
claimant that might be found in Virginia. In truth, Mr Peabody was an excellent relation; he saw that his cousin had come to London on a profitless errand, and thought that she might not be so inaccessible to the addresses of Mr Shortridge as if she had been the real heiress, and he concluded that the case of Shortridge was not greatly different. The disparity of years never once occurred to him; indeed, why should it? for there is no greater harm in a young lady marrying an old man than there is in a young man marrying an old woman. Mr Shortridge in time thought so too; and saw, since the proposition was made, many amiable qualities in Mrs Clatterpenny which he had not before discovered. Thus, it came to pass that before he returned along the walk with the Vermont farmer, he thought that he might make many more wrongheaded journeys to London than if he took Mr Peabody's suggestion into consideration.

In the mean time, Mr Tompkins, whom we have too long neglected, was not quite at his ease. He had heard of the death of Hector Dhu, in which he felt so much interest, and he thought that it was very opportunely that it should have so happened at the time it did, and Octavia in London.

Just at that moment he recollected he had heard from an acquaintance that Mr Threeper the advocate from Edinburgh was in town. All night he had spent as comfortlessly as the old lady; and he rose betimes, determined to take the advice of Mr Threeper.

Accordingly, as soon as he had finished breakfast, he went to the hotel in Parliament Street, where he understood the gentleman was staying. The waiter, however, told him that he was gone out to breakfast, when he called; but the porter recollected that he had only gone to Mrs Clatterpenny's in Fluyder Street; whereupon, with Yankee breeding, he resolved to follow him to that domicile. But, when he arrived there, the bird was flown. Mr Threeper and the old lady had gone to pay the visit which we have described.

Mr Tompkins, somewhat disap

pointed, prolonged his walk into the Park, meditating on his situation, and resolving to seek Mr Threeper there in the course of a short time. But when he was returning from the door, he met Pompey, the black servant, at the inn, enquiring, with a forensic wig-box in his arm, for Mrs Clatterpenny.

Tompkins, with Virginian brevity towards negroes, told Pompey to enquire for her at that house, although he saw by the direction on the box that it was for Alexander Threeper, Esq. advocate, Pitt Street, Edinburgh. He might have told Pompey to carry it to the hotel; but it was not consistent, as he conceived, with the relative position of himself and the negro. Thus it happened, that when Mrs Clatterpenny and Mr Shortridge had returned from their encounter in the Park, the black servant, with Mr Threeper's wig-box, was in the house waiting for her return. He did not, however, intrude upon her attention while Mr Shortridge was with her; but when that young gentleman went away, he made himself known, and his errand.

Mrs Clatterpenny, at all times delighted with a little gossip, especially with servants, could not resist the temptation which was afforded to her by the appearance of Pompey. She never recollected that he spoke such unintelligible English; and desired the maid to shew him up. Indeed, his call was most propitious; for the intelligence which she had received of the aunt in Virginia had greatly discomposed her ;-her thoughts were floating wild like the carry and the clouds of a stormy day. More than an hour would elapse before Dr Johnny would be relieved from the lecture, which he had gone to hear; and Mr Threeper eschewed her, as she thought, entirely. All her projects were castles in the air; every one had vanished; and she was most forlorn; so that nothing could happen more opportunely than the news of Pompey being in the house, and bringing with him the box containing the professional wig and gown of Mr. Threeper.

She desired him to be shewn up; and while she thus aloud lamented

the calamities that had overtaken her, the negro was ascending the stairs.

" Woe's me!" said she," misfortune, like old maids, never pays a > visit without a tribe of others gallanting along with her; what am I to do, beguiled of my birthright by an auntie in Virgeny and two sons? It's a resurrection · a dream vision-and a mystery in the watches of the night. Then our Johnny


POMPEY set down the box on the floor, and with a droll sidelong look at Mrs Clatterpenny, raised himself into an erect posture behind it.

"Come away, black lad; what's your errand ?"


Pompey did not immediately reply to her; but slyly said aside, in an under voice-"Ah! the old lady has got a drop in eye. Missy, missy, me beg missy, dis box is for the gentleman; and was no recollect at our hos."

"Oh aye, so it is," replied Mrs Clatterpenny; "it contains the ornaments of his profession,-his wig and gown. Well, you may leave it and go down stairs; and I'll hear what he directs about it in a short time; for it's no consistent with the course of nature that he should not be soon here."

Pompey turned to go down stairs at this; but she continued

"Black lad, I trow that ye have na been lang from the niggers. I'll no say that ye're one yourself; for there's a great difference between a crow and a blackbird. Like's an ill mark. And, although it maun be allowed that ye're a little high in the colour, I would not just take it on me to say that ye're a nigger."

