
northern route, then deducting


The aggregate of expense will




From Lake Erie to the point up the Tonnewan

Miles. Chains.



Tonnewanta to Seneca river, 186
Seneca river to Rome,
Rome to Schoharie creek, 71 27
Schoharie creek to Albany, 42

The aggregate distance is


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that it has been deemed unnecessary to enumerate them. But presuming that the benefits to be derived from a similar communication with Lake Champlain, are not fully understood or duly appreciated, the commissioners ask the indulgence of briefly pointing out a few of the most prominent of these benefits.

"That part of this State which is 2 contiguous to Lakes George and Champlain, abounds in wood, timber, masts, spars, and lumber of all kinds, which, transported by the Northern Canal, would find a profitable sale 353 29 along the Hudson and in the city of New-York, instead of being driven, as much of those articles have heretofore been, to a precarious market, by a long and hazardous navigation to Quebec.

From Lake Erie to Seneca river,

a fall of 194 ft. by 25 locks. Seneca river to Rome, a rise

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The aggregate of rise and fall, in
feet is
661.35 by 77 locks.
Lake Erie is 564.85 feet higher
than the Hudson, and 145 1-2 feet
higher than Rome.

'The average expense, per mile, of
this canal, according to the foregoing
estimates, taking the north route be-
yond the Genesee river, is a little
more than
The above is a mere outline of the
results at which the commissioners ar-
rived, by processes of calculation which
we have no room to exhibit.

In regard to the canal from Lake Champlain to the Hudson, the Report of the commissioners commences with observing, that

'Some idea may be formed of the immense quantity of lumber which would be conveyed on the contemplated canal, from the following statement, made on the best authority, and which embraces only that small section of the northern part of this State, from whence the transportation is carried on to the city of New-York, or to intermediate markets.

Within that tract of country, embracing the borders of Lake George, and the timber land north and west of the great falls in Luzerne, there are annually made, and transported to the south, two millions of boards and plank: one million feet of square timber, consisting of oak, white and yellow pine, besides dock logs, scantling, and other timber to a great amount.

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A considerable portion of the northern part of this State is rough and mountainous, and, in a great measure, unfit for agricultural improvements. These broken tracts are covered with 'The advantages which will result native forests, which, by the contemfrom the connexion of Lake Erie with plated canal, would furnish vast supthe navigable waters of the Hudson by plies of wood and lumber for many means of a canal, have been so frequent- years; and thus the great and inly elucidated, and are indeed so obvious creasing population which occupies. to every one who possesses a correct the margin of the Hudson, would be geographical knowledge of the west, supplied with boards, plank, timber,"

fencing materials, and even fuel, with of a canal, would greatly enhance the less expense, than from any other value of the northern lands; it would quarter; while, at the same time, the save vast sums in the price of transporlands to the north, considerable tracts of tation; it would open new and increaswhich belong to the people of this State, ing sources of wealth; it would divert would be greatly increased in value. from the province of Lower Canada, and turn to the south, the profits of the trade of Lake Champlain; and, by imparting activity and enterprize to agricultural, commercial, and mechanical pursuits, it would add to our industry and resources, and thereby augment the substantial wealth and prosperity of the state.'

'The mountains in the vicinity of Lakes George and Champlain produce a variety of minerals; among which are found, in inexhaustible quantities, the richest of iron ores. Several forges are in operation in the counties of Wash ington, Warren, Essex, and Clinton, the number of which may be indefinitely increased: and the iron which they produce is very little, if at all, inferior in quality to the best iron manufactured in the United States: nor can it be doubted that, after the completion of the contemplated canals, the middle and western part of this State would be furnished with this necessary article, on more advantageous terms than it can at present be procured.

'The inhabitants of a large tract of country on both sides of Lake Champlain, embracing a considerable portion of the state of Vermont, would find, by the northern canal, a permanent market in the city of New-York, or at intermediate places, for their pot and pearl ashes, and also for their surplus agricultural productions, from whence they would also be cheaply supplied with all the necessary articles of foreign growth.

The iron of the northern part of this State, which at present is unwrought in the mine, and the fine marble of Vermont, which now lies useless in the quarry, would be converted to useful and ornamental purposes in the west in exchange for salt and gypsum; and thus the large sums which are annually sent abroad for the purchase of iron, of salt, and of gypsum, would be retained among our citizens, and added to the permanent wealth of the State.

