
Giles' speech on the Judiciary, 216.
REDMAN, JOHN, M. D., i. 346.

answer to George Mason, 173; speech in the trial of | READ, MR., of South Carolina, ii. 74; see William B.
Aaron Burr, 174; tribute to Lord Mansfield, 176; firm-
ness of Washington, 176; Blannerhassett, 176; Henry
II. and Thomas à Becket, 177; felony, 178; case of
Bollman and Swartwout, 179; Henry IV. and the Jes-
uits, 181.

RANDOLPH, JOHN, the father of Edmund, notice of, i. 164.
RANDOLPH, SIR JOHN, account of, i. 163.

RANDOLPH, JOHN, father of John Randolph of Roanoke, ii.


RANDOLPH, JOHN, OF ROANOKE, born at Cawsons; death of
his father; education and incidents of his early life; his
mother; her second marriage; St. George Tucker, ii.
155; letters to Dudley, quoted, 155; college life; appear-
ance at Charlotte court; Patrick Henry; his eloquence,
156; election of Mr. Randolph to Congress; his first
speech; career in Congress; impeachment of Judge
Chase, 156: the Yazoo question; the embargo; remarks
on, 157; retirement; re-elected to Congress; Bank of
the United States, 158; declining health; anecdote of;
visits England; his reception; the Greek question;
opposes Mr. Clay and Mr. Webster; opposes the tariff
and internal improvement, 158; duel with Mr. Clay; the
Virginia Convention; last illness and death, 159.

Speech on Mr. Gregg's resolution for the non-impor-
tation of British merchandise; the resolution a war
measure, 159; situation of the nation, power of Great
Britain on the ocean; the carrying trade the question
in dispute; Sir Robert Walpole quoted, 160; relations
with Spain considered; navies of France and England
compared; impolitic to aid France; has no ambition to
possess Nova Scotia, 162; fur trade; 1793; origin of the
revolution, 164; the continental influence of Great Brit-
ain gone, 165; the situation of England, 166; Great
Britain and the United States, the two great commer-
cial nations, 167; duty of the Executive explained, 169.
Speech on the tariff, 1824, 169; reply to P. P. Bar-
bour; situation of the country, 170; all policy, suspi-
cious, that sacrifices the interest of a part of a com
munity to the ideal good of the whole, 171; England as
a manufacturing country, 172; her example not to be
followed, 178; Ireland; the effect of the tariff upon
the people, 174; the English judge and Horne Tooke;
union, 175; quotation from Joel R. Poinsett, 176; Vir-
ginia; Lord Cornwallis' remarks concerning, 177; Gay,
Ganilh, Adam Smith, and Ricardo, referred to, 177;
economists, the theory and practice of; Alexander, Ca-
sar, and Napoleon, 178; the Constitution a "curious
one;" made for foreigners, 179; evils of the policy; fur-
ther remarks on, 181.

Speech on an increase of the army, 1811; importance
of the question; republicans of 1798, 181; closing of the
Mississippi by Spain in 1803, referred to, 182; massacres
on the Wabash; Canada: war spirit in the South,
183; French alliance, 184; republicanism of John Ad-
ams and William Cobbett; the people will not submit to
be taxed for a war of conquest; the defenceless state of
the Chesapeake referred to; slaves, 185; Spain; notices
the importation of British attachment, &c., 186.

Genuine statesman, an extract from a speech on re-
trenchment, 188; comparison of Wm. B. Giles and
Charles Fox, by, 190; Henry Clay's reply to, ii. 818;
John C. Calhoun's reply to the speech of, on an increase
in the army, 476; Tristam Burges' reply to, 320, 322.
RANDOLPH, PEYTON, i. 226; death of, 164.
RANDOLPH, THOMAS, account of, i. 163.
RANDOLPH, WILLIAM, account of, i. 163.

RAYMOND, JAMES H., his paper on James Hillhouse's propo-
sition to amend the Federal Constitution, ii. 146.

