

The Marquis de la Place has relinquished the hypothesis of the lunar origin of meteoric stones; indeed it never was tenable. A friend of ours, who witnessed the fall of an aerolite in a brook, within two hundred yards of him, during a dreadful storm, dammed out the water and dug for it a few days after. He was unsuccessful in his first excavation; but in his second attempt found the thunderbolt at about one foot and a half from the surface. Being rather of curious than scientific habits. he lost this fine oppertunity for experiment: but he describes the stone as spherical, and about four inches in diameter. It was exceedingly heavy, and seemed to be a dark fusion of iron and nickel. Broken with a hammer, there was discovered in the centre a cavity, three-fourths of an inch in diameter, and filled with a black powder, strongly compressed. The smell was highly sulphureous. It is evident that such a production as this belonged to the chemistry of the air, and electricity.-Literary Gazette.

Philology.-M. Frederick Adeburg, Counsellor of State to the Emperor of Russia, has lately published, in 153 pages, "A View of all known Languages and their Dialects." In this view we find in all 987 Asiatic, 587 European, 276 African, and 1264 American, languages and dialects, enumerated and classed; a total of 3064.


A very excellent specimen of Sulphuret of Lead, weighing 156 pounds, has lately been dug out of Wheal Penhale Mine, in Perranxabuloe, the property of Mr. Hoblyn of Truro. It is very sonorous when struck with a hammer, and it is supposed to contain a considerable quantity of silver. This specimen was found imbedded in a clay Gossan.


M. Re, professor of the Materia Medica, at the Veterinary School of Turin, has discovered in a common plant a real succedaneum for Peruvian Bark. This plant is found in Piedmont, and principally in marshy places, as if Providence had intended to place the remedy by the side of the evil. It is the Lycopus Europæus of Linneus, and called by the peasants of Piedmont, the Herb of China. The trials and experience of M. Re, give every confidence of its efficacy.


M. Gonard, of Paris, is said to have brought the art of copperplate printing to such excellence, that, if an an engraved plate be given him, he can take impressions from it of any scale he pleases. He can at pleasure make them larger or smaller than the plate, and this without requiring another copper-plate, or occupying more than two or three hours. Thus, if the engravings of a large Atlas size, for instance, were put into his hands, he would make an impression in octavo without changing the plates.


A gardener at Glasgow practises a mode of destroying caterpillars, which he discovered by accident. A piece of woollen rag had been blown by the wind into a currant-bush, and when taken out was found covered by these leaf-devouring insects. He immediately placed pieces of woollen cloth on every bush in his garden, and found next day that the caterpillars had universally taken to them for shelter. In this way he destroys many thousands every morning.


The fungi, now generally held to be the cause of redness, in the specimens of Arctic and Swiss snows, have been found by Mr. T. Bauer to vegetate when placed in fresh snow. They also vegetate in water; but there the produce is green instead of red.

Singular Phenomenon. At the sun's rising, two stars were lately observed at Augsburgh, the one on the sun's right, the other on his left, both very close, and of the liveliest brilliancy. The sun appeared encompassed with a luminous ring. In the evening, from six to seven o'clock, the ground was covered with a dew never observed there before.-Paris Papers.


The following letter was addressed to the Editor
some years ago, for the purpose of insertion in
another journal, for which, after some considera-
tion, not being deemed altogether suitable, it was
laid aside. We have very little doubt that Mr.
MULOCH, late of this town, was the writer; and
they who are acquainted with the playful style of
that gentleman, before the late extraordinary
change in his views and pursuits, will draw the
same conclusion.

Having somewhat more elbow roon since the es-
tablishment of the Kaleidoscope, we avail our-
selves of so convenient a vehicle for the publica-
tion of this letter, which, although not exactly
adapted for a newspaper, is too good to be lost
The Kaleidoscope will afford the Editor frequent
opportunities of recording communications, now
in his port-folio, which, but for such a vehicle,



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blush unseen,

"And waste their fragrance on the desert air.” literary composition may have no fault except its length; which we consider as a fault, if intended for a newspaper, where the reader looks naturally for an epitome of politics, news, the passing occurrences, marriages, deaths, naval intelligence, &c. &c. Such an objection does not apply to a minor work like the Kaleidoscope, into the columns of which very few articles find their way except such as from their length, or some other cause, over which we have little control, MUST HAVE BEEN EXCLUDED FROM THE MERCURY. Such, amongst many others, were all the Sketches of GEOFFREY CRAYON, given (many of them originally) in the Second Volume of the old series of the Kaleidoscope.*


