
bers of this are, Prince Blucher, Count Bulow, and Prince de Wittgenstein. The Council was in three days afterwards to proceed to business.

It is expected this Council will form a new constitution for Prussia, and a new system of finance.


Stockholm, March 28. A Swedish writer against Bernadotte's becoming King, has been condemned to death, but fled, and is outlawed.

The Swedes possess 5,000 trophies of victories in former times.

The Treaty of Commerce lately concluded between Sweden and the United States of North America, upon principles of reciprocity, is ratified by the King, but will of course not be made public here till after the ratification is received from America.

Upon the invitation of the Russian Court, his Majesty the King of Sweden has acceded to the Holy Alliance.

The conspiracy which had been formed at Stockholm for the purpose of assassinating the Prince Royal and his son, on the 12th March, was communicated to him in an anonymous letter in time to defeat the plot. The son of Gustavus, who was set aside to make room for Bernadotte, is living at the court of Wirtemburg, the king being his cousin; he is an accomplished young man, about twenty, educated in the Protestant religion. He is besides nephew to the Emperor Alexander.

Count Gyllerstrom, marshal of the court and proprietor of estates in Pomerania, is exiled from the kingdom; he is to leave this capital in three days. There exists here at this moment a fermentation in the public mind, of which it is impossible to foresee the consequences. The government displays great energy. Vigorous measures are spoken of, proper to repress the parties which are showing themselves in the kingdom.

Mr. Collin, Optician of the Academy of Sciences at Stockholm, has invented an instrument, by means of which, objects at the bottom of the sea may be distinguished, at the depth of sixty fathoms, or three hundred and sixty feet.

[blocks in formation]


The Emperor has induced the nobility of Courland to give freedom to their peasants. The Russian Captain Gallownin, three years a prisoner at Japan, is about to publish a narrative.

The bears have appeared in much larger numbers than usual between Irkutsk and Nerischinck, in Siberia, 12 or 1500 leagues from the capital of Russia. They penetrated with fury into the hamlets and remote habitations, the inhabitants of which had for a time much difficulty in repelling their attacks. About Werchne Oudensk, there were 400 of these ferocious animals.


Constantinople, Feb. 15.

M. Von Rosenfield, who had attracted universal attention by the inoculation of the plague, after having happily passed thirtyeight days in the Lazaretto without any accident, was attacked by the disorder on the thirty-ninth day, and on the fortieth fell a victim to his exertions in favour of humanity.

The Turkish Government still resists the importunities of the British Ambassador for it to acknowledge the Independence of the Ionian Republic.

An earthquake has recently done much damage at Jerusalem.

It is said that, after some skirmishing between the Turks and Persians, their differences have been adjusted. It is also asserted that the new Governor of Bagdad has taken possession of the government without bloodshed.

The Grand Seignior is upon the best footing with the Deys of Algiers, of Tunis, and of Tripoli. It is generally supposed that he will avail himself of this circumstance to act with vigour against the rebel Bashaws of Egypt.

Constantinople has been again a prey to the ravages of fire. On the 18th of Feb. 300 houses were burnt; and on the 21st another fire broke out in the same quarter, which destroyed all those which the first conflagration had spared. Whether this terrible visitation was the effect of accident or design is not mentioned.

It is stated, that from Odyssa, last year there were exported, in 1366 ships, goods to the value of 5.406,000 roubles, and only to the amount of 403,600 roubles imported. Among the 846 large ships which arrived, were 407 Russian, 258 English, 101 Austrian, 25 French, 23 Turkish, 15 Swedish, &c.


Calcutta, Dec. 25. The Javanese, it would appear, are not so well reconciled to their old masters, the Dutch, having again the dominion over them, as to leave the new authorities without apprehensions of serious evils taking place on

the departure of the English. A reinforcement of Dutch troops was expected at Batavia, about the end of November; and it is not improbable, that, until they arrive, the English will not take their leave.

The Rajah of Nepaul has died lately of the small pox. One of his queens, one of his concubines, and five other females, were voluntarily burned on his funeral pile.

A native of Burdwan, 18 years old, born blind, lately received his sight at the hands of Doctor Luxmore, a distinguished operator. When any object was presented to him, after he had acquired his new faculty, he could declare its colour, but none of its other qualities, without subjecting it to the scrutiny of his other faculties, in the use of which he had been experienced.