VOL. II-39

RED JACKET, his early history lost; incidents of his military
career; hatred of Brant; his oratory; his cowardice at
Canandaigua lake; indignation and rebuke of Corn-
planter; origin of his name "Red Jacket," i. 423; at-
tains his chieftainship by working on the superstitions
of his tribe; the council at Fort Stanwix; opposition to
Cornplanter; his speech; war of 1812; his neutrality;
overruled by the Americans, and joins their forces;
anecdotes illustrative of his character and eloquence,
424; eloquence of the Six Nations, compared with that
of other tribes, 424; opposition to the missionaries; his
reasons, 425; his death; his last hours, 426; his reply to
Samuel Dexter, Secretary of War, 426; defence of
"Stiff Armed George," 427; reply to the young mission-
ary, Cram, 429.

REED, JOHN OTIS, estimate of, 1. 7.
REED, JOSEPH, General, ii. 52.
Rehearsal, The, newspaper established, i. 2.
Religious Toleration, an extract from the speech of Wil-
liam Gaston on the "thirty-second article," in North
Carolina Convention; called to amend the State Consti-
tution, ii. 553.

RENWICK, JAMES, his life of De Witt Clinton, i. 565.
Representation, i, 15, 85.

Republicans, in the Virginia House of Burgesses, i. 41.
"Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God,” ii. 450.
Retrenchment, extract from John Randolph's speech on, ii.

Revolution, The American, origin of, i. 37.
Revenue System, speech of Alexander Hamilton on the, i.

Revenue Collection (Force) Bill, John Caldwell Calhoun's
speech on the, ii. 483.

REYNOLDS, THOMAS, treachery of, i. 526.
Rhode Island, opposition of to national duties, i. 169; Brit-
ish at, ii. 83.

RICHARDSON, MR., in the trial of Thomas O. Selfridge, ii.

Richmond, Va., trial of Aaron Burr at, i. 174.
RIDGE, the Cherokee chief, ii. 469.
RITTENHouse, David, director of the mint, i. 268; sketch of
the life of, 268.

RIVES, W. C., ii. 496.

RIVINGTON, JAMES, i. 86, 87, 447.
Roads and Inland Navigation, John Sergeant, chairman
of, ii. 506; the bonus of the National Bank, and the
United States' share of its dividends, proposed to be set
apart as a permanent fund for the construction of roads
and canals, 479; the importance of, 480.

ROANE, ME., anecdote of John Randolph of Roanoke, re-
lated by, ii. 158.

ROBBINS, JONATHAN, ii. 266; see Thomas Nash;-John
Marshall's speech in the case of, ii. 20.
ROBERTS, MR., of Pa., ii. 122.

ROBERTSON, DONALD, tutor of James Madison, i. 125.
ROBESPIERRE, "the nation of France," ii. 69.
ROBINSON, ANDREW.-See " Fort Wilson."
ROBINSON, JOHN, ELDER, his argument against Episcopus,
ii. 254.

ROBINSON, JOHN, his affray with James Otis, i. 4.
Robinson's Admiralty Reports, quoted, 99, 114.
RODGERS, ANN MARIA, wife of William Pinkney, ii. 98.
ROGERS, DR., of New York, at Edinburgh, i. 525.
ROGERS, ROBERT, il. 835.


Ross, JAMES, resolutions of, relative to the navigation of the
Mississippi, i. 475, 567; ii. 846, 850.-See Gouverneur
Morris and De Witt Clinton.
ROUSSEAU, J. J., quoted, i. 827.
Runnymede, the Convention of, 1. 71.

RUSH, BENJAMIN, ancestry of; death of his father; studles
with Doctor Finley; enters college; college life; studies
medicine under Dr. John Redman; university at Edin-
burgh; the professors; visits London and Paris; returns
to Philadelphia; elected professor; Drs. Bond, Morgan,
Shippen and Kuhn; succeeds Drs. Morgan and Kuhn,
i. 846; enters political life; his patriotism; elected to
Congress; signs the Declaration of Independence; ap-
pointed physician general; member of the Federal
Convention of Pennsylvania; "address to the people of
the United States;" resumes his practice; appointed
President of the Mint; his literary labors; "medical
inquiries and observations; " history of the yellow fever;
elected President of the American Abolition Society,
&c.; his character, 347.

Address to the people of the United States, 847; the
confederation, 347; the deficiency of coercive power;
of exclusive power to issue paper money, and regulate
commerce; the defect in vesting the sovereign power
of the United States in a single legislature, and in the
too frequent rotation of its members, 348; "the revolu-
tion is not over," 849; commissioner to England, ii. 132.
RUSH, JAMES, i. 346.
RUSH, JOHN, i. 846.

