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LordGrosvenor followed to the same effect, and gave Ministers credit for the best intentions.

Lord Eldon said, he only regretted that the Negociation had been so long procrastinated; though he thought our Negociators were justified by the great responsibility

which attached to them.

After a reply from Lord Grenville, the Address was carried, nem. con.

JAN. 5. The Controverted Election Bill read a third time and passed.

6. The Royal Assent was given to the Bill above mentioned.

7. Mr. Hobhouse brought up the Malt Duty, and the Pension Duty Bills, from the Commons, which were read a first time.

8. The Malt and Pension Duty Bills were read a second time.

Lord Spencer reported the answer of his Majesty to their Lordships' Address.

9. The order being read for the House going into a Committee for granting to his Majesty certain Duties on Malt, and for removing doubts with respect to the issue of Exchequer Bills, &c. the Lord Chancellor quitted the Woolsack, and stated, that the Bill, from the title their Lordships had just heard read, was one of serious and peculiar importance; inasmuch as it contained matter foreign from that of the regular aid and supply for the service of his Majesty; and farther, as it directly militated against one of their Lordships' standing orders, which provided for the rejection of Bills so circumstanced. He would therefore move, that the relevant standing order of the House be read.

The order was accordingly read by the Clerk: it imported, that Money Bills, containing matter foreign from the regular aid and supply to be granted to his Majesty, were unparlamentary, destructive of the Constitution of the Government, and ought to be rejected.

The Noble and Learned Lord then observed, it would be a waste of their Lordships' time to insist upon the point; the Or

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der spoke best for itself. The Bill in question, from its title, clearly contained matter obnoxious to the standing Order of the House; he, therefore, deemed it incumbent on him to move, that the Bill be rejected.

This proposition meeting the concurrence of their Lordships, it was, on the questi on being put, ordered accordingly, and the Bill rejected.-A Message was ordered to be sent to acquaint the Commons therewith.

12. Lord Grenville gave notice, that he should on Friday se'nnight move the second reading of the Bill for abolishing the Slave Trade; and the House was ordered to be summoned for that day.

Lord Hawkesbury repeated the observations which be made on a former night, enforcing the propriety of having some information as to the communications which his Majesty had held with Foreign Powers, on the subject of the Abolition of the Slave Trade, in pursuance of their Lordships' Address of the 24th of last July; and concluded with moving an address to his Majesty, for copies of such communications.

Lord Grenville saw no objection to the motion, if it received a very slight modification, which was the introduction of the words, "as far as his Majesty shall think proper." -This was agreed to.

13, 14. Counsel was heard in some Appeal Cases; and a few Bills were forwarded in their respective stages.

15. The Exchequer Bills Bill was read a third time, and passed.-The House was occupied the remainder of the day in hearing Appeals.

16. The Duke of Richmond and the Bishop of Ely took the oaths and their seats.

The Royal Assent was notified, by Commission, to the Exchequer Bills Bill, and to some Private Bills.

The New Malt-Duty Bill was read a second time; and Bowyer's Lottery Bill was reported.

Adjourned till Tuesday.


MR. Peter Moore presented a petition from Mr. Bowyer, for leave to bring in a Bill to cuable him to draw by a separate Lottery, in case the next State Lottery should not contain a sufficient number of Tickets. Leave given.

Mr. Windham, on rising to move for a Vote of Thanks to Sir J. Stuart, his Oficers and Men, took a view of the action of Maida; and observed, that it added more than almost any that had been fought in modern times to our national glory, which was at all times one of the most valuable possessions that any country could have. Other services had contributed as highly to the strength and prosperity of the empire, but the peculiar value and importance of the was, that it ang

mented in a great degree the military renown and character of the British armies. If ever there was a period in which it was peculiarly necessary that the national feeling and the military renown of the country should be high, it was now, when all the world appeared to be turned into one great campwhen military occupations had every where taken place of all the pacific arts of life. We had not lately had so many opportunities of gaining glory by land as by sea: and upon that account, our enemies bad worked themselves up to believe, and had endeavoured to persuade the world, that our military power was confined to operations by sea; that we were indeed great and powerful by sea, but by no means equally so by land. They represented us as having a talent, and a sort

of a knack in winning battles by sea; but the immediate tendency of this battle would be, to convince the world, that by the marked valour of our soldiers, we are by land a full match for their boasted and experienced veterans. He recapitulated the statements of the respective forces engaged in that memorable affair; and said that it was proved by documents taken on the persons of French officers who were killed, that their number was 8000. We had stated the loss of the enemy at only 700 killed; whereas it afterwards turned out that they had 1300 killed; that they lost 1800 prisoners, taken in the battle; and that 2000 more were afterwards made prisoners; while the whole of our force was only 5000. He concluded with making the motions in the usual form, which were seconded by Sar J. Doyle, and carried, nem. con.-Lord Howick presented the Negocia tion Papers, and fixed this day fortnight for their discussion.