An expert swimmer and diver has been lately hung at Calcutta, for drowning women, when they were bathing, by swimming under the water and seizing them by the feet, and dragging them under, to rob them of their ornaments, which they always wear while bathing.


It is understood that the Deys of Tunis and Tripoli have not made any change in their measures towards the Christian powers; that their forces are in the same state as that in which they were at the time of Lord Exmouth's expedition; that as for the Dey of Algiers, he has, in a great measure, repaired the fortifications of that Port; that he already reckons in his marine, eighteen armed brigs, which are daily exercised in his presence in

the road.

The troops of the country adore the Dey; they have perfectly acquired the European military tactics, and the Ottoman Porte, with whom the Dey is on the best terms, will probably exert itself to undertake something against the Pasha of Egypt.



Revolution in Chili. On the 12th February, in the plains of Chacabuco, a division of the royal army, 1800 strong, was defeated with great loss by the patriot forces under the command of Jose De San Martin; 450 killed, 600, including 30 officers, taken prisoners, a standard, 1000 stand of arms, and 2 field pieces, constitute the loss of the royalists, while the patriots lost but 100 men.

After the battle, the royal governor, Marco del Pont, finding no vessels at Valparaiso to aid his escape, fled to the south, but was soon apprehended. On the 16th February, Brig. Gen. Don Bernardo O'Higgins, who, together with Don Miguel Soler, had distinguished himself in the battle of Chacabuco, was placed, by the people of St. Jago, at the head of the government, with the title of Supreme Director.


Barcelona, after having been taken and held by the patriots, for a few weeks, was retaken by the royalists on the 7th of April.


The republican cause in this province is represented as likely to succeed. The patriot forces are stated at 18,000 men, well organized and disciplined, and under able leaders occupying the heart of the country.

This section of the country, embracing a population of one million souls, is under the government of a congress. These republicans have taken the United States for their model, and if report be true, that Apodaca, the Governor, who was said to have cut off their last hope, by taking the principal patriot officers into his service, took that step more certainly to effect the independence of Mexico, which he is now supposed to intend, the prospect is, that the second sovereign power in the western hemisphere will be the nearest neighbour to the United States. The city of Mexico contains 180,000 inhabitants.


Buenos Ayres, Feb. 18. Monte Video has surrendered to the Portuguese, but the Spanish forces are laying waste the surrounding country, and concentrating themselves for another contest, in which it is thought probable that they will succeed.

Buenos Ayres stands on the river La Plate, 220 miles from its mouth. The harbour is one of the worst in the world, shallow and unsheltered. The town contains about 50,000 inhabitants. The country is populous, and the soil rich. The price of a good horse is 50 cents, and so up to 20 dollars; of a bullock, 2 dollars to 7; of sheep, in the interior, 6 1-4 cents a head. The country abounds in fruit trees, and vines, but there are few or no forest trees.


Revolution in Brazil. On the 6th March a revolution commenced at Pernambuco, and on the 7th a new provincial Government was established, and every thing restored to tranquillity.

It seems the revolutionists had been maturing their designs for several years, and for their consummation, had fixed on the birth day of one of the Princes of Portugal, when all the military would be under array at the celebration, and which would arrive in June. But the scheme leaking out by accident, about sixty of the principal patriots were proscribed, and Domingos Jose Martins, the most considerable of the whole, was seized and imprisoned. On the 6th, however, as the Adjutant was reading to a regiment on duty, the names of certain others who had been proscribed, he called the name of an officer standing near him, who instantly killed him. The patriots forthwith declared themselves. Martins was liberated by the intre

pidity of his younger brother, and taking the lead of his associates, the citizens joining with his armed followers, the military force of the government was soon subdued or brought over. The Governor himself, who had fled to Port Broon, was, together with the fort, delivered up by his own soldiery.

The Provisional Government is in the hands of four men, viz. Martins, Montenegro, Araugo, Mendosa, who are represented to be men of capacity and vigour.