In short, the connexion of Lake Champlain with the Hudson, by means

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Whether the canal from Lake Champlain enters the Hudson at Fort Edward creek or at Moses' kiln, is not very material in the estimate of expense; and the commissioners wish to be explicitely understood, that they consider this question as still open, and as one which will require mature deliberation.

It is ascertained that both routes are equally practicable.'

An Act of the Legislature, passed on the 15th of April last, authorizes the immediate commencement of both these canals, under the direction of the commissioners;-the operations, on that towards Lake Erie, to be commenced by opening communications by canals and locks between the Mohawk and Seneca rivers. The Act pledges certain funds to the completion of these objects, empowers the

the credit thereof, and to impose and levy assessments on lands and real estate lying along the rout of the canal; taxes steam boat passengers; and lays an excise upon the salt manufactured in the county of Onondaga; and appropriates the proceeds of these duties to the fund, &c. &c.

commissioners to borrow money on in 1808, was $7,000, in 1809, $9,000, in 1810, $14,000, in 1811, $17,000,-in 1815, $25,000, and in 1816, exceeded $30,000. Should its receipts, continue to increase in the same ratio, for a few years, it will become a very lucrative stock. But no comparison can exist between the Middlesex canal, and either of those about to be conThe commissioners have, in conse- structed in this State. The canal from quence, issued proposals for a loan of Erie to the Hudson will be the tho$200,000, and announced their inten- rough-fare of a Continent. The tion of proceeding with the works dur- countries bordering on that inland sea, ing the ensuing summer. They have and the waters which flow into it, also solicited donations towards these would amply sustain more than ten objects, from those who are more im- times the present population of the mediately interested in their execution. Union; and the very section which These appeals to individual liberality, the canal traverses in this State, is, inhave not been in vain. Among the do- trinsically, more valuable than all nations received and acknowledged, is New England, exclusive of the Disone of 3000 acres of land in Steuben trict of Maine.* We should speak county, from John Greig, Esq. of with less confidence on this subject, Canandaigua, and one of 100,632 did we not speak from personal obseracres, in the county of Cataraugus, vation. The people of America are from the Holland Land Company.

Such is the information we have gleaned from the valuable documents contained in this publication, which we recommend to the attentive investigation of those who doubt the practicability, or profit, of the projected improvements. We will add one fact more, collected from the same source, which will tend to corroborate the faith of the wavering. The Middlesex canal, the most extensive artificial navigation in this country, which has so long disappointed the hopes of the sanguine, and which has been quoted by the timid as an example to deter from similar undertakings, is about to repay the perseverance of those who have adhered to its fortunes. The income from this canal

but beginning to comprehend the capabilities of their situation, and to understand the extent of their resources.

So obvious, however, is the utility of these canals, that one of them was agitated by the British government whilst we were colonies, and Canada was in the possession of the French. Let us mete out to Great Britain the same policy, that she would have measured to France. Fas est ab hoste doceri.


*So little is generally known of this fine Maine,) that we think it necessary to admoand flourishing territory, (the District of nish the reader, that we speak seriously.

ART. 4. Irish Melodies, Gospel Melodies, and other Songs. By Thomas Moore. 12mo. pp. 185. Philadelphia, Published by Harrison Hall.


HERE is a natural affinity be- resistible in their combination. At tween music and poetry. In first, poetry was content to admit mutheir infancy they were inseparable; sic as an accompaniment, but the latter, but as in many other alliances, a strife not satisfied with this condescension, for mastery, has weakened powers, ir- began, at length, to look upon poetry

ness of his conviviality become disgusting. Aware of this, he has availed himself of the suggestion of his own beautiful simile, and wreathed his shaft, like the sword of Harmodius, with myrtles.