Mr. EDITOR,-Among the many ways in which a
person in your situation may be useful to the public,
there is one which probably may not yet have oc-
curred to you, but which appears to me to promise
much of the useful as well as the agreeable, to your
readers. What say you, Sir, to becoming General
Confidante in what our neighbours over the water
call Affairs of the Heart?-A kind of agent between
parties whom circumstances may prevent from
transacting their business in their own persons, until
your intervention.
some previous understanding be established through
will be best explained by relating to you the occur
But perhaps, Sir, my meaning
rence which has suggested this idea to me. It was
my fortune, at one of Mr. Mathews's exhibitions, to
be placed in the neighbourhood of a young lady,
whose peerless perfection of face and form it is utterly
impossible for me to do justice to in description.
It was not the first time I had seen and admired her;
but it was the first that I had had the happiness of
being and continuing so near to her; and, above all,
it was the first and only time that I had enjoyed the
opportunity of contemplating her charming features

illustrate the ECONOMY of our work, that we cannot
The instance here introduced, tends so clearly to
refrain from once more alluding to it. The Second Vo-
lume of the Kaleidoscope, in which all the Sketches in
question (except one) were inserted, costs the subscriber
about eighteen shillings, HALF-BOUND; whereas, the
two volumes of this same Sketch Book, recently pub-
lished in London, sell for four and twenty shillings in
boards. We need scarcely add, that the said Sketches
formed only a very small portion of the contents of our

under the influence of the varied and powerful im.
pressions which the inimitable performer above-
mentioned communicates to his auditors.
Editor, the effect was irresistible. So much sweet-
ness, modesty, and intelligence, united in one coun-
tenance, never before met my view, and I am afraid
the frequency and duration of my (shall I call them)
gazes, were not strictly consistent with those rules
of society, which the polite indifference of modera
times has laid down for our observance. But I
could not help it, Mr. Editor, for the soul of me, I
could not. The effect of Mr. Mathews's perform.
ance seemed to me as if doubled by being reflected
from her lovely face, and-
but I will not
arrived at the conviction, that with her assistance I
attempt to tell you by what gradations I at length
should be one of the happiest of mortals; for you
must know, Sir, that being somewhat of a physiog.
tion, to form a tolerably accurate estimate, not in-
nomist, I believe myself qualified, after some inspec-
deed of the properties of the head, but of those of
the heart, belonging to a given set of features; and
in this particular instance, unless admiration blinded

me, I will venture to say, that the fair casket I have
been attempting to describe to you, incloses a jewel
of inestimable value. But now comes the rub, Sir.
I am eutirely unacquainted with this "sweet excel
lence;" her name, condition, and residence, are all
equally unknown to me. I only know, that of all
the most. What is to be done, Sir, in a case of this
the women I have ever yet beheld, she pleases me
kind? Had 1 the means of procuring an introduction
to her, which I have not, ought I not to pause before
I availed myself of them? Would it not be running
of such an introduction on my part, are sufficiently
directly into the lion's mouth? The consequences
obvious; but who can tell me, who but the fair lady
herself can tell me, if my attempting it would be
agreeable to her? Here then, Sir, here is a case for
your interference. I admire the lady; I cannot, dare
not tell her so; but I tell it to you: you repeat it
to her in your weekly publication; she, only, recog.
nises herself, and perhaps me too in the picture, and
when it is next my fortune to meet her, with a single
glance she says to me, "I have no objection to your
acquaintance;" or, "I have no wish for it;" or, "It
is a matter of indifference to me." For all these
things, Mr. Editor, and many more, the lady knoWS,
and you know, and I know, may be said without
ever a word spoken.

Now, Sir, do but consider with me for a little, the advantage of such an office as I here recommend to you. Without offence given or taken on either side, parties are by your means brought rapidly to an understanding, on the most difficult of all affairs, the affairs of the heart. What a world of mischief, Sir, will be avoided by your means. The timidity of the one sex respected, the bolduess of the other repressed; an unpleasant acquaintance, a disagreeable admirer civilly and speedily dismissed; a backrepulsed and all this without the expense, on the ward lover modestly encouraged, a presuming one part of the lady, of a single word. What a vast field of utility opens itself to my view. Nor need your agency be confined exclusively to love affairs; it may extend to more general objects. Many of the occurrences which are daily taking place in society, and which the parties concerned cannot or will not explain face to face, may be securely confided to you, and without any other trouble on your part, than giving them a corner of your paper, a right understanding is produced. I need not point out the extensive benefits to which this may lead. dozens of attorneys obliged to seek a new profession, In the perspective, I think I can already see some and many scores of old maids forced to sip their tea in silence, for want of matter to raise scandal upon. At present, Sir, I will not further enlarge on this subject. If you give my suggestions a place in your paper, it may be improved upon by some more ingenious correspondent. At all events, it may be of infinite service to, Sir,

Your constant reader,


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Mr. EDITOR,-One of your correspondents, in the last Kaleidoscope, tells you, on the authority of a. the "Biographia Dramatica," that Bombastes Furioso was written by a Mr. W. B. Rhodes, a clerk I in the Bank of England. I have been informed very frequently, and I believe it is generally understood, that a Right Hon. Gentleman, who is M. P. for the second seaport town in England, is the real author ~ of this witty piece: whether this is the fact or not 1 will not pretend to say. Perhaps yourself, or some of your numerous correspondents will be able to ự throw some further light upon the subject.