The officers of the old government for the most part are retained by the new; with such moderation and unanimity has the revolution been conducted. Despatches have been sent to Great Britain and the United States by the new government, requesting the recognition of its independence, and offering liberal terms of commercial intercourse. The province, or captainship of Pernambuco, extends from Rio Grande south to Rio St. Francisco, about 340 miles, and contains about 3,000,000 of inhabitants. It is the most valuable part of the Brazils, and that from which the prince has derived his richest revenue.

Parabra and Rio Grande have declared themselves independent.


Montreal, April 15. Statement of imports and exports at the Port of St. Johns, for the quarter ending 5th April, 1817.


195 bbls. pot and pearl ashes; 24,448 pounds butter; 19,945 do. cheese; 8,287 do. tallow; 6,400 do. fr. codfish; 800 do. honey; 775 do. poultry; 33 do. flax; 109 bushels nuts; 43 do. oats; 38 do. apples; 22 do. grass seed; 3 bushels flaxseed; 30,900 feet pine boards; 44 feet maple do. 1400 staves; 14 boxes garden seeds; 260 geese; 30 turkies; 7 tons hay; 3 bls. 133 kegs, and 200 jars oysters; 214 head cattle.


11,590 lbs. dry codfish ; 400 do. flour 1,539 bushels salt; 6 do. wheat; 78 1-2 bls. fish; 437 gallons rum; 45 do. brandy; 33 do. gin. Kingston, April 19.

A flock of 315 sheep, belonging to captain W. Gill, has been wintered on the Gallos Island, on Lake Ontario, without a single handful of hay, o. any covering but the bushes. They were salted regularly twice a week. They subsisted entirely on ground hemlock and moss wood. In the severest weather they retired to the swamps, The sheep are in better order this spring than they were when they were put on the Island last fall. This Island lies 39 miles from Kingston, and 12 from Sackett's Harbour.

Married.] Mr. Edward Hartley, merchant, to Miss Martha Moore. Mr. J. H. Dorwin, to Miss Isabella Williamson.

Died.] Mr. Joseph Gouvereau. Dame Elizabeth de Chape la Corne. Rev. Jehosaphat

[blocks in formation]

April 19.

The season is more backward than remeinbered by some of the oldest inhabitants in the country: the ground is no where visible in any part of the country surrounding Quebec. The ice on the river is apparently as strong as in the month of March, and carrioles and sleighs still pass without danger. From every appearance there is room to apprehend a very backward spring.


The President of the United States is making a tour of the middle and northern states. Promotions and appointments to fill vacancies

in the army of the United States. Corps of Artillery.-2d. lieut. Wm. Coffie, to be 1st lieut. 20th April, 1817, vice Kincaid, resigned. 3d lieut. John R. Sloo, to be 2d lieut. 20th April, 1817, vice Coffie, promoted. 3d lieut. Henry Griswold, to be 2d lieut. 1st May, 1817, vice Campbell, resigned.

1st regiment of Infantry.-Brevet It. col. Jas. V. Ball, major of the 6th infantry, to be It. col. 31st March, 1817, vice Croghan, resigned. Brevet major R. Whartenby, captain of the 7th infantry, to be major, 30th April, 1817, vice Jesup, promoted.

3d regiment of Infantry.-Brevet col. Thomas S. Jesup, major of the 1st infantry, to be It. col. 30th April, 1317, vice Brearley, promoted.

4th regiment of Infantry.-1st. lieut. Otho W. Callis, to be captain, 12th March, 1817, vice Taylor, resigned. 2d lieut. Richard M. Sands, to be 1st lieut. 12th March, 1817, vice Callis, promoted.

5th regiment of Infantry.-2d lieut. Edmund Kirby, to be 1st lieut. 1st. May, 1817, vice Adams, resigned.

6th regiment of Infantry.-Brevet major, Gad Humphreys, captain, to be major, 31st March, 1817, vice Ball promoted. Brevet capt. Elijah Boardman, 1st lieutenant, to be captain, 31st March, 1817, vice Humphreys, promoted. 2d It. John Ellison, to be 1st. lieut. 31st March, 1817, vice Boardman, promoted.

