of
registration of deaths, ib., remarks
on diversities in age, 495; Tabular
statement of ages, 496; civil character
of marriage, 497; working of the act
relating to the subject, 498; number
of chapels registered, 499; inconsisten-
cies of Dissenters, ib.; denominations
of chapels registered, 500; number of

marriages, 501; thoughtlessness and
indifference of Dissenters, ib.
Robson, C., Greek Lexicon to the New
Testament, 539; character of the En-
glishman's Greek Concordance, ib. ;
extract, 540; object intended by the
projector, 541; its plan, extract, 542;
advantages to be derived from such
works, ib.; commended, 543; charac-
ter of Mr. Robson's manual, 544; its
value to conductors of seminaries, ib.;
beauty of its execution, 545.
Roger's, J., The Vegetable Cultivator,

Romanism, Essays on, see Catholic Con-

Saussure, M. Necker du, Progressive
Education, 119.

Schism, as opposed to the Unity_of the
Church especially in the Present
Times, 407; mistakes as to the nature
of the Christian church, ib.; endeavour
to ascertain the nature and remedy of
schism important, 408; value of
union, 409; ecclesiastical unity the
object of hope, ib.; present character
of established churches, 410; disposi-
tion of the most powerful sectaries, ib.;
appearances not favorable for the
speedy prevalence of religious equal-
ity, ib.; origin and analysis of the
work, 412, et seq.; able character of
the chapter on the unity of the church,
ib.; the key to unity, 413; nature of
schism, 415; extract from Palmer's
Treatise on the Church of Christ, 416;
cure of schism, 417; means of pro-
moting union, 418; evils of the alliance
between church and state, 421; cha-
racter of Professor Hoppus's work, ib.
Session, Review of the, 577; anticipa-

tions from the recent session, 578;
conduct of the Tories, ib.; corn laws,
579; proceedings of parliament, 580,
et seq.; position of Sir Robert Peel,
ib.; legislation on Jamaica affairs, 581;
resignation and resumption of office by
ministers, 582; mistaken conduct of
Lord John Russell, 583; national
education, 584; Mr. Duncombe's reso-
lutions on the state of the country, 584;
present state of the ministry, 587;
position of the crown, ib.; danger of
the aristocracy, 589; working of the
principle of representation, 590; poli-
tical conservatives, 591; ecclesiastical
conservatives, 592; miscellaneous to-
ries, 593; radical section of the com-
mons, 595; influence of the new sys-
tem of postage, 596; proprietors, 597;
the operatives, 598; present duty of
the people, 600; the learned profes-
sions, 601; importance of household
suffrage and the ballot, 602.

Smith, J. R. Works on English Dialects,
see English Dialects.
Smith, Rev. S., Works, 233.
Stephen, Thomas, Life and Times of
Archbishop Sharp, 261; malignant
character of the book, ib.; twofold ob-
ject, 263; alleged origin of the church
of England, ib.; apostolic succession,
264; Reformation in Scotland, 265;
misrepresentations and bigotry of the
volume, 267, et seq.; erroneous state-
ment as to episcopacy in Scotland,
270; presbyterian assembly of 1690,
272; passive obedience to arbitrary
power, 274; extract from Laing on
Charles the Second's treatment of the
Covenanters, 276; results of his con-
duct, 278; incapable of vindication,
279; gross inconsistencies of the
author, 280.

Summer in Andalucia, a, 554; delay of
the author in the publication of his
work, ib.; Oporto, 556; superstition,
ib.; Cape Mondego, 557; Lisbon, ib.;
Sketch from the Quays, 559; Cadiz,
extract, 560; Spanish beauty, 562;
route to Seville, 565; cathedral, 566;
pictures, 568; burning of heretics,
ib.; bull-fight, 569; Cordoba, ib.;
Grenada, 570; commendation of the
work, 578.

