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Sir." "To worship idols ?" "To omit the worship of Christ ?" "No." "Do you feel it wrong now ?" "Yes, sometimes." "You who saw not, now see. Act up to your conviction, or you will cease to feel." The boy has been unusually serious for some days. Ramanoogum, of the first class, came in afterwards, and said, "My friends tell me not to come to school: I said, 'I will go, if I die for it!"" I visited Nullathumby; sick in hospital;-enjoys peace, but assurance not clear-fears he will fall after recovery-is prepared to die. In the evening I preached at Bridge-street, on, "Dost thou believe?" Hearers many, but unsteady. I was not direct enough;-always feel fettered, unless matter is new. At class, one of the servants showed some desire to work out his salvation. Schoolmistress publicly acknowledged the fault she committed.

22d. With the boys I had an exceeding good hour, talking on, "The sheep hear My voice, and they follow Me." They could not say it was their wont to pray to God, "I am Thine, do with me as seemeth Thee good." Felt I had hold of their consciences. Heathenism here, at least, is without a defender. Influence of my words on the boys, solemn. Joel preached in the evening


"salvation by faith." Service attended favourably. One said, "How can I believe and pray when at work?" "Just as you can think of a friend when at work. God is able to read your thoughts." Class-meeting, a service of rich blessing: the gardener cannot venture yet upon the mercy of God. Schoolmistress said that one of her girls was to marry a Heathen.-Remarked on the event, to stir her and myself to greater diligence in labour, exhortation, and prayer. This class a great blessing; it makes my heart rejoice.

23d. A season of grace in the boys' class, as I recommended the grace of God from, "They shall go in and out, and find pasture." My heart was moved to tenderness for the boys, and they could see my grief at their unbelief. I promised nothing present, all future, if they promise anything at all. They acknowledged. “Jesus," said I, "promises just now pardon, peace, holiness, sonship, fellowship with God; and I have proved Him true." "We desire these things," said they yet they receive Him not. I preached to a good assembly on, "Neither were thankful." The word went home. I preached direct, with reproof and exhortation; and myself was blessed. One

of the boys of the first class was present -came of his own accord: it is he of whom I have hope.

25th. Before breakfast I read to Amothay, "God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself," &c., and applied it. She said, "My sufferings show my many sins. I mean to give up sin; but it comes. I pray for forgiveness, but never look whether I have received." I preached in the morning on, "Bless them that persecute;" in the evening, Believe, and thou shalt be saved." Santhappen could not say after service that he believed and found peace.

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Davaoagargum's mother pleaded it impossible to seek salvation while she had the trouble to take care of the body. I applied, and pressed home, "Seek first the kingdom." I invited Black Royappen to class. He said he would come. I refused Balavendram's wife a cloth because she would not come to church without it. Had a good time while I spoke to Mr. Shunker's family, three members, on, "Believe," &c. ; directly exhorting them to make sure of the present earnest of the future inheritance.

26th. I spoke to the boys on the love of Christ," The Good Shepherd giveth His life," &c. Joel preached in the evening, and I followed. One scoffer spoiled the service. On my return home, I called Thayereum in. He cannot believe to the saving of his soul yet. I showed him the unbeliever is double-minded. He said his mind was intent upon the blessing of pardon; promised to seek till he received it.

27th. I preached to the Heathen on the Philippian jailer, direct with exhortation, holding forth present salvation from sins, guilt, and hell.

29th. I visited the Government Inspector of Schools, with whom I spent two hours. He promised to try and secure me assistance, if I could establish village-schools. He examined my school for three hours. Joel preached to a small congregation of thirteen or fourteen. On my return home, I buried an infant; and exhorted the mother to seek the earnest of the future resurrection, in the present resurrection from sin to righteousness.Rev. James Hobday, East Indian Minister, Manaargoody, April 30th, 1858.