Mr. Hobhouse obtained leave for a Bill to revive and render permanent the Act relative to the trial of Controverted Elections. On the motion of Mr. Vausittart, a Supply was ordered to be granted to his Majesty. 21. Mr. Biddulph moved to abolish the salary annexed to the office of Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means. He disclaimed all motives for such a proceeding, except those of duty to his country. He had done it with the approbation of many of his friends; and he brought it forward thus early, betore any Gentleman was appointed to the office, in order that any person who assumed it might be aware of the circumstances under which it would be accepted. But when he adverted to that passage in ius Majesty's speech, in which his Majesty, out of his paternal regard to his people at a moment when new exigencies rendered new burthens necessary, recommends the most strict attention to economy in every branch of the public expenditure, he should conceive, that not to g upon that recommendation would be a violation of public confidence. The office of which he was speaking was certainly imporfant; but it required no great talents, nor any great portion of knowledge, which any man might not acquire with common application. ile saw no reason why the duties of the Chairman of the Ways and Means should not be divided among the Members of the House generally, or discharged by some of the young Commissioners of the Treasury, who received large salaries with very little to do for them. It might be said, that the proposed retrenchment was an unsual measure; but to this he would answer, that the exigencies of the times, and the distresses of the people, were also unusital, and the departure from ordinary measures was perfectly justified by extraordinary times. radical change was absolutely necessary an the public expenditures of the country; and, notwithstanding all that had heretofore


been professed, no such system had ever yet been adopted.

Lord Howick opposed the motion, on the principle tuat the salary was only a moderate compensation for the office; and that the saving of such an expense for the constant attendance of one person who was perfectly master of the business, would be more than counter-balanced by the irregularity, delay, and inconvenience that must arise from throwing the duty generally upon the Members of the House. His Lordship therefore moved the Order of the Day, which was carried.--On the motion of Lord Folkestone, the order for considering the Petition of Mr. Paull was deferred till the 24th of February. -The House then adjourned to Monday.

29. The consideration of the Petitions against the Penrhyn election was put off till the 29th January; as was that from Londonderry. Those from Shrewsbury and Worcester were fixed for the 3d of February; and that from Norfolk, against the return of Mr. Windham, for the 5th.

In a Committee of Supply, Mr. Grenville stated, that there were no particular services, or circumstances, which called for an extent of naval force different from that which had been voted for the last year; he did not, therefore, think it necessary to detain the House with any preliminary observations; he should only propose to them to vote for the present year precisely the same number which had been voted for last. He therefore moved, that the following sums should be granted for the expense of maintaining the said 120,000 Seamen:-For pay (13 mouths), at 1. 178. per man, each mouth, 2,886,000l.-Victualling, 14. 18s. per man, 2,964 0001.. Wear and tear, 31. ditto, 4,680,000l.-Ordnance, 5l. ditto, 390,0002 --These Resolutions were agreed to.

30. A petition against the return of Mr. Longman for Maidstone was ordered for consideration on the 10th February; as was one against the Dublin Election.--The pettions from Chippenham were fixed for Feb. 2.

Earl Temple moved for a Committee, to consider of the possibility and propriety of permitting the use of Sugars and Molasses in the distillation of Spirits. In consequence of the operations of the enemy, and the seizure of Hamburgh, there were now from 80 to 90,000 hugheads of Sugar on hand in the City of London only; and taking the whore of England, he beaeved, there were 160,000 hogsheads bonded and warehoused, for which, at present, the West India Mer chants had no market. This caused a pressure on those Merchants, which was such as would, in his opinion, induce the House to think a sufficient ground to interfere. was not in any case mtended that this should be admitted in exclusion of Grain, but only to allow a fair competition. His motion was agreed to.

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Earl Temple, after alluding to the progress

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of the Committee last Session, also moved, That a Committee be appointed to consider the State of the Woollen Manufactures of England, and to report their Observations and Opinions thereon, from time to time, to the House."-The motion was agreed to.

