

Adams, John, 172.
Addison, Joseph, 6.
Aikin, Dr., 252-254.
Allston, Washington, 291.
Anne, Queen, the times of,
Austen, Jane, her life and
personality, 244, 245;
opinions of Walter
Scott, Macaulay, and
Miss Mitford concern-
ing, 245; her Pride and
Prejudice, 246;
246; Per-
suasion and Northanger
Abbey, 247, 248; her

qualities, 248, 249; bur-
ial-place, 248.
Austen, Lady, and Wil-
liam Cowper, 226, 227.

Barbauld, Mrs., 252-254.
Beauclerk, Topham, 107–

writes on the Epistles of
Phalaris, II; his family,
II; portrait of, II, 12;
as a writer and as a
man, 12, 13.

George, his

Theory of Vision, 5; his
career, 5-10; his verse,
7; his sermons, 8; The
Minute Philosopher, 8;
his family, 8; his philos-
ophy, 10.

Blair, Hugh, 212.
Blounts, Alexander Pope
and the, 33.
Boswell, James, and his
Life of Dr. Johnson,
Boufflers, Madame de, and
David Hume, 139.
Burke, Edmund, 105, 106;
his words concerning
Beauclerk's widow, 108;
his burial-place, 134.
Burney, Frances, and Dr.
Johnson, 128, 132, 151,
152; her stories, 152;
Evelina, 152-155; Camil-
la, 155; her Diary, 155-
156; last years, 157-158.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

words concerning Cole-
ridge, 293.
Castle of Otranto, The,

Walpole's, 79.

Chatterton, Thomas, the
young poet, 186-190; his
end, 189, 190, 193; and
Horace Walpole, 191-
192; the Rowley Poems,
191; compared with Poe,
Chesterfield, Lord, and
Dr. Johnson, 91, 92.
Children of the Abbey,
Miss Roche's, 259, 260.
Christabel, Coleridge's,

291, 292.

Coach, the Venetian, 5.
Celebs, Hannah More's,

Coleridge, S. T., 275; his
life, 285-293; Lamb's
apostrophe to, 286; and
Southey, 287, 288; and
Wordsworth, 288; his
Ancient Mariner, 289;

291; his opium habit,
291, 292; his Christabel,
292; Carlyle's words
concerning, 293; his
death, 293.
Collins, William, 148-151;
his Ode to Evening, 150,
Coverley, Sir Roger de, 4.
Cowper, William, his

family and education,
220, 221; his love affair,
222; mental trouble,
223, 224; and Mrs. Un-
win, 225-226; and Rev.
John Newton, 226; John
Gilpin's Ride, 227; and
Lady Austen, 226; The
Task, 227; on American
affairs, 229; later life,
229-233; his Homer,
231; his place as a poet,

Crabbe, George, compared
with Pope, 213–214; his
birth and early work,
215-216; private chap-
lain to the Duke of
Rutland, 217, 218; his
life and character, 219,

[blocks in formation]

and Washington Allston, Day, Thomas, and Sand-

ford and Merton, 250 Garrick, David, at Dr.


Decline and Fall of the
Roman Empire, Gib-
bon's History of, 116,
117, 121.

Johnson's school, 86; as
a boy, 108; a member of
the "Literary Club,"

108; as an actor, IIO;
his death, 128; Hannah
More and, 159, 160.

Edgeworth, Maria, 255 George I., ancestry, 54;


Ernest, Augustus, Duke

of Brunswick, 54.
Evelina, Miss Burney's,

Evenings at Home, by
Dr. Aikin and Mrs.
Barbauld, 252-254.


Ferguson, Robert, 211.
Fielding, Henry,
coarseness, 63, 64; his
character and ancestry,
64; his schooling, 65;
his dramatic work, 66;
his Joseph Andrews,
Amelia, and Tom Jones,
67, 68; his marriage, 66,
67; his death, 68.
Fox, Charles James, 173-

Franklin, Benjamin, and
Miss Burney, 153, 169;
his words concerning
George III., 170.
Freeman, Edward, his
words concerning Gib-
bon, 119.

comes to England, 55;
his character, 55; his
wife, 56.

George II., 56-58; his
reign, 58.

George III., character and

personality of, 166-172.
Gibbon, Edward, birth,
parentage, and educa-
tion, 114; his love for
Mlle. Curchod, after-
ward Madame Necker,
115, 116; a member of
the "Literary Club,"
116, 118; as an author,
116, 117; his Decline and
Fall of the Roman Em-
pire, 116, 117, 121; as a
man, 117, 118; in Paris,
118; his burial-place,
Goldsmith, Oliver, a mem-
ber of the "Literary
Club," 121, 122; as a
writer, 123, 124; his
death, 124, 125; his
burial-place, 133.
Gray, Thomas, birth, par-


entage, and education, Johnson,
74, 75; opinions of his
work, 76; his fastidious
refinement, 76-77; the
Elegy churchyard, 78;
and the Rowley Poems,

Halket, George, 211.
Hayley, William, a friend

of Cowper's, 230.
Hesketh, Lady, her inter-

est in Cowper, 230, 232.
Homer, Pope's translation
of, 43-45; Cowper's
translation, 231, 232.
Honeycomb, Will, 4.
Hume, David, compared

with Gibbon, 134, 135;
his birth and early
years, 135-136; his Poli-
tical Discourses, 137;
his History of England,
135, 138, 144, 145; and
Madame de Boufflers,
139; in Paris, 139-142;
ambassador to the Court
of France, 141; did not
love England, 141, 142;
his home in Edinboro',
142; his death, 143, 144,
165; his words concern-
ing James Macpherson,


John Gilpin's Ride, Cow-

per's, 227.


parentage, and

early career, 83-85; his
marriage, 85; his board-
ing-school, 86; his per-
sonal appearance, 86;
goes to London, 86, 87;
his Irene, 85, 86, 91; and
Richard Savage, 86-89;
his London, 89; his

Vanity of Human

Wishes, 89, 90; his Pro-
logue spoken at Drury
Lane, 90; his Diction-
ary, 91; his letter to
Lord Chesterfield, 92;
in poverty, 96; death of
his wife, 98; and Miss
Williams, 98; his power
felt, 98; his Rasselas,
99-101; his friendship
with Sir Joshua Rey-
nolds, 101, 102; Boswell's
Life of, 110-113; and
the Thrales, 125-127,
129, 130; his journey to
the Hebrides, 127, 128;
his last years, 127-132;
his burial-place, 133;
Hannah More and, 160;
his reply to James Mac-
pherson, 208.
Joseph Andrews, Field-
ing's, 67, 163.

Kames, Lord, 213.

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