ACCORDING to a previous arrangement, we set out early on the morning of April 2d from Madras, with the intention of travelling as far as the Seven Pagodas, taking with us a large supply of tracts and Scripture-portions, to distribute

amongst the people, and to read and preach to them on our way thither and on our return. We soon passed through the suburbs of the city of Madras, and were in the open country. Travelling on, we came to Papah-chuthrum, which was to be our first station; but, it being rather early, and finding scarcely any people there, we determined to proceed at once to the next station. Our road, not being far from the sea, lay through deep sand and topes of palm-trees. We therefore proceeded somewhat slowly, and about eleven o'clock arrived at Mootakarra-chuthrum, fifteen miles distant from Madras. After refreshing ourselves with breakfast, we walked to the village with tracts and books, but were sadly disappointed, the village being merely a collection of four or five houses, with a few women in them, the men being at work in the fields. We could do nothing, therefore, but return. No sooner had we returned to the chuthrum, than the village Kurnum (or Accountant) and the Moonshee (or Master) came to us for books. We gave each of them two tracts, and a copy of St. John's Gospel. At our request the Moonshee read aloud a portion of the third chapter, and, a crowd having collected around at this time, we entered into conversation with him on the new birth, so that all might hear; and afterwards urged upon him and all the necessity of believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, and on being born again. The people listened to us with great attention, but offered no questions nor arguments to be answered. Their last request was, that we should establish a vernacular school there; the Moonshee promising to bring forty or fifty boys.

We left this place about two o'clock P.M. for the next station, ten miles fur ther. We still had to plod through fields of sand, and reached Vaniam-chuthrum at about six o'clock. Immediately on our arrival at the bungalow, we sallied forth with tracts and Gospels to the bazaars and streets; and, standing between two toddy-shops, I read aloud, to Mohammedans and Heathens, the third chapter of St. John. Occasionally two or three would come forward, hear, and then quietly retire. When the reading of the chapter was concluded, finding no auditors, we commenced distributing tracts. That the people received these with great joy and satisfaction was evident, not only from their looks, but also from the eagerness with which they flocked to us from their houses. The instance of one old woman might be mentioned in particular. We gave her the books on the condition

that she should get them read to her by her son with tears in her eyes she pressed the books to her bosom, and, after thanking us warmly, retired. When we had finished our work of distribution, we returned to the bungalow, and stayed there during the night. Thus ended the first day of our journey: the Lord was certainly with us, and blessed us in our work.

3d. We left Vaniam early this morning for Therooparoor, fifteen miles further, and reached there about eleven o'clock. This is a famous place of resort among the Hindus. It is filled with temples, tanks, and chuthrums; and on a neighbouring hill is built a large temple,—a strong citadel of Satan. Nothing could be heard in this place all day long but the sacred music of the drum, cymbal, and trumpet from the large temple of Soobramonyum, in the centre of the village. After breakfast, I had an interview of some length with the Tassildar of this place, who is a Brahmin; but when I offered to give him a New Testament, he refused accepting it. How averse is the human heart to Christ! We can talk of anything but Him and His religion. How productive of fear and superstition is idolatry! How debasing is its influence upon society! How does Hinduism crush independent thinking in the minds of its votaries, and reduce religion to a few dogmatic and absurd notions, a few prescribed forms of prayer and works of penance! How does it cause advancement in morals and civilization to stagnate ! It sets caste like a fence between the Hindu and other men; and yet, by its own sub-divisions, set its believers every man against his brother.

But, to return from this digression: As soon as I returned from the Tassildar, Mr. Gloria asked me to read Matthew xviii. to the people who had gathered round us in the chuthrum. I read a part, until I thought we had a good congregation; and then Mr. Gloria, taking the eleventh verse for his text, "The Son of Man came," &c., preached to the people. They crowded about us, and listened with great interest; but here, as in the other place, we met with no opposition. After preaching, we commenced the work of distribution. And during the remaining portion of that day, from noon till sunset, we could see nothing before us but the whole population, in one stream of white cloths, flowing to the chuthrum. Several of the boys, to whom we were reluctant to give books, purchased them from us for a trifle; and therefore, we hope, value them more than they would have done if

they had received them from us gratis. This, then, was our second day's work. Our success, no doubt, is attributable to the many prayers that have been offered on our account. We could not, however, but reflect, while in that village, on God's goodness to us, in blessing us with privileges which millions do neither possess, nor have the slightest idea of. And our prayer was, that the Lord of the harvest would send forth more labourers into the harvest, and that it would please Him to hasten the time when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our God and of His Christ.