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Yours, respectfully,

Tuesday, July 24.


[See a note to correspondents.]


SIR,-The following remarks are copied from Gregory's Economy of Nature;" I am induced to send them to you, as they may be interesting to #hose of your readers who have not before seen them. Yours, &c.


J. P.

Et rains less in March than in November, as 7 to 12
...... April.................... October,. ..as 1 to 2
May..... ...September, as 3 to 4
When it rains a deal in May, it raius little in Sep-
A wet Day is when it rains 1lb. troy in a square foot

tember, and contrary.

in 24 hours.





4 or more wet days.
3 wet weeks.

A pale moon is a sign of rain.

A red moon is a sign of wind.

good flagellation bestowed on one or two, or a night's | revealing his situation, returns to the prison to meet
lodging in the bridewell, would, I should think, effec- his sentence, and arrives just in time to save his
tually deter any others that might be inclined to fol-aged keeper from ruin. On his road, in passing
low their example.
through a wood, he is enabled to save the life of the
King, who had been attacked by banditti; and that
act, when developed, leads to his pardon and union
with Florence, Frederick's sister, to whom he had
been long attached.

I offer the above merely as hints of my own, There
might be many ways found to prevent this annual sa-
crifice of lives, would the proprietor, or any one else
give it the consideration it deserves.
From the public's most obedt. servt.

Liverpool, 4th July, 1890.

The Drama.


A. J. W.


(From the European Magazine.)

The progress of these events, which are very clearly unfolded, keeps up a lively interest for the fate of the principal personages, and a strong curiosity for the result of the situations in which, not only they, but the minor characters, are placed. The piece abounds with misapprehensions and mistakes between the parties, and the dialogue is light, natural, and comic, seasoned by a large infusion of smart jests and pungent repartees.


This new Musical Romance, founded on French TO THE EDITOR. history, is from the fertile genius of Mr. Moreton; SIR,-"The Musical Romance of Henri Quatre, its success was sufficient to gratify the utmost de- founded on French history," has at length made its mands of literary vanity, as we have rarely wit-appearance on our boards; and, if I may be allowed nessed a dramatic entertainment, which, on the first to judge from the universal approbation with which representation, gave such unqualified satisfaction it was greeted throughout, is likely to remain a in every particular, to an unusually large audience. lasting favourite with the public. As a literary any reference to chronological order, the author's sesses little merit, nor are the characters drawn by The incidents he presented are selected, without composition, this fascinating piece certainly posendeavour having been to sketch the character of the hand of an experienced master. The plot, Henri's mind. That illustrious Prince, a short time though in its origin somewhat frivolous and improprevious to his triumphant entry into Paris, aban- bable, gradually assumes more importance during dons the pomp and cares of royalty, and at once to the progress of the play; the incidents are numegive himself a holiday, and to observe the disposi-rous, happily chosen, and highly interesting; and the tions of the people, strolls forth, in the dress of a catastrophe is in true conformity with the established trooper, to mingle in their amusements. He is ac- rules of romance. Few stage exhibitions can boast companied by his friend Sully in the same disguise. a selection of more pleasing music, or scenery so In their ramble, they enter a village, the inhabitants enchantingly beautiful. Mr. Morton, I beg his of which bad made preparations to hold a fete cham- pardon, "THOMAS MORTON, Esq." has introduced The moon's natural whiteness, and a serene sky is a find themselves involved in the most distressing per- to very pretty music, and have luckily fallen into petre in honour of their good King's birth-day, but some very pretty songs and choruses, which are set sign of fair weather. plexity by the capture of the village innkeeper, Ger- the hands of extremely pretty singers. Great praise vais, whe, from some resemblance of features, was to is due to our managers for the first-rate style of exrepresent Henri on the rural throne. The real Mo-cellence in which they have got up this popular To the Editors of the Kaleidoscope.-There are at pre-narch is chosen to supply the place of the fictitious drama, and it would be an act of injustice not to sent a number of foreigners going about the streets begging, with music, monkeys, and children throwing one, and discharges the functions of his office to the notice the splendid painting of Messrs. Harrison and themselves into all manner of distorted positions; admiration of all his rustic subjects, when Gervaise Goore; the first scene in the second act is particuhave heard many respectable inhabitants complain of most unseasonably re-appears. In the event, how-larly grand, and surpasses any thing of the kind I them as a great nuisance. Now, I would ask, do not ever, Henri excites suspicion, and is on the point of had ever previously seen. these foreigners come as much under the vagrant act as being forcibly apprehended, when the appearance of Mr. Vandenhoff personated Henri, with his usual a poor British seaman, who, after having bled for his Crillon unfolds his true character. More important ability. Mr. Bass as Eugene de Biron, and Mr. country, if he were to sing a sea ditty or two, to excite affairs divert his attention from the simple groupe Younge as Frederick St. Leon, were each very rethe compassion of his countrymen, would be immedi- till his grand entry into his capital, when he recog-spectable. Mr. Larkin gave more effect to the part ately taken up and committed under that act? I hope nizes and showers on them marks of favour and ad- of Gervais, than I expected from a singer; it is our worthy chief magistrate will attend to this, and vancement. These occurrences afford an opportu- with greater pleasure I thus yield to him my tribute remove this nuisance.Yours, &c. nity for developing the generous and amiable attri- of applause, inasmuch as those persous who move Liverpool, 11th July, 1820. butes of Henri's character-his magnanimity, cou- in his sphere of the profession seldom care any thing rage, good humour, and clemency. The main inte- at all about their acting; an example, I am happy rest, however, does not lie in the character and ad- to perceive, he is not disposed to follow. Jocrisse TO THE EDITOR. ventures of the King, but in those of two French displayed the comic powers of Mr. Tayleure to officers, Eugene and Frederick, and containing the great advantage; and what little Mr. Rees had to SIR-Encouraged by the humanity you have evinced illustration of the most heroic friendship, which is do, was done well. towards the brute creation in several late paragraphs of cemented the more strongly by a duel, in which your excellent paper, I have taken the liberty of draw- Eugene is wounded. Just previous to the rencontre, ing your attention to a higher subject, the preservation an order had arrived from the King, appointing of the lives of our fellow-citizens. When I consider Eugene to a most important service, which Frederick, the numbers that have perished by bathing in Jackson's knowing his wound had disabled him from acting, Dam, where there is not a year passes without one or undertakes in his name, and achieves with honour. more finding it fatal to them. I am astonished at the temerity of those that still continue to frequent it, and The affair is kept a secret from the King, who is still more so at its remaining unnoticed, not only by about to confer marks of distinction upon Eugene; the proprietor, but by the higher authorities. It was whose nature is too noble to receive them, and he no later than the other week, that in searching for the confesses, not only the act of Frederick, but the body of a youth who was known to have gone in and duel preceding it, which the French law then punishwas never seen to come up again, that they found noted with death. He is thrown into prison, and conenly it, but the body of another unfortunate being, demned to die on the following morning. Eugene which was supposed, from its appearance, to have heen there recollects that the marriage of his friend was under water for several days. If it would be too great an expense to the owners to intended to take place that evening with his sister, rail in this public nuisance, at least they should put up Clotilde, and that without his signature to the conboards, prohibiting all persons from bathing in it, and tract his friend's happiness would be delayed. The as the men employed in the mill are frequently about, gaoler, an old soldier, confides in his honour, and if any one should disregard this prohibition it would be suffers him to depart on his parole. He repairs to scarcely possible for them to escape detection, and a the chateau, unites his friend to his sister without