Mr. Perceval asked for some information relative to the Correspondence which led to the Negociation? He observed, that the Declaration of his Majesty asserted that the first overture came from the French Government, and that the basis was the uti possidetis. The French say, the basis was the treaty of Amiens. The extract of the letter of the 5th March refers to the Emperor's speech to the Senate, and the particular part alluded to is, where he says, "I am always ready to make peace on the basis of the treaty of Amiens." The other part of this private letter might show this matter in its true light. If Ministers have made his Majesty assert in his Declaration, what was not the fact, that the first overture came from the French

Government, and the basis the uti possidetis, which the French Government strenuously contended for, then they have been guilty of a heinous offence.

Lord Howick, in answer, declared that the parts of the Letters which were suppressed, were entirely of a private nature, on which Mr. P. withdrew his motion.

31. In a Committee of Ways and Means, Mr. Vansittart moved, that the Duties on Malt now subsisting, should be renewed for another year. He also moved for a renewal of the duties upon Pensions and Places; and the continuance of the duties upon Sugar; as also of the Excise duties on Tobacco and Snuff.-Agreed to.

JAN. 1. Petitions were presented from the following places, complaining of undue Returns, and were ordered to be taken into consideration on the days annexed, viz:Sudbury, against Sir J. C. Hippesley and Mr. Pytches, Feb. 17.-Rochester, against J. Barnett, Esq., Feb.19.-Newcastle-underLine, against W. Bootle, Esq., Feb. 19.Glasgow, against A. Campbell, Esq., March 17.-County of Mayo, against the Hon. D. Browne, and the Hon. A. Dillon, Feb. 24.-Malmsbury, and Wick in Caithness, Feb. 26.-Lanark, Colchester, and Great Yarmouth, March 3.-Hythe, March 5.

Lord Howick observed on the necessity of fixing some day beyond which private Bills should not be received by the House; as the late periods at which they were presented; unnecessarily protracted the public business. Out of 204 private Bills passed in the last Session of Parliament, no less than 31 were received after the King's birthday, and 78 reported after that day.-Several Members expressed their approbation of the motion, which was put and carried.

2. This being the last day for receiving petitions respecting controverted Elections, petitions were presented from the undernamed places, and appointed for consideration on the days respectively annexed; viz. Nottingham, Jan. 22.-Shaftesbury, March 3-Culross, March 24.-Guildford, March 5.-Lancaster, March 10.-Taunton, March 10. Melbourne Port, two petitions, March 10-Honiton, three petitions, against the Hon. Cav. Bradshaw, March 12.-Christchurch, March 12.-East Looe, March 17.

26-Second petitions were presented from the following places, and ordered for consideration on the same days as the former; viz. Dublin, Glasgow, Shrewsbury, and Malmsbury.

Lord Yarmouth said, he thought it necessary to state to the House, that he had no communication with Mr. Fox prior to his communication with M. Talleyrand. He had been three years a prisoner in France; and, just before the period alluded to, was given to understand, that Mr. Fox had very much interested himself to procure his release. He had not any particular acquaintance with Mr. Fox; but he understood that it had been done at the particular instance of an illustrious Personage. When he arrived at Paris, Lord Elgin, and some others, were ready to set off, and he was sent for by M. Talleyrand, to be the bearer of the commu---Newry, March 17.-Edinburgh, March nication. Why he was fixed on he could not say, unless it was supposed that he was par ticularly acquainted with Mr. Fox, from the applications made in his behalf. The communication was not reduced to writing; but he was sure the basis was the uti possidetis, because M. Talleyrand said they would not take the Treaty of Amiens, for that would be productive of endless quarrels. The status quo ante bellum was liable to the same or greater objections; and. therefore the uti possidetis, which he took to be a right to mutual exchanges, was the only one which could be tenable. When it was known that M. D'Oubril was coming to Paris as a negociator, and it was deemed necessary to send one from hence for the same purpose, it was thought proper that the communication made to him by M. Talleyrand should be reduced to writing, and he did so accordingly on the 13th.

Bowyer's Lottery Bill was read a second time, and committed.

Mr. Vansittart brought up the Malt Duty Bill, and the Oilices and Pensions Duty Bill; which were read a first time. He then moved, that the House should resolve itself into a Committee of Supply, and that the Account of Exchequer Bills, presented yesterday to the House, should be referred to the said Committee.

The Speaker having left the Chair, Mr. Vansittart moved, that 10,500,000l. be granted to his Majesty, for paying off 10,500,000l. raised for the year 1805, by Loans on Exchequer Bills, outstanding and unprovided


The House resumed, and the Report wa ordered to be received to-morrow.