as an appendage. Such contradicto- style as of sentiment. It is this banery pretensions, necessarily, produced ful coalition which renders them so disunion; and for some centuries they dangerous. Stripped of his witcheries have rarely met. Advances have, of manner, the wantonness of his love however, gradually been making, of would seem gross, and the dissolutelate years, towards a reconciliation. Among those who have contributed to bring about a 'consummation so devoutly to be wished,' no one is so eminently entitled to our gratitude as Burns. He has adapted with such exquisite felicity his varied strains to But his ambition has not been satisthe characteristic airs of his country, fied with conferring an adventitious as to make the sound an echo to the dignity upon the lowest themes,- he sense.' When, in his despondent has aspired to degrade the most exaltmood, he strikes the deep sorrows ed. He has attempted to mimic the of his lyre,' a chord, in every breast, timbrel of Miriam, with the tinkling vibrates in unison. There is that pa- of the 'harp of Tara.' A sarcastic thos in his tenderness, which fancy as- critic has remarked upon the singular cribes to the tones of melancholy her convenience of this melânge, in enaself, when she 'pours through the bling such of our young ladies as are mellow horn, her pensive soul.' He charmed with these edifying strains, knows equally, how to dispel the sad after melting 'in amorous ditties all ness he has created, when he address- a summer's day,' to cool their fancies es himself to the brisk awakening with a sacred song or two, fresh from viol.' the versatile muse of this disciple of David and Anacreon:'

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But, however qualified

Moore has adopted the hint from Burns, and applyed his plan to Ireland. He is, however, inferior, in every natu- 'To sport with Amaryllis in the shade, ral endowment, to his prototype. His Or with the tangles of Næara's hair, gaiety wants heart, and his grief the our poet cannot rise to the height of natural touch.' To this general re- this great argument.' He woos a God mark there are, nevertheless, conspicu- of ineffable perfections, in the same ous exceptions. Moore's first intro- meritricious numbers with which he duction to the public, was in a volume might hope to win an earthly fair of licentious poems; which he had There is as broad a line of distinction yet the grace to publish under a feign- between sacred and amatory poetry, ed name,-unhappily, the only evi- as there is between devotion and lust; dence of his modesty we can collect and however, or by whomsoever, it from them. His next appearance, as may have been transgressed, it can we remember, was in the capacity of never be effaced. Yet there seems a translator of Anacreon. In his ver- strange disposition in the 'metre-balsion, or rather paraphrase, of this lad-mongers' of the day, to intrench prince of amatory bards, he has caught upon Sternhold and Hopkins, and all the poetry, and quite too much Tate and Brady. We are willing to of the philosophy of the original. He hail this as an evidence of an increashas since published, at intervals, the ing relish among them for the poetry pieces which compose this collection. of the Bible; and sincerely hope they One character pervades all his com- may at last contract a fondness for its positions, of whatever class, and in- religion. But when we meet with deed constitutes their essence, we al- such theology as is contained in 'Little' lude to their voluptuousness, as well of Moore's Gospel Melodies,' 'Childe Vol. 1.-No. 11.


Byron's Hebrew Melodies,' and 'Baby' Coleridge's 'Lay Sermons,' we cannot forbear exclaiming,

'Non tali auxilio, nec defensoribus istis, Tempus eget.

To compensate for the length of our remarks, and for the severity of our strictures, we shall now make some selections from the volume be

fore us, calculated rather to gratify the reader, than to verify our previous positions.

The following song is exempt from every blemish, and is one of the most beautiful and naïf in the language.


'Go where Glory waits thee,
But while Fame elates thee,

Oh! still remember me.
When the praise thou meetest,
To thine ear is sweetest,

Oh! then remember me.
Other arms may press thee,
Other friends caress thee,
All the joys that bless thee,
Sweeter far may be :
But when friends are nearest,
And when joys are dearest,
Oh! then remember me.

When, at eve, thou rovest,
By the star thou lovest,

Oh! then remember me.
Think, when home returning,
Bright we've seen it burning,
Oh! thus remember me.
Oft as summer closes,
When thine eye reposes
On its ling'ring roses,

Once so lov'd by thee,
Think of her who wove them,
Her who made thee love them,
Oh! then remember me.

When, around thee dying
Autumn leaves are lying,

Oh! then remember me.
And, at night, when gazing,
On the gay hearth blazing,

Oh! still remember me.
Then should music stealing
All the soul of feeling,
To thy heart appealing,

Draw one tear from thee:
Then let mem'ry bring thee,
Strains I us'd to sing thee,

Oh! then remember me.'

The Meeting of the Waters,' exhibits a picture of tranquil retirement,

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