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Florence St. Leon has enabled Miss Hammersley to prove herself a singer of the highest order; that she was such, I never yet doubted, and I think there are not many who heard her on Wednesday evening, who would now dispute her claim to pre-eminence. Had the whole theatrical world been ransacked for a Louison, I do not conceive it would have been possible to procure a more suitable person, in every respect, than Miss Tree; she sings delightfully; is an excellent actress withal; and makes altogether the most charming little Frenchwoman I ever saw. This young lady is a very scientific musician, endowed with a peculiarly pleasing, melodious, though unfortunately not powerful, voice; and executes her songs with more taste and judgment than often falls to the lot of mortals. She is, in fact, one of those select few to whose mellifluous warbling we listen with unmixed delight-Yours, truly,

Liverpool, 28th July, 1820.


[blocks in formation]

An act was passed in the 9th year of the reign of
George II. which prohibits publicans from giving cre-
dit to workmen, servants, and others, above the value
of one shilling: nor can they recover any debt from
sion, to this effect, has been lately given.
that class exceeding the sum of one shilling. A deci-


To Correspondents.

THEATRICAL CRITICISMS.-On this subject we have
been perplexed with a variety of letters, containing
almost as great a diversity of opinions, on the pro-
priety of devoting a portion of our work to the business
of the stage, whose office is, according to the great bard
styled by way of pre-eminence the "immortal"

To hold as 'twere the mirror up to nature; shew
vice her own feature, and scorn her own image;
and the very age and body of the time, its form
and pressure.