7th regiment of Infantry-Brevet colonel D. Brearley, lieutenant colonel of the 3d Infantry, to be colonel, 30th April, 1817, vice M'Donald resigned. 1st lieutenant John H. Malloro, to be captain, 30th April, 1817, vice Whartenby, proinoted. 2d lieutenant Richard W. Scott, to be 1st lieutenant, 30th April, 1817, vice Ross resigned. 2d lieutenant

Lewis Lawshe, to be 1st lieutenant, 30th April, 1817, vice Goodwyn, resigned.

8th regiment of Infantry.-1st lieutenant Thomas Mountjoy, to be captain, 15th January, 1817, vice M Keon. 1st lieutenant Robert Houston, to be captain 31st March, 1817, vice Bissell, resigned. 2d lieutenant George Kennerly, to be first lieutenant, 15th January, 1817, vice Mountjoy, promoted. 2d lieutenant R. Humphreys, to be 1st lieutenant, 31st March, 1817, vice Houston, promoted.

Rifle Regiment.-Brevet lieut. col. Talbot Chambers, major, to be lieutenant colonel, 8th March, 1817, vice Hamilton resigned. Brevet major Willoughby Morgan, captain, to be major, 8th March. 1817, vice Chambers promoted. 1st lieutenant James S. M'Intosh, to be captain, 8th March, 1817, vice Morgan, promoted. 2d lieutenant Abner Harrison, to be 1st lieutenant, 1st March, 1817, vice Lavel, resigned. 2d lieutenant John Hollingsworth, to be 1st lieutenant, 8th March, 1817, vice M'Intosh, promoted. 2d lieutenant Bennet Riley, to be 1st lieutenant, 31st March, 1817, vice Heddelston, resigned. Appointments.-Perrin Willis, late captain 2d Infantry, to be major, and assistant adjutant general, 3d April, 1817. Elisha L. Allen, to be hospital surgeon's mate, 8th March, 1817. George C. Clitherall, to be hospital surgeon's mate, 8th March, 1817. John Carpenter, to be hospital surgeon's mate, 9th April, 1817. W. J. Clark, to be hospital sur

geon's mate, 26th April, 1817. Arthur Nelson, to be surgeon's mate, 5th Infantry, April 26th, 1817. Marine corps of the United States List of officers to the retained corps, under the Act of Congress passed on the third day of March, 1817, entitled" An Act to fix the Peace Establishment of the marine corps." Franklin Wharton, lieutenant colonel commandant.

May 5. Captains.-Anthony Gale, Archibald Henderson, Richard Smith, R. D. Wainright, William Anderson, Samuel Miller, John M. Gamble, Alfred Grayson, William Strong.

First Lieutenants.-F. B. Bellvue, Charles Broom, Lyman Kellogg, Benjamin Richardson, Samuel E. Watson, Francis B. White, Win. L, Brownlow, William Nicoll, Thomas W. Legge, Charles Lord, W. H. Freeman, Levi Twiggs, Joseph L. Kuhn, John Harris, Henry Olcott, Samuel B. Johnston.

The following eight second lieutenants are promoted first lieutenants, April 18th, 1817.

Thomas A. Linton, James I. Mills, Richard Auchmuty, Park G. Howe, James Edelin, George B. English Christopher Ford, Richard D. Green.

Second Lieutenants.-Edward S. Nowell, Elijah J. Weed, Robert M. Desha, Shubael Butterfield, John S. Page, Thomas G. Chase, Henry E. Dix, Robert Kyman, Aug. A. Nicholson, John A. Duncan, Edward B. Newton, Augustus De Rumford, William Brown.



MARRIED.] At Dover, mr John Slocker, of Boston, to miss Martha Trask. Mr. William Perkins to miss Nancy Read. Mr. John Tapley to miss Lydia Read. At Gilmanton, mr. Peter Folsom 3d, to miss Joanna Smith. At Haverhill, William Jarvis, Esq. late American consul at Lisbon, to miss Ann D. Bartlett. At Henneker, Lieutenant James H. Ballard, of the United States army, to miss Maria Darling. At Portsmouth, Captain John Salter to miss Sarah Tibbetts. Mr. Eben Lord to miss Susan Hickey.


