
the head, worship, and read; and accord-bars of silver; part of the latter proceed ing to order have divided the books, and presented them to the multitude to deliver to their children and friends, that all may diligently read the classics of the virtuous sages. In days of old the province of Shantung in the adorned middle uation (China) produced the holy and virtuous Sage, Confusius, who taught to read the ancient classical books, and deliver them down to ten thousand generations During a former Dynasty [viz. that of Sung] appeared the great literary character, called Choo-footsze, who paraphrased the said books.

But I knew not before, that the nations withoutside had virtuous sages, who could make moral books to be handed down to myriads of ages, to exhort the people to reform their evils and return to goodness.-such merit and virtue are inexhaustible-The bird Hung ** being at hand, I purposely adorn this inch letter, and respectfully offer it up to the Ruler of the pearl nation to examine it His humble subject Captain Chang Shing heen bows and pays his respects.



The following information is obtained

to Calcutta in the Revolutionaire. The Court of Spain is determined, that uo more Galleons shall leave Maniila for New Spain on the Royal account, and that the commerce of the Phillippines shall be open to the Spanish Merchants ouly, to South America aud to the East Indies. In cousequence of this decree, many of the most opulent Merchants at Manilla intend to become extensive Ship Owners, and orders have been sent by a few persons to pur. chase Vessels at Calcutta. The latest intelligence from South America, states the Insurgents to be still in considerable force under Murillio, though they only appeared in straggling parties—some few Europeans who jomed them are sent às prisoners to the Phillippines by the last Galleon.

On my way to China from Malacca I discovered a cluster of small Coral patches, having I imagine, not less than 5 fathoms upon them their Latitude is 14, 12, North, and Longitude 112, 52, E. of Greenwich-however, the Longitude I will not pronounce as very accurate-this spot appears to have been much frequented by ships bound to and from China.

from a letter of a gentleman at Manilla, HINTS, PLANS, and PROCEEDINGS

dated August 25, 1815. The intelligence is important to our merchants, especially to those who have establishments at Calcutta.

The Naofor-Galleon from Acapulco had arrived (the middle of July last), with upwards of 24 millions in specie and large

A Chinese Letter addressed to him by a Friend to the propagation of the Gospel. $ In Chinese Books it is commonly called Loo Kwob, that is the Kingdom of Loo, the chief theatre of the actions of the great Chinese Philosopher.



Homo sum:

Humanum nihil a me alienum puto.

THE following are extracts from a Report made to the BOMBAY AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY, at a meeting held in the vestry of the Church, Jan. 29, 1815. The difference between that country and our own, cannot

be pressed too earnestly on the intelligent


The Committee upon entering on the arduous duties of the sacred office they had

The Chinese, being generally extremely ignorant of Geography, call their own Country the "middle nation," and consider all the world beside, as its suburbs only-undertaken, were soon convinced, from a hence the term "out side

Hung," this phrase refers to a story among the Chinese; they say that a certain man, cut off from all communication with China, wished exceedingly to send Letters thither, but knew not how: at length he caught this Bird and tied his Letters to its feet, by which means his object was accomplished.-Hence when the Chinese send a letter they generally say, "this comes by a convenient bird" i. e. a favorable opportunity.

variety of local considerations that it be hoved them to move with a cautious and prudent, though certain step, till doubts should be dispelled, prejudices allayed, and the benefits intended to be conferred by a diffusion of the glorious Light of the Gos pel, better understood by those to whom it would be the first object of the Society to communicate them.

Under these impressions the first year of the institution has been chiefly devoted to the collection of such useful informa

tion, as may be a guide to their future proceedings.

spread over the island, at present bred up in ignorance and idleness. Some of their reasons for this may be estimated from a letter of one of their most judicious members to the Secretary.]

The state of the Protestant population in this Presidency first attracted the attention of the Committee, and necessarily led to some enquiries regarding their capacity of Among other thiugs, says the writer, benefiting His Majesty's and the Honourable Company's European Regiments; and "In Britain they have a religion, long favourable and encouraging replies having happily, fixed by the almost unanimous been received to communications made to consent of the people- nearly all are Christhe officers commanding these corps, En-tians, and protestant Christiaus of different glish Bibles and Testaments were accord-sects-Every class of men has been educatingly distributed, and the Committee have, in one degree or other, in the knowthe satisfaction to find that they have prov-edge of Christianity, and in a reverence cd so grateful and acceptable a present, for its doctrines.-Even the ignorant, even that the whole of their stock has already the dissolute, even those abandoned to vice been distributed, and application made for more than they were able to supply.