During the campaign of the allied troops in Paris, a French citizen, who was returning from the country through the Champs Elysees, where the troops were encamped, was robbed of his watch by a serjeant in the British army. Complaint was immediately madefined in the sum of one year's gas rent, for his burning We understand, that a person of this place has been to the commanding officer, and the troops were pagas in the day-time, contrary to his contract, and to the raded before the Frenchman, who was thus enabled rules laid down by the company.-Leeds paper. to single out the offender.. A court-martial was held, and the criminal condemned to die on the following morning. As early as four o'clock, the whole of the allied army was assembled in the Bois de Boulogne, near Paris, where the prisoner was to undergo the sentence. The charge upon which he had been tried and convicted was read aloud, and the unfortunate man prepared for the presence of an offended Maker. Not a murmer ran through the ranks. The justice of the decree was acknowledged by every soldier, and if the short lapse of time between the offence and its solemn expiation excited feelings of terror, they were mingled with respect for the stern severity of their commander; the drums beat, and the black flag waved mournfully in the air. The ministers of justice had raised the engines of destruction, and the fatal monosyllable Fire, was half ejaculated, when the Duke of Wellington rushed before their firelocks, and commanded a momentary pause whilst he addressed the prisoner: "You have offended against the laws of God, of honour, and of virtue,-the grave is open before you, in a few short moments your soul will appear before its maker,-your prosecutor complains of your sentence,-the man whom you have robbed would plead for your life, and is horror-struck with the rapidity of your judgment. You are a soldier, you have been brave, and as report says, until now, even virtuous. Speak boldly in the face of Heaven and as a soldier of an army devoted to virtue and good order, declare now your own feelings as to your sentence."" General," said the man, "retire and let my comrades do their duty; when a soldier forgets his honour, life becomes disgraceful, and an immediate punishment is due as an example to the army-FIRE." "You have spoken nobly," said the Duke with a tear in his eye." You have saved your life,-how can I destroy a repentant sinner, whose words are of greater value to the troops than his death would be? Soldiers, bear this in mind, and may a sense of honour always deter you from infamy." The troops rent the air with huzzas, the criminal fell prostrate before the Duke, the word March was given, he arose and returned alive in those ranks which were to have witnessed his execution.


The following anecdote serves to show the high wisdom of the Emperor of Morocco:

A Jew had ordered a French merchant to furnish him with a considerable quantity of black beaver hats, green shawls. and red silk stockings. When the articles were ready for delivery, the Jew refused to receive them. Being brought before the Emperor, who, as it is well known, administers justice himself, he denied having given the order, and maintained that he did not even know the French merchant. "Have you any witnesses?" said the Emperor to the Frenchman. "No."-" So much the worse for you; you should have taken care to have had witnesses: you may retire." The poor merchant, completely ruined, returned home in despair. He was, however, soon alarmed by a noise in the street; he ran to see what it


DEFECTIVE PENMANSHIP.-If the correspondents of our public journals were aware how often their contributions are thrown aside, or postponed for reading at leisure, from no other cause than the difficulty of ar. riving at their meaning, owing to the bad handwriting, it is probable some of them would bestow more pains upon their penmanship, and more consi deration upon the time, patience, and eye-sight of the poor editors. S. D. to whom we feel obliged for the trouble he has had in transcribing so much, might profit by the foregoing hint; as well as VERAI, whose Swimming Anecdotes are given in our last Kaleidoscope. Difficult as the feats he records may be to perform, the decyphering his hieroglyphics, with their endless interlineations, was a task almost as great.

AUTHOR OF BOMBASTES FURIOSO.-Our cortes pondent Q-RIOUS is certainly not singular in his conjecture that Mr. CANNING is the author of this whimsical burletta, which we have repeatedly heard ascribed to him. Such a supposition is natural enough with those who recollect certain excellent satirical pieces which appeared some years ago in the Anti-Jacobin, and which were attributed to that gen. tleman. We have it in contemplation to give a pla in an early number of the Kaleidoscope to one of thes pieces, which is perhaps unrivalled in its way; and which is every way suitable to the plan of our work. En passant,-Can any of our readers inform us, whether Tom Thumb was ever published in England? if so, where and when? We have heard there has been an Irish edition, but believe that the work (as now performed) does not appear in the works of Fielding.

work alluded to by a correspondent, who subscribes (as we read it) SPINSOMHONI. We shall take the greatest care of the work, and return it punctually.— The verses which this correspondent has been at the pains to transcribe for us, are declined, not from any deficiency of merit, as they are extremely pointed The second line transgresses against those laws of decorum by which we intend to abide, as well from taste and duty, as from a wish to preserve the esteem and confidence of our readers.

It is gratifying to find that the majority of our corres-
pondents appear to regard the stage in this very im-
portant light; and consequently, entirely approve of
our assigning an occasional column of the Kaleido-
scope to its concerns. There are some, however, like
CRITICUS, who appear apprehensive that our critiques,
or rather those of our correspondents may be influ-We should be glad to look over the numbers of the
enced by personal pique, or individual partiality.
We are aware how difficult it is to avoid becoming
partizans; and we cannot but have observed, that
men, whose educations might naturally be supposed
to qualify them for the office of critics, frequently.
pronounce diametrically opposite judgments upon
the same actor, and in the same character: thus,
not many days have elapsed since we heard the per-
formance of Mr. Dowton, in Sir Peter Teazle, extolled
as a chef d'œuvre; a judgment in which we have
little doubt, we should have acquiesced had we seen
it; although we soon after heard the same per-
formance most severely handled. From several let-
ters before us, we find that the Charles Surface, of
Mr. Bass is regarded in a much more favourable
light, than that in which he was viewed by G. N. in
No. 4, of our New Series, page 32. The principal
object of our present observations is to assure our
readers, that whatever diversity of opinion may be
entertained by our correspondents, as to the merits
of the Liverpool performers, and whatever may be
the motives, whether personal or unexceptionable,
which influence their decisions; we wish to act,
in our editorial capacity, with fairness; we are of
no party; neither Keanites-Kembleites—OʻNeilites,
nor any other kind of ites.

