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Difficulty of obtaining supplies.-Letter to Dr Frank-

lin, (St Ildefonso, September 10th, 1781), request-,

ing supplies of money to meet the bills drawn on

him; new financial regulations of Mr Morris ;

they will probably spare him the necessity of

making further demands.--Receives advances

from M. Cabarrus.-Dr Franklin permits Mr Jay
to draw on him.-The Court prepares to go to the

Escurial. Note from Mr Jay to the Count de Flor-

ida Blanca, informing him of his intention of re-

turning to Madrid.-Reply of the Count de Flori-

da Blanca to the preceding.-Complaint exhibited

by the Count de Florida Blanca against Commo-

dore Gillon, for retaining deserters from the Span-

ish service on board his vessel.-Letter from Mr

Jay to the Count de Florida Blanca, (Madrid, Oc-

tober 9th, 1781), acknowledging the justice of his

demand of the surrender of the deserters, and en-

closing a copy of his letter to Commodore Gillon

on the subject; Mr Jay urges decisive measures

relating to the negotiations with America.-Let-

ter from Mr Jay to Commodore Gillon (Madrid,

October 9th, 1781), advising the surrender of the

deserters. Receives a statement from Commo-

dore Gillon, showing the charge against him to

have been precipitate. Representations of Col-

onel Searle against Commodore Gillon disproved

by the Commodore.-Continued silence of the

Spanish Minister.-Letter from Mr Jay to the

Count de Florida Blanca (Madrid, October 28th,

1781), representing the inconveniences of an ordi-

nance requiring the legality of prizes brought into

the Spanish ports, to be tried in the Court of Ad-

miralty, whence the commission of the captors

issued. Receives no answer.-Letter from Mr

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Jay to the Count de Florida Blanca (Madrid, No-
vember 6th, 1781), on the detention of the Ameri-
can privateer Cicero, with her prize, at Bilboa, on
account of her firing into one of the King's cut-
ters; statement of the case, which renders the
firing justifiable.-Note from the Count de Florida
Blanca to Mr Jay, declaring his statement to be
incorrect, and insisting on satisfaction.-Letter
from Mr Jay to the Count de Florida Blanca
(Madrid, November 12th, 1781), requesting a
statement of the facts in the case of the Cicero,
and the speedy release of the vessel.--Letter
from the Count de Florida Blanca to Mr Jay, com-
municating an order for the release of the Cicero.

-Card from Mr Jay on the subject.--Letter
from Mr Jay to the Count de Florida Blanca
(Madrid, November 16th, 1781), urging the neces-
sity of supplies.-Receives no answer.-Letter
from Mr Jay to Dr Franklin (Madrid, Novem-
ber 21st, 1781), requesting advances of money to
meet the bills drawn on him.-Note from Mr Jay
to the Count de Florida Blanca, requesting an in-
terview. Reply to the preceding note.-Receives
no answer to a Memorial, which he transmits from
Mr Harrison; experiences the same neglect in
other similar cases.-Interview with the Count
de Florida Blanca; the Count excuses the delays
on account of the sickness of M. del Campo, and
declines entering on any business.-M. del Campo
has been appointed to confer with Mr Jay three
months without Mr Jay's knowledge.-M. del
Campo declines the conference, under pretence
of ill health; and afterwards on the plea of want
of instruction.-Letter from Mr Jay to Dr Frank-
lin (Madrid, December 31st, 1781), asking ad-
vances of money.-Letter from Mr Jay to Dr
Franklin (Madrid, January 11th, 1782), on the
subject of advances.-Conference with the French
Ambassador; Mr Jay complains of the delays of
the Spanish Court; requests aid from France;
declares his intention in case of protesting the
bills, to assign as a reason, that he had placed too
much confidence in his Catholic Majesty; the
Ambassador advises patience.-Letter from Dr
Franklin to Mr Jay (Passy, January 15th, 1782),
enclosing a letter from the Count de Vergennes
to Dr Franklin (Versailles, December 31st, 1781),
promising to advance a million to him, if he is
authorised to dispose of the Dutch loan.-Letter
from Mr Jay to Dr Franklin (Madrid, January
30th, 1782), on the subject of advances; import-
ant services of Dr Franklin.-Note from Mr Jay
to M. del Campo (Madrid, February 1st, 1782),
expressing his anxiety to enter upon the discus-
sion of American affairs.-Reply of M. del Cam-


po, regretting that the ill health of the Count
de Florida Blanca has prevented the drawing
up of his instructions.-Letter from Dr Franklin
to Mr Jay (Passy, January 19th, 1782), stating the
difficulties of obtaining further supplies in France;
the Dutch loan principally anticipated; advises
Mr Jay to demand an immediate and explicit an-
swer to his proposition of a treaty, and solicit his
recall in case of further delay.-Letter from M.
Cabarrus to Mr Jay (Madrid, February 10th,
1782), requesting to know how he is to be reim-
bursed for his advances.-Mr Jay replies verbally
to M. Cabarrus, that he can give him no positive
assurances of immediate repayment, but has ex-
pectations from Dr Franklin.-The French Am-
bassador promises to represent to the Count de
Florida Blanca, the critical situation of Mr Jay.-
Letter from the Chevalier de Bourgoing to Mr
Jay, communicating the reply of the Spanish Min-
ister to the representations of the French Ambas-
sador.-Note from Mr Jay to the Chevalier de
Bourgoing, returning his thanks to the Ambassa-
dor. Letter from Mr Jay to Dr Franklin (Mad-
rid, February 11th, 1782,) on the subject of ad-
vances.-Mr Jay pays a visit to the Minister, who
refers him to M. del Campo.-Evasions of M. del
Campo.--Letter from M. Cabarrus to Mr Jay
(Madrid, February 25th, 1782), transmitting ac-
counts of his advances, and requesting repay-
ment.-M. Cabarrus has a conference with the
Minister, who refuses any new advances, and de-
clares that the King is dissatisfied, that he has re-
ceived no returns from America for his good offices.
-Conference between Mr Jay and the French
Ambassador.-Letter from Mr Jay to Dr Franklin
(Madrid, March 1st, 1782), on the subject of ad-
vances. Letter from Mr Jay to the Count de
Florida Blanca (Madrid, March 2d, 1782), ex-
plaining the causes which have prevented re-
turns on the part of the United States to the
King's good offices; declares himself entirely
without resources.-Note from Mr Jay to M. del
Campo, enclosing the preceding letter.-Receives
no answer to the above communications.-Mr Jay
has an interview with the Minister, who laments
the difficulty of raising money, but promises aid;
conversation on the proposed treaty; the Minis-
ter promises to send M. Gardoqui to America.-
Extract from the Madrid Gazette, giving an ac-
count of the capture of the Fort St Joseph by Span-
ish troops, who take possession of the country in
the name of his Catholic Majesty.-The bills drawn
on Mr Jay are presented.-Letter of Mr Jay to the
Count de Florida Blanca (Madrid, March 14th,
1782), informing him that the bills have been pre-


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