[blocks in formation]

RUTLEDGE, JOHN, parentage of; birth of; education; death
of his father; studies in the Temple; commences prac-
tice in Charleston, South Carolina; his professional en-
gagements; action in the Gadsden controversy, 1764;
member of the Congress at New York, 1765; his elo-
quence; elected to the Continental Congress; advocates
unlimited powers to the representatives, i. 118; elected
President of South Caroling address of the legislature
to; his answer; serves in the action at Sullivan's
Island; his note to General Moultrie; elected governor,
i. 119; chosen a member of Congress; appointed, with
George Clymer, to visit the several States and induce
them to carry out the requisitions of Congress; his
eloquence before the Virginia Assembly; appointed
minister to Holland; declines to serve; elected Judge
of the Court of Chancery; appointed Judge of the Su-
preme Court of the United States; elected Chief Justice
of South Carolina; his death; speech to the South
Carolina Assembly, 1. 120; speech to the General As-
sembly of South Carolina, i. 122, notice of, 286; ii. 485.

SALLUST, Catiline conspiracy of, i. 551.
Saratoga, ii. 364.

SARGENT, LUCIUS MANLIUS, his sketch of the life of Samuel
Dexter, ii. 237.

"Satis eloquentiæ, sapientiæ parum," 1. 513.
Savannah, siege of, i. 309.

SAVARY, ME., testimony in the trial of J. F. Knapp, ii.


SCHUYLER, GEN. PHILIP, daughter of marries Alexander
Hamilton, i. 185.

Scotch Rebellion of 1745, 1. 290.
SCOTT, LIEUT., masssacre of, ii. 277.
SCOTT, SIR WILLIAM, ii. 104, 270.
SEDGEWICK, THEODORE, at the New York Convention, 1812.
1. 558; at Philadelphia, ii. 9.

SEDGEWICK, THEODORE, Jr., quotations from, i. 88.
Sedition Act, conduct of the judges in relation to the,
ii. 61.

SELFRIDGE, THOMAS O., trial of, for killing Charles Austin;
Samuel Dexter's argument, ii. 239.

Seminole War, President's message in reference to the, ii.
282; Henry Clay's speech on the, ii. 278.
SERGEANT, JOHN, birth and parentage; study of law; ad-
mission to the bar; appointed Deputy Attorney Gene-
ral; appointed by Jefferson, Commissioner of Bank-
rupts; argument in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania;
chosen to the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania,
ii. 506; elected to Congress; discussion of the Missouri
question; appointed minister to the Congress of Pana-
ma by President Adams; re-election to Congress;
declines a position in the cabinet of General Harrison;
his decree on the question of the title to the Pea-patch
Island; death; sketch of his character, 507.

Speech on the Missouri question; Pennsylvania,
cessions of territory or claims to territory, 509; ces-
sion from the United States to Pennsylvania, 1788;
States have a capacity to contract with individ-
uals; the admission of a State a compact; a new
State may contract, 510; the ordinance of 1787, 511;
power of Congress to admit new States; its extent, 512;
power of Congress on the death of the President and Vice-
President, 513; government an evil; case of Louisiana,
515; State rights; a new State the creature of the con-
stitution, 516; slavery, 516; is it essential, by the prin-
ciples of our constitution, to the character of a State,
that it should have the power of originating, establish-
ing, or perpetuating the condition of slavery within its
limits? 517; political equality, 519; ninth section of the
first article of the constitution considered, 520; has a
State the power to originate slavery? &c., 521; “migra-
tion," 521; applies to freemen arriving from abroad, 522;
further remarks, 523; treaty of cession, 524; case of
Louisiana further considered, 525; dangers from an ex-
tension of slavery, 525, 526; expediency of the measure,
526; slavery an evil founded in wrong, 526; "diffusion,"
527, 528; where to end-answer to Mr. Clay, 529.
SERRE, M., companion of Albert Gallatin, 1780, ii. 180.
SEWALL, SAMUEL, i. 2; ii. 422.


St. Helena, the governor of, 1. 526.