Pompey did not very clearly understand this; indeed he thought the meaning very different; and, looking a little queer at her, said—

"Vhat you think, Missy? You go to bed? Ah! missy, de strong waters dam strong."

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"What's that ye're saying?" said she; << canna ye no learn to speak the English language, and make a Christian of yourself

to be flung over the ramparts of the brig by that Yankee Doodle damsel, his own cousin! It's, however, some comfort, that I have a companion in affliction ;-poor, waff Mr Threeper, what will become of him? what will he do with his wig and gown now?"

But at that moment Pompey entered with the box for Mr Threeper, and what ensued we shall presently relate.


"Oh, Missy, me dat already." Aye, aye, where do ye come frae ?"

"Me come from what you call Charles Town."

"Poor lad, that's in the wilds of America; it's but a black Christianity ye would learn there."

While our heroine was in the midst of this discourse with Pompey, the servant girl of the house came in with a note, and delivered it without speaking to Mrs Clatterpenny, who looked at the superscription with some surprise; and, as the maid went away without speaking, she requested Pompey also to retire to the stair-head till she would see what the letter was about.

Pompey, who was impressed with an idea that she had taken a little too much, did however as she requested; but there was a kind of laughing curiosity in his visage, as he quitted the room, which shewed that he was not done with the discourse she had opened; but he disappeared; and she walked towards the window, holding the letter.

"Please peace and the king," said she, "what can this be about? It's for Mr Threeper. Odd, I'll open't." Accordingly, she undid the seal, and read aloud, but not continuously, as follows:

"Eminent advocate from Edin

burgh-acquainted with the feudal law. My relationship to Hector Dhu of Ardenlochie-would ask your professional advice."

At this the old lady gave a vehement interjection. "Advice!" said she, walking about agitated. Pom

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"Your name is Tompkins?" "It is, sir," replied the gentleman, with a look of surprise.

"I am not to be seen," said she, "commonly at this time of the day, for I divide the hours, and this is commonly set apart for my philosophical studies. Do you know, sir, that I have made a considerable discovery this morning? Seeing that black man, I had a notion with other folks that he was come of the seed of Cain; but when I thought, sir,· how all the old world was drowned but those that were with Noah, I could not divine how the nigger kind came to be saved; but the discovery I have made anent them is most pleasant. Sir, do you know that I could wager a plack to a bawbee that some of the seed of Cain creepit into the Ark with the unclean beasts ?"

The physiognomy of Tompkins was rather excited than softened by this speech, and he said to himself, "Strange-looking fish this! But the law has its curiosities as well as the other learned professions." He then said aloud, "Hearing, sir, of your arrival in London, I have presumed to call on you with these papers; they relate to family concerns of some importance-a property in Scotland." Mrs Clatterpenny took the papers,


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"Oh, is it the Ardenlochie estate? I have heard something of that property; but Peabody has not a leg to stand on; as for Mrs Clatterpenny, she's under a respondenti, and has a revisidendo."

"You surprise me," said Tompkins; "is that possible?"

"Every thing, sir, is possible," said Mrs Clatterpenny; "that's a maxim of law;" and softening her voice, she added, to herself, but loud enough. to be heard, "He has not given me a fee, and this is the first consultation

I observe, sir," added she louder, "that you have neglected to indorse the fee."

Tompkins, greatly astonished, exclaimed, "strange eccentricity!" and he added aloud to her, "As it is less an opinion than an examination, I deferred."

"Very likely," said she; "but we of the Scotch bar never demur till we are fee'd, the same being according to the books of sederunt and session, founded on the statute of limitations."

"I beg ten thousand pardons," said Mr Tompkins, "I came unprepared."

At this moment she was observed to listen, and then she cried,-" Eh, gude be wi' me! there's his own foot on the stair;" but her expedients were not exhausted, and she exclaimed aloud, which he thought in character," But, sir, call again, sir, for I've a case in point."

Mr Tompkins, scarcely able to preserve his gravity, went away, exclaiming to himself, " a delicate hint to come better prepared."

As soon as the door was shut, Mrs


Clatterpenny restored the wig and gown hastily into the box, and placed herself, with the papers in her hand, in a meditative posture, in an elbowchair at the upper end of the room. Her fears were quite right; the footstep she had heard on the stair was that of the advocate; she had prepared herself to receive him, and he presently entered the room.

"Oh, Mr Threeper," cried she, "but ye're come in the nick of time! Who do ye think has been here; and what have I no done? These are all the lad Tompkins's papers and pedigrees. What do ye advise me about slipping them into the fire ?"

