
It now appears certain that the COLONIES refufe to fend their SUGARS to England; the conftant pillages. of the shops having alarmed the Colonists for the fafety of their property; and in confequence the price of fugar is raised fixpence per pound. We have now no other chance of drawing to ourselves the commerce of the Colonies, than the establishment of good laws. The late fire amongst the shipping and in the feveral dockyards precludes us from any hopes of forcing the Colonies to fend us their commodities, unless they choose to do fo.

We have reason to believe, that the Ambaffador from the French Republic, Citizen Santerre, has entered into an arrangement with the Committee, for the fale of the effects of the ci-devant NOBILITY, and is to take, for himself and fuite, CARLETON-HOUSE, with all the furniture.

The ROYALISTS in DEVONSHIRE have completely defeated the brave Republicans, and killed 4000 of them. General SEMPLE was taken prifoner, and is clofely confined. Want of difcipline and proper officers, it is feared will be in the end the ruin of our new forces. The Convention, it is faid, mean to decree it death to all the furviving officers of any part of their forces who run from, or fubmit to the Ariftocrats.

There is reafon to hope, that the CITIZENS of LONDON will foon be relieved from their fufpence in, regard to the articles of fubfiftences; the Committee for the Department has, by perfeverance, discovered the method of making bread of decayed bones. This resource will unquestionably be as agreeable as it is unexpected; as the oaten bread begins already to be very fcarce.

Citizen BARRINGTON, Representative from Botany Bay, was yesterday detected picking the pocket of the Prefident of the National Convention, of a gold fnuffbox. He was reprimanded, but defended what he had done, on principles of Equality.


Yefterday the following, Proclamation was ftuck up in various parts of the Metropolis:


"In order to arrive at some precise knowledge of the refources of the Republic, and to form a basis for a more just distribution of the public burthens, the National Convention has decreed, in compliance with the request of the Committee of Finances, that every Citizen fhall be obliged to give in a true and circumftantial tatement of his property, and that such statement shall be verified by Commiffaries established for that purpose in every Section.

"This is therefore to give notice to all Proprietors, of every denomination, whether Landholders, Bankers, Merchants, Shopkeepers, or others, that they do give in, without delay, a true account of all their property, whether it confift in land, bills, or merchandize of any fort whatsoever; and they are defired to take notice, that any prevarication, or falfe declamation, is, by the decree of the Convention, to be punished with death and confifcation; half of the property of the convicted to go to the informer. "Dated at the Town-House, June 9.

"BONNY, Secretary."


In order to stop the foul breath of flander, the MUNICIPALITY has refolved to publish a true and exact account of all the houses which, during the last week, have either been burnt or pillaged. Thefe documents will prove more forcibly than all reasoning upon the fubject, the humanity and moderation of the Patriots.

Bond Street, 19 fhops pillaged and 3 burnt.

Horne Tooke Square (ci-devant Grosvenor Square), twenty-two houses burnt.

In the whole extent of Oxford Road, only 188 houfes pillaged, and 81 burnt.

Cheapfide has been rather more feverely handled. The right fide has been almost entirely confumed, but the left was only pillaged.

The fire near the Bank, in a quarter of the town where the streets are much narrower, raged of courfe with greater violence; but the public may be affured, that the plan of the Patriots did not extend to fo general a conflagration.

The Municipality with fatisfaction informs the Public, that, upon the miuuteft enquiry, no more than 8000 citizens have fuffered on this occafion.

BONNY, Secretary.

THEATRE of the SANS CULOTTES. A new piece of confiderable merit entitled the CHIMNEY SWEEPER'S APOTHEOSIS, OR,


Was performed yesterday evening.

We have not room for the characters of the drama, nor would the story be at all entertaining to our readers this is a kind of anticipation we deteft-The CHIMNEY SWEEPER must be feen, and, when seen, Ca Ira.

The author of this piece fufficiently fhews, that titles and rank are not in the leaft obligated companions to genius.