St. Mark's, Florida, resolutions of the House of Represen-
tatives relative to the seizure of the posts at, ii. 273.

ST. VINCENT, LORD, ii. 270.

SEWALL, STEPHEN, biographical sketch of, i. 2; li. 448.

SHARPLESS, MR., portrait painter, anecdote of, i. 552.
SHAW, MRS., daughter of Gen. Greene, 1. 449.

SHELTON, MISS, first wife of Patrick Henry, i. 8; death of, 11
SHEPARD, MR.-See Knapp's trial.
SHERMAN, ROGER, 1. 296, 850.

Salem, Mass., writs of assistance, first applied for, at, 1. 2; SHERIDAN, MR., in Parliament, ii. 122, 247.

trial of John F. Knapp at, ii. 899.

Sheriffs, to be collectors of revenue, i. 85.

SHILLABER, MR.-See Knapp's trial.
SHIPPEN, DR., i. 346.

SIGOURNEY, ANDRE, notice of, ii. 237.


Silesia, Journal of a Tour through, by John Quincy Adams,
ii. 250.

SISMONDI, the historian, ii. 130.

Six Nations, Col. Pickering's treaty with, i. 427.
"Slashes," The, birthplace of Henry Clay, ii. 259.
Slavery, in the original thirteen States, the question of de-
cided, ii. 44; impairs industry, 49; has any State in the
United States a constitutional capacity to originate or
establish a state of slavery? 521; an evil founded in
wrong, 526; danger from an extension of, 525; its in-
fluence on individual and national character, 562
Slave Trade, abolished by England; reasons why, IL 123;
prohibited by the United States, 44

Slave representation, ii. 49.

Slaves, the introduction of, not imputable to the present
generation, ii. 48; property in, 49; condition of in the
United States, 1818, 50.

lege; studies law with Samuel Sewall; enters office of
Samuel Putnam, of Salem; declines office; early lite-
rary efforts; election to Legislature, ii. 422; his legal
publications; appointed Judge of Supreme Court; pro-
fessorship at Cambridge; personal habits; death, ii. 428,
424; characteristics of the age, ii. 424, 487; the Ameri-
can Indians, 488; sketch of Samuel Dexter quoted, 287.
STORY, WM. W., life of Joseph Story by, ii. 422.
STOUGHTON, JAMES, killed by R. M. Goodwin, i, 587.

SULLIVAN, GENERAL, proposed by John Jay, for the Ameri-
can Army, i. 152; taken prisoner, 293; at Rhode Island,
ii. 33, 336.
SULLIVAN, WILLIAM, his "Public men of the Revolution,"
i. 158, 226, 412, 449, 527; ii. 34, 239; remarks of, relative
to the conspiracy of Aaron Burr, i. 174; anecdote of
Samuel Dexter, recorded by, ii. 239.-See Hartford

SUMTER, GENERAL, heroism of, i. 122.
SWANN, THOMAS, ii. 441.

SWARTWOUT, COL-See "Miranda's Expedition."

SMELLIE, the naturalist, edits the Thesaurus Medicus, i. SWITZERLAND, remarks on the confederacy of, i. 22, 25.


SMITH, JOHN, Senator from Ohio; participation in the con-

spiracy of Aaron Burr; resolution to expel, ii. 147.

SMITH, MAJOR, see trial of R. M. Goodwin.

SMITH, REV. MR., tutor of James A. Bayard, ii. 52.
SMITH, SAMUEL, of Maryland, i. 495; ii. 337.

SMITH, SAMUEL STANHOPE, President of New Jersey College,
ii. 189.

SMITH, WILLIAM, account of, i. 83, 270, 454.

SMITH, WILLIAM, Jr., biographical sketch of, i. 83, 850.
SMITH, WILLIAM, REV., ii. 247.

SMITH, WM. L., i. 94.


TALLEYRAND, M., ii. 59, his answer to Mr. Livingston, 341.
TALLIEN AND BARRAS," the nation of France," ii. 69.
Tariff, speech on the, by John Randolph of Roanoke, ii.
169; Henry Clay's speech on the, 1824, 296; John C.
Calhoun's speech on the, 1816, 488; the praises of, to be
sung to the tune of Old Hundred, 565.