note addressed to a poetical gentleman last week, we
have been served with the following challenge:
"A Constant Purchaser dares the Editor to carry
his threat into execution. That justice which the
private pique of an illiberal Editor denies, he is
confident of meeting with from a liberal public."
We suspect, however, that the writer of the above
billet, is not the "real Simon Pure," but some wag
who wishes to have a laugh at his expense. Without
deeming it necessary to justify ourselves from the
extraordinary charge of entertaining a private pique
against an anonymous writer, we shall only observe,
that if our present correspondent would persuade us
that he is the author of the verses to which we alluded
last week, he would best succeed by addressing us in
the original hand, and not assume a feigned character:
let him do this and we will comply with his wishes.

A numerous multitude were following one of the Emperor's officers, who was making the following proclamation at all the cross roads:" Every Jew, who within four and twenty hours after this proclamation, shall be found in the streets without a black bea-R. P. is informed that the story of John Gilpin never ver hat on his head, a green shawl round his neck, and red silk stockings on his legs, shall be immediately seized, and conveyed to the first court of our palace, to be there flogged to death." The children of Israel all thronged to the French merchant; and before evening the articles were purchased at any price he chose to demand for them. After this, who will presume to question the sovereign equity of the monarchs of Morocco?

did appear in the Kaleidoscope. It would have been
a daring experiment on the pastime of our readers, to
have devoted some pages of our work to a story, which,
however humourous it may be, is already familiar to
almost any man, woman, and child in the country.

The Trip to Birkenhead is somewhat too long for our
columns, although it is by no means destitute of

We take this opportunity to thank RN for the scrap book with which he has accommodated us, and from which we shall extract occasional gleanings.


A CONSTANT PURCHASER is perhaps correct in the opinion that the satire of Julia was rather of too poli tical a character for our columns. The satire, however, is of a general, rather than of a party complexion; it is possible to be too squeamish, as well as too much of a latitudinarian; such shrinking from any satire which may lash men in power, would exclude from the libraries of the too sensitive, the works of Pope, Swift, and the best British Classics. We must, however, confess to our correspondent, that had we perused work in question, more carefully, we should perhap have excluded it from our columns, to which it found access the more readily, from the circumstance, that it had previously been selected and extolled by a literary journalist, decidedly of the ministerial party. The Letter of A DECENT FELLOW is reserved for our next. In the present state of our MAGAZINE, we must not expend our ammunition too fast, but endeavour to keep up a regular, rather than a too brisk fire. From the present experiment, we take our corres pondent to be an expert marksman; and we hope that he will often amuse himself and our readers, by shooting folly as it flies."


We thank H. B. for the loan of the London Magazine and we shall peruse the articles recommended at our earliest leisure.

Printed, published, and sold

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Literary and Scientific Mirrer.


Literary Notices.


[blocks in formation]

name to any of his productions. The first | any influence upon our minds, believing as which appeared was elicited more by the we do, that an author is not always bound urgent solicitations of his friend Mr. Ers- to acknowledge his productions, or, acPRONOUNCED NOT ΤΟ BE THE AUTHOR or kine, than by any thirst for fame or hope cording to our great prose moralist and philosopher (Dr. Johnson), to withhold an absolute negative when he deems it nécessary to use one.


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for fortune. In order to feel his way before he ventured to launch into the great Public curiosity having been strongly ocean of literature, and to brave alike the excited by the announcement of an article rocks of criticism and the quicksands of a "The fact is, these works were written in Gold and Northouse's London Magazine vitiated taste, he spread his sails under a by a near relative of Sir Walter Scott; of this month, which would divest Sir foreign flag, and published two poems in they were severally sent to him by that Walter Scott of the credit of the celebrated one volume, with the titles of The Chase,' relative in an unfinished state, for revision, Novels ascribed to his pen, we take occasion and William and Mary,' ballads from the correction, and methodizing; nearly the to present our readers with the following German; the preface to which was written whole of the poetry is his own composition, extract from the Memoir in which the at- by Mr. Erskine. It would be a pleasant, as well as many of the descriptions: through tempt is made:though perhaps an useless task, to trace the his agency the arrangement for disposing of "Sir Walter Scott was born on the 15th romantic feeling, chivalrous incident, and the copyright, and the time and manner of of August, 1771, and is the eldest surviving glittering description of his later and more publication, was made: and notwithstandson of Walter Scott, Esq. writer to the popular productions to their earliest source, ing the continued mystery in which the Signet, in Edinburgh. His mother was the otherwise we are persuaded that few men whole affair is enveloped, it is firmly be, daughter of David Rutherford, Esq. who can peruse this little work without disco-lieved by the parties with whom he has been was a very able and popular practitioner of vering the elements of those peculiarities in obliged to be immediately connected, that the same profession, and in the same place. a faint degree, and an undigested state, they are solely the productions of his own She was the author of several poems, pos- which have since been so powerfully dissessing some merit, and was intimate with played in his various poetical publications." Burns, Blacklock, and Allan Ramsay. Her After enumerating and remarking on the poetry, if it did not gain an amarantine various works that indisputably proceeded wreath for herself, had doubtless a considerable share in procuring one for her son, by eliciting and cherishing the germ of poetry which existed in his bosom.