Being a few coarfe expreffions, and now and then a want of grammatical precifion, we cannot help recommending the CHIMNEY SWEEPER to the notice of all Republicans. The fatire on the heads of the Church, in making a ci-devant Bishop, Chimney Sweeper to Old Nick, is at once a laughable and admirable hint at thofe o formerly pretended to bind our reason in fetters.


The characters were admirably caft, though we do not think the piece was got up with all that profeffional excellence appertaining to the ci-devant THEATRES ROYAL;-but we cannot eat our cake, and have it too. Thofe Actors and Actreffes of both houses, were convicted of finging "God Save the King" with "heart and voice," almost every night of performance. They were of course, delivered over to the Revolutionary Tribunal, and when they went to the scaffold, fuck was the obftinacy of the loyal wretches, that the guillotine alone, prevented a repetition of their favourite tune;in fhort

Thofe fung now, who never fung before,

And those who always fang, now fang the more.

The Prologue and Epilogue, in a happy view of ridicule glancing at former times, compared them with the prefent. One couplet in the Epilogue was particularly appropriate,

<< Citizens


"Citizens male and female, fince here fo long you've tarried;
"Go home, break lamps and order, let the conftable be married."
The Scenery did great credit to the Manager.

The view of Tyburn, Billingfgate, Mendoza's Theatre, and a revived difplay of Hockley in the Hole, may be deemed the chef d'oeuvre of the art.

During the performance, the civism of the audience was fufficiently evinced by a call for Citizen Morris's fongs. A Lady in the ftage-box was particularly happy in the fashionable air of "Jenny Sutton."



The Grand Fleet commanded by Citizen SMUGGLER, in the REPUBLIC, ci-devant Royal Charlotte, with Commiffioner GRAY on board, weighed anchor this morning with a fair wind, to join the French Fleet, and proceeded with them to Cadiz, in order to affist in the reduction of Spain, and plant an everlafting Republic there.

Came into harbour Le Couteau, a French brig, lay with guillotines, for the ufe of the fleet.

[blocks in formation]



FTER foundering innumerable pofts, and outstripping their own fame, Francis II. and the magnanimous Colonel Maek reached the vicinity of Vienna, in fomewhat of a doleful mood, looking back at every moment, to fee if the French huffars were not behind them, and little expecting the honours that awaited them without the gates of the Imperial city.

Some loyal Germans, anticipating the conquefts of their Sovereign, had there erected a triumphal arch, adorned with emblematical figures, and covered with inscriptions in excellent Latin. The gentle Emperort, who was fhivering beneath his cloak and a dog-day's fun, hardly knew who was meant by a brawny Hercules treading upon a Hydra; but as to Colonel Maek, he recognized himfelf immediately, on feeing the words"The Saviour of the Netherlands," written over a rivergod, with a trident in his hand, making water ‡.

"Cafari invicto," faid the Emperor, lifting up his beaver to read an infcription on the arch-"Cæfari invicto," repeated he, pulling it down again over his eyes, and fitting for fome time after in filent dudgeon. The mighty Colonel, who perceived that his master felt fomething like the fting of irony in this well-intended praife, wifhed much to ftop the career of his reflections, and to offer a few confolatory words.

The fubject, however, was fo ticklish, that he did not know where to begin. He twirled his whiskers;

*This Effay appeared when the Emperor, after publishing a proclamation, indicating his intention not to leave Flanders till he should have conquered the French Netherlands, thought fit to return to Vienna in great dudgeon at the loss of part of his own dominions.

His Imperial, Royal, and Apoftolic Majefty, the Emperor of Germany, King of Bohemia, Hungary, Naples, Jerufalem, and Arragon, Archduke of Auftria, Duke of Anjou, Guelders, Brabant, and Barr-the mighty Cæfar, in a word-is a “ puny infect, fhivering at a breeze.”

Colonel Mack propofed to defend the Auftrian Low Countries by inundations.



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