TAYLOR, JAMES, COLONEL, testimony of, in the case of John
Smith, ii. 154,

TAYLOR, JOHN, ii. 34.

SMITH, WILLIAM S., speech of Thomas Addis Emmet in de- TAYLOR, ZACHARY, President, i. 559.

fence of, i. 528.

Songs and Ballads of the American Revolution, i. 275.
South, The, conduct of during the Revolution, ii. 567.
South America, Miranda's expedition against, 1. 528; the
independence of, ii. 425.

South Carolina, history of, by David Ramsay, 1. 809; revo-
lution in, by Ramsay, 309; speeches of John Rutledge
to the Assembly of, 1776, 1782, i. 120, 122; tribute to, ii.

SOUTHWICK, MR.-See Knapp's trial.

SPARKS, JARED, LL.D., i. 454, 456; ii. 180.

Spain, the transactions of, i. 25; treaty between the United
States and, relative to the navigation of the Mississippi,

Spectator, The, ii, 155.

Squinting towards Monarchy,” i. 20.

TECUMSEH, birth; early exploits; forms a plan of uniting
all the Western tribes of Indians, to oppose the Ameri-
cans; his speeches; abuse of the United States; his
council with General Harrison at Vincennes; ally of
the British; holds the rank of Brigadier General; bat-
tle of Brownstown; leads his Indians against General
Miller; death at the battle of the Thames; anecdotes,
ii. 354, 355; speech at Vincennes; speech to General
Proctor, ii. 355, 356.

TENNENT, WILLIAM, life of, by Elias Boudinot, i. 263,-809.
Tennessee, powers of the district judges of, under the old
establishment, ii, 77.

TERRY, NATHAN. See Hartford Convention.

THACHER, OXENBRIDGE, opposes the writs of assistance;
author of "The Sentiments of a British American,"
1. 2; notice of, ii. 446.

Stamp Act, i. 4; Patrick Henry's resolutions on the, il. 450. THACHER, THOMAS, REV., sermon on the death of Samuel
STARK, GEN. JOHN, ii. 864.

Statesmen, John Randolph's definition of, ii. 188.
Steamboats, the first in America, i. 851.

STEPHEN, MR., author of the Orders in Council, il. 271.

STEVENS, COL., at the battle of the Great Bridge, il. 8.

"STIFF ARMED GEORGE," Red Jacket's defence of, i. 427.
STILES, EZRA, Holmes' life of, ii. 144.


STOCKTON, RICHARD, biographical notice of, i. 262.

STONE, THOMAS, i. 296.

STONE, WM. L., lives of Brant and Red Jacket, by, L. 424.

STOOPE, REV. ME., tutor of John Jay, i. 151.

STORY, DR., the case of, il. 547.

Adams, i. 823.

"The Jubilee of the Constitution," an address before the
New York Historical Society, by John Q. Adams,
ii. 250.

"The Millboy of the Slashes." ii. 259.

Theology, a new era in, ii. 429.

Thesaurus Medicus, edited by Smellie, i. 525.

"Thirty Years' View," quoted, ii. 190.

THOMPSON, MR. of Va., ii. 72.

THORPE, T. B., his reminiscences of S. S. Prentiss, ii. 580.
Ticonderoga, i. 54.

TINSLEY, PETER, ii. 259.


TOOKE, HORNE, anecdote of, and the English judge, ii. 175.

STORY, JOSEPH, ii. 8, 97; birth; education at Harvard Col- TownLY, COLONEL, the case of, ii. 546, 547.

VOL. II.-39

TOWNSEND, CHARLES, death of, i. 320.
TRACY, URIAH, his early youth; graduates at Yale College;
his eloquence; studies law; practice; elected to Con-
gress; his wit and repartee; anecdote of a retort upon
the British Minister; his Congressional speeches; poli-
tics, i. 481; society in Philadelphia in 1796; Mrs.
Wolcott, and Mrs. Goodrich, 481; anecdote of John
Adams, 482; "Boston Junto;" death of Abraham
Baldwin; his funeral; Mr. Tracy's last illness and
death, 482.