Died.] At Chesterfield, William James, 23. At Concord, Mr. Barnard, 63. At Dover, Mrs. Anna Farrar, 60. At Hampton, mr. Thomas Leavitt, 41. At Hanover, mr. Amos Wardell. At Londonderry, Rev. James Adams. At Portsmouth, mrs. Mary Sheafe, Mary Morse, 36. Mr. Samuel Lear, 62. Mrs. Charlotte Hardy, 33. Mrs. Abigail Marsh, 32. At Haverhill, Myra Montgomery, 22.


Boston, May 2. The formation of an oblong Area 250 feet in length and 100 feet broad, leading from Court-street to Brattle Square, which is to be terminated by a magnificent edifice for the

accommodation of all the Scientific, Literary

and other Societies in this place, is to be immediately commerced. This building will present two splendid fronts-one immediately upon Brattle Square, and the other aspect distant about 250 feet from Courtstreet. The Athenæum, the Agricultural, Antiquarian, Historical, Linnæan, and Philosophical SOCIETIES will here be supplied with commodious and elegant rooms for the reception of their respective collections.

The estimated amount which will be required to carry this scheme into effect is about 100,000 dolls, which can probably be readily obtained; since it is easy to be demonstrated that, by the execution of the whole plan, a very considerable private profit can be combined with interesting improvements, which, if not now adopted, may be for ever abandoned. We make a very limited calculation when we say, that more than 100 persons in Boston are worth upwards of 100,000 dlls. each; of consequence it requires only a subscription of two months interest upon their capital (or 1000 dolls.) to build the contemplated structure.

It has lately been decided, in the Supreme Court of this State, that the captain of a registered, as well as of a licensed vessel, bound to

a port in the United States, is not obliged to take an outward pilot on board.

The cut-worms this spring have done much damage to the grass, in this State. They commence their depredations about 5 o'clock P. M. and cease about 7 in the morning. Their progress is in a right line, and when they meet obstructions, they persevere till they surmount them or perish. Furrows cut in front of their march have been found, in most cases, an effectual obstacle. They do not touch clover. This insect is in the caterpillar form, and is not the larva of the locust, which resembles the locust itself, and is of a brown colour with a light longitudinal stripe; its head is lighter than its body, and it appears very voracious.

married.] At Boston, mr. Peleg Sprague to miss Nancy Lovett. Mr. Amos Read to miss Abigail Davidson. Mr. Math. Freeman, jr. merchant of Concord, to miss Charlotte Kettell. Harrison Gray Otis, jr. Esq. to miss Eliza Henderson Boardman. Mr. Stephen Ingalls to miss Mary Wright. Mr. Samuel Mc Kay to miss Catherine Gordon Dexter. Mr. Joshua Crane to miss Lucy Sangar. Mr. John Hammond to miss Elizabeth Fessenden. Mr. Isaac Butterfield to miss Elizabeth A. Burnham. Mr. Pearson Wild, jr. of Braintree, to miss Elizabeth H. Thayer. Mr. Benjamin West, jr. to miss Eliza Ann Jarvis. Mr. Henry Bell to miss Betsey Sanford. Mr. Daniel Safford to miss Sarah Ashton. Captain Reuben Russell, of Nantucket, to miss Phebe Stevens. Mr. Adam Foster to miss Hannah Champney. Mr. Joseph Gragg to miss Susannah Gragg. Nantucket, mr. James Baker to mrs. Mary Dunham. Ipswich, mr. Levi Lord to miss Elizabeth Kimball. Mr. Thomas S. Ross to miss Abigail Goodhue. Mr. Thomas Gould to miss Lydia Burnham. Mr. John C. Jewett to miss Judith Martin. Mr Charles Dodge to miss Eliza Grew. South-Reading, Doctor Thaddeus Spaulding to miss Sarah Hart. Charlestown, Samuel Y. Knowell, of Boston, to miss Nancy Calder. Newburyport, mr. Joshua B. Bacon to miss Sarah Ann Perkins. Hingbam, mr. Alexander Hitchborn to miss Cinderella Gardner. Mr. Nathaniel Upham to miss Phebe Kimball. Mr. Benjamin C. Frost to miss Lydia Rice. Framingham, mr. Jonathan Hill to mrs. Elizabeth Cole. Mr. Dana Manson to miss Eliza Sanger. Dedham, mr. John W. Child, of Roxbury, to miss Sally Richards. Mr. Janson Hartshorn, of Roxbury, to miss Olive Ellis. Natick, Doctor Alexander Thayer to miss Susan Biglow. Salem, mr. David Becket to miss Elizabeth Townsend. Levi Wallis to miss Macy Bartell. Amherst, mr. John Putnam to miss Sabrina Wiley. Quincy, mr. Jedediah Adams, jr. to miss Preble Brackett. Mr. Thomas Taylor to miss Ann Adams. Portland, Rev. Joseph F. Chamberlin to miss Mary C. De