3. The House was engaged chiefly in Election arrangements. The Speaker, who was chosen for Oxford and Heytesbury, made his Election for the former. J. Lowther, Esq., returned for Cockermouth and the County of Cumberland, took Cumberland. Sir C. Hawkins, Bart,, returned for Peurhyu, Grampound, and another Borough, chose Grampound. Mr. Vansittart, returned for Helston and Old Sarum, seated himself for Old Sarum.New Writs were ordered for the above, and other vacated


5. The House, in a Committee of Supply, voted 10,500,000, in a Loan of Exchequer Bills, for the service of Great Britain; and the report was ordered to be received to



Lord Howick, on moving for the farther consideration of the Negociation Papers, observed, that Gentlemen having maturely considered the magnitude of the object they involved, it became his duty to move an Address," to assure his Majesty of the determination of the House to support him in the war." The failure of the Negociation for Peace was to him an object of deep regret, aggravated as it had been by a rapid succession of events, which, in their effects, he was afraid would still retard that blessing. He lamented the death of Mr. Fox, who was in his last moments anxious to restore peace to his country; and said he would endeavour to show that Ministers had, in no instance, committed the honour of the Crown, by agreeing to any sacrifice on the one hand; while on the other he trusted he should clearly prove, they had neglected no means to conclude such a peace as would have been congenial to the interests, the dignity, and security of the country. He insisted that the first overture for peace was made on the part of the enemy, and that the Negociation was instituted on the basis of our actual possession. He then traced the Correspondence from its commencement; paid many compliments to Mr. Fox for his firmness in resisting the attempts of Talleyrand to separate the interests of this country and Russia; and observed, that Talleyrand endeavoured to obtain an adoption of the system resorted to in the Marquis of Rockingham's Administration; but Lord Yarmouth distinctly stated, that the original offer made by Talleyrand to him, was to open a Negociation on the basis of actual possession, and this declaration his Lordship had since confirmed. This fact explained the extraordinary delay in Talley. rand's not answering Mr. Fox's communication sooner. Lord Yarmonth, in June, waited upon him by his own desire; and he told his Lordship he had been looking out for some means of opening a confidential intercourse with the British Ministry, This was the

reason for not committing to paper the offer which Talleyrand made to Lord Yarmouth respecting Hanover. He continued to argue at much length to show that the uti possidetis was the original basis understood by both Governments, The King's Declaration stated the basis to be the uti possidetis, and on that point the Negociation arose. Lord Yarmouth, on his return to Paris, found M. D'Oubril there; the aspect of affairs was materially changed in regard to Sicily; and when M. D'O, signed the Russian Treaty with France, Lord Y. felt himself in a very difficult situation; and found that he had no other means of proceeding, but by produ cing his full powers. He said he did not mean to blame Lord Y. for so doing; his Lordship was doubtless zealous to serve his country; but the production of his full powers at that moment was contrary to the wishes of Government, and to the instructions he had received. Upon this, Lord Lauderdale was sent over; and the first thing that Nobleman did, was to present a note to the French Government, calling upon it for a declaration and acknowledgment of the original basis. His Lordship was instructed, in the event of no such acknowledgment being made, immediately to return. He soon had occasion to demand his passports. In the meantime, France received the news of the Emperor of Russia's refusal to ratify the treaty signed by D'Oubril; and on this a fresh Negociation commenced, but it was equally unsatisfactory. Lord L. of course came home; and this was the history of the Negociation. Lord Howick then proceeded to comment ou the facts he had stated, arguing strongly in favour of the openness and candour which distinguished Ministers in the progress of the business. It might be condensed in this way: England refused to negociate, but in conjunction with Russia, and up to the 20th of April no resistance was made by France to such an arrangement. Ministers had been called the dupes of Talleyrand; but the assertion was grossly unfounded. He then proceeded to dwell upon and recapitulate the principal points, drawing inferences as he went on in favour of the line of conduct followed by Musters, contrasted with the duplicity and tergiversation of the French Government. His Lordship concluded by moving the Address.

