A General Theory of Exploitation and ClassHarvard University Press, 1982 - 298 ページ In this original and powerful work, John Roemer proposes a general theory of exploitation that provides a game-theoretic framework for expressing any conception of exploitation--feudal, capitalist, or socialist--in a standardized and explicit way, thus permitting a clear comparison of different ethical conceptions. |
Introduction | 1 |
A defense of method | 23 |
A private ownership subsistence production and exchange | 33 |
著作権 | |
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accumulation economy agents allocation alternative assumption bundle capita share capital capitalist exploitation CECP Chapter characterization choose claim commodity constraint Correspondence Principle credit market dated labor defined definition of exploitation differential egalitarian elimination existing socialism exploitation and class exploitation status exploited coalition exploited set feudal exploitation forms of exploitation gray area Hence historical materialism income individually optimal inequality labor endowments labor market labor power labor theory Lemma Leontief Marxian exploitation Marxists means of production minimal exploited neoclassical net output numeraire operate optimal solution output ploitation ploited precisely price vector producers productive forces profit rate proletarians property relations reproducible solution returns to scale revenues self-actualization skills socialist exploitation socially necessary labor specification status exploitation strongly neutral subsistence economy surplus labor surplus value theory of exploitation tion transformation problem value theory wage wealth withdrawal workers