
can of mushrooms, half-cup of French peas, and serve the mixture with the sho-yu sauce, which can be purchased at a Chinese grocery.

[blocks in formation]

Brass candlesticks with unshaded bayberry candles. Have

an exhibit of Colonial things.


The Bride's Household Linen

NE of the happiest periods in the life of a girl is the time

O before her wedding, when the days are full of prepara

tions for the new home. Of recent years affairs for the bride-to-be have taken a prominent place in the social calendar, and friends are glad to take this opportunity of showing little attentions which never can be given at any other time. The question is asked frequently, "What is the least in the way of household linen for a bride to start with?" Of course a store of linen is an almost priceless possession, and it ought to be of a good quality.

A half-dozen sheets, one dozen pillow cases, three dozen towels, a half-dozen bath towels, a dozen wash cloths, four tablecloths, two lunch cloths, with three dozen napkins, are about as small an outfit as it is practicable to start with. These pieces should be marked with the bride's own initials or monogram. The old custom of starting dower chests for little girls is much in favor in this country. From time immemorial it has been done in Europe. If a girl never marries she will always enjoy the things in her own room.

In the olden times, almost simultaneously with the birth of a girl baby her dower chest was commenced. As the maiden grew she spun and wove a goodly supply of household furnishings, besides her own personal linen.

Suggestions for Engagement Announcements

SUCH an announcement is usually made at a luncheon to which the intimate friends of the bride elect are asked. Hearts,



true lovers' knots, cupids, bows and arrows are all appropriate for decorations. Pink is the best color to use, as all the world generally assumes le couleur de rose when a girl is in this blissful state.

Before the dessert course is served, have the doorbell ring violently, and the maid will bring in a telegram to the hostess, who asks permission to open and read it; whereupon she will read aloud the announcement of the engagement, then congratulations follow.

Another way is to prepare English walnuts with pretty quotations written and concealed inside the shells, which are glued together; on one write the news.

One hostess in announcing the engagement had a very small envelope at each place, the outside bearing the guest's name, while the card bore the names of the couple. The envelope was sealed with a gilt heart.

Still another hostess had her table decorated with a miniature bridal procession of dolls exquisitely dressed; ribbons radiated to each plate and were attached to heart-shaped baskets containing bonbons. The bride's chair was ornamented with a huge bow of tulle, and the souvenirs were tiny white slippers filled with candied rice. The flowers were bridesmaid roses, the candles and shades pink, with glass candlesticks.

A Story Announcement

THE bride elect had lived in the community all her life, so this manner of telling the world of this most important event was a very pretty way of making the announcement. Her sister, who was married, invited ten of the girl's most intimate friends to a luncheon, and there was nothing unusual in the preparations to indicate the dénouement. When the coffee was served in the drawing-room, the hostess said she had a short

original story to read in which she thought the guests would be interested. Then followed a cleverly written résumé of the girl's life from babyhood, under an assumed name. As the events were related light began to dawn, but no one said a word until the story was finished; then congratulations were in order, and a silver loving-cup was passed, in which was some rare old wine used only to drink the health of some member of the family on the occasion of a great event in his life. Some of this sparkling liquor had been used when the mother of the bride elect was married, and at the christening of the baby daughter. The bride's health would be drunk at the wedding, and then the rare old product would be put away to await the next important family event.

A Musical Announcement

THIS unique method of announcing her engagement was employed by a Western girl; the young man lived out of town, so no one suspected. He was a guest at the house when a number of the girl's friends received an invitation for an informal musicale.

On assembling they received programmes ornamented with a bow of white satin ribbon, and with hearts sprinkled daintily over the surface of the card. At the top was written: "An evening with the bride elect," and the following programme was written on the inside page:

"The American Boy," two-step. FLINN. "My Lady Love," waltzes. ROSEY.

"Adoration," waltzes.


"I'd Leave My Happy Home for You." "The Bride-Elect," march. Sousa.

Autumn Tints," valse. CocKRILL. “Wedding March," from "Lohengrin.” "The Honey Moon," march. ROSEY. "Home, Sweet Home." PAYNE.

"The Sweet Long Ago." BLAKE.

By the time this musical love story was finished the young

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