Speech on the amendment of the Constitution; relative
to the mode of electing President and Vice-President; a
full and fair discussion necessary; the resolution; has a
tendency to injure the small States; the great States
objects of jealousy; "man is man," 482; Compromise
a principle of the Constitution; the Senate, 433; Dela-
ware; debates in the Virginia Convention; the amend-
ment tends to a consolidation of the Union into a simple
republic, 434, 435; struggle in framing the Constitution,
435; great States destroy the small; powers of the Pres-
ident: mode of electing the President, 436; compre-
hensiveness of the Constitution; dangers to be feared
from the amendment, 438; speech on the judiciary sys-
tem, 1802, 442.

Treason, definition of, ii. 463, 465.

Treaty-making Power, remarks on, i. 21; vested exclusive-
ly in the President, 111.

Trenton, New Jersey, Continental Congress met at, ii. 38;
battle of, 864.

TRIMBLE, MR., ii. 807.


TRUXTON, COMMODORE, his connection with Aaron Burr's
conspiracy; his deposition in the trial of, ii. 151.
TRYON, GENERAL, invades New Haven, Conn., ii. 144.
TUCKER, ST. GEORGE, notice of, ii. 155.

TUCKERMAN, HENRY T., his biographical essays, i. 456; his

sketch of Gouverneur Morris, 456; his sketch of the life
of De Witt Clinton, 566; his "essays biographical and
critical, 567.

TUDOR, WILLIAM, i. 2, 551; sketch of the life of, 91.

Vincennes, Ohio, Tecumseh's speech at, 1810, ii. 855.
Vindication of the British Colonies, by James Otis, i. &
Vinegar Hill, battle of, i. 526.

Virginia, declaration of rights of, i. 11; the position of, re-
specting the Federal Constitution, 80, 83; patriotism and
genius of, 33; origin of the name Ancient Dominion,
40; Cromwell's ships and troops invade, 40; Baptists in;
persecution of, 125; union necessary to, i. 165; Arnold's
invasion of, ii. 8; letter to the Governor of, from Wm.
B. Giles, resigning his seat in the United States Senate,
189; Court of Appeals of, 259; resolutions of 1798 con-
sidered, 895; reception of the Stamp Act in, 450; resolu-
tions of 1798, 575.

Virginia, Convention of, 1776, 1. 164.
Virginia Gazette, i. 164.

VOLTAIRE, his history of Charles XII., ii. 155.


Wabash River, the massacre on the, ii. 183; Indian towns
on the, destroyed, 272.
WADSWORTH, J., of Conn. at Philadelphia, il. 9.
Ward's Essay on Contraband, ii. 106.
WARNER, COLONEL.-See trial of R. M. Goodwin,
WARREN, JOSEPH, birth of, his parentage, gradustes at
Harvard University; an anecdote of his college life;
studies medicine; success in the treatment of small-pox;
marries a daughter of Dr. Richard Hooton; commences
his political life; quotation from a private letter of
concerning the imposition of England, L. 57; contrib-
utes to the Boston Gazette, under the signature of a
true patriot; quotation from; orations in commemora-
tion of the Boston massacre; anecdote illustrative of
his fearlessness of character, i. 58; narrow escape from
death, during an engagement with the British on their
return from Lexington; elected President of the Pro-
vincial Congress of Massachusetts; the battle of Bunker
Hill; death of Warren, i. 59; oration on the Boston
massacre, i. 60, 830, 559; tribute to, ii. 364.


Washington City, Rufus King's speech on the destruction
of, ii. 35.

UNDERWOOD, MR., of Kentucky, his sketch of the life and WASHINGTON, GEORGE, parentage and birth of; early love

services of Henry Clay, ii. 263.

United States, exports from to England, year ending 30th
September, 1790, i. 94; address to the people of, on the
past, present, and eventual relations of that country to
France, 276; address to the people of, by Benjamin
Rush, 347; observations on the dispute between the
and France, 489; the commercial system of; tonnage
and seamen employed in before the Revolution, ii. 87;
value of exports from the to the British West Indies, 39.
United States Bank, Wm. B. Giles' remarks on, ii. 189.
United States Supreme Court, at Philadelphia, ii. 9.
UPHAM, CHARLES W., his sketch of John Quincy Adams,
ii. 247.

Utrecht, the treaty of, compared with the British treaty,
1794, 1. 112.

Valley Forge, ii. 8.