The Committee had for some time, cause to regret that their endeavours to circulate the Scriptures among the Portuguese Christians of the two islands of Bombay and Salsette, were not attended with corresponding success, but they are happy to state that they have recently had reas n to think that the chief obstacles will soon cease to operate, and they look forward, with reviving hope, to the happy accomplishment of this interesting object of their labours in the ensuing year.

These pleasing expectations they are the more encouraged to entertain in consequence of the permission granted by the Archbishop of Goa for the circulation of the New Testament among the native Roman Catholics of Ceylon.

A few copies of the Arabic Scriptures have been given in Bombay to learned natives who intimated a curiosity to peruse them, and the Committee having reason to think that a few copies in the Sanscrit, Persian, and Hindoostance, may be distributed to advantage, proper means have been taken for procuring a supply.

The Committee have also turned their views to a more distaut object, and endeavoured to diffuse a knowledge of the Divine truths of the Gospel amongst the natives of Arabia, and the coasts of the Red Sea, and for this purpose they for warded in March last a few copies of the Bible in the Arabic tongue, to the Honourable Company's Resident at Mocha, but they are sorry to say that no success has attended their views in that quarter.

[The Committee state their experience of the almost insurmountable difficulties attending the attempt to circulate the Scriptures among the natives, to whom they had access; they, therefore, determined on patronizing with all their power, schools for the instruction of the numerous children

and to crime, have yet in early he had the seeds of the purest doctrines of the Cospel implanted in their hearts.-They have been obscured, or neglected, or smothered for a series of years, but still the seeds remain, and under favourable circumstances, when time and opportunity have been given them to recover themselves, in sorrow or in sickness, they are ever ready to push out, and aided by all the force of conscience, to bear the fruits of repentance and of a better life. -Let it be considered, also, that the Societies at home, constituted as they are, could not without deviating from a more establishment of preachers, or of public useful course, concern themselves in the tain and Ireland have each its own reliSchools. The different parts of Great Bri gious establishment, and particular societies of different denominations already tensively the benefit of general instruction. exist for the purpose of spreading more exhave been formed in every quarter, by In the same manner, numerous associations aud writing their own language have been means of which the elements of reading who are thus put in the way of being able taught to the humblest and poorest classes, they receive, by private or solitary reading. to assist the public instructions which In such circumstances, all that was wanted was to put the Scripture into their hands; the road was already cleared.

differently situated-Our regular estab "In this country, however, we are very lishments are small, aud, except at the Presidency, the means of religious instruc tion are uncertain and imperfect. There are two classes of men who possess strong claims on those who are fully persuaded of the beneficial effects of Christiau morality, even if considered only as doctrines conducive to the happiness of man in this world, and as making upright and virtuous members of society; these are such as are aiready nominally Christians, and the unconverted heathen inhabitants of this coun

try. In order to limit as much as possible | sons is often little less that a mockery of the subject under observation, it may per haps be advisable at this time merely to regard the first of these, and to ask ourseives how are they to be most effectually served. The Island of Bombay is most immediately under our observation, and let it be further limited to that island, and to its Protestant inhabitants.

"This island, besides the upper classes of Europeans, contains a number of European soldiers, many peusioners of the Company's Military and Marine Services, several mariners, and others connected with the country service, and a considerable proportion of the children of all of those, some by European, and others by native mothers. It is remarkable how few of these children have risen to fill any respectable, or decent situation. Their pareuts are genorally ignorant, have many of them been driven to this country originally by their crimes or vices, and in general, have contracted so many evil propensities, especially an excessive fondness for intoxicating spirits, that they have neither in clination nor means to pay the expence of their childrens' education. Their distance from the Fort at which most of them live, would prevent them from availing themselves effectually of the means of daily instruction from the Charity School, even if they were better inclined than they are, to avail themselves of it. It is melancholy to observe the early habits of intoxication, and of low profligacy, exhibited by mere boys of this class. To disperse the Scriptures among these men is doing little, unless they be taught also to read and understand them.