Explain yourself," said Mr Threeper, astonished at what she could mean.

The answer was-" No woman but myself could have won such a victory. Ye see, here was I, groaning in the affliction of an aunty in Virginy, with two children, that ye have brought on me, when our servant lass delivered two lines from Mr Tompkins, wanting your advice, you know. Being in the way, and we being in partnership, to save the money, I just put on your wig and

gown there, and passed myself to the lad frae Virginy, who gave me these papers, thinking I was you."

Mr Threeper, in the utmost consternation, cried, " Did he take you for me?"

We are in a moralizing vein, and it is but right that we should allow the courteous reader to partake of our solemn wisdom. The case of Mrs Clatterpenny was now ticklish. It seemed doubtful if in any way she could realize the inducement which she held out to Mr Threeper to take her case in hand, conscious of no longer being able to make herself heir, and told in plain terms that Miss Peabody would not have Dr Johnny. The aspects of her fortune at this juncture were truly dismal, nor were the prospects of Mr Threeper more brilliant; he found that the bargain he had made with the old lady was of no avail-the chance of heirship had vanished, and with it. half the bargain, and the other moiety had been scared away by the rejection of poor Johnny.

However, as Mrs Clatterpenny had by a most strange yet characteristic manoeuvre acquired possession of Mr Tompkins's papers, Mr Threeper

But she parried this question by saying," Had he known you as well as I do, he would ne'er have done any such thing; but he was surprised at the jurisdiction I maintained, for I quoted to him maxims of law, and gave him an opinion of counsel in the most judicious manner."

Mr Threeper smote his forehead, and exclaimed with indescribable vexation-" He will speak of it, thinking his consultation was with me! My professional character is blasted for ever!"

"I assure you," said Mrs Clatterpenny," it was impossible for yourself to have done better. I sustained your part with great ability. No -I cannot think how I managed as I did; I was just confounded at my own learning and judgment. But come, look at the papers, for he'll be back soon wi' money in hand for a fee-think of that, Mr Threeper."


agreed that they were worthy of perusal; and for that purpose he retired with the old lady to her bedroom, where for some time he earnestly employed himself in searching their meaning.

When a considerable time had elapsed, and Mrs Clatterpenny saw that he had nearly read the papers, she enquired dolorously what he thought of Mr Tompkins's right.

"Oh," said Mr Threeper, "it is clear,-it admits not of a doubt."

"Dear me," replied the old lady, "how could you ever pass yourself off to me as a man of law and learning, and no to be able to make a doubt ?"

"Come, come, Mrs Clatterpenny," said the molested advocate, "a truce with idle talk-this is no trifle to you, and I assure you it is not to me -we have incurred prodigious expense; I have lost my time."

"And whose fault was that?" cried the lady. "I'm sure, had ye

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think, Mr Threeper, it's a head-shaking accidence at all; and surely you must allow it would be a most hard case were you and me, after perilling life in coming to London town, to return home, you with your finger in your mouth, and I no better?"


"Our voyage," cried Mr Threeper, ardently, was rational, compared to this. How could such an imagination enter your head ?"

"Just by the course of nature," said Mrs Clatterpenny. "But, in sobriety, don't you think I might do worse than accept the hand and affections of Mr Peabody?"

At this question Mr Threeper looked very grave, and said, " has he indeed made you such an offer?"

"There's time enough for a pointblank," said she.

"True-but has he shewn you any signs ?" said the astonished lawyer.

"Goodness me! Mr Threeper," was the reply, "would you expect him to fall on his bended knees, and make a declaration of flames and darts? My expectations are more moderate."

"If what you tell me be true," replied he, "I think you ought to account yourself in your jeopardy the most fortunate of womankind."

"In a sense, no doubt," said she; "but ye know, Mr Threeper, that at his time of life, and the years of discretion that I have reached, changes must be wrought by prudent handling. Old folk in this world, as the lawyers well know, woo by pactions."

"Do you expect me," said he, "to be your negotiator? No, madam, I have been guilty of absurdities enough with you already."

"With me, Mr Threeper!-ye never was guilty of an absurdity with me!"

"Pshaw!" cried Mr Threeper, and flounced away, just at the moment that Peabody was standing on the landing-place of her parlour to speak to her for Squire Shortridge. He looked at Threeper as he passed down, but said nothing; only he remarked to himself, as he saw him bouncing down stairs," Well, he is as nimble as a pea fried without butter;" and in the course of a minute, Mrs Clatterpenny, in a great flustration, joined him, crying,

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