lano. Mr. Nathan Sawyer, of Boston, to miss Harriot Little. Mr. John Lassell to miss Mary Thomas. Mr. Webber Noble to miss Sarah Green. Mr. Richard S. Goodhue to miss Sally Quincy. Randolph, Jonathan Wild to miss Relief Niles. Rochester, Captain John Gurney to miss Dolly Bolles. Fairhaven, mr. Thomas Allen, of Dartmouth. to miss Polly W. Collins. Rehoboth, Deac. Rueben King, to miss Mary Garfield both of Attleborough. Beverly, Captain Samuel Ives to miss Mary Dyson. Mr. Benjamin Elliot to miss Susan Smith. Springfield, T. Dickman, editor, to miss Sarah Brewer. Westminster, Rev. Cyrus Mann to miss Nancy Sweetser. Scituate, mr. Elijah D. Wild, of Hingham, to miss Temperance James. Wilbraham, Rev. David L. Hann to miss Eunice Sexton. Newbury, mr. Robert Griffis to miss Nancy Bartlett. East Hampton, mr. Richard Morgan to miss Roxana Alvord. Grafton, mr. Reuben P. Leland to miss Lucretia D. Ellis. Mr. Joseph Greenwood to miss Elizabeth U. Warren. Hallowell, (D. M.) mr. Ichabod Nutter to miss Sarah Copeland. Vassalborough, mr. Daniel Marshal to miss Elizabeth Deunett.

Died.] At Boston, mrs. Hannah Gilbert, 34. Miss Clarissa Wells, 19. Mrs. Sarah Gould, 36. Wm. Henry Barnard, 4. Christopher Sheppard, 78. Hannah Hayden, 84. John Homer, 31. Mrs. Abigail Brooks, 34. James E. Guild, 11 months Mrs. Joanna Powers, 60. Elizabeth Dominicque, 3 months. Mrs. Sarah Rainsford, 34. Mr. Zimri Eveleth, 53. John L. Towling. Mr. Henry Spear, 37. Charles L. Simpson, 14. months. Mrs. Elizabeth Porter, 30. Mrs. Gracy Curtis, 47. Charles Kennedy, 5. At sea, mr. George Gore, of Boston, 33. Mrs. Anna Bartlett, 93. Captain Nathaniel Goodvell, 40. mrs. Anna Kingman, 57. mrs. Ann Southack, 67. mr. Joseph Allen Crocker, 29.

mr. Thomas Jones, 22. mr. Jo. nathan Abrams, 78. mr. John Fisk. 75. mrs. Sarah Phillips, 65. At Barre, mr. James Hamilton, 83. At Bath, Rebecca M. Marsh, 14. mr. John Whittamer, of Bath, at sea. mrs. Priscilla Smith, 45. At Beverly, mrs. Eunice Gould, 19. At Biddeford, Captain Lewis Young, 43. At Buckstown, mrs Susan Parker, 58. Cambridgeport, mr. Noah Butts, 48. At Castine, Captain John Perkins, 30. Charlestown, mr. Thomas Knox, 75. mrs. Joanna Ireland, 35. At Cornville, miss Sally Fowler, 23. At Cumberland, Doctor Abel Mason. At Dedham, mr. John Kilbourn, 25. At Dorchester, mr. Samuel Richards, 52. At Falmouth, mrs. Eunice Merril, 34. At Goshen, Captain Thomas Weeks, 82. At Grafton, miss Anna Flagg. 23. At Hallowell, mr Wm. E. Wingate, 26. Nathaniel G. Smith, Deputy Sheriff. At Harvard, mr. Ellis C. Tyler, 43. At Hubbardston, mr. Wm. Brittan, 19. At Hingham,

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