Temperance Rhymes, 236.
Thelwall, Rev. A. S., The Iniquities of

Opium Trade with China, 458; awful
development of national wickedness,
ib.; growth of traffic in opium, ib.;
opium compared with ardent spirits, 459;
statements on the use of opium by Mr.
Medhurst, ib.; Chinese official docu-
ments, 460; prohibited by the govern-
ment, 461; memorial of Chou Tsin,
extracts, ib.; memorial of Heu Keu,
463; conduct of the Chinese govern-
ment worthy of imitation, 464; Letter
of Oliphant and Co. to the Editor of the
Canton Register, 465; use of opium the
prevention of the introduction of Chris-
tianity, 466; evils arising from its
growth in India, ib.; evils on its transit
to the coast, 467; duty of Christians
and the government in England, 468.
Thomson, Dr. A., Comparative View of
the English and Scotch Dissenters, 238.
Thomson, Mrs. A. T., Memoirs of Sarah
Duchess of Marlborough, and the
Court of Queen Anne, 603.
Thompson, Henry, Life of Hannah More,
with Notices of her Sisters, 438; rea-
sons for noticing the work, ib. ; bigotry
of the author, 439; spirit of his dedica-
tion, ib.; assumption in favor of the
Church of England, 440; his denial
of justice to the Dissenters, ib.; mis-
chiefs effected by Dissenters, 442;

the education of the poor neglected by
the church, extract, ib.; author's praise
of the Methodists, 444; libel on the
voluntary system, 445; Church of
England and Dissent, 446; misrepre-
sentation of Mrs. More and Mr. Wil-
berforce, ib.; insult offered to Mr.
Jay, of Bath, ib.; letter of Mr. Wil-
berforce to Mr. Jay, 447; sectarianism
of Mr. Thompson, ib.; interview be-
tween the Rev. Legh Richmond and
his bishop, 448; Mrs. More and
Bishop Bendon, extract, ib.; letter from
Mrs. More to Dr. Whalley, 450; con-
trast between Mr. Thompson and the
Hon. Baptist Noel, 451; the author's
account of Mrs. More's attachment to
the Bible Society, ib.; past state of
the Established Church, 452; Mr,
Thomson's erroneous views of the
Eucharist and baptismal regeneration,
453; the national clergy opposed to
general education, 454.

Trevelyan, C. E. Esq., On the Education

of the people in India, 393; extreme
degradation of the Hindoos, ib.; de-
mand for the education of India, 394;
interest in the subject only of recent
origin, ib.; created by religious mis-
sions, 395; opposition shown to the
subject, ib.; proceedings of the govern-
ment in 1823, 396; conduct of the
committee of education, ib.; failure of
their scheme, 397; proceedings of
Lord W. Bentinck's government, 398;
good results of their scheme, 399; prob-
able alarm on the subject in England,
ib.; contrast between eastern and west-
ern literature, 400; Asiatic society,
ib.; ludicrous conduct of the German
literati, ib.; Sanscrit, Arabic, und En-
glish languages, 401; progress of edu-
cation in India, extract, 402; revolu-
tion in the public mind, 403; import-
ance of the English language in India,
ib.: Persian excluded from the business
of the government, 405; general igno-
rance of the law, ib.; prospect of reform,
ib.; character and commendation of
the work, 406.

Tuckfield, Mrs. H., Education for the
People, 239.

Turkey, prospects of, 707; invasion of
Nicomedia, ib.; sketch of its history,
708, et seq.; prevalence of Mahome-
tanism, 709; periods in Ottoman his-
tory,710;Turkish system of finance,711;
state of the forces. 713; relaxation of
hold on the pashalics, 714; list of pa-
shalics, 716; conduct of its recent
despot, ib., necessity of interference,
717; proposed plan of conduct, ib.;
guarantee to the young sultan of his
possessions, ib.; confederation of the
Danube, 718; federal occupation of
the Dardanelles, 720; arrangement
touching Albania and Candia, 721;
settlement of Egypt, 722; Mr. Wag-
horn's plan of communication by
steamers, 723; Cape Aden, 726; our
duty and prospects, 729.

Urwick, Dr. W., The Saviour's right to
Divine Worship, 161; occasion and
design of the work, ib.; the improper
spirit of the author's opponent, extract,
162; analysis of the work, 163, et seq.;
character of Unitarian faith, ib., the
Greek word properly rendered to wor-
ship, extract, 164; the particle even
as,' 166; the amiable spirit of the
work, 168.

[ocr errors]

Verstegan, R., Restitution of Decayed
Intelligence in Antiquities, concerning
the most noble and renowned English
nation, 82; changes in literature, ib.;
love to ancient books, 83; evils of
light literature 85; character and
abject of the Camden Society, 86;
character and analysis of the work, 87;
Saxons, 88.

Voluntary Question, see Dick.
Waghorn, T. Esq., Route to India, see
Turkey, prospects of.

Westmoreland and Cumberland Dialects
see English Dialects.
Winning, W. B., Manual of Compara-
tive Philology, see Comparative Phi-

Wright, J., Debates on Canada, from
the Notes of Sir H. Cavendish, 605.

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