
'In the first place, he does not deny the confession of Bonaparte himself; a that, contrary to the laws of nations, confession accompanied with explanahe subjected the English crew to secret tions which take little or nothing from interrogatories before the Police-this the guilt of the wretch who proposed is the first step towards torture. the one, and executed the other of these atrocities.

In the second place, it is admitted that Captain Wright was placed in solitary con- "On raising the siege of St. Jean finement in a state prison-this is the d'Acre, the army retired upon Jaffa. next-nay, it is of itself a species of It had become a matter of urgent netorture. Thirdly, he confesses that he cessity. The occupation of this town employed the direct and overwhelming for any length of time was totally imterror of immediate death upon the practicable, from the force that Jezza mind of the surgeon. And, finally, he Pacha was enabled to bring forward. avows and boasts, that—for the purpose The sick and wounded were numerous; of defeating the very plot in which and their removal was my first consideCaptain Wright was implicated-he ration Carriages the most convenient seized a prince, no subject of his, in a that could be formed were approneutral territory, hurried him from his priated to the purpose. Some of them bed before a military midnight tribunal, were sent by water to Damietta, and and thence to a sudden and ignominious the rest were accommodated, in the death-Nay, says this monster, "the best possible manner, to accompany same fate should have followed had it their comrades in their march across been Louis XVIII." And he justifies the Desert. Seven men, however, octhis atrocious violence "because he cupied a quarantine hospital, who were found it necessary to roll the thunder infected with the plague; whose report back on the metropolis of England." was made me by the chief of the mediThis excuse, it is evident, would be as cal staff; (I think it was Degenette.) good for torturing Captain Wright, as He further added, that the disease had for the seizure and murder of the Duke gained such a stage of malignancy, d'Enghien. there was not the least probability of their continuing alive beyond fortyeight hours.

For our own parts we had never much doubt that Captain Wright had been tortured and subsequently murdered; now-if we are to believe that Mr. Warden gives an accurate report of Bonaparte's explanation—we can have

none at all.

Our opinon of the natural atrocity of Bonaparte's mind is confirmed by the avowal which he makes to Mr. Warden, and what is of more importance, which he has made to others, in whose veracity we place more faith than in the Doctor's-that he suggested the poisoning of his own sick, and the massacre of the garrison of Jaffa. The charge of perpetrating these crimes (which was first made by Sir Robert Wilson, on what we have always thought very sufficient authority) had been vehemently denied by Bonaparte's admirers: they are now set at rest by

"I said, tell me what is to be done! He hesitated for some time, and then repeated, that these men, who were the objects of my very painful solicitude,could not survive forty-eight hours.

I then suggested (what appeared to be his opinion, though he might not choose to declare it, but wait with the trembling hope to receive it from me) the propriety, because I felt it would be humanity, of shortening the sufferings of these seven men by administering Opium. Such a relief, I added, in a similar situation, I should anxiously solicit for myself. But, rather contrary to my expectation, the proposition was opposed, and consequently abandoned.""-p 156-159.

'It is thus put out of all doubt that, of this crime, as far as first suggesting,

and being anxious to execute it—which, dignation of the soldiers knew no in fact, are the real constituents of a bounds: they were perfectly infuriated; crime-Bonaparte is guilty. If the and with the most eager impatience, men were not poisoned, or, as he and demanded to be led on to the storm. the Doctor gently express it, if opium I did not hesitate, under such circumwas not administered, it was no merit stances to command it. The attack of his. With respect to Bonaparte's was dreadful; and the carnage excowardly insinuation that the mind of ceeded any action I had then witnessthe chief physician anticipated his de- ed. We carried the place, and it retermination, and waited, with trem- quired all my efforts and influence to bling hope, for orders to poison his fel- restrain the fury of the enraged sollow creatures—it is clear, from his own diers. At length, I succeeded, and account, that he suggested, that he night closed the sanguinary scene. At pressed, that he insisted on this abo- the dawn of the following morning, a mination, and that it was only prevent report was brought me, that five huned (IF it was prevented) by the cou- dred men chiefly Napolese, who had rageous and humane resistance of the lately formed a part of the garrison of medical staff of the army. El Arish, and to whom I had a few

• The massacre of part of the garri- days before given liberty, on condition son of Jaffa is thus related:

"At the period in question General Desaix was left in Upper Egypt; and Kleber in the vicinity of Damietta. I left Cairo, and traversed the Arabian desert in order to unite my force with that of the latter at El Arish. The town was attacked, and a capitulation succeeded. Many of the prisoners were found on examination, to be natives of the mountains, and inhabitants of Mount Tabor, but chiefly from Nazareth. They were immediately released, on their engaging to return quietly to their homes, children, and wives at the same time, they were recommended to acquaint their countrymen the Napolese, that the French were no longer their enemies, unless they were found in arms assisting the Pacha. When this ceremony was concluded, the army proceeded on its march towards Jaffa. That city, on the first view of it, bore a formidable appearance, and the garrison was considerable. It was summoned to surrender when the officer, who bore my flag of truce, no sooner passed the city wall than his head was inhumanly struck off, instantly fixed upon a pole, and insultingly exposed to the view of the French army. At the sight of this horrid and unexpected object, the in

that they should return to their homes, were actually found and recognized amongst the prisoners. On this fact being indubitably ascertained, I ordered the five hundred men to be drawn out and instantly shot."-p. 161-163.