VAN SANTVOORD, GEORGE, his lives of the Chief Justices, 1.

VERGENNES, COUNT DE, difference with John Adams, i. 801.
VERVALEN, MR.-See trial of R. M. Goodwin.

of military life; desire to enter the British navy; mid-
shipman's warrant; the surveying expedition; appoint-
ed major in the Virginia militia; visits the valley of the
Ohio; placed in command of troops; march to Great
Meadows; capture of a body of the enemy; Fort Ne-
cessity; Braddock's defeat; narrow escape; appointed
"Commander-in-chief of all the forces raised, and to
be raised in Virginia,” i. 251; expedition to Fort Du
Quesne; marriage; delegate to the Congress of 1774;
chosen Commander-in-chief of the American army; his
career; retires to Mount Vernon; the Federal Conven-
tion; appointed its President; elected President of the
United States; farowell address; appointed Lieutenant-
general of the American army; his death, 252; inaugural
address, 1789, 252; reception at New York, 252.

Farewell address, 254; speech on receiving his ap-
pointment as Commander-in-chief of the American
army, 254; union, 255; North and South; East and
West; geographical discriminations, 256; Mississippi;
treaties with Spain and Great Britain; a government
for the whole indispensable; danger from factions, 257
faction enfeebles administration parties; reciprocal
checks; religion and morality necessary to political
prosperity; education; public credit, 258; revenue;

peace to be cultivated; foreign influence, 259; alliances;
proclamation of 22d April, 1793; neutrality, 260; antici-
pations, 261; authorship of farewell address, 261; ap-
pointed with Patrick Henry, by the Va. House of Bur-
gesses, to prepare a plan of defence for the colony, i. 10;
offers the position of Secretary of State to Patrick
Henry, 11; member of Congress, 1774, 42; letter to
John Jay, tendering him the Chief Justiceship, 157;
John Adams's tribute to, 249; Elias Boudinot's dedication
to, 269; the title given to, by Lord Howe, 294; life of,
by Ramsay, 309; oath of office administered to, 851; at
Trenton, 450; "First in War, first in peace, and first in
the hearts of his countrymen," 452; Henry Lee's Eulogy
on, i. 449; correspondence with Gouverneur Morris, 455;
George Minot's Eulogy of, 552; "an assassin," 504;
Marshall's life of, ii. 8; origin of Chief Justice Mar-
shall's acquaintance with, 8; appoints John Marshall
Attorney General of the United States, 9; Albert Gal-
latin's first interview with, 131; Tristam Burges' speech
on the removal of the remains of, 822.
Washington National Journal, i. 490.
Watch Tower, the account of, i. 83.

897; "Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and in-
separable," 399.


WEBSTER, PETER E., testimony in the trial of J. F. Knappe
ii. 415.

WELLINGTON, Duke of, ii. 261.

WELLS, WM. VINCENT, his life of Samuel Adams, i. 825.
WELSH, JOHN, son-in-law of John Knox, i. 290.
West Indies, British, i. 100, 101.

Westmoreland County, Va., the birth-place of Washington,
i. 553.

Westphalia, treaty of, 1648, 467.

West Point, cannon conveyed to, i. 154.

Wexford County, Ireland, insurrection of, i. 526.
WHEATLAND, MR., testimony in Knapp's trial, ii. 419.
WHEATON, HENRY, his life of William Pinkney, ii. 93, 237.
Whiskey Insurrection, the, in Penn., i. 448; Albert Galla-
tin's speech on the, ii. 182.

WHITE, HENRY, ii. 404.

WHITE, JOSEPH, murder of, il, 899.
White Plains, battle of, ii. 357.

WATERHOUSE, BENJAMIN, letter from John Adams to, ii. WHITE, STEPHEN, ii. 405.


Waterloo, battle of, ii. 261.

WATKINS, HENRY, ii. 259.

WEBB, MR.-See Knapp's trial.