from the Baronet's prolific pen, the author
of the Memoir proceeds

"We now come to the question that has been so long and so earnestly argued; "Unlike many of his celebrated and is he, or is he not, the author of what are eminently-talented cotemporaries, his genius emphatically denominated The Scotch was not precocious. He did not in his Novels. We expressly and confidently deboyhood discover any peculiar trait of na-clare HE IS NOT.

tural ability, and had not the circumstances "In hazarding this bold assertion, we
we have already referred to, of his mother's know and feel the responsibility we have
attachment to poetry, acquaintanceship voluntarily incurred. We know, likewise,
with poets, as well as his incapacity for
other pursuits from his lameness, driven
him to literature and the muses, it is fair
presumption that the advocacy of legal
causes at the Scottish Bar would have been
the summit of Sir Walter's ambition.


"These facts were communicated by the real author of the novels, to a colonel in the army, who is well known, and eminently respected for the gallantry of his services, the powers of his mind, and the extent and depth of his erudition; and we have no doubt that we shall obtain permission from him, previous to the publication of our next number, to set this question for ever at rest, by giving up the name of the real writer of those admirable works of fiction, as well as his own.

"The reasons for throwing, and conti nuing to throw, the garb of anonymy over that in stating it in this unqualified manner, these novels, must be obvious to every inwe shall not be justified by any argument quiring mind. Since their commencement deduced from any fancied internal proof in they have been almost universally attributed the works themselves, or from any opinion to Sir Walter Scott: hence any advantage we may have been induced to form from that might accrue from a name so premere circumstantial evidence. Nor do we eminently popular and successful, they in"Mr. Scott had attained the age of hold that the pertinacious and perpetual herit in the fullest degree; and, in addition, twenty-five before he ventured to prefix his denial of Sir Walter himself ought to have possesses that peculiar air of mystery which,

by continuing to excite the attention and to maintain. The fourth book contains the reigns of to lead them to revenge. His uncle, Espoz, elicit the inquiries of literary men, will Hassan II. and of Mahomet II. both of whom upheld was the chief whom they selected, and he keep the novels themselves continually be- is interspersed with curious details relative to the litera- He stands first amongst those whose names the doctrine of the impunity of crimes. Their history proved himself worthy of the high trust. fore the public eye. We much doubt, not-ture of some contemporary oriental and western authors. are chaunted through Spain in the hymns withstanding their intrinsic excellence, Also documents hitherto unnoticed of the Templars, of triumph of a delivered people. He whether the Letters of Junius would have who at that period appear to have been actuated with watched faithfully through the dark and been half so much read, if, instead of pre King of England, that he resorted to the assistance of and when the morning of her deliverance the spirit of the Ismaelites. A charge is laid to Richard, perilous night which overhung his country, serving such a mysterious silence respecting the Assassins, to effect the destruction of the Margrave broke, Espoz was seen chasing the last the author, his curtain had been undrawn, Conrad de Montferrat. The fifth book contains the Frenchman from Spain. But let not the and his vizor unlocked. This hypothesis reigns of three Assassin princes, the former of whom, full glory of the uncle diminish that of the Dschelaleddin, had his sovereignty acknowledged by the Caliph of Bagdad. His son committed a parricide, nephew. Xavier Mina was less fortunate, but perpetrated no crime, according to the established but not less deserving than Espoz. Ego principles of the Assassins. This book has also the eci, tulit alter honores. It was Xavier who of their order, with an account of his wars with the where to strike at the invader, and gave reign of Rockneddin Charschah, the last Grand Master first taught the mountaineers of his province Mogul Hulagu, and the taking of Alamut and the rest system to their irregular valour; he encou of their castles, in 1258. The extermination of this raged by his successes the Spaniards to horde of Ismaelites forms the subject of the sixth book. follow his daring example; he braved the It contains also the description of the taking and plun- terrors of Napoleon's vengeance, and opendering of Bagdad by the Moguls, in 1258, with the ed with his sword the path which led to the punishment of the Caliph. In short, it details the de- deliverance of his country. He was not feat of the Assassins in Syria, by Bibras, the sultan of one and twenty when taken prisoner. What Egypt, and the gradual extirpation of the doctrine of the might not have been expected from this Ismaelites. The author concludes by a summary retro-heroic youth, if he had continued his career. spect of the remains of this sect which yet exist in Persia and Syria, though unable to realize their horrible system of politics.

will apply with double force to the Scotch Tales; for whilst the one animadverts on passing ephemeral events, which lost much of their interest with their immediate existence; the other, being generally accurate and admirable sketches of Scottish manners and Scottish history, possesses the seeds of immortality as national records, besides an amarantine wreath of popularity for their fascinating power of natural delineation."