"A little reflection will perhaps satisfy any one, that the earliest religious impressions made on young minds, are those that are made in the bosoms of their families, and from the mouth of a mother. But the feelings of respect and reverence with which the warm infant mind turus to the instructions of a parent, can have no place here. The mother is often of no religion, and seldom has any means of bestowing an acquaintance with even the first and plain est truths of religion. She is often profligate, and more likely to corrupt than to improve those who are near her. There are instances of such mothers breeding up their children as Mahometans, and others may be considered as devoting them from their earliest years to prostitution. Some of them become Roman Catholics: few indeed, become respectable members of Society. It is plain, that it is not mere preaching that is to correct these evils. To bestow copies of Scripture on such per

their condition. A different remedy is to be sought; the want of domestic instruction is to be supplied, and some kind of a public school, under proper superintendence, set down in the midst of them, with one or more Catechists attached to it, according as the wants of the lower classes may require. In such an institution the teacher, if he be also the Catechist, which, particularly at first is very desirable, might be required to employ an hour or two of two different days, weekly, in instructing his scholars in the most plain and essential doctrines of Christian morality and faith; it would be his duty to keep a watchful eye on the language and behaviour of his scholars, and to train them up to the desire and the capacity of profiting, by an attendance on the public ordinances of the Church, and of a sincere and profitable perusal of the divine volumes, at every fu ture period of their lives.

"It seems but justice to our pastors that such an assistance should be afforded to them.

"The performance of the indispensible and solemn duties of their office, has long been more than in some instances an European constitution can safely undergo in this climate.

"It would be unpleasing to admit a doubt, that young persons trained up early in some knowledge of GOD and Religion, should not be likely to become better members of society, than those who have been abandoned to ignorance and idleness. Even if any unfortunate circumstances in future life throw them back into thoughtlessness and vice, they have a monitor deeply fixed within, and ready to awake them to a sense of their danger and misery at every moment of cool reflection. They may sin, but they cannot sin without hope."

The Society has been indebted to the Auxiliary Society of Calcutta for a supply of 199 English bibles, 289 English testaments, and 172 Portuguese testaments, and to the Government of this Presidency, for 200 Arabic bibles, and 11 Arabic testaments, which they have distributed in the following manner:-To his Majesty's and the Hon. Company's European regiments, 140 English bibles, 170 English testaments.-To prisoners in gaol, 4 English bibles.-To individuals, 52 English bibles, 16 Arabic ditto, 66 English testaments, S Arabic ditto, 97 Portuguese ditto. English, Total, bibles, 196 16 Arabic. Testaments, 236 English, 3 Arabic, 97 Portuguese.


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sible. It was from a consideration of the great difficulty of making accurate translations, that the Romish Church disap

The Committe also acknowledge with great thankfulness, a munificent donation from the Parent Society in England, of £1,000, forwarded by means of his Excel-proved frequent translations of the whole lency the Governor:

The funds belonging to the Society at this date amount to Rs. 8,967. 0 18; thus ample means are at command for the prosecution of the great objects of this Institution for a length of time to come, and it is to be hoped, that the more its principles and views become known, the more frequently will the opportunity of applying them occur; for the Committee have the satisfaction of knowing that the apprehen sions entertained, or reported to be entertained, on the first establishment of the

Society, among the natives of this and the adjacent islands, not professing Christianity, have entirely subsided, and that no obstacles will be opposed to a diffusion of the light of the gospel, by those unconstrained and gentle means which will alone govern the proceedings of this Society. Copy of a Letter from the Archbishop of Goa, on the subject of distributing Bibles and Testaments in the Portuguess language, among the Portuguese population under his charge,-to Rev. N. Wade, Secretary to the Bombay Auxiliary Bible Society.

of the sacred text, but never prohibited the translation of some passages proper for the edification of the faithful; neither did she prevent translations being made from the Old and New Testaments, provided that proper notes were made upon the difficult passages, giving them the same sense which was given to them by the ancient Fathers-In a word the Romish Church seeing that the faithful were discouraged from charity, and that already they have not the same respect for those books as was entertained for them by the Christians of said to GOD before he read them, Deus, the primitive ages, saying as St. Augustine lumen cordis mei! Lux tua non tenebræ meæ, loquentur mihi. Sana oculos meos, et congaudeam luci tuæ."-It proved to be better in the time of ardent disputation, not to give food to the curiosity of turbulent spirits, who sought to find in the Scriptures not the words of GOD, but proofs of systems, which every one framed according to his fancy, and in proportion as this party spirit began to subside, there were learned men in all nations who, knowing the spirit of the Church, were not afraid of making translations of the Bible; neverthe translation of Calcutta should not be theless, my only fear in this respect is, lest entirely accurate with regard to the idiom of the Portuguese language, but this might be obviated should the society be willing to

MOST ILLUSTRIOUS SIR,-On the 26th of December I received the copies of the sermon preached by the Reverend Henry Martyn, and the plan of the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society, together with the let-reprint the Portuguese translations which ter which you addressed me.

have been made in Portugal, or at least correct, from the translation, a copy of which I could scud to the Society if it should be desired, and I apprize you that there is a Portugueze translation made by a Portuguese Jew in India, which contains many notable errors, and which I suppose cannot be unknown to your Society.

With respect to the translation of the Bible into the language of Canara which you propose to me, it appears to me to be absolutely useless, since the Canarese Christians do not know how to write or read the Canarese language except in the

In the first place I return thanks for the distinction and attention with which you treat me, and in answer to the subject of the above-mentioned letter I reply, saying, that the Romish Church has always acknowledged the utility which resulted to its members from possessing aud meditating on the sacred writings; for this reason, in the primitive ages, the Greek and Hebrew texts were translated into Latin, and if after the Latin language ceased to be common, the translations were not pumerous, the reason is very evident, since it is quite certain that in order to a trans-Roman character. The Gentoos only write lation being perfect, it is not sufficient to be acquainted with the two languages, it is besides absolutely necessary that the translator should understand and feel the work which he translates, in order to render it faithfully in a translation, which being difficult, generally speaking, is much more so with respect to a translation of the Bible, the sense of which is in many places obscure, and in some, incomprehcn

the Canarese language with its proper alphabets, and they make use of words which the Christians do not understand. Moreover the language of these latter is a mixture of different languages, and all of them who can read at all the Canarese language, can read and understand Portuguese; whence it results that in my judgment so difficult a translation would not be of considerable utility; as a proof,


with regard to the Catechism which I or-actly, the sense of the Holy Scriptures,— dered to be translated by several priests, Fourthly, because in some places it is very the best versed in the language of the different from the versions of the best transcountry, each made use of different words lations, in French, Spanish, and Portuand phrases. That you may perfectly un derstand the inutility of such an enterprize, it will be sufficient to inform you that even at Goa the Christians of the islands speak differently from those of Salsette, and each of them differs from the language of the Christians of Bardez; and 1 apprehend that there are not half a dozen Christians in Goa who are able to read papers written in the proper character, with which the Gentoos write the Canarese language; it may be added, that very few of the women of Canara can read the Portuguese or their own language.

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Copy of a translation of a letter from the
Governor of the Bishopric of Cochin to
the Superior of the Roman Catholics in

Reverend P. Superior and Vicar General
Joaquim de Monroy.

Last December I let your Reverence know, that the reason of my not having sent an answer about the Bible, was because I did not receive the answer of the most Excellent and Reverend Archbishop Primate of the Orient whom I consulted; now as I have received it, I answer you as follows:

Your Reverence must present this my answer to the Bible Society as also the reason of the delay, for in so considerable a point as the translation of the Bible, I could resolve nothing without consulting first the most Excellent Archbishop, Primate of the Orient, Chief and Head of the Catholic Religion in India, aud in the whole East; neither in this Malabar coast is there a learned person to be consulted; as there is iu Goa.

I am your Reverence's

Most humble Servant,

Governor of the Bishopric of Cochin.
Tutucoreen, 25th of February, 1814.


The increase in the growth of Wool of the Spanish race upon the Continent, particularly in France, Germany, and Hungary, is really surprizing; it is so great in France in particular, that that country will in future receive comparatively little from Spain; she already exports very considerably, consequently, greater quantities of Spanish wool are, and will be poured into this country; for it appears, that a very considerable quantity of Wool has of late been imported from France; we know, indeed, from returns before Parliament, that the importations last year from France, Germany, (including Hungary) and from the Netherlands, (from all of which formerly little or noue was imported into this country) amounted to 4,432,655lbs. nearly double the whole quantity of foreign Wool imported from Spain and all parts, on an average of eight years previous to the war of the French Revolution. The average of eight years importation of foreign Wool in

It was to be desired, that instead of the New Testament, about which you wrote me, the version of Father Antonio Pereira should be reprinted, for that translation is an accurate one in the Portuguese language; nevertheless, I feel no difficulty in allow-the beginning of the last century, when ing that the translation of the New Testament transmitted to your Reverence by the Bible Society, though it has some mistakes of the true meaning, be distributed amongst the Christians.

I cannot give an entire approbation to the said translation for the following reasons,-Firstly, because it is in a most corrupt Portuguese language,--Secondly, because the style is very low and less suitable to the Majesty of the Holy Scriptures, Thirdly, because it does not declare ex

the Woollen Manufacture of this country was in a highly flourishing state, amounted only to 869,7271bs. the average importation of eight years, ending 1789 inclusive, and previous to the French Revolution, was 2,660,828lbs. and the average of the same number of years ending with 1810, was 7,729,929lbs. but the importation of the last two years into England alone amounted to 30,704,072lbs. The price of all fine short Wools is so depreciated, that even the foreign Wools cannot find a sale,

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