Sunday, 4th.-Instead of proceeding from this place to the Seven Pagodas, as we had intended doing, we left Therooparoor for Chingleput; knowing that, had we followed our previous plan, we should not have been able to return to Madras on Monday night, as our Superintendent had particularly requested us to do. About eleven o'clock we crossed the Eastern Ghauts, and about two hours after were in the Chingleput bungalow. We remained in till the evening, and then set out, with tracts and books, for the fort and bazaars. At the fort we distributed a few books, and then proceeded to the bazaars, the streets of which were crowded with men, women, and children. Somosoondrum read to the people a tract on sin. Multitudes thronged about us. Mr. Gloria spoke at some length on the evidences of Christianity, and calmly and mildly exposed the inconsistencies and wickedness of Hinduism. The people gave great heed to the things spoken, but manifested no desire to argue. We then gave them books; and so great was their eagerness to obtain them, that they rushed on one another, and on us. The stock we carried with us was soon exhausted, and

we were followed to the bungalow by crowds of people. We soon reached the place, and were engaged till night in distributing the bread of life to these hungry souls. May the balm of Gilead prove a savour of life to many of them!

5th. We on this day left Chingleput for Madras. On our way we fell in with a few small villages, but could not visit them, as we had no time to stay, and as they were at some distance from the road. We rested at Cuddupary-chuthrum, and then started again. In the evening we came to the village of Meenam-bawkum. We distributed some books in the bazaars, and in the village Somo and I addressed the people. After having some discussion with them, we travelled on, and arrived in Madras the same night.

Thus have we travelled a distance of about ninety miles. The Lord was with us, and blessed us, and made our way prosperous. We lament our own weakness, and unworthiness to work for the Lord; but it is God's law to effect great results by small means. The seed has been sown; but what good has been done, who can tell? It shall be known in that day when the secrets of men's hearts shall be revealed, and hidden things of darkness brought to light. On the whole, our tour has been encouraging; and we hope, by God's blessing, should we ever set forth on another, to be more diligent and earnest in discharging our duty; to make ourselves servants of whom our Lord shall not be ashamed at His coming. Journal of Josiah Evers, Cate chist, Madras, April, 1858.

THE amount of contributions and remittances announced on the Cover of the Notices this month is £4,908. 12s. 4d.


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sanctuary, she was seldom absent from any of the appointed means. Her conduct in this respect was truly exemplary, until age and its attendant infirmities rendered her a reluctant domestic prisoner. In the fellowship of saints her words were few; and the estimate she formed of her spiritual attainments was low. She did not usually speak with the assured confidence with which it is given to some to testify of the grace of God which is in them. But, as in her descent to death she drew near the horizon which

separates the present from the everlasting future, the clouds which had hitherto partially concealed the brightness of the Divine life broke away, and the light that was in her shone forth with unusual lustre. The tongue was loosed to speak of Jesus and His preciousness; which she continued to do, with ceaseless interest and delight, until her voice was lost in death.

On her children especially she enforced, with all her remaining strength, the supreme claims of religion; remarking how powerless, in her afflicted condition, she would find herself to seek the indispensable change. These last addresses of the dying parent were felt to be peculiarly affecting, and are not likely to be forgotten. May they not only live in the memory, but also reign in the life, that thus the fond wish of the departed one may be realized in a happy meeting, where the bonds which unite parents to children shall no more be severed!