A history of the Assassins, drawn from oriental sources, has appeared lately at Stuttgard. From this work we learn that the Assassins, a confederate people or society, which, in the time of the Crusades, for two centuries, acted an important part in Asiatic history, were originally a branch of the Ismaelites. The author, M. de Hammer, illustrates many of the events of the middle ages, and shows, at the same time, the advantageous use that might be made of oriental literature, if its cultivation were more generally attended to.

The Assassins were a secret society, originally organized at Cairo, wherein the adepts took an oath to obey implicitly a chief that was even unknown to them.

Their horrible dogmas inculcated murder, and one of

their fundamental positions was the principle that all

human authority, including kings, magistrates, and

priests, was superfluous and pernicious. The author draws a parallel between these assassins and the society of Jesuits, who, though deprived of their former influ

ence, persevere in maintaining their order. The princes of the east were frequently so imprudent as to make

common cause with Hassan Sabah, chief of the order, a headstrong adventurer, who soon after became a terror to all princes and governments, polluting thrones, tri

Biographical Notices.


[From the Philadelphia Union.]

(Concluded from our last.)

In the winter of 1810-11, Mina was directed by the Spanish Government to dePampeluna, from which the French were stroy, if possible, an iron foundry near service of the war. Whether it was from supplied with a number of articles for the one of those accidents which no prudence can prevent, or that the enemy had information of his movements, this unfortunate enterprize was fatal to Mina. Two strong bodies of French troops, (commanded, it is supposed, by Gen. Belliard) on their To the materials collected from Arabian, Persian, and march in contrary directions, arrived at the Turkish manuscripts, M. de H. adds what Sylvestre de same time at the two entrances of a narrow Sacy and others have written before him on the same valley, and completely enclosed Mina and subject. His work is divided into seven books. The his corps, who were in at the same time. first treats of Mahomet, as the founder of Islamism, The fight that ensued was obstinate and and only dwells on such principal points as have not bloody. The gallant Mina defending himbeen noticed by Voltaire, Gibbon, and Muller. It self with his sword, fell, pierced with contains a synopsis of the doctrines of Mahomet. The wounds, a prisoner in the hands of the second book narrates the foundation of the order of French. Assassins, in the year 1004 of the Christian æra, and under the government of the first grand master, Hassan

bunals, and altars with blood.

Sabah. One of his deys, Hassan Ben Sabah Homairi, a competitor for the throne, became, towards the end of the eleventh century, the founder of a new sect. He seized on the strong castle of Alamut, between Dilem and Irak, and made it the seat of his power. The third book is an account of the reigns of Kia Busurgomid and of his son Mahomet, and the wars which they had

Thus ended the rapid, but brilliant Guerilla career of Xavier Mina. Fortune, as if jealous of the skill and heroism which threatened to raise him above her capricious favors, played him false at last. But the spirit which he had roused was still alive; the rage of his warrior mountaineers was kindled, and they chose one of his family

Mina was taken to Paris after his cap ture, and shut up in the castle of Vincennes The afflictions which prest upon the unfor tunate state prisoner were there aggra vated by the care with which all intelli gence of the fate of his relations or strug gling country was concealed from him. His hair came out, and his person com pletely changed. In time, however, the rigours of his imprisonment were softened and books were given him. He applied himself with great industry to the study of the military art, in which he derived great assistance from some of the veteran officers who were his fellow-prisoners. In Vincennes he remained till the allied armies entered general peace, which took place upon the France; nor was he set at liberty until the abdication of the Emperor, Napoleon.

Being conspicuous members of the party of Liberales or Constitutionalists, the two Minas soon experienced the displeasure of the court, and the frowns of the King Xavier, however, who was in Madrid, was offered the command of the military forces in Mexico, a situation next to that of the viceroy of New Spain. He declined it, and apprehensive of the consequences, retired into Navarre. Espoz y Mina, who still remained at the head of his mountai warriors in Navarre, immediately received an order depriving him of the command. Matters being thus brought to a crisis, it was determined by the two Minas to raise the standard of the Cortes and the Constitution. They had no time to form any extensive plan, it was agreed to strike inmediately before the order depriving Espoz of his command should be publicly known. The details of this bold and chivalrous at tempt are interesting, and present some features of romance; but we can only glance slightly at them. While Espoz was

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