History of the Organization, Equipment, and War Services of the Regiment of Bengal Artillery, 第 2 巻H.S. King and Company, 1877 |
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1st Division 1st Troop 2nd Batt 2nd Battalion 2nd Division 2nd Troop 3rd Troop 6-pounder guns Adjutant Agra April Árákán army Asirgárh attack battery Bengal Artillery breach Brigade Brigadier-General Burmese Burmese war Campbell Capt Captain Centre Division Cloth column Crown 8vo David Ochterlony December Deeg Demy 8vo despatch detachment Dragoons enemy enemy's Fcap February fire Foot Artillery force golandáz gunners Gurkhas Hathras horse artillery howitzers Huthwaite Illustrations India International Scientific Series January John joined killed lascars Lieut Lieut.-Colonel Lieutenant Lieutenant-Colonel Madras Artillery Madras N.I. Máhrátá Major Major-General March Meerut miles mortars Nagpur native infantry Nipál November Ochterlony ordered ordnance pagoda Pindári Post 8vo Rangoon rank Regiment river rocket troop Rohilla Rohilla war Royal Second Edition second Mysore second Mysore war second siege sent siege of Bhurtpore stockade Third Mysore Third Mysore war Timbrell town vols wounded دو دو دو
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