

1. Arms extended front-spread (level with shoulders.) 2. Arms down at sides-up sideways.

3. Arms down at sides-up in front.


4. Arms down-up sideways, slowly inhaling; down ex5. Diaphragm Breathing-upper chest.

6. Diaphragm Breathing-abdomen.

7. Diaphragm Breathing-sides.

8. Diaphragm Breathing-back.

9. Inhale slowly, stretching all at once; exhale easily. 10. Inhale slowly; exhale quickly, chest still up.

11. Inhale quickly; exhale easily.

12. Thrust abdominal walls out, and draw in.

13. Thrust diaphragm down, lower abdomen passive. 14. Thrust diaphragm down, contract abdom. muscles. 15. Chest up; inhale slowly; blow strongly through lips. 16. Inhale slowly; exhale while saying "ah.”

17. Inhale; say "ah," stretching waist all the time.

18. Inhale; say "oh-oh-oh-oh," diaphr. and abdom, tense. 19. Same, giving "ah" on each degree scale, up and down. 20. Same, giving numbers 1 to 10 on each degree.

21. Foot and Ankle, shake passive.

22. Fingers and Hands, shake passive.

23. Knee, standing on block, raise and drop.

24. Stretch arms and torso, tiptoe.

25. Hip and Leg. On block, relax free leg, rise. 26. Shoulder and Arm. Spring on toes, fling arms. 27. Poise. Change right to left, etc., hips leading. 28. Test poise-point toe forward and backward. 29. Neck. Elbows on knees, shoulders drag head. 30. Jaw and Lip. Shake vertically and laterally. 34. Sing fo-fa-fa up and down scale, stretching waist. 32. Sing thus fo-fa-fa-fa-fa, waist tense, jaw relaxed. 33. Sing thus pro-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta, jaw and lips. 34. Sentences rapidly and distinctly, jaw and lips. 35. Depress tongue, lift uvula, yawn, and sing "ah" up scale. 36. Waist tense, uvula up, jaw flex., pa-ba-ma-fa-ta-la-ra

37. Shake larnyx, initial k, kkk, koo, koo, koo-koo-koo. 38. Yawn, close lips, m-m-m, m-a, m-oo, m-o, m-e, m-i.


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