WEBSTER, DANIEL, birth; ancestry; education; anecdotes
of his early life; student at Phillip's Academy, ii. 857;
returns to Salisbury; preparation for and admission to
Dartmouth College; commences the study of law; stu-
dent in the office of Christopher Gore, Boston; refusal
of a clerkship in the Court of Common Pleas; commences
practice at Boscawen; removal to Portsmouth; elected
to Congress; speeches; residence in Boston; Dartmouth
College case; argument before United States Supreme
Court; delegate to Massachusetts Convention for re-
vision of State constitution; oration at Plymouth;
elected to Congress from Massachusetts, ii. 359; enters
Senate of United States; reply to Hayne; visits Europe;
appointed Secretary of State by General Harrison; Ash-
burton treaty; resignation, and return to Massachusetts;
re-election to Senate; re-appointed Secretary of State
by President Fillmore; death; estimates of his character,
ii. 360; address at Bunker Hill, 17th June, 1825, ii. 862,
869; argument in Knapp's trial, 899, 421; tribute to
Alexander Hamilton, i. 186; notices of, ii. 238, 807, 557.

Speech on Foot's resolution; reference to Mr. Ben-
ton; "matches and over matches," ii. 371; the coalition;
Banquo's ghost; Nathan Dane, 872; ordinance of 1787;
Missouri question, 878; resolution of March, 1790, 874;
north-west territory; Hartford Convention, 875; further
remarks; speech of Colonel Barre in the British Parlia-
ment, 376; sale of public lands, 377; internal improve-
ment, 878; education to be promoted by the States, 878;
the course of New England relative to the public lands,
379; powers of government in regard to internal affairs,
850; Mr. McDuffie's speech; "Consolidation; " Cumber-
land Road, 382; reply to Mr. Calhoun, 383; the tariff,
884; parties; General Washington and John Adams,
886; Essex Junto, 387; character of South Carolina, 888;
Massachusetts, 389; Virginia resolution, 889, 390; con-
stitutional resistance, 890; origin of government, and
the source of its power, 390, 391; tariff of 1828; an usur-
pation in South Carolina, 891; New England puts forth
no such doctrine, 892; the embargo law, 898; tribute
to Samuel Dexter, 894; Virginia resolutions of 1798;
right of States, 395; consequences of State interference,

WHITMAN, MR., in the trial of Thomas O. Selfridge, ii. 242.
WHITNEY, STEPHEN, the inventor of the cotton-gin, ii. 430.
WICKHAM, JOHN, counsel in the trial of Aaron Burr, ii 461;
answer to his argument by Wm. Wirt, 462.
Wicklow County, Ireland, insurrection of, i. 526.
WIER, MR.-See trial of R. M. Goodwin.

WILCOCKS, JOHN.-See "Fort Wilson."

WILKINSON, JUDGE, Prentiss's defence of, ii. 582.
William and Mary College, i. 163; John Marshall at, ii. 8.

WILSON, JAMES, birth of; early education; emigrates to
Pennsylvania; studies law; his success in his profes-
sion; the great land case; chosen to the command of the
militia of Carlisle, Penn.; pecuniary misfortunes; com-
mences political life, i. 65; elected to the Provincial
Convention of Pennsylvania; nominated to the Con-
tinental Congress; is opposed by Joseph Gallaway;
elected to Congress; removes to Maryland; appointed
advocate-general of the French nation in the United
States; signs the Declaration of Independence; the
affair of "Fort Wilson," i. 66; appointed director of
the Bank of North America; re-elected to Congress;
appointed on a commission to settle the difficulties be-
tween Pennsylvania and Connecticut, 1782; a mem-
ber of the Federal Convention of the United States:
advocates the ratification of the Constitution, in the
Pennsylvania Convention; appointed judge of the Su-
preme Court of the United States; professor in the
College of Philadelphia; revises the laws of Pennsyl-
vania; his death; his literary productions; speech in
vindication of the colonies, 1775, i. 68; resolution against
the Boston Port Bill, i. 71, 120.

Speech on the Federal Constitution; difficulties the
Federal Convention were obliged to encounter in the
formation of the Constitution, and the difficulty of pre-
paring an efficient system, i. 74; diversity of sentiment
among the members of the convention; the citizens of
the United States warm and earnest in their sense of
freedom; voted according to his judgment; extent of
country to be governed, considered, 75; confederate
states of Europe; the Swiss Cantons, the United Nether-
lands, the Achæan League, the Lycian Confederacy, the
Amphictyonic Council, differ from the United States;
the science of government yet in its infancy; govern
ments, in general, the result of force or accident; repro

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