Lord Yarmouth spoke in explanation of his conduct; and alter commenung on the state of Europe in the beginning of 1806, to show that there was no hope of saving Europe by war, he insisted, that whoever had been sent from England to open a Negocia

tion, could not have remained in Paris 12 hours without producing his full powers. His Lordship saw the first Minister of France at once, who told him that circumstances were materially changed. He repeated to Talleyrand the basis of actual possession;

and he was almost certain that no objection would have been started against it, or that it would have received any other construction than its fair and obvious meaning, had it not been for the death of Mr. Fox. It was also a fact, that, upon one occasion, Talleyrand In a passion, declared he had never proposed the uti possidetis; but Lord Y. said he was positive as to the fact of his having proposed that as the basis, at least as one of the bases, for the conclusion of Peace. He admitted that he was ordered not to produce his full powers till the basis of peace was acknowledged. His Lordship concluded with freely censuring the conduct of Ministers for not acceding to the terms offered, considering them as highly advantageous, and urged the impolicy of suff ring the interest of Russia to stand in the way of peace.

Mr. Montague could not assent to the Address, on the prmciples advanced by Ministers, in justification of their conduct. He thought the Negociation should not have been commenced or carried on as it had been. The enemy had, in limine, a great advantage in the known predilection of Mr. Fox for peace. It was on this principle avowed, at the most unfavourable periods of hostility, that the French Minister built his hopes of cajoling him into terms. He was, in fact, practising on the weak side of Mr. Fox. However he might have endeavoured, with this view, to impress the British Minister with a notion of lus being ready to treat on the basis of the uti possidetis, there was nothing in the papers to show that he had ever been distinctly brought to admit it. The only thing which appeared on the face of them was, that Mr. Fox, from his extreme anxiety to bring about a peace, was

bouring throughout to bring the French Government to some such basis. Ife highly approved of the line of conduct held by Lord Yarmouth; but conceived that Lord Lauderdale had remamed at Paris much longer than he ought, and that we had been duped and bamboozled by Talleyrand.

Sir T. Turton was of opinion that the Negociation did not commence in the most dignified manner; but on looking at the papers on the table, he was convinced that it was too hastily broken off. He did not think that Masters were warranted in putting an end to it, on the ground of the alliance with Russia.

Mr. Whitbread went at length into the history of the Negociation, as it appeared in the documents before the House; and censured, in the severest terms, the conduct of Misters in breaking it off. He contended, that, after the death of Mr. Fox, they no longer sought peace in the spirit of peace. In the terms to which France was ready to assent, the honour of the country was abundantly consultee, because those very points were conceded, on which, in a moment of passion, the cluci of the French Govern

ment had declared his determination never to yield. Her interests would have been secured to a much greater extent than could have been reasonably expected, considering the uniform success of the arms of France on the Continent. He could not find the basis of the uti possidetis any where admitted by the French Government. Their rising in their demands after the Treaty with D'Oubril was perfectly natural, and would have been imitated by this or any other country under similar circumstances. Peace, he added, would be a boon to this country; and even though it were concluded but for a short period, it would be much easier to continue it when obtained, than to attain it in a state of warfare. Even Lord Yarmouth had declared, that in France, the spirit of animosity and bitterness which prevailed there at the commencement of the war, was considerably changed. Even the last declaration of the French Government, on breaking off the Negociation, concluded with expressions of regret for its rupture, and of readiness to renew the Negociation at any time or place, amid the chances of war. The Emperor of Russia, in his Manifesto, after his refusal to ratify D'Oubril's treaty, professed a similar disposition. Why, then, should Great Britain be alone averse to restore so desirable a blessing to oppressed Europe? No man would be more ready than himself to go to the foot of the throne with an assurance to support his Majesty in the prosecution of any war necessary to support the honour of his crown, or the welfare of his dominions; but he only wished that the roads to peace might not be blocked up, nor the gates of mercy shut against mankind. Mr. W. concluded by expressing the extreme regret he felt at differing on any subject from his friend; but he should feel a gross dereliction of his duty to his country, if he forbore to declare his sentiments on this subject. He moved an amendment to the Address; which was to expunge all the concluding paragraph, and insert in its place other words, assuring his Majesty of the determination of the House to support his Majesty in a war necessary to defend the honour of his crown and the security of his kingdom; and at the same time entreating his Majesty to co-operate with his faithful Commons in the best means of restoring to us people the blessings of peace.

Mr. Canning passed a high eulogium on the speech of Mr. Whitbread, and expressed his conviction that the asseverations in the Declaration were not borne out by the statements in the Papers: he used many arguments to show the disadvantages accruing to this country from protracting the Nogocia tion, both with respect to her own immediatę policy, and to her influence in foreign states, particularly as this circumstance affected Prussia; and concluded with observing, that had the country been in such a state of

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