
has already melted into morning; and I suppose grey twilight is discoverable upon the summit of the hills. I am exhausted; and long for repose. Indeed I must wish you all a good night.

BELIN. But you promise to commence your symptomatic harangue on the morrow?

LYSAND. If my slumbers are sound, lady fair, and I rise tolerably recruited in strength, I will surely make good my promise. Again, good night!

BELIN. Sir, a very good night: and let our best thanks follow you to your pillow.

ALMAN. Remember, as you sink to repose, what a quantity of good you have done, by having imparted such useful information.

LYSAND. I shall carry your best wishes, and grateful mention of my poor labors, with me to my orisons. Adieu!-'tis very late.

Lisardo slept at

Here the company broke up. Lorenzo's. Philemon and Lysander accompanied me to my home; and as we past Lorenzo's outer gate, and looked backward upon the highest piece of rising ground, we fancied we saw the twilight of morning. Never was a mortal more heartily thanked for his colloquial exertions, than was Lysander. On reaching home, as we separated for our respective chambers, we shook hands most cordially; and my eloquent guest returned the

squeeze, in a manner which seemed to tell that he had no greater happiness at heart, than that of finding a reciprocity of sentiment among those whom he tenderly esteemed. At this moment, we could have given to each other the choicest volume in our libraries; and I regretted that I had not contrived to put my black-morocco copy of the small Aldine Petrarch, printed upon VELLUM, under Lysander's pillow, as a Pignus Amicitiæ.'-But we were all to assemble together in Lorenzo's ALCOVE on the morrow; and this thought gave me such lively pleasure, that I did not close my eyes 'till the clock had struck five.. Such are the bed-luxuries of a Bibliomaniac!

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a visitor put the whole house in commotion; nor was it without betraying some marks of peevishness and irritability, that, on being informed of his arrival, I sent word by the servant to know what might be the cause of such an interruption. The reader will readily forgive this trait of harshness and precipitancy on my part, when he is informed that I was then just enjoying the 'honey dew' of sleep, after many wakeful and restless hours.

Lisardo's name was announced: and his voice, conveyed in the sound of song-singing, from the bottom of the garden, left the name of the visitor no longer in doubt. I made an effort, and sprung from my bed; and on looking through the venetian blinds, I discovered our young bibliomaniacal convert with a book sticking out of his pocket, another half opened in his hand, (upon which his eyes were occasionally cast) and a third kept firmly under his left arm. I thrust my head, night-cap, tassel and all,' out

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