LIFELIFE Magazine is the treasured photographic magazine that chronicled the 20th Century. It now lives on at, the largest, most amazing collection of professional photography on the internet. Users can browse, search and view photos of today’s people and events. They have free access to share, print and post images for personal use. |
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United States Dept. of State | |
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Dwight David Eisenhower; 1890-1969, Adolfo Lopez Mateos; 1910-1969, Mexico and the United States | |
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Walter Philip Reuther; 1907-1970, Labor unions (Officials) | |
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Crime and criminals, Terrorism | |
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Makarios; 1913-1977, Cyprus |
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Edward R. Murrow (American radio and television newscaster.) | |
76 | |
Jesus SOSA BLANCO, Trials (Cuba) | |
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Dance, African | |
81 | |
Mrs Patrick Guinness GUINNESS, Consuelo CRESPI, Doris KLEINER, Levanos ONASSIS, Vicomtesse de RIBES, Jean Seberg; 1938-1979, Henrietta TIARKS, Catherine ANOUILH, Luciana Pignatelli (Princess.) | |
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Coco Chanel; 1883-1971, Jules-Francois Crahay; 1917-1988, Fashion designers |
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Thelma FURNESS, Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt (American socialite.); 1904-1965 | |
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Kuwait | |
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Sabina BETHMANN, Motion picture production and direction |
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Artur Rubinstein (Polish-American pianist.); 1887-1982 | |
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Leslie Cohen, Joseph MURANO, Impostors, Voyages | |
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Nicko GOLDBURG, Children's parties |
86 PROOF affairs Alcoa Alcoa Wrap ALPHA-BITS American Antenna Arab BLENDED BLENDED WHISKEY boat boss bourbon Bredel Brushes Bufferin Carnation CHEESE SAUCE Chicago clean cocktail Cohen and Murano Colgate color COMPANY CONTINUED cost coupon deck delicious Douglas Douglas DC-8 dress easy enjoy Europe Evinrude FABULOUS SHEIKDOM Fiberglas flavor give glass Gloria Gloria Vanderbilt gown Guy Laroche Hellmann's Herter Hiram Walker Holiday Abroad INNOCENTS AFLOAT Iraq Island Jaeger Kentile King Crab Kolynos Kuwait's lemon look Merle Norman Milk-Bone mira-col motor Murano and Cohen Murrow Nicko Norelco Paris picture tube Plan Port Charlotte President Prize Reuther Rubinstein Sabah SABENA sails Saloon Schmitz schooner Serene serve Sirs Slote smooth SPARK PLUGS SPORTS SPORTS ILLUSTRATED styles Thelma tion Travelers turkey TWINS waterfront wears week wheel WHISKY yacht York Zippo