
and if the parts already published do contain some pictures which have likewise appeared in M. Landon's work, it is because in some cases we both have derived our information from the same source; but even in these instances we have neither copied the engravings nor the text of the Annales du Musée.

In M. Landon's work there are several architectural plans, large vignettes, and designs that have appeared at the Exhibitions; but it contains none of the pictures of the foreign museums, except some of those which political occurrences brought for a short time to Paris. In our Museum, on the contrary, all the collections of Europe will be laid under contribution, and subscribers will find in the MUSEUM OF PAINTING AND SCULPTURE a selection of the pictures and statues of the most celebrated galleries and the most humble collections, provided that the compositions is fine, the artist has merit, and the work is authentic.

It will therefore be in reality an EUROPEAN Museum, AN UNIVERSAL GALLERY, since, in the perusal of the parts, the traveller will refresh his memory by a view of the most remarkable objects he may have seen at the Museum of the Vatican, that of the Capitol, and in the churches of Rome; at the Museum of Naples, in the gallery of Florence, in the cities of Bologna, Parma and Modena; in the palace of St. Mark at Venice; in the gallery of the Belvidere, and in those of prince Esterhazy and the prince de Liechtenstein at Vienna; in the Dresden gallery, so rich in Italian pictures by the acquisition of the duke of Mode

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collections of Munich, which now contain the pictures of the Dusseldorff gallery, formed with such great care by the elector palatine, as well as in the extensive collection of pictures that embellish the palace of Schleisheim. He will also find in it pictures of the highest merit, taken from the gallery of Sans-Souci and the new palace at Potsdam, as well as some of those of the ancient Italian school, collected at such immense expence by M. Soly, and recently purchased by the king of Prussia. He will likewise meet with pictures of the Museums of Amsterdam and the Hague. England also will furnish her contingent, and in the work will figure some antiques taken from the Britis Museum and the galleries of the duke of Bedford ar marquis of Lansdown; the king's pictures at Buckir House and Windsor Castle, and some of those marquis of Stafford's and Earl-Grosvenor's collecti

France, in her turn, will not be forgotten. The will present the most important objects in the Musei of the Louvre and the Luxembourg, as well as seve pictures of the galleries of the duchess of Berry, the du of Orleans and marshal Soult, duke of Dalmatia; the cab.. net of the marquis de Sommariva, and other collections.



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