
constrained. And this is fometimes cbfervable in the writings of a poet lately deceased; though I believe no one ever threw fa much sense together with fo much eafe into a couplet as Mr. POPE. But as an air of constraint too often accompanies this metre, it feems by no means proper for a writer of elegy.

The previous rhime in MILTON'S LYCIDAS is very frequently placed at fuch a distance from the following, that it is often dropt by the memory (much better employed in attending to the fentiment) before it be brought to join its partner: and this feems to be the greatest objection to that kind of verfification. But then the peculiar eafe and variety it admits of, are no doubt fufficient to overballance the objection, and to give it the preference to any other, in an elegy of length.

The chief exception to which stanza of all kinds is liable, is, that it breaks the fenfe too regularly, when it is continued through a long poem. And this may be perhaps the fault of Mr. WALLER's excellent panegyric. But if this fault be lefs difcernible in fmaller compofitions, as I fuppofe it is, I flatter myfelf, that the advantages I have before mentioned refulting from alternate rhime (with which ftanza is, I think, connected) may, at least in fhorter elegies, be allowed to out-weigh its imperfections.

I shall

I fhall fay but little of the different kinds of elegy. The melancholy of a lover is different, no doubt, from what we feel on other mixed occafions. The mind in which love and grief at once predominate, is foftened to an excefs. Love-elegy therefore is more negligent of order and defign, and, being addreffed chiefly to the ladies, requires little more than tenderness and perfpicuity. Elegies, that are formed upon promifcuous incidents, and addressed to the world in general, inculcate fome fort of moral, and admit a different degree of reafoning, thought, and order.

The author of the following elegies entered on his fubjects occafionally, as particular incidents in life fuggefted, or difpofitions of mind recommended them to his choice. If he defcribes a rural landskip, or unfolds the train of fentiments it infpired, be fairly drew his picture from the Spot; and felt very fenfibly the affection be communicates. If he speaks of his bumble fhed, bis flocks and his fleeces, he does not counterfeit the scene; who having (whether through choice or neceffity, is not material) retired betimes to countryfolitudes, and fought his happiness in rural employments, bas a right to confider himself as a real shepherd. The flocks, the meadows, and the grottos, are his Own, and the embellishment of his farm his fole amusement. As the fentiments therefore were inspired by nature, and that in the earlier part of his life, he hopes they will retain a natural appearance; diffufing at least


Jome part of that amusement, which he freely acknowledges he received from the compofition of them.

There will appear perhaps a real inconfiftency in the moral tenour of the feveral elegies; and the fubfequent ones may fometimes feem a recantation of the preceding. The reader will scarcely impute this to overfight; but will allow, that men's opinions as well as tempers vary; that neither public nor private, alive nor fpeculative life, are unexceptionably happy, and confequently that any change of opinion concerning them may afford an additional beauty to poetry, as it gives us a more striking reprefentation of life.

If the author has hazarded, throughout, the use of English or modern allufions, he hopes it will not be imputed to an entire ignorance, or to the least difeftcem of the ancient learning. He has kept the ancient plan and method in his eye, though he builds bis edifice with the materials of his own nation. In other words, through a fondness for his native country, he has made use of the flowers it produced, though, in order to exhibit them to the greater advantage, he has endeavoured to weave his garland by the best model he could find: with what fuccefs, beyond his own amusement, must be left to judges less partial to him than either his acquaintance or bis friends.-If any of those should be fo candid, as to approve the variety of fubjects he has chofen, and the



tenderness of sentiment he has endeavoured to impress, he begs the metre alfo may not be too fuddenly condemned. The public ear, habituated of late to a quicker measure, may perhaps confider this as heavy and languid; but an objection of that kind may gradually lofe its force, if this measure should be allowed to fuit the nature of elegy.

If it should happen to be confidered as an objection with others, that there is too much of a moral caft diffufed through the whole; it is replied, that he endeavoured to animate the poetry fo far as not to render this objection too obvious; or to rifque excluding the fashionable reader: at the fame time never deviating from a fixed principle, that poetry without morality is but the bloffom of a fruit-tree. Poetry is indeed like that fpecies of plants, which may bear at once both fruits and bloffoms, and the tree is by no means in perfection without the former, however it be embellished by the flowers which furround it.




He arrives at his retirement in the country, and takes occafion to expatiate in praife of fimplicity. To a friend.

OR rural virtues, and for native skies,


I bade AUGUSTA's venal fons farewel; Now, mid the trees, I fee my smoke arise;

Now hear the fountains bubbling round my cell.

O may that genius, which fecures my reft,
Preferve this villa for a friend that's dear!
Ne'er may my vintage glad the fordid breaft!
Ne'er tinge the lip that dares be unfincere!

Far from thefe paths, ye faithlefs friends, depart! Fly my plain board, abhor my hoftile name! Hence the faint verfe that flows not from the heart,

But mourns in labour'd ftrains, the price of fame!

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