Through the whole of her last affliction, her confidence in God through Christ was unwavering, and she was filled with strong consolation. Her excellent Class-Leader, who visited her from time to time during this period, was much encouraged by the grace of God manifested in one over whom he had watched for years. She was also favoured with frequent visits from the Minister of the parish, the last of these being paid only a day or two previous to her departure; when, in reply to some searching questions respecting her spiritual safety, she bore an unfaltering and most satisfactory testimony of her interest in the blood which cleanseth from all sin. Her mind thus filled with light and love, her death was like settling down into a peaceful slumber. She slept in Jesus.


DIED, at Rotherham, February 17th, 1857, MR. WILLIAM WIGFIELD, aged fifty. He was blessed in youth with the instruction and example of paternal piety; and when called to enter upon the cares of life at the age of eighteen, in consequence of the death of his beloved father, he cheerfully devoted himself to the assistance of his widowed mother, in managing the business, and providing for a large family. Determined to excel as a mercantile man, he spared no pains to amass knowledge on every subject connected with commerce, and put forth all his powers in using that knowledge wisely. He was successful; and promoted the temporal interests of his family so kindly and considerately

as to secure their highest esteem and love.

In 1832 the death of several relatives was the means of arousing him from his worldly dreams; and, under the ministry and conversation of the Rev. William Lord, he was led to seek the true riches, in the salvation of his soul through our Lord Jesus Christ. Joining the Wesleyan Methodists, he was willing to take his full share in all the services which the common good required; and his sound judgment, large and liberal views, and deep sense of the responsibilities of the Christian profession, made him a valuable member. To himself, union with the Lord's people was of the utmost importance: it was a constant restraint, a constant remembrancer that he was a covenant-servant of Christ, an a means of keeping alive his religious feelings and aspirations.

About five years ago he was visited by severe affliction. At that time he received a fuller and clearer manifestation of the Divine love than at any former period, and he never lost it again. He deeply lamented the want of heart-devotedness to God which had marked some portions of his course, and had deprived him of that power for good which he esteemed as the high honour of the Christian. Never, perhaps, was affliction more visibly sanctified than in his case; and, during two years' confinement to the sick chamber, he manifested all possible zeal for God, and endeavoured by kind, intelligent, and able counsel, as well as by Christian liberality, to promote the advancement of God's cause. When he could no longer do the will of his heavenly Father, he meekly and humbly suffered it; fully acquiescing in the dispensations of an all-wise and benevolent Providence. As the last scene drew near, he seemed afresh to take refuge in God. The body suffered, but the spirit rested on Christ; and when in languor and feebleness extreme the outward man decayed, his soul breathed, "O my God! my God!" and found solace and quiet there. God "the strength of his heart;" and is now his "portion for ever."


W. H. S.

JAN. 6th, 1858.-At Polruan, in the Liskeard Circuit, Ann, widow of Mr. Thomas Roberts, aged seventy-four. Her mother was one of the first Methodists in Polruan; and Ann was induced, after four years of deep religious conviction, to unite, at the age of twenty-two, with the same church. Her firm reliance on the sacrificial death of Christ was accompanied by a beautiful

consistency of deportment; leaving no doubt as to the genuineness of her conversion, and the reality of her daily communion with the Father of lights. She won the esteem and filial affection of each of her children. Her yearning anxiety for their salvation often manifested itself in tears, expostulations, and prayers. Upwards of half a century she maintained an unbroken connexion with the people of her choice. She delighted in attending the various ordinances, and was never willingly absent from her much-loved classmeeting. During her last affliction, she frequently expressed her confident trust in the atonement of Christ,-" on which," she said, "for fifty years I have been endeavouring to build." Her favourite portion of Scripture was John xiv. She delighted to repeat some of those hymns which she had sung ofttimes in the sanctuary; especially the one beginning,

"O, what shall I do my Saviour to praise?" &c. When drawing near to death, she exclaimed, "Glory shall end "--but was unable to finish the sentence. Her daughter added-" what grace begun." B. B.

Jan. 29th.-At Prescot, Mrs. Margaret Houghton, aged fifty-six. When sixteen years of age she was convinced of sin under a sermon preached in Oldham-street chapel, Manchester, by the late Rev. George Marsden. She immediately joined the Methodists, and from that time continued a consistent member. A few days before her death she was deprived of speech by paralysis; but, having lived the life of the righteous, she gave unmistakable signs of dying the death of the righteous.

W. B. T.

April 10th.-At Westminster, aged twentyseven, Mary, the beloved wife of the Rev. William Gibson. About nine years ago she became decided to live for God; and from that time religion was the all-absorbing thing with her. She was a diligent student of God's word, a laborious Sabbath-school Teacher, and a constant Visiter of the sick and poor. Consistent in her conduct, cheerful and amiable in her disposition, and ever breathing around her the fragrance of the Christian character, she won for herself the esteem and affection of all who knew her. Her end was sudden, but peaceful. She "fell asleep" in Jesus. G.

May 23d.-At Wortley, in the Bramley Circuit, Mr. Thomas Benn, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. When a young man he was converted to God, and forthwith endeavoured to be useful in the cause of his Divine Master. His earnest desire for the improvement of the rising generation led him to favour the project of a Sunday-school in Wortley; and he was among the first to labour in that department. He was sincerely attached to the Missionary cause, and contributed to support this and other kindred objects with cordial liberality. His latter years were tried by long and severe affliction; and he

found "labour and sorrow" to be inseparable from extended age. But "patience had her perfect work," and he became "perfect and entire, wanting nothing." His trust in Christ was that of an humble but redeemed sinner, and it was firm and steadfast to the last. S. M.

June 12th.-At Great Marlow, in the HighWycombe Circuit, suddenly, of disease of the heart, Mr. Robert Harman, aged sixty-seven ; formerly of Manor-Farm, Bradenham. He had been a member of the Wesleyan Society twentyeight years; was at the time of his death a ClassLeader; and had well filled various offices in the church. He was highly respected in his life, and is deeply lamented in his death.

J. W. C.

June 24th.-At Sharnford, in the Hinckley Circuit, Mrs. Clarke, relict of Mr. Joshua Clarke. In the year 1826 this village was favoured with a special visitation of Divine grace, and many were led to inquire what they must do to be saved. Of this number was the late Mrs. Clarke; who, although she had been distinguished by upright conduct, and devout attendance upon ordinances, felt she was not prepared to meet her Judge. Her heart, like Lydia's, was opened to attend to the things spoken by the servants of the Lord. Her affections were sweetly drawn from earthly to heavenly things: but Satan often assaulted her with the suggestion, that her convictions had not been sufficiently deep. She advanced, however, in her Christian course; and felt that her salvation, from first to last, was of the Lord. She often spoke of her secret and family devotions, and of the reading and hearing of God's word, as wells of salvation to her soul. From the commencement of her last affliction, which was a protracted one, she had a presentiment of her coming change. Her enjoyments were not rapturous. She calmly waited her dismissal, and at length peacefully fell asleep in Jesus, her only Hope and Refuge, in the fifty-seventh year of her age.

E. T.

August 19th.-The Rev. William Dawson, Holmfirth, in the fifty-first year of his age, and the twenty-eighth of his ministry. He was born at Acaster, near York, and was nephew of the celebrated William Dawson, with whom he resided for several years. In early life he became decidedly pious, and when twenty-three years old devoted himself to the Christian ministry. He attended the Conference just ended in Hull; on the 13th be returned home in his usual health; on Sunday, the 15th, he preached three times and walked several miles; and on the following Wednesday he was seized with apoplexy, which terminated in death on Thursday. His godliness was real and influential: both in public and private life he was a consistent Christian. In his closing hours, though he could say but little, he gave satisfactory proof that he was ready to die; and he departed trusting in the merits of the Saviour. A. L.


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