'Here again we have two or three remarks to make on the palliative circumstances adduced by Bonaparte.

We will say nothing of the perfidy of the war which he was himself waging; -we will not attempt to show that the poor peasants of Mount Tabor might be supposed to be ignorant of the etiquette of European capitulations and paroles;—we shall not insist on the impossibility of the French recognizing the men found in Jaffa as the very individuals who capitulated in El Arish; we shall not state, as Sir Robert Wilson states, the massacre to have been of more than as many thousands as Bonaparte confesses hundreds-we shall not urge against Bonaparte that he actually obliged officers to serve against us who had been released from England, on parole, not to serve: we shall give up all these topics, and only insist upon the plain facts of the case which prove this transaction to be one of the foulest and most inexcusable massacres that was ever perpetrated.

'These poor people were taken at

El Arish; their homes were Nazareth or if it had been besieged long enough and Mount Tabor; they were bound to allow the poor people to get away to return thither; from El Arish to from it, or if they had been found in Nazareth, the high road passes through it after a lapse of time which ought to Jaffa. Bonaparte describes himself as have carried them beyond it, somehaving lost no time in marching to thing, though, God knows, but little, Jaffa; he could not, therefore, be far might be said in defence of Bonaparte; behind the Nazarites; must, indeed, but as the fact is stated by himself, have arrived before the town almost as the bloody perfidy is clear, and the soon as they entered it: the place was whole of Bonaparte's conduct is proved, summoned the assault is immediately by his own confession, to have been given-and Jaffa is taken; but in it, detestably and infamously base. on their way home, were found the garrison of El Arish; and, because they were found there-where Bonaparte must have known them to be, if they adhered to the capitulation-he ordered 500 of his fellow-creatures to be drawn out and instantly shot!-and this too the next morning after a carnage which exceeded all that this tiger had ever before witnessed. If Jaffa had been ever so little out of the way, sources of history.'

'We have now done with the "Letters from St. Helena !"-We have felt it on this occasion necessary to enter into minute, and often, we fear, tedious details, because Mr. Warden's pretences and falsehoods, if not detected on the spot and at the moment when the means of detection happen to be at hand, might hereafter tend to deceive other writers, and poison the

ART. 3. The Official Reports of the Canal Commissioners of the State of NewYork, and the Acts of the Legislature respecting Navigable Communications between the Great Western and Northern Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean; with perspicuous maps and profiles. Published at the request of the Board of Commissioners. T. & W. Mercein, New-York.

E have read, with interest, these opinions we respect on most questions,


portant subject; and have derived much information and satisfaction from the perusal. To facilitate the commercial intercourse between the different sections of this extensive empire, has long been a favourite object with her most enlightened statesmen. It was with extreme regret that we saw the very liberal appropriations of the last Congress, towards a fund for internal improvements, unexpectedly defeated by the veto of the President. The public attention has, however, been roused by the discussion, and, from the spirit generally evinced, we are inclined to believe that, if there were real grounds for Madison's scruples, the constitutional obstacle to the measure can easily be removed.

whole plan of improvement in internal navigation by artificial communications. The opponents of this system endeavour to assimilate it to the mania for manufactures, which has so lately pervaded our country. So far, however, from any analogy existing between them, no two projects were ever more opposite.

But before we proceed to demonstrate this, let us guard against a misapprehension, to which silence might render us liable on another point, by distinctly declaring our belief that, on the whole, the community are gainers from the recent exertions to introduce new branches of manufactures among us; though experience has proved those efforts to have been, in many

There are, nevertheless, men, whose instances, premature, and individuals

have undoubtedly suffered from their failure. Various useful works are still in successful operation, and the importation of many articles of indispensable necessity is entirely superseded. In finer fabrics, and inventions of luxury, we care not how long it be before we can enter into competition with foreigners. The state of society, which could alone enable us to do it with advantage, is, we hope, remote. The direct tendency of the scheme, of which we confess ourselves the advocates, is to remove it.

mount it require, the whole sum will be expended within the state. Thus the greater the disbursement the greater the spring that will be given to bu siness by it; and the reaction will, in a great degree, restore the momentum which produced it.

But it is the narrowness of our views that makes us consider this undertaking so vast. Let us familiarise ourselves a little with the works of this description which have been constructed in Europe, and we shall lose much of our awe in approaching the calculations of the The only impediment to the prose- commissioners. We will say nothing cution of manufactures in this coun- of the immense canals of France, nor try, is the high price of labour. The of the stupendous inland navigation prime cause of this enhancement of of Russia,-in Great Britain alone labour is the cheapness of land. This arises from the immense disproportion between the quantity of arable land in the country, and the number of hands to till it ;-whatever, then, brings more land into market has the effect of raising wages. Turnpikes and canals which facilitate intercourse, and, as it were, abridge distances, ac complish the one, and must produce the other. The surest way, then, to retard the introduction of manufactures, is by holding out more alluring prospects to agriculture, by opening


avenues to enterprise, and new vents to the products of industry; and the surest way of effecting these desirable objects is by encouraging turnpikes and canals;-which is what we proposed to show.

Another objection which is urged, and which is, particularly, insisted up on in reference to the projected plan for improving the inland navigation of this state, is its enormous expense. A sufficient answer to this might be found in the report of the committee of the legislature, who estimate the annual expense of transportation of commodities to and from Oneida and the counties west of it, at more than three times the annual interest of the cost of the contemplated canal. Nor ought it to be forgotten, that whatever a

there are more than two hundred of these artificial rivers, completed and in use; and nearly a hundred more in progress, or projected. They are from 5 to 100 miles in length, and have cost from 30,000 to 10,000,000 of dollars. Most of them have proved profitable concerns, and the stock of many has appreciated more than 100 per cent. As an evidence of the spirit in which these enterprises have been carried on, in England, and of the manner in which those who have embarked in them have been rewarded, a brief account of one of the earliest experiments of this kind may not be uninteresting, and will serve to calm some of our apprehensions. We copy the following from Ree's Cyclopedia.

'Bridgwater's Canal.-The general direction of the principal line of this canal is nearly N. E. (and not a great way from its eastern end, a main branch goes off in a N. W. direction ;) the length is 40 miles in the counties of Chester and Lancaster. It begins in the tide-way; above which the whole of it is elevated 82 feet at low water, except about 600 yards, which the locks occupy to gain this ascent.

'The commencement of this canal is in the estuary of the Mersey river at Runcorn-gap, and one of its terminations in the Rochdale canal at Castle

Field in the town of Manchester, the length of level water is further increased, by 18 miles on the Trent and Mersey canal which connects therewith, making in all 70 miles of level. The width of the canal at top is 52 feet on the average, and depth 5 feet; the boats that navigate between Worsley mines and Manchester are only 4 1-2 feet wide, the others are 50 ton boats or upwards; there are also numerous boats for passengers; large warehouses have been built for goods, at the Castle Field in Manchester adjoining the canal.

other (or Worsley branch) is at Pennington near the town of Leigh, the junction of these branches being at Longford bridge; near Manchester there is a communication with the Mersey and Irwell navigation, and Manchester, Bolton, and Bury canal, by means of Medlock brook. Under the town of Manchester are arched branches of the canal of considerable length, from one of which coals are hoisted up by a coalgin, through a shaft out of the boats below, into a large coal-yard or storehouse in the main street, at which place the duke and his successors, are by the first act bound to supply the inhabitants of Manchester at all times with coals at only4d.percwt.of 140lb. a circumstance which must have had a great effect on the growing population of this immense town within the last 40 years. At Worsley is a short cut to Worsley mills, and another to the entrance basin of the famous under-ground works or tunnels, of 48 miles or more in length in different branches and levels, for the navigation of coal-boats; some of which are as much as 60 yards below the canal, and others 35 1-2 yards above the canal; these last, to which the boats ascend by means of an inclined plane, that we have already described, extended to the veins of coal that are working at a great depth under Walkden Moor. Most of these tunnels are hewn out of the solid rock; from the lower one, the coals in boxes are hoisted up out of the boats, as they are in Manchester town mentioned above, and the whole of the lower works are prevented from filling with water, by large pumps worked by the hydraulic machine, which we have already mentioned in this article, and the water is thereby always kept at the proper height for navigation on the lower canal.

The rise of 82 feet in the first 600 yards from the Mersey, by 10 locks, is the only deviation from one level on this canal, (except in the Worsley coal mines above mentioned;) and this

'On this canal are three principal aqueduct bridges over the Irwell at Barton, where it is navigable, and over the Mersey and Bollin rivers, besides several smaller ones, and many roadaqueducts. There are also several large embankments; one over Stretford meadows, is 900 yards long, 17 feet high, and 112 feet wide at the base; that at Barton bridge is 200 yards long, and 40 feet high; at Bollington is also a stupendous embankment.

"The illustrious duke of Bridgewater, justly styled the father of British Inland Navigation, died greatly lamented in March, 1803, and left this immense concern, (which cost at first 22,000l. it was said, and probably in the whole twice that sum, as the tunnelling, at Worsley alone has been estimated at 168,9601,) to earl Gower, the present proprietor, whose second son is to inherit it; the net profits are said now to be from 50 to 80,000l. annually.

"The price of land-carriage for goods between Manchester and Liverpool was on the passing of the Duke's third act, 40s. per ton, and by the navigation on the Mersey and Irwell, 12s. per ton; but his Grace limited his price to 63. per ton; yet, such has been the increasing trade of these two places, that it was in 1794 seriously maintained, and made the ground of another proposed navigable communication, by a junction of the Manchester, Bolton, and Bury, and th Leeds and Liverpool canals, that both the Duke's canal and the river

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