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The Author Sets out on his third Voyage. Is taken by Pyrates. The Malice of a Dutchman. His Arrival at an land. He is received into Laputa.

HAD not been at Home above ten Days, when Captain William Robinson, a Cornish Man, Commander of the Hopewell, a ftout Ship of three hundred Tuns, came to my House. I had formerly been Surgeon of another Ship where he was Mafter, and a fourth Part Owner, in a Voyage to the Levant. He had always treated me

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more like a Brother than an inferior Officer; and, hearing of my Arrival, made me a Vifit, as I apprehended, only out of Friendship, for nothing paffed more than what is ufual after long Abfence. But, repeating his Vifits often, expreffing his Joy to find me in good Health, asking whether I were now fettled for Life, adding that he intended a Voyage to the East Indies, in two Months; at last he plainly invited me, although with fome Apologies, to be Surgeon of the Ship. That, I fhould have another Surgeon under me, befides our two Mates. That my Salary fhould be double to the ufual Pay And, that having experienced my Knowledge in Sea-Affairs, to be at least, equal to his, he would enter into any Engagement to follow my Advice, as much as if I had Share in the Command.

He said so many other obliging Things, and I knew him to be fo honest a Man, that I could not reject his Propofal; the Thirft I had of seeing the World, notwithstanding my paft Misfortunes, continuing as violent as ever: The only Difficulty that remained, was to perfuade my Wife, whofe Confent, however, I at laft obtained, by the Profpect of Advantage she proposed to her Children.

WE fet out the 5th Day of August, 1706, and arrived at Fort St. George, the 11th of April 1707. We stayed there three Weeks to refresh our Crew, many of whom were fick. From thence, we went to Tonquin, where the Captain refolved to continue fome Time; because, many of the Goods he intended to buy were not ready, nor could he expect to be dispatched in several Months. Therefore, in hopes to defray fome of the Charges he must be at, he bought a Sloop, loaded it with feveral Sorts of Goods, wherewith the Tonquinefe ufually trade to the neighbouring Islands; and putting fourteen


Men on Board, whereof three were of the Country; he appointed me Mafter of the Sloop, and gave me Power to traffick, while he tranfacted his Affairs at Tonquin.

WE had not failed above three Days, when a great Storm arifing, we were driven five Days to the North-north-eaft, and then to the Eaft; after which we had fair Weather, but ftill with a pretty ftrong Gale from the Weft. Upon the 10th Day we were chafed by two Pyrates, who foon overtook us; for, my Sloop was fo deep loaden, that fhe failed very flow; neither were we in a Condition to defend our felves.

We were boarded about the fame Time by both the Pyrates, who entered furioufly at the Head of their Men; but, finding us all proftrate upon our Faces, (for fo I gave Order) they pinioned us with ftrong Ropes, and fetting a Guard upon us, went to fearch the Sloop.

I OBSERVED among them a Dutchman, who feemed to be of fome Authority, although he were not Commander of either Ship. He knew us by our Countenances to be Englishmen, and jabbering to us in his own Language, fwore we fhould be tyed Back to Back, and thrown into the Sea. I fpoke Dutch tolerably well; I told him who we were, and begged him in Confideration of our being Chriftians and Proteftants, of neighbouring Countries, in ftrict Alliance, that he would move the Captains to take fome Pity on us. This inflamed his Rage, he repeated his Threatnings, and turning to his Companions, fpoke with great Vehemence, in the Japanese Language, as I fuppofe; often using the Word Chriftianos.

THE largest of the two Pyrate Ships was commanded by a Japanese Captain, who spoke a little


Dutch, but very imperfectly. He came up to me, and after several Questions, which I anfwered in great Humility, he faid we fhould not die. I made the Captain a very low Bow, and then, turning to the Dutchman, faid, I was forry to find more Mercy in a Heathen, than in a Brother Chriftian. But, I had foon Reafon to repent those foolish Words; for, that malicious Reprobate, having often endeavoured, in vain, to perfuade both the Captains, that I might be thrown into the Sea, (which they would not yield to after the Promife made me, that I fhould not die) however, prevailed fo far as to have a Punishment inflicted on me, worfe in all human Appearance than Death itself. My Men were fent, by an equal Division, into both the Pyrate-Ships, and, my Sloop new manned. As to my felf, it was determined, that I fhould be set a-drift, in a small Canoe, with Paddles and a Sail, and four Days Provifions; which laft, the Japanese Captain, was fo kind to double out of his own Stores, and would permit no Man to fearch me. I got down into the Canoe, while the Dutchman standing upon the Deck, loaded me with all the Curfes, and injuricus Terms, his Language could afford.

ABOUT an Hour before we faw the Pyrates, I had taken an Obfervation, and found we were in the Latitude of 46 N. and of Longitude 183. When I was at fome Distance from the Pyrates, I difcovered by my Pocket-Glafs feveral Islands to the South-eaft. I fet up my Sail, the Wind being fair, with a Defign to reach the nearest of those Islands ; which I made a Shift to do in about three Hours. It was all rocky; however, I got many Birds Eggs; and ftriking Fire, I kindled fome Heath and dry Sen Weed, by which I roafted my Eggs. I eat no other Supper, being refolved to fpare my Provifions


as much as I could. I paffed the Night under the Shelter of a Rock, ftrowing fome Heath under me, and slept pretty well.

THE next Day I failed to another Island, and thence to a third, and fourth; sometimes using my Sail, and fometimes my Paddles. But, not to trouble the Reader with a particular Account of my Diftreffes; let it fuffice, that on the 5th Day, I arrived at the laft Ifland in my Sight, which lay South-fouth-eaft to the former.

THIS Island was at a greater Distance than I expected, and I did not reach it in lefs than five Hours. I encompaffed it almoft round, before I could find a convenient Place to land in, which was a small Creek, about three Times the Widenefs of my Canoe. I found the Ifland to be all rocky, only a little intermingled with Tufts of Grafs, and fweet smelling Herbs. I took out my small Provifions, and after having refreshed myself, I fecured the Remainder in a Cave, whereof there were great Numbers. I gathered Plenty of Eggs upon the Rocks, and got a Quantity of dry Sea-Weed, and parched Grafs, which I defigned to kindle the next Day, and roaft my Eggs as well as I could. (For I had about me my Flint, Steel, Match, and Burning-Glafs.) I lay all Night in the Cave where I had lodged my Provifions. My Bed was the fame dry Grafs and Sea-Weed which I intended for Fuel. I slept very little; for the Difquiets of my Mind prevailed over my Weariness, and kept me awake. I confidered how impoffible it was to preferve my Life, in fo defolate a Place; and how miferable my End must be. Yet, I found my self so listless and defponding, that I had not the Heart to rife; and before I could get Spirits enough to creep out of my Cave, the Day was far advanced. I walked a while


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