
SERM. contradict his word, or crofs his command: in fuch cases LIX. we may remonstrate with the Apostles, If it be just before A&ts iv. 19. God to hearken unto you rather than unto God, judge ye; Acts v. 29. and, We ought to obey God rather than men: we may denounce with St. Paul; If an angel from heaven preach any other gofpel, let him be accurfed.

Gal. i. 8.

Rom. xiv.


We are obliged always to act with faith, (that is, with a perfuafion concerning the lawfulness of what we do ;) Rom. xiv. for, whatever is not of faith, is fin: we should never condemn ourselves in what we try or embrace.


These things confidered, we may, and it much behoveth us, reserving due respect to our guides, with humility and modesty to weigh and scan their dictates and their orders; left by them unawares we be drawn into error or Acts xvii. fin; like the ingenuous Bereans, who did avaxpivav Tas Ypaças, fearch and examine the Scriptures, if those things 2 Cor. i. 24. were fo. Our guides are but the helpers, they are not lords of our faith; the Apostles themselves were not.


We may, and are bound, if they tell us things evidently repugnant to God's word, or to found reafon and common fenfe, to diffent from them; if they impose on us If. viii. 20. things evidently contrary to God's law, to forbear comPlebs to pliance with them; we may in fuch cases appeal ad legem minum fe- et teftimonium; we must not admit a non obftante to God's parare fe law. debet a pec


catore præ

pofito. Cypr.

If other arguments, weighed in the balance of honest and impartial reafon, with cautious and industrious confideration, do overpoise the authority of our guides; let us in God's name adhere to them, and follow our own judgments; it would be a violation of our confcience, a prevarication toward our own fouls, and a rebellion against God to do otherwise: when against our own mind, fo carefully informed, we follow the dictates of others, we like fools rafhly adventure and prostitute our souls.

This proceeding is nowife inconfiftent with what we delivered before; for this due wariness in examining, this reservation in affenting, this exception in practice, in some cafes, wherein the matter hath evidence, and we a faculty to judge, doth nowife hinder but that we fhould defer


much regard to the judgment of our guides; that we SERM. fhould in those cafes, wherein no light difcovereth itself LIX. outfhining their authority, rely upon it; that where our eyes will not ferve clearly to direct us, we should use theirs; where our reafon faileth to fatisfy us, we should acquiefce in theirs; that we should regard their judgments fo far, that no petty scruple emerging, no faint semblance of reason should prevail upon us to diffent from their doctrine, to reject their advice, to disobey their injunctions.

14. xxiii. 3.

In fine, let us remember, that the mouth of truth, which bid us to beware of the bad doctrine of those who Matt. xv. fat in Mofes's chair, did also charge us to obferve all they taught and enjoined; that is, all not certainly repugnant to the divine law. In effect, if we difcoft from the advices of our fober teachers, appointed for us by God, we shall in the end have occafion to bewail with him in the Proverbs: How have I hated inftruction, and my heart defpifed Prov. v. 12, reproof; and have not obeyed the voice of my teachers, nor 13. inclined mine ear to them that inftructed me!

To these things I fhall only add one rule, which we may well suppose comprised in the precept we treat upon; which is, that at least we forbear openly to diffent from our guides, or to contradict their doctrine; except only, if it be not fo falfe (which never, or rarely can happen among us) as to fubvert the foundations of faith, or practice of holiness. If we cannot be internally convinced by their discourses, if their authority cannot fway with us against the prevalence of other reasons, yet may we spare outwardly to oppose them, or to flight their judgment; for doing thus doth tend, as to the difgrace of their perfons, so to the disparagement of their office, to an obstructing the efficacy of their miniftry, to the infringement of order and peace in the Church for when the inconfiderate people shall see their teachers distrusted and disrespected; when they perceive their doctrine may be challenged and oppofed by plaufible difcourfes; then will they hardly trust them, or comply with them in matters most certain and neceffary; than which difpofition in the

SERM. people there cannot happen any thing more prejudicial or LIX. baneful to the Church.

But let thus much ferve for the obedience due to the doctrine of our guides; let us confider that which we owe to them in reference to their converfation and practice.

The following their practice may well be referred to this precept; for that their practice is a kind of living doctrine, a visible law, or rule of action; and because indeed the notion of a guide primarily doth imply example; that he which is guided should respect the guide as a precedent, being concerned to walk after his footsteps.

Most of the reafons, which urge deference to their judgment in teaching, do in proportion infer obligation to follow their example; (which indeed is the most easy and clear way of inftruction to vulgar capacity; carrying with it also moft efficacious encouragement and excitement to practice :) they are obliged, and it is expected from them, to live with especial regularity, circumfpection, and ftrictness of converfation; they are by God's grace especially difpofed and enabled to do fo; and many common advantages they have of doing fo; (a more perfect knowledge of things, firmness of principles, and clearness of notions; a deeper tincture, and more favoury relish of truth, attained by continual meditation thereon; confequently a purity of mind and affection, a retirement from the world and its temptation, freedom from distraction of worldly care and the encumbrances of business, with the like.)

They are often charged to be exemplary in converfation, as we before fhewed, and that involveth a correfpondent obligation to follow them. They muft, like John v. 35. St. John Baptift, be burning and shining lights; stars in God's right hand; lights of the world; whofe light should Matt. v. 14, fhine before men, that men may fee their good works; and by their light direct their steps.

Rev. xvi.



They are proposed as copies, which fignifies that we

muft in our practice tranfcribe them.

We are often directly commanded to imitate them; wy

pipeïode tǹy misw, whofe faith imitate ye, (that is, their SERM. faithful perfeverance in the doctrine and practice of Chri- LIX. ftianity,) faith the Apostle in this chapter.

Their conversation is fafely imitable in all cases wherein no better rule appeareth, and when it doth not appear difcordant from God's law and the dictates of found reafon; for fuppofing that discordance, we cease to be obliged to follow them; as when our Lord prescribeth in refpect to the Pharifees; Whatever they bid you obferve, Matt. xxiii. that obferve and do; but do not after their works; for they fay and do not.

It is indeed easier for them to speak well than to do well; their doctrine therefore is more commonly a fure guide than their practice; yet when there wanteth a clearer guidance of doctrine, their practice may pass for inftructive, and a probable argument or warrant of action.




2 TIM. iii. 2.

For men fhall be lovers of themselves.

SERM. ST. PAUL in this place out of a prophetical spirit instructLX. ing or warning his difciple Timothy, concerning difficult Kaigo xa- times, or the calamitous ftate of things, which fhould Aso iv-enfue, induced upon the world, as it useth to happen,


by a general prevalency of vicious difpofitions and practices among men, doth thence take occafion, by a specification of their vices, to characterize the perfons who fhould concur to produce that hard state.

Among those vices he placeth felf-love in the van, as the capital and leading vice; intimating thereby, that it is of all in its nature most heinous, or in its influence most noxious a.

This indeed is of all vices the most common, so deeply radicated in our nature, and fo generally overspreading the world, that no man thoroughly is exempted from it, moft men are greatly tainted with it, fome are wholly poffeffed and acted by it: this is the root from which all other vices do grow, and without which hardly any fin could fubfift; the chief vices especially have an obvious and evident dependence thereon.

All impiety doth involve a loving ourselves in undue

• Hæc omnia mala ab eo velut fonte manantia, quod primum pofuit, seipfos amantes. Auguft. in Joh